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Fox's Glade cus baby it's cold outside - Printable Version

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cus baby it's cold outside - Dione - December 07, 2015

It was a chilly morning out in the forest, but it was a nice one, and Diônê was making sure to make the best of it. Autumn had passed, and with winter's arrival, her fur had begun to grow out in layers. It still wasn’t as thick as it would be when the full impact of winter hit, but it had lengthened enough that it had grown wispy and feathery to the point of it probably being able to cause someone to sneeze if it was pushed to close to their nostrils. Of course, this meant that the entirety of her fairy-like body was slowly being engulfed in her plush fur, but she didn’t mind as it kept her warm during these colder months.

Despite the frigid air, Diônê believed that it was a nice morning. It wasn’t as cold as it could be, yet, but even then she’d make sure to make the best out of the cold weather. Small paws taking her forward, she moved eagerly through the forest despite her wandering being aimless. The young wolf didn’t know exactly where she wanted to go, but she knew that doing nothing would get her nowhere and she'd only end up being more bored. Her light steps had carried her quickly into an opening in the forest, and here, she decided to stop and investigate. Walking up to the bubbling stream that ran through its center, she took a quick drink before looking around curiously. It was quite the isolated location, but Diônê didn’t mind. It was peaceful, though she did feel a bit lonely as she plopped down near the water source with a pout.

She was used to jabbering away with company who tolerated her, or arguing with one of her siblings. For everything to be so still for once was unsettling. Her energy was still abundant within her, obvious with her anxious flicking tail and twitching paws, but Diônê forced herself to relax as she settled into a more comfortable position.

- inviting anyone to come and meet this nerd!

RE: cus baby it's cold outside - Capriccio - December 07, 2015

Tagging Ashley in case she wants to pop in here too.. or just take in for info. :)
Otherwise, hope you don't mind Capri!

There was something freeing about being a lone-wolf – the harsh winter season certainly put a damper on some of it, but without any place they truly needed to be, @Terich-mir and Capri tended to drift through the lands at their own leisure. They explored the area about them and conversed with others – they hunted small game between the two of them, and while it was not a pack-fed meal, Capri was content for the moment.
The residents thus far hadn’t been terrible either – her mind thought back to the brief interlude she held with Ukko – a rather handsome wolf who had extended her an invitation to his home.. though she wasn’t sure if that would extend to her traveling companion. For now, she was in no rush – the prospect of starting her life anew was invigorating in the sense that she certainly didn’t need a plan right now – all she needed was to be happy in her current state.
And happy she was. The winter air was refreshing, and her paws fell upon frozen ground, eliciting a soft crunch. The scent and sound of water pulled her forward, and as she emerged from the brush, Capri’s frosted eyes fell upon the earthy wolf, noting instantly how pretty she was. Canting her muzzle to the side, Capri’s nose tested the air, though she did not move to go closer just yet. Carefree she might be, she was certainly not stupid.

RE: cus baby it's cold outside - Dione - December 08, 2015

Despite the sound of water and the sense of peace in the area distracting her from her surroundings, Diônê had been quick to pick up on the sound of someone coming closer to the isolated glade. Perhaps if she was a more wary wolf, she would have turned around immediately, but Diônê stared out at the water for a moment longer before finally turning around to face whoever had arrived. The first thing she had noticed about the female was that she had very, very, pretty eyes. She gave the newcomer a warm smile before opening her mouth to greet her with a friendly, “Hello!” She hadn’t been expecting company, but she didn’t bat an eye at the change of pace. Perhaps it would be better now that she had another wolf here? Certainly they could find something better to do that wasn’t as boring as staring at a stream!
Assuming this wolf was a friend and not a foe, Diônê slowly rose to her paws. She turned to face the other wolf with a small smile before something clicked in her mind. “Sorry if I looked kind of weird there, you know, just staring at a stream.” The wolf said with a giggle, covering her mouth with a small paw for a moment before letting it fall back to the ground. Small nose twitching just slightly as she took in a subtle whiff of the other wolf’s scent, she hoped she was right in her assumption that this wolf was a loner like her. “Are you passing through?” She asked curiously, moving back to the water and sitting back down after she was satisfied with her reading on the other wolf.
“Or did you come here to stare at the water, like me?” She asked with a grin, humor evident in her tone as her eyes flicked towards the stream once more. Shifting her weight, the tiny female reached out with a small paw to pat the vacant spot on the ground next her. Diônê didn’t mind company. There was always room for her to make a new friend.

RE: cus baby it's cold outside - Capriccio - December 08, 2015

Capri was met with a rather cheerful greeting, and studying the other, the silver-tipped wolf allowed her tail to give an idle swing behind her in hesitant contentment. The stranger rose to her paws, and Capri noted with interest at how pretty the cinnamons of her fur were – the glint of morning light upon her. Even better – the laid back nature that exuded from her, only enunciated with a giggle after her words.
“Just checking things out,” Capri agreed, carrying herself closer to the other. Her nose tipped upward in the air, testing to see if the other was of a pack – but she could not tell. She was far too new to these lands, and thus far, had only come across a pack wolf from Phoenix Maplewood. “I didn’t,” she offered then, clarifying she hadn’t come here to stare at the water. “But I thought a drink would be nice.” With that, the Roux-Abrhen sauntered forward, her pale eyes regarding the other almost loftily. “I’m Capri.” With the girl in her vision, the rogue bent her muzzle down, her tongue flicking out to lap at the cold water.

RE: cus baby it's cold outside - Dione - December 08, 2015

Diônê glanced at the other wolf as she walked closer, noticing how much prettier she was up close. Nodding at her words to show she was listening, she turned her gaze back to the water almost absentmindedly when the other female was done speaking. “A shame,” she started with a small smile, allowing a dainty paw to touch the water for a moment as she glanced back up at her new companion. “I wouldn’t have minded water-watching with a pretty wolf like you.” Diônê’s smile quickly turned into a grin after she finished her words, her tone holding nothing but playful sincerity as she turned back to the water. While some wolves might consider what she had said a flirt, it was merely a sincere compliment on the other female’s appearance. Diônê didn’t mind telling others what she thought of them, especially if it was something positive.
“I’m Diônê, I kind of just moved here.” The small wolf introduced, her smile ever present, illuminating her cherubic face. It was fortunate for her that this new wolf she had met was friendly. “What about you? How long have you lived here?” If she was new as well, Diônê would suggest an adventure to get them more familiarized with the land. Her energy was bundled up at the moment, just waiting to burst free. Sitting and staring at the water wasn’t as interesting as going exploring, but she would be content to stay there and just chat if that was what Capri was up for.  If she had lived in this new land for a long time, then Diônê could only hope she’d give her some pointers on what to expect out there.

RE: cus baby it's cold outside - Capriccio - December 14, 2015

The stranger seemed intent to study her – Capri assumed nothing more than lone wolf scrutiny, and she cast a small grin to the girl before continuing to quench her thirst. The water was enticingly cold – perfect for the burn of her sore throat.
An ear swiveled at the other as she conversed, her smile widening as she glanced upward now to regard the cinnamon she-wolf at the comment of pretty. It was a truly flattering notion, given the girl before her was quite the looker herself – one Capri could not wait to bring ‘home’ and introduce to Terich-mir as a potential traveling companion. Perhaps he’d be smitten with her and she’d become an unofficial aunt.
“You have a good eye,” she decided with a playful rumble, giving her silver and ebony pelt a gentle shake.
“I’ve only just arrived with my friend. We’re trying to decide if we want to join a pack around here or start one up of our own.” Brazenly, the girl cast her periwinkle eyes upon the earthen wolf. “Want to join us?”

RE: cus baby it's cold outside - Stormstar - December 16, 2015

Stormstar padded into view. Being a large wolf, she was anything but stealthy. The white spot on her chest stood out from the black of her coat. Stormstar's ears swiveled to the sound of voices. She stepped lightly, or as lightly as a 100 and something pound wolf could. She flicked her tail, and her stormy blue eyes flashed against the light of the snow and the dark of her fur.

RE: cus baby it's cold outside - Capriccio - January 02, 2016

While Capri caught the brief scent of another lingering close, she turned her muzzle to catch view of the dark stranger. The other wolf spoke nothing, before continuing on its way, and when her companion politely declined her offer, Capri offered her a gentle smile. "Maybe I'll see you around," she murmured, giving the girl a wink before pulling herself away from the waters edges. Without another word, the silver-tipped she-wolf continued on her journey -- there was a lot of land to become familiar with here.