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earthwater - Printable Version

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earthwater - Shardul - December 09, 2015

for @Timber <3

outside the cavern where he had settled with regipre, shardul cleaned dried blood from beneath his claws. wolves had been foolish as of late, providing the murderous cat with an endless source of flesh on which to unleash his twisted dreams. presently, he stood to his paws and nimbly leapt to a shelf of shale some feet overhead. the eyes of bright yellow searched the woodland below him -- he gave a long, echoing chuff roughened with masculinity, summoning the she-cat who had proclaimed fealty to his cause. 

with the coyote to tempt the wolves forth, timber and shardul might slay more of them, and this was a thought that pleased the silver cat greatly.

RE: earthwater - Timber - December 10, 2015

Timber sniffed a small puddle that had formed. She lowered her head to it and took a deep breath in. Smelt like clean water. She stuck her tongue in a formed a bowl with her younger to lap up the clean water. She only believed that you should eat or drink when you really need it. Don't waste the food, unless you're torturing someone. She flicked her ears as she heard the male summoning her. She pulled her head up and a few stray drips fell from her face as she quickly walked up to greet the male. She looked up to see him and bowed her head. "Hey there." She said and smiled.

RE: earthwater - Shardul - December 12, 2015

she looked up to see him, water dripping from her jaws. shardul gave a rough nod and shouldered past the woman to find his own space nearby, dipping his broad muzzle into the liquid for his own draught. when he had finished, he pondered timber for a long moment. "what hast thou been doing since last we spoke?" he inquired. if she had slain a wolf, he wished to know. 

inside the cavern, regipre slumbered.

RE: earthwater - Timber - December 12, 2015

Timber had not killed a wolf yet, and she wasn't about to lie. She has been scouting around the territory, trying to see the best places to hide, trying to find where the first blood she will spill from a wolf would be. The thought made her tail lash as she drew up a devilish smile. "Ive been looking around the territory. Scouting around trying to find some good hiding spaces." She shifted her back legs to a more comfortable position. "Have you seen any wolves? Some wolf blood on my teeth and in my mouth." She paused for a second. "Would be great." She probably sounded like a creeper, but she loved talking about that kind of stuff. She quickly got embarrassed and turned her head. "Sorry about that."

RE: earthwater - Shardul - December 19, 2015

sorry for the wait!

he smiled. "no need for apology. thou hast a killer's heart. i like that." to her question, he shook his proud, broad muzzle. "no packdogs, though a single wolf can be found here and there." lemon-stare grew shrewd -- he watched timber with a resolute sort of interest. "if thou wert to attack a pack of wolves, tell me thy tactics." it would be good to have another cat with which to hunt -- regipre served well in her role, but her size and disability had not lent itself to darker intentions.

RE: earthwater - Timber - December 21, 2015

It's all good! :D

Timber's mood instantly lightened as the silver cat smiled at her. She knew she wouldn't have to hide her true personality around him. She thought about her answer. "I usually lie in a bush, or tree and wait for the victim to be in the crosshairs. I usually break the back, not fully killing them, let them sit for a second." She paused for a second. "Then I usually wrap my jaws around their head, and bite down." She smiled and licked her lips. "I usually just instantly kill prey. Such as deer, or rabbits, stuff like that." She focused on the still sleeping coyote as she moved while she sleeps. It startled Timber out of her descriptions. She then focused back on the silver cat. "I don't fully believe an animal that would be eaten for actual food proposes should suffer like a wolf should." She smiled. "Unless they deserve it. Then it's just fun." 

RE: earthwater - Shardul - December 27, 2015

he purred in pleasure to hear her description of how she killed their mutual enemy, their shared prey. surely he had been blessed to find her; surely their paths had been fated to cross. he gave her a cold smile, the extent of his goodwill toward most living creatures. "what did the wolves do unto thee, that thou hatest them so much?" for shardul, he could not recall the event in his childhood which had led him to such bitter loathing of the verminous creatures, but then again, he recalled very little of his own mother, his own littermates.

RE: earthwater - Timber - December 29, 2015

Sorry it took me a while! I became inactive and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. @Shardul >:D

Timber smiled back happily at the silver male. It was short lived when she was told to explain why she had a hatred directed at wolves almost exclusively. She sighed and began: "When I was young I didn't know who my father was, like normal, but my mother was extremely abusive physically and mentally. She always use to tell me wolves were going to come and kill me. She would explain in detail how they would rip my body limb by limb." A lump formed in her throat as she began her story. She fought back tear, as this chapter of her life hadn't been opened since it happened to her. Shardul probably thought she was an idiot. "My wish was granted one day. Wolves killed my mother. I was very thankful for that. Soon they came after me and help me hostage. They didn't feed me for weeks at a time. The food that was given to me was marbled with maggots. I escaped with many scars no one has seen. Scars line under my pelt, and in my mind."

RE: earthwater - Shardul - January 08, 2016

no prob! that was the activity checker going cattywampus lol.

on the contrary; he thought it very personable of timber to unleash herself to him, and settled down with a growling purr to hear her woeful tale. it appeared very understandable, her hatred, though shardul wondered why she had not simply killed her jailers, as he would have done. yet the silver cat knew well the jagged edges that such horror could leave upon the mind. "thou art among companions, and we shall rid our world of the vermin in due time."

hunger clawed at his belly; the massive argent cat lifted himself to his paws. "i hunt. come ye with me," he invited in his somber way.

RE: earthwater - Timber - January 09, 2016

Timber wanted nothing more than to just tackled him and shower his face in licks for listening to her stupid emotional story. She quickly followed, she wasn't hungry, but she would help hunt. Timber sniffed the ground only to find stale scents of both her and Shardul. Nothing was immediately seen by her, but her eye caught a better prize. Mushrooms. She sprinted over to the base of the tree and sniffed it. "Look! A mushroom! Someday, if we don't feel like fighting a wolf, stick this thing in a squirrel or soak it in water, then wham! Dead." She said happily.

RE: earthwater - Shardul - January 14, 2016

mushrooms. shardul had no head for them, and no interest, but found himself intrigued by her claim. "why wouldst thou do such a thing? it is poison?" he gathered, realizing what it was timber meant. the fungus was given a long examination by the silver cat; he breathed in its scent, took note of its appearance. perhaps such an item might be used to taint the water source near a packland, though he doubted it could be guaranteed that the poison would hurt only wolves.

RE: earthwater - Timber - January 14, 2016

Timber nodded quickly. "These will kill full grown wolves." She wasn't lying. She watched it happen when she was little. She realized she opened a new gate. "Be careful with it though, they are hard to care for, it you bite into one while trying to transport it, the juices that are in this lil' mushrrom will get inside and poison you. I can try, but reversing mushroom poison is hard." She said and smiled. She laughed and continued on, smelling the scent of prey nearby.

RE: earthwater - Shardul - January 17, 2016

fade here? i can begin us another!

her talk of mushrooms was filed aside, but shardul hungered. "a hunt," he intoned once she had finished speaking. she too was ready to kill, and so he gave her a grim expression that could not truly be called a smile, and gestured that she might follow him, to fell an elk or young moose for their meal.