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The Sentinels I aim to please - Printable Version

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I aim to please - Aria - December 07, 2015

Joining. (: tagging @Lasher @Dante and @Blue Willow ... Not sure who does the IC joining threads but I hope this is alright. (:

It was colder than the white female had originally thought it would be near the coast... Perhaps it was her own naiveness and lack of real world awareness that led her to forget that they were indeed located further north rather than towards the equator; the fact that she was on the coast had practically no effect weather wise. She may not have minded as much as she should have. The dainty wolf rather liked the winter season as it was best suited for her coat color. But the girl was young and hadn't experienced a winter outside of a pack before and she wasn't aware of just how cruel it could be.

Aria, the glossy name of the fae herself, walked along a border she had scented herself. There was another pack nearby, but this one she decided was larger. Truthfully she hoped for a warmer sense of community within the pack, but she also hoped that if the pack was hostile that the larger number of wolves could kill her off easier. 

The strongest scent, she decided, seemed one of importance. It was practically everywhere, as far as she could tell. It obviously marked the most meaningful border lines, but she could scent the actual wolf nearby, perhaps more than one if even. She realized that, as she usually did, she was holding herself with her head high and chest puffed out. It wasn't a sign of dominance over anyone, it was just how she walked, and after realizing her posture Aria allowed her head to drop and shoulders to slump as she walked lower to the ground in case any eyes were watching her. The pretty, young wolf let out a greeting howl, one that signified her position and means of trespassing. Her intention was clear, she meant to join. 

Whether or not they wanted her, well, that was a different story.

RE: I aim to please - Lasher - December 08, 2015

his thoughts had turned often to constantine as of late -- lasher wondered how his son fared, and if he would return. he had searched for the boy, but the eldest mayfair twin had not made himself known, and so lasher had given it up. in his heart, he knew that constantine still lived, but he was broken for his son's departure.

from the shadow of a great tree he watched as a pretty young wolfess pranced merrily along their borders, soon checking herself and lowering her posture, as if she had forgotten the scents that lined thickly the land there. the druid allowed himself a small and private smile before he came to greet her, posture vaguely dominant but not overbearingly so, and murkwater eyes inviting the child to explain her reasons for calling upon donnelaith that day.

RE: I aim to please - Aria - December 08, 2015

Aria, upon seeing the larger wolf enter, immediately lowered her head to him. Proud of herself for suspecting a higher figure and being correct, she inwardly praised herself. However, she made no movements to show her pride other than a small smile which could be interpreted as nothing but politeness in her greeting. She raised her head a little so the male could see her face clearly, and let her ears flick down towards her skull still in submission to him.

"My name is Aria," she woofed clearly, no fear or anxiety resting in her voice. The wolf was not afraid, she knew that if he intended an attack he'd have done so by now, and now she only wished to impress him. "I come from a colder climate far outside these lands, I sought out this pack in hopes of joining," she informed him, her white fur glinting as the afternoon sun shine through the clouds. "I have plenty to offer your pack, if you will consider me." 

RE: I aim to please - Lasher - December 08, 2015

she was confident, but held no arrogance within her bearing. lasher was endeared to the pretty wolfess quite swiftly, but kept his silence until she had finished speaking. donnelaith was to be a haven for all -- he would not force them to swear fealty for all of their days to a place that might only be needed to weather the winter storms -- but he was indeed intrigued to know all that there was to be known about his packmates.

"what is it you are able to bring unto us?" the druid asked gently, his eyes sweeping over her downcast eyes, the swell of her flanks, the length of her legs. she seemed well-fed and hale, a proper wolf to be an asset unto his newly established pack.

RE: I aim to please - Aria - December 08, 2015

The wolf who she had by now assumed alpha, rather than just a high rank, swept his gaze over her, studying hard. While not particularly bothered by him inspecting her, it sent a chill down her spine. His appearance was rather... well, frightening. While the female was not afraid, she knew that she would lose in any fight with this wolf. He was the alpha. He was dominant. He was in charge. Aria knew this quite well, also realizing now that she would need to work on her attitude, she assumed it wouldn't be taken lightly here. 

She fought her fur from fluffing up at the shiver, returning her focus to the task at hand; joining the pack.

"I come from a pack," she began briefly, leaving out exactly what pack or her reason for leaving. Her pack was surely unheard of so far away and she doubted the dark wolf cared. "I understand the workings of a pack and their means of survival," she noted, ears perking a bit as she shifted through her next words. "I would be more than just a scrappy loner needing a month or two recovery before being useful. I can jump into pack life whenever and wherever you need me." 

Aria began to wonder if she had spoken to much, but quickly decided she hadn't, and that she only had a lot to offer; which wasn't necessarily untrue. "I do not know of your skills or your packs skills, but I was halfway through training as a healer and plan to continue to master that trade. I am also a skilled hunter and fighter," she added the last part as to wrap up, touching lightly on the obvious skills that is necessary in a pack. She did, however, fail to mention that although she was skilled at hunting and trained often in fighting, she'd never been in an actual battle before, but her fluffy white coat and lack of scars may have given that away regardless. 

RE: I aim to please - Lasher - December 09, 2015

sorry! finals week is killin' me D:

it was not taltos' intention to frighten the child, nor even to impress upon her a sense of his dominance. yet she responded keenly, and he accepted it quietly. her words were vague, but she tended his inquiry, and for that he was impressed, by both her demeanour and her brevity. aria displayed a cunning understanding of their needs -- a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and once she had finished, he gave a single nod.

"i am lasher. my mate, blue willow, is our healer, and our beta is a wondrous and intelligent man named dante. i will rank you as our lambda." his eyes shone with a brazen sort of affection for this new member of the glen. "welcome to donnelaith."

the druid gestured that she should join him in crossing the borders -- he wished to know more of this pale song newly come to their ranks. "we are quite freshly founded here, but the pack is strong -- we moved from inland." but he wearied of discussing such; his eyes turned to the wolfess. "you speak of skills indeed useful to us, but what is your passion? i would hear of it."

RE: I aim to please - Aria - December 09, 2015

omg don't apologize you're fine <3 I totally understand

Listening intently as he spoke, the white wolf couldn't help but smile fondly as he spoke of his mate. She was glad to hear that the pack was run by two alphas, rather than one. And, although they had just relocated, she was also glad to hear that the pack was established enough to have already assigned an alpha. She made a more important mental note of Blue Willow, however, as she was the pack healer. Aria decided that she would have to talk to her about the subject, perhaps she could teach her a few things.

The white wolf's head raised slightly, ears perking, as Lasher finished. At the mention of her being accepted as a Lambda she felt her pride sink a bit. She was by no means ungrateful or unhappy to be accepted to the pack, but she had forgotten that she would have to work her way back through the ranks- it was as if she'd almost forgotten that she would even receive one. Either way, the snowy fae was excited for his welcome, and felt her tail pick up pace behind her. She smiled to him and dipped her head once in gratitude. 

"My passion?" she questioned, although it was clear she understood the question. She stood still a moment, perhaps caught off guard by the question. She had mentioned her healing skills, and he had made note of it, but he wanted to know her passion. "Well..." her lips pursed a bit, and she found herself lost for words. "I'm not sure," she couldn't help but say. "I am still young. I suppose part of my reason for leaving my pack was to find it." Aria wondered what her honestly would mean to this wolf. She could have lied easily, but she would've stammered about for a few more moments, and she figured it was better to stay truthful to her new alpha.

RE: I aim to please - Lasher - December 11, 2015

he listened as the girl spoke, interested in the very emptiness of her words. aria was a blank canvas with the shine of youth upon it, ready to be painted with the colours of the world. it would come to her in time, what it was she wished to become -- lasher wished to tell her not to hurry herself, but time was fickle when young, limitless. "you left in the usual way?" the glen-man asked gently, wondering if her veiled words were to hide the factuality that she had been driven from her natal borders, rather than departing them on her own whims.

"we moved from a plateau where blacktail deer resided," lasher went on as they trudged. "my three children were born there -- two remain. the eldest has gone off on his own wanderings. soon there will be infants here in donnelaith," he revealed with a joyed glint to his murkwater eyes.

RE: I aim to please - Aria - December 12, 2015

Still with the notion that lying perhaps wasn't the best way to start off with a new pack, Aria decided to tell a bit of the truth. She'd already practiced her lie to this question, and to her she believed she'd gotten rather good at it, but hadn't truly been chased out, and figured she could at least state why she left. 

The white wolf dipped her head a bit, showing that she planned to answer honestly to the alpha, and hoping he'd make note of such. "I had disagreements, with the way the pack was run. They were evil and controlling of others," she informed him. "I left on my own terms, but if I were to return I don't believe they'd have me back," she continued. Her sister, a higher rank, had actually forced her out. But it was with love and good intentions, not for hatred or because Aria had caused any large problems.

The snowy young girl nodded slowly, although hadn't a clue where he was talking about. She assumed she'd traveled here from the opposite direction, and hadn't come across the territory. It was when Lasher mentioned pups that her eyes lit up, head and ears perking slightly and tail wagging. "Oh?" she mused, "Congratulations," she replied, dipping her head once more before speaking again. "That is a wonderful blessing for a new pack, I look forward to meeting them. Blue Willow, you said was your mate? I look forward to meeting her as well," she woofed, her eyes still sparkling as she thought of the idea of pups. She would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous, but Aria knew she had plenty of time to start a family. And in a new pack, with new rules, she knew that now she could.

RE: I aim to please - Lasher - December 12, 2015

as if prompted by his wordless scrutiny, aria revealed more details of her past pack, and lasher nodded. "i am glad that you have come to reside here instead. and i am certain that you will meet blue willow very soon. she is an affable sort, always welcoming to newcomers." an amused grin provided decor for his jaws -- as of late, the darkfurred healer had become quite round, developing the rolling gait of the very gravid, and though he would never tell her so, it was funny to watch her traverse the wood.

"we are still exploring this land -- it has been quite intriguing -- and i invite you to do the same, as well as acclimate yourself to the rest of the pack."

RE: I aim to please - Aria - December 12, 2015

Although she did not know Blue Willow, Aria felt that she already trusted Lasher, and was comforted to hear of his mates kindness. She was comforted to already feel part of the pack, and her tail wagged as he spoke of her.

"I plan to do just that," she woofed in response. "I'm, in truth, very curious about the weather here. I am used to the cold, but being so close to the coast..." she trailed off in a vague thought, unsure of what exactly to say as she wasn't quite sure what to even think. Perhaps she would begin to research as a naturalist. She pushed the thought to the side, dipping her head once more to the alpha. "I cannot wait to meet the rest of the pack," she smiled, tail wagging, "I'm sure they are wonderful."

RE: I aim to please - Lasher - December 15, 2015

his own plume moved in response -- he was fond of aria already. "the trees that face the ocean will suffer from the sea-winds and storms, but they present a brave and strong front. their bracing will break up the chaos as it travels inland, and if the wolves of donnelaith remain deep in the wood, we shall fare well. for now, we fill the caches with as much meat as we can find, for the herds have moved into warmer climes. we will seek them out before the true snows arrive."

"and i am sure they will be pleased to have you," lasher answered. "is there anything you wish to ask or to know?" the druid asked gently. if there was not, he would leave their newest member now, to seek out a den and those aforementioned wolves.

RE: I aim to please - Aria - December 15, 2015

It was a a few thought filled moments before the young wolfess nodded to her new alpha. Her tail wagged a little as she was excited to be once again part of a new pack, although sourness flooded the back of her throat as she remembered the struggle of a rank system. Aria allowed the thought to settle before she shoved it back where it belonged; out of mind. She dipped her head to Lasher before looking to the territory and continued to soak in what he told her. 

"I will seek you or another member if I have any concerns, but I plan on figuring out my questions on my own," she told him. She didn't intend to impress him with her ambition to learn on her own, but she secretly hoped that perhaps she did. It was part of her personality to want to learn, and she felt more comfortable only seeking help when she truly needed it; that way she avoided stupid questions. "Thank you for your kindness, Lasher," she dipped her head a final time as she spoke. She did not make eye contact with the leader, but she raised her head slightly to speak one last time before he would leave. She spoke with a firm and confidence bark, her pale eyes showing no sign of uncertainty. 

"I will help to make sure that your pack strives."
feel free to close <3 thanks for a fun thread / acceptance. (: getting a good handle on aria's character !