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The Sentinels with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Printable Version

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with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Kitten - December 09, 2015

The wind was chilly, and she shivered against its breath. She was not accustomed to the elements. Her coat was warm but not warm enough for the beginnings of winter nipped at her ears, her muzzle, her feet; anywhere the plush furs of her pelt did not cover. She lay curled tightly in a small hollow in the ground, and sighed forlornly. Still, she missed home, and the comforts therein. She had not wished for this life and still resented it, despite her efforts to habituate, to learn, and to become wild.

There was a stubborn streak in her, however. She spurned her own dismal thoughts and rose to her paws with a determined look on her face. There was not going back, and she had to keep going forward, so she made her way to the borders, to take a turn at patrolling them and marking them as she had seen the others do. She approached a tree and reared up on it, raking her claws down the bark and rubbing her chin and cheek against the trunk. She repeated this on another tree down the line, and in this work she was distracted.

RE: with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Casmir - December 12, 2015

his mom was about to pop, and he wasn't looking forward to that, but he was excited to have little bros and sisters around. maybe he could make one into a sidekick! Cas had directed his own personal forays into the heartland, starring himself, and it was mostly to shake the haunting image of that pale girl falling off the cliff. he had thought to tell his dad, but wasn't sure how to go about it. 

presently, he came across one of the n00bs doing some weird thing with her face. it was the exact same gesture he'd seen his father, mother, and dante do before, but this chick made it odd somehow. "what are you doing?" the Mayfair boy asked, striding up with his newly filled-in body and deeper tones. he was a man, dammit.

RE: with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Kitten - December 13, 2015

The more trees she marked, the better she felt. She was doing a job, she was being a wolf, she was doing her duty as a packmember. It made her feel better, and certainly she had forgot to mourn her old home while she focused on her task. Her focus, however, could not be blamed for her not noticing the approach of Lasher's son. She was not accustomed to having to monitor her surroundings for threats, and so she paid attention only to what was right in front of for the most part.

She startles, flinching sideways, her fur was already fluffed but she quickly forced it to smooth out upon seeing the young wolf. "Oh, er, ah," she stammered, caught off guard by the question. "I was marking." She raised a brow at him, her lips pursed. Why would he ask her that? She would think it was obvious what she was doing. It caused her tail to twitch with uncertainty.

RE: with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Casmir - December 19, 2015

"yeah, but you were doing it" like a cat "sort of weirdly," Cas explained, stepping toward the tree and rubbing himself along it with a brisk and dismissive air. like a wolf, he decided. eyes turned back to kitten. "i'm casmir." he didnt need to ask if she knew who he was -- he assumed everyone did, considering he was the son of the new alpha. duh. chick was sort of pretty. come to think of it, donnelaith was kinda full of hotties, though honestly, Cas had no idea what to do with this information.

"so i hear you were a 'petch," he observed, unknowingly butchering the word 'pet.' he didnt know what a petch was, or what that meant for kitten, only that it meant she was different. and differences needed to be examined. his eyes rested upon the girl, waiting.

RE: with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Kitten - December 21, 2015

I love how you write Cas lol

Her expression remained firm but her body withered, her shoulders sagging and her tail drooped. So, she was not even marking properly it would seem. She was perhaps a bit dramatic in feeling that she could do nothing right at all, but nonetheless that feeling struck her, hot and cold all at once, sharp and painful. It was bitterness that made it so. She was still angered at her circumstances, having been removed from a life she had been comfortable in. Try as she may, she simple did not possess the adaptability of a truly wild animal, her determination was much too fleeting, and much too fragile.

So, this was Lasher's son. "I'm Kit," she reciprocated. His next statement however, caused her countenance to shift. He ears turned back, fanning down toward her skull, and her mouth twitched. "Yeah," she said flatly. "So what?" She was defensive, certainly.

RE: with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Casmir - December 26, 2015

lol thanks.

his bullet of truth ripped right through her puffed-up facade -- she deflated visibly. had she been wearing fine skirts of satin and lace, Kitten might very well have descended to the floor of her Southern ballroom in a swoon of shock and indignation. as it was, she merely gave every visual indication of her displeasure and defensiveness. "it's not a bad thing," he hastened to add. "being odd isn't bad. you just have a unique flair when you do things. think of it that way." he was unsure if she would, or if she would even forgive him. "do you miss it? being a petch, i mean." if there was a competition for douchebags, Cas would be taking home the trophy after this, for sure.

RE: with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Kitten - December 27, 2015

Oh no. He asked her that question. She knew the answer. She lived and failed in that answer, but she did not want to admit it to Casmir, or any of her packmates. She missed her old life horribly, and though she tried to adapt and keep her chin up, she wanted nothing to do with this wild life among wild wolves. Nope, not at all. She was happy to have her food served to her in a stainless steel bowl, or handed to her one piece at a time from the hand that would also stroke her head and scratch her belly.

She was stolen away by her thoughts, and her body drooped even more. So burdened by her sorrow, she took notice of little else, his words travelling in one ear and swiftly out the other. Her lip quivered, and she sniffed, twitching her nose and pursing her lips as she tried to quell the emotion bubbling up onto her face. But, it was no use. She cracked.

"YES!" she wailed, and tears flowed freely down her cheeks in dramatic sobs.

Have fun dealing with that, Cas!

RE: with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Casmir - January 08, 2016

she cried out and burst into tears, and Cas backed away involuntarily. "uh." he had no idea how to deal with this, much less what had caused it. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean anything by it!" he mumbled, ears wilting beneath the force of her sobs. his mannerliness kicked into gear, though he did perform a quick search for Behati -- maybe she would be mad at him -- before he inched closer to Kitten and reached out a paw to pat her very awkwardly on the shoulder. "why -- why do you miss it?" counselor Mayfair was in the hizzouse.

RE: with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Kitten - January 10, 2016

"BECAUSE IT WAS EASY!" she blurted out, her dramatic sobbing calming as she gained some level of control over it, or perhaps because even though it was awkward Casmir attempted to soothe her with a pat on the shoulder. "I didn't have to be cold," she sniffed. "I was never hungry. I had a comfortable bed, I—" she stopped abruptly and eyeballed Casmir with a great amount of suspicion before she shuffled out of reach of his paw. It was weird, she realized, not soothing at all.

"I belonged there," she finished meekly. She was not cut out for the wild world. She was weak. She did not want to work so hard for her living. She liked the comfortable, predictable atmosphere of her old life. She was a pet, plain and simple, born and raised for the life of one. "I need to be alone," muttered, casting Casmir an apologetic look before she slunk away.

She would be never been or heard from again, as she would leave the territory quickly and without bumping into anyone else, and she would go in search of her home, or one like it.

Last post for me :) <3

RE: with natural anti-itch, antibacterial, healing agents - Casmir - January 14, 2016


Cas could only stare after Kitten as she hustled away, and for a long time after she left, he sat there, wondering, what the fuck just happened. eventually he gathered himself to his paws and meandered off in search of behati and food, not knowing that his meeting with the odd girl was his first and his last.