Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood Exploring a new sweet home - Printable Version

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Exploring a new sweet home - Kari - December 03, 2015

Kari was exploring the lush and beautiful forest. It was most beautiful forest she had ever come across in her travels. She had been wandering trying to find something to do. She had liked the thought of now being part of a pack. Something bigger than her own world. She was hoping by some chance she could come across another wolf while wondering.

As she still wondered she thought she would howl for another wolf to meet another pack member. To make a new friend. She through back her head and let out a long, piercing howl into sky.

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Ukko - December 03, 2015

Welcome to PHX!

With a rabbit dangling between his jowls, Ukko lifts his ears at the sound of a howl.  It’s a voice he doesn’t recall knowing but it piques his interest enough to trot in the direction with his kill in tow.  It doesn’t sound dangerous, like a loner at the borders, but it’s new.  He’d felt comfortable meeting the other wolves in his pack but there had been a few new ones he’d been getting to know.  

Instead of returning the call, he simply picks up his pace until the scent is noticeable through the kill in his mouth and adjusts his posture:  tail even with his body as he finally notices here but his head is high enough to denote his rank.  He tries to chuff a sound through the mess of fur but it doesn’t travel far and when she’s close enough, he drops the kill to make himself present.

“Hey,” he says, standing just over his kill with a hint of a smile to his features.  “I don’t think we’ve met.”

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Kari - December 03, 2015

"Hi! I'm Kari and I'm new to the pack. I'm so excited to meet you!" she said sounding like a pup. She had always had cheerful and happy out look on everthing. She was happy to be getting to meet one of her pack mates.

"So what is life like in the pack?" she asked curiously. She wanted to know everything possibly could about the phoenix maplewood pack.

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Ukko - December 10, 2015

Sorry for the delay, Rose!

The wolf is excited and Ukko smiles, wagging his tail.  He keeps his posture a reflection of his rank nonetheless but, for the most part, relaxed.  “It’s nice to meet you, Kari.”  He doesn’t move forward to a physical greeting just yet, since they’d just met, but he takes a long breath to hold her scent for later.  “It has been good, for the most part, but there’s been a recent attack on one of our members by a cougar,” he explains with a frown, his smile fading as he thinks about what happened to Scarlett.  “It was outside the territory, I don’t think the cat’s dumb enough to come into one filled with wolves, though.”  

He hopes it isn’t enough to deter her of her decision but if she stuck close by, she should be safe.  They all had a right to know.

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Kari - December 16, 2015

By the posture of the wolf Kari knew He must of been a high ranked wolf. She felt bad for the wolf that had been attacked by the cougar but it didn't make her feel scare off from the pack. It actually kinda made feel like she would have to stay extra vigilant and protective of her newly found pack. She didn't understand what the problem was with the big cats. Kari been lucky to have never seen or meet one.

"I'm sorry. Are they ok?" she asked feeling bad for the wolf. She had known though that cougars could be very viscous even if she had never met one.

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Ukko - December 17, 2015

Ukko offers a weak smile when Kari offers an apology and asks about the wolf. He's not really sure how to answer the question so what remains of his smile clears his face. Scarlett remains at Reek's den, as far as he knows, and it's touch and go from here how she pulls out. In a few days, he'll make a visit, but in the meantime he offers her some space. "I don't know. She's still recovering." His voice is quiet but he tries not to dwell upon it. Instead, he redirects his focus to his newest pack mate. "What are you good at, Kari?"

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Kari - December 18, 2015

She was glad to know the other wolf That had been attacked was recovering. The wolf seem to want to know what she was good at. She took a moment before answering. She was a bit of a above average hunter but she hated to brag. Before a few minutes she finally thought up an answer.

I'm kinda a bit skilled in hunting. Not so much of a fighter though."she said in a sort of shaky voice. She didn't want this wolf to judge her. She had been new to the pack and didn't want to make a bad impression. Hopefully this pack didn't need anymore warriors. She also wanted know what this wolf was good at to.

"What about you?"she said with a note of interest. She wanted to know as much about her pack mates as possible. She tried to know by guessing by his stature but wasn't very good at guessing.

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Ukko - December 19, 2015

She doesn't ask any more questions about the woman healing and Ukko is thankful. He doesn't have anymore information to offer her and he quickly makes a note to go visit the white female soon. It hurts his heart to know how much pain she's in and he only hopes Reek's skills for healing come easily to him, keeping Scarlett in as little pain as possible. With a sigh he tries to stifle into a yawn, he turns to listen as the other explains about her skills, taking the bait to deviate from the conversation.

"Do you think you'll get the trade for hunter?" he asks with a slight tilt of his head. "I could help you out sometime if you'd like?" Maybe he could help by showing where the caches are through the pack or help track a herd of deer. Maybe she'd even be willing to help him out with his own.

"I'm a good hunter too, I think but I'm more interesting in being a warrior for the pack. Guard the borders, y'know?" he explains with a swish of his tail. If he'd been at the borders, maybe he could have gotten to Scarlett sooner but there's likely any reason he really would have. If she'd been that injured, the cougar wouldn't have to worry about her. He'd just come for him. "But I would also like to learn healing."

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Kari - December 20, 2015

As the other wolf asked if she would go after the trade of hunter she nodded her head. He offered his help to her if she ever needed it and she smiled. She was glad to be welcomed by this wolf and offered help from him. She was truly happy she had decided on joining this pack. He also told her on how he had wanted the trade of a warrior and again nodded her head. He also said he wanted to learn some healing. As soon as he had finished talking she spoke.

"What makes you want to learn healing?" she said tilting her head. A warrior trade she got but healing wasn't her thing. She had hated to see the blood of another wolf for it made her sick to her stomach. She hated to see the pain of others. All made her want to do was cry for them. She listened intently wanting to know his reason.

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Ukko - December 24, 2015

The other is receptive enough to his offer to help and he hopes to put it to good use.  He could work on improving his own skills in hunting, he is pretty decent should he say so himself.  If Kari is as good as she says she is, Ukko is sure he can pick up a few pointers.  The incident with the turkeys might have gone a little bit smoother if he’d known the proper way to take down such a large—stupid—bird.

“I always thought healing and warriors went hand in hand, so to speak.  It doesn’t make a lot of sense not to.  You’re bound to get hurt, probably more at risk than others in the line of defense,” he explains though he rarely sees many mercenaries with the knowledge, always depending on someone else to take care of them after a fight.  Ukko wants to take care of himself.  “You can’t depend on someone else; they might not be there.”

RE: Exploring a new sweet home - Kari - December 24, 2015

last post for me. This was really fun! :)

Kari nodded as he told her how he thought healing and fighting went together. She had never thought of it that way. She did understand now though. It wasn't like she always going to get through every battle unscathed. There also wasn't always going to be someone to help her. This wolf was very wise indeed.

"I understand now. Thank you for helping me see that."she said graciously. She was glad to know she had chosen to be in pack with such a wise wolf. She was getting tired now and decided it was time to break off the conversation and find a place to rest."Well I best be off. Today was fun. It was nice meeting you. Goodbye." she said before walking off.