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Moonspear let none be the noose - Printable Version

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let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 10, 2015

She always felt like she had a lot of ground to cover. Today, just after the rains tapered off to cloudy skies, she was feeling something else too. Some shade of lonely, maybe, she splayed her ears and looked for any indication of a scent trail. This time, not of bears, or of prey creatures, or anything among her recent usuals that she could justify with clear purpose. She stepped outside of that and gave in, knowing that she had neglected to do so in far too long. The dark alpha caught a faint trace of @Jace and followed it.

She just wanted to see him.. and maybe test the distance that she felt between them since she'd decided to uproot him without much warning. She hardly even knew how he'd been doing since then.. and after the bear incident, Ame had been thinking of the blue-eyed male.

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 10, 2015

Jace moved about restlessly, but quietly. It was a quiet restlessness, one born from being cooped up for too long, nothing more. He was slowly coming to terms with his sister's departure, the other loved ones that had left him behind. He had even the past few months had come to terms with Leaf. Gods he missed that little impish she wolf, but it was a dull ache now. One that didn't hurt when he prodded it so much. He also missed Ame. It had been far too long since he had actually sat down and spoke with her, but he hadn't been sure where he stood anymore. Especially now that she had an alpha to rule beside her. He was a little confused on that, unsure about their relationship. But he had also been too fearful to ask, so as to not offend, there was a large age gap. He shrugged and continued walking among the peaks. Hoping maybe for someone to find him and speak with him.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 10, 2015

It took her a little time, but soon the trail began to warm up slowly. She had been honing her tracking skills rather viciously lately, so maybe she was just feeling fresh and confident in them when it came to this mountain. Soon, she sped up, climbing higher onto the slopes and finding one that lined up with his. With mountaineering skills like her own, she moved with care and grace, even as she gained speed to get closer and closer to him.

She came up behind the wolf she sought and whuffed softly. Not knowing how he was, personally, she couldn't say much else. All she did know was that she smelled him around as she always did but she was often occupied with something, namely growing into a different role as she learned along the way what was bound to work and what wasn't. "Long time no see," she offered, although it hardly felt appropriate for the gravity of how she truly felt. The bear disaster didn't count to her. He was perhaps her oldest friend, and for him, nothing should have held her back as it did.

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 10, 2015

Jace sniffed and smelled trying to find anything to distract him from well anything. He was bored. He had filled caches like usual, explored like usual. now he was just moving around back and forth trying to figure out something else to do to benefit the pack and himself.

Jace heard the whuff behind him and felt a momentary flaring of guilt. He had not been avoiding her exactly, but he hadn't been seeking her out either. Hello Ame. He gave her a small crooked smile.  He turned and wagged his tail once, then he made sure to lower it and avert his eyes. He was much lower on the totem pole than he had been in a very long time, so he wasn't sure how to approach anyone anymore, not even one of his dearest friends.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 10, 2015

She could do all she could to justify why she'd not sought him sooner, but it still felt somewhat wrong. After the move, so much had happened and then with the bears an issue not long after, it was difficult for her to spend much effort on bonds among the pack. It all fell by the wayside until loneliness had set in deep. For her, that did take a while, and even once she was feeling it, she was not overly skilled in knowing what to do with it.

Realizing she'd held her breath for half a beat, she moved in a little closer once his tail wagged and the overall tone of his greeting was friendly enough. She matched it, although her tail stayed lifted up some -- not in a way meant to pressure her status, just where had become default for her, especially among this larger pack. "I have.. missed you," she said, peering readily back at him. She knew his status had diminished (although she'd never discredit him should he seek something greater) and wondered how it had impacted him. At least he.. still looked well on the outside (not that it was often he didn't). So she was trying to put that concern to rest since it was only a guess of a vague possibility.

On the other hand she felt like she was flourishing into some sort of personal best for this time of year. Ame'd been wilting on the Sunspire, and hadn't realized it fully until she'd left it behind. She did not know if the same could be said for her comrades.

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 10, 2015

Jace did not fault Amekaze her deeper nature. He knew all to well how she was, and she was a she wolf that enjoyed her solitude perhaps even more than he enjoyed his. He could remember well how long it took to get her to join he and Ferdie for the sunspire. So there was no ill will in his heart for her. Perhaps a bit of confusion, with not being sure where he stood anymore.

Jace averted his eyes further when she lifted her tail, thinking that it was what she wanted. He had never really been very good with body language, a handicap among wolves. Jace gave her another endearing smile, one that lit up his blue eyes a tone. I missed you too. But I know you have been busy with the bigger pack and with a fellow leader beside you. I am sure you were needed. To say he was disappointed at his lost status would not be a lie, but he also did not really dwell on it. He would rise again he was sure, it would just take some more socialization and such. Stuff he wasn't adverse to, it had just fallen to the way side on the sunspire.

Jace had not felt bad for leaving the sunspire behind. It had been Ferdies choice not his. He had gone along with it, and he had called it home. However, he held no attachments there. The only thing he truly worried about was if Vienna came back again, and couldn't find them. However, he didn't really worry much about her anymore. Imagining she had made a life for herself and was flourishing. I am sorry I have been quiet. It has become a habit I think.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 10, 2015

Her ears angled back, then splayed while she nodded slightly. He seemed understanding. She knew to be a bit frustrated with herself for doubting that he would. "I have been, I suppose," she agreed. Gaining a fellow leader had given her more time to herself and less weight to carry alone, but with that decision had also come a larger pack with a different dynamic. They were not a flawless transition into two packs, with one alpha learning as he went no less. That and she had her questions about the former alpha of the bay, and her position with the matriarch of the Stavanger boys. Complicated, and it could be worse. "But, not being the only leader is good.. and should mean I have a bit more time for other interests." Maybe come springtime she'd truly feel this way when she could roam without worry. Unless times changed before then.

"Habits die hard. It was quiet for so long there. Here is.. different, although not entirely so," she said. She was understanding and crept closer to erase more distance. Before, she'd almost considered leaving it all. No one knew this, but before Charon.. there had been an undeniable appeal to just resort to wandering again. Wolves like Jace, and the few others she cared for, kept her from doing it. Instead, she'd just gone and brought change onto them -- even if she did not know if it was for the better for all of them yet. It was for her at least. As selfish as that sounded.

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 10, 2015

Jace felt guilty for leaving her hanging. He had not meant to just cut and run. To give up his position, but he had been for lack of a better term a piss poor leader towards the end. And he had decided the best thing for all of them was to let the position go. Perhaps Sumayl had taught him something after all. Jace shifted and settled to his haunches. That's good hobbies and interests are good to have. Perhaps you can travel like you wanted. I know we held you back from taht before. Jace had know, though perhaps not how deeply her restlessness had run.

Jace tilted one ear forward and dipped his muzzle nodding his head in agreement. He tried to ease his shoulders downward so he wasn't sitting above Ame, not that she was a small female. Do you like the MoonSpear Ame? He curled his large tail around paws of obsidian and waited quietly, patiently. Habits did die hard, and Jace wasn't sure he'd been seeking out the mail Charon anytime soon or any of the others really. Preferring to just keep a few to his chest and within paws reach.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 10, 2015

She sighed softly, nodding. It was, and she'd do what she could to enjoy other things besides mindlessly patrolling herself away. For now, too much else was on her mind and the pack still undergoing its own sort of settling. Or so it seemed to her. "Come spring, I intend to." she said. This would come as no surprise to Jace and it occurred to her that Charon would need to understand this. "Assuming nothing drastic changes before then." It was still many moons away.

When he sat, she watched him. He settled and she took the chance to nudge her muzzle against his shoulder, then assumed a spot just next to him -- really close, but winter (even a mild one) had even her craving a bit of contact here and there, no matter how simple it was in the end. She leaned against him, sighing again while she prepared her answer. If he shied away, she'd compensate as necessary, but she didn't feel out of line doing so. "I do. I feel.. good here, more alive than I did in the last months on the Spire. I had needed something new more than I had realized." He'd know why so she did not elaborate in great detail. "I do still have my concerns about the packs fully functioning as one seamless unit considering the differences in leadership, but it is my understanding that these things take time. My birthplace was two packs a handful of months before I was born, and even afterward, there was still.. some unease there. So.. I know it cannot be rushed." She'd squinted her eyes shut, realizing that she'd been meant to signify the union of the packs in many ways, and intended to help strengthen their ties. Here.. it would be different. "And do you?" the question she'd wanted to get at, and this opportunity seemed like her best bet.

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 10, 2015

Jace realized as he said it, that he should probably find some interests of his own. At least something other than hunting, although he really did enjoy hunting. He loved the challenge, the tracking, and the final win. He was not always a winner, sometimes he lost the prey,but not as often as when he was a few moons younger. I hold onto the hope that nothing will be drastic. I have had enough changes for a few moons. I would like to just enjoy them for now. He chuckled softly.

Jace didn't shy away from her contact, he returned the gentle nudge. He was surprised when she leaned on him, but he didn't mind. He simply shifted to allow more accommodation of her weight against his own. Jace had often craved contact himself in the winter, but had not known how to ask it from anyone. So he had simply dealt with it. Jace however, was also one that didn't sleep in dens. He preferred the outside world, the feel of the earth and the air around him. Unlike many of his pack mates.

Jace listened and enjoyed the gentle roll and fall of her voice. Not realizing how deeply he had wanted to socialize with someone. He tilted an ear and thought deeply on her question. I do not hate it, but I do not love it. However, i am also still getting used to it. I have learned from the creek and the sunspire to not get too attached to a home. Home is where your family and friends are anyway. He grew quiet as he thought of what else to say, her comment on the packs disturbed him, merely because he was afraid he would upset someone with his rash judgments and quick temper. I think the packs will become one fairly well. There are the few that came and were part of neither pack, so perhaps that will help in some ways. And you are a very good peace keeper Ame so I imagine if they were to come with you quickly with any problems it can be sorted out easily.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 11, 2015

They had experienced a lot of change lately. To someone who hadn't needed it like she had, she wondered if it seemed even more drastic than it already was. She'd been far more ready to go with this flow because it had been her decision to do so. Had it been a forced hand, she imagined she'd like it far less. She chuffed a short laugh while he chuckled; she would go with the natural progression of things.

Concerns of earlier began to melt away, warmed by the subtly growing heat generated from their contact. She enjoyed it and listened. "It is.. and it takes time too.." she agreed. "I have a bit of a bias.. since I chose the place, but it would not be the same without you few who followed me from the Spire." Ame uttered and shook her head. They were her family now, and with the addition of the Bay, they had grown. She did want them to feel like this was where they belonged -- with her. "I believe they do help already. I have met some.. interesting wolves through them," she smirked and licked her lips thoughtfully. The most recent additions were the most fresh and the ones with the greatest unknowns: Mistywind and Mees. "As always, I do what I can," she sighed, setting her chin on his shoulders. Jace did often reassure her in unexpected ways. Maybe she'd needed it..?

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 11, 2015

Jace did not mind the move, and he had not meant to make anyway think that way. It had just been a sudden change that he had been a bit blindsided by. However, much like Amekaze he felt it was needed. He wasn't sure if they would have survived without it. They had been so little. It had frightened him a bit, one of the reasons he imagined he had resorted to becoming almost a lone wolf again. Taking care of himself more than others. He had filled caches, but not nearly as much as he had before. Though now he was determined to do so again.

Jace chuckled quietly again. You are partial to mountains anyway if I remember correctly? and the sea. We are not many from the spire. I suppose i shouldn't be surprised though. We have always been small, even from the beginning all those moons ago. He grew quiet in thought, but itw as a welcome silence. Jace looked down sheepishly for a moment. I have not met any yet. I should probably work on that. He shifted so her head was more comfortable in it's position. He didn't wish to hurt her. He laughed, That is what makes you a good leader Ame.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 11, 2015

She nodded. Mountain, sea, and just any landscape that seemed to resonate well underfoot. "Mhm, part of why I was glad to find a mountain like this a bit closer to the coastline.." Which sounded somewhat selfish, but many of her decisions were rooted inbetween trying to do right by her wolves and herself at the same time. "I did appreciate our smallness sometimes, but I feared it may do us in if we stayed as we had been over the winter. I felt stagnated, anyway." She shifted a bit, and chased aside the frown she felt weighing her expression down. 

"You will have plenty of time to meet them when you feel like it," she assured him. There was a greater chance of the new wolves fading away than anything else, and if that was the case, then it probably wouldn't be worth his effort to meet them anyway. "Ah, somehow that reminds me -- did you know.. that the Sunspire was claimed once before us? I found out about it from a loner looking to visit before we officially left. It had been her sister's claim, briefly." A bit of history worth noting that had been news to her anyway.

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 13, 2015

Jace turned an ear backwards to catch her words, he dipped his head a small smile on his face. I like the coast too. I was raised near one you know, forest on one side, coast on the other and it was beautiful. He listened to her concerns, but didn't say anything at first. Feeling the momentary guilt again at being so distant while they were so small. We were small. I think that was part of why I grew distant and melancholy. I resorted in a way to being almost a lone wolf. And for that I am sorry Ame. I should have been a better, well everything, friend, beta, wolf, even a better male.

Jace chuckled and nudged her playfully. Now don't tell me that. I may not seek them out then, just keep putting it off. we know I'm a slow wolf when it comes ot social situations and I avoid them at all costs. Her next words caught him off guard and he shook his head. I was not privy to that detail. It doesn't surprise me, it was a nice place.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 13, 2015

She was content to listen, although frowned at his apologies. She had less to say on that, too, since she didn't fault him for any of it because she was guilty of much the same in her own way. Ame huffed softly. "I should have tried to inspire us better somehow. But.. I had no motivation to do it, in the end.." Not by herself. She had put that in the past though and accepted that they all could have done better.

Ame chuffed a short laugh, and nipped at his fur after she did as he spoke on his antisocial habits. "Oh I know," she sneered. He did sometimes make her look social by comparison -- when she really wasn't. She got by and duty kind of forced her into it to an extent. She had to know the wolves here. "Although social situations like these are not so bad," she exhaled against his skin with a smirk. They were lonely souls by their nature, she believed, and he was among the few who didn't wear her down. Or maybe he had just been a consistency long enough that she'd come to feel this way.

"Same here. Apparently, it was a short-lived claim. She ended up abandoning it," she mentioned. It was second-nature to her to collect the histories like this.

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 13, 2015

Jace listened and chuckled quietly, and slightly darkly. I think we both lost inspiration for the Sunspire Ame. And of no fault of our own, it was Ferdie's dream not ours. So perhaps it was good for us, more so you, because i don't usually care to find a place that you enjoyed, and that you wanted. He nudged her cheek gently. Do not feel bad Ame.

Jace gave a crooked grin at her nip, and yelped quietly, but laughingly. She hadn't really hurt him.  He snorted softly, Oh yes they are for me. Do you know how awkward I am Ame? Have you ever seen me talk to another wolf? It's truly terrible. Jace shivered at the slight ticklish feeling she stirred with her breath. He flicked an ear to listen to her next words.

Perhaps it is just meant to be a temporary home for everyone? Perhaps it is nothing more than a stop on the way to bigger and better things?

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 13, 2015

Whatever the Sunspire had been to each of them, it was for certain it had all been because of Ferdie. He'd brought them together and she'd managed to withhold its image for a good while longer -- longer than even the founder, had. But times changed and they'd needed to move on. Jace's attachments were sounding like they had been easier to sever than even hers.. so, she only continued to feel justified in what she'd done.

"I do not think you are that horrible," she huffed. He was no social butterfly but that was fine by her. He had enough other strengths to counterbalance it, in her opinion. "And I have humored some socially lacking beasts before," she snickered, both when it came to body language and speaking. At least he understood his faults, though, and she couldn't disagree with him on that. "But I do think it is just one stop. I had certainly never imagined myself staying there until, you know, the end.." But she'd never known what else she'd do. "Although, in a way, everywhere is probably like that."

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 13, 2015

Jace had his family, those were the only attachments he had needed, and even they had left him. His father and mother he had left, but his sister she had left him. Had gone to start her own life, bless her. He hoped where ever Vienna was she was happy. Wherever my family is whether by adoption or otherwise, i am home. I do not hold to the ideals of land and home. And he didn't, he was fine with moving if that was what his family did and at this point Ame was family.

Jace chuckled dryly. Then you really haven't seen me in action. I offend everyone, honestly i think it's just this ugly mug of mine. They get one look and they run screeching for the hills. Jace was always mindful of his flaws and short comings if he could be. He knew he had places and things ot work on. He didn't do a very good job of fixing them but at least he tried. And in the places that he had successes he tried to make them count. He was a good hunter, a good fighter and he did his best to be loyal. Jace nodded his head, Yes everywhere is like that. I imagine some day those of us who roam. We may find that one place that we want to reach the end in, but why not enjoy looking while we do.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 13, 2015

His mention of family did stir memory of Vienna, and by extension, Sumayl. Hopefully they were well.. wherever they'd gone. Amekaze had come to doubt that she'd see them again any time soon. Nevertheless, she felt the same way as he did. Her bonds were few, but of her own choice since family of blood ties were all dead or far away. It worked for her.

While thinking of him offending everyone with his face alone, she laughed softly. She slid her head off him and moved apart just after to face him head on. "You really think so? What, they cannot handle sight of a few scars..?" she smirked and her tail swayed mischievously. He had his rough edges but he cut an impressive figure all the same.

Then, his philosophy on enjoying the journey was sensible. She felt similarly, although rarely put it into words. "Mhm, I do like it here.. but who knows about committing until the end. I do not plan for it be any time soon," she said. But, in the end, nature would decide that for her, so as Jace suggested, she would just enjoy it until it happened.

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 13, 2015

Jace pushed aside the thoughts of his sister fighting to ignore the longing ache that blossomed at the thought of her. Despite it all though, he did wish her and even Sumayl well. He hoped they were happy and loved where they were. He had always known one day she would leave him. It was the way of sisters and brothers.

He heard her laughed and grinned impishly. Yes, I mean I tend to think their rather dashing, but well not everyone is going to hold the same self importance for myself that I do. He pretended to pose lifting his head and tilting it grandly while trying to puff out his chest. He couldn't hold the laughter in though and he leaned forward as he dissolved into it. It had been some time since he had joked and teased. And he had never done so in front of Amekaze, but he was beginning to feel more comfortable in her presence, he did not feel that she would condemn him for his joking, just as so long ago a small little imp had not condemned him either.

Jace laughed, None of us do, but we should still live the day as if it is our last. Just in case. Vienna taught me that. He grew quiet and shifted his weight again, lifting his ears to gaze at Ame in curiosity and then quickly away he did not wish to offend.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 13, 2015

Snickering, perhaps dashing was the best word of it. He postured himself and she leaned back to take in the sight. Since it was offered so freely, she might as well. "A little vanity is good," she breathed, stepping back to match with a pose of her own -- hackles fluffed and neck arced. She'd squared her front paws and separated her hind ones, so not to emphasize certain aspects of her conformation (like her long back) much. Ame didn't have the same distinctness of scars as he did. Hers were far more hidden and old. But she soon relaxed with a small laugh.

"As we should," she agreed. "I hope she is well, wherever she has gone to." But there was little else to say about that. She was glad he stayed, at least. Things would be much different otherwise.

RE: let none be the noose - Jace - December 13, 2015

Jace too took in the sight and grinned at her, his eyes flashing. He smiled and shifted again. Lovely Ame, simply lovely. He dipped his muzzle. Too much vanity however can be a very bad thing, but I think we're okay there. He chuckled again and shifted so that he was sitting again, arching his neck in a stretch.

Jace sighed softly and nodded. I do too. I had known that she probably wouldn't come back, but I had hoped that I would be wrong. Perhaps though it is a good thing. I don't imagine she would be happy with Sumayl and myself constantly at each other's throats.

RE: let none be the noose - Amekaze - December 17, 2015

Regardless of the sincerity of his words, she was at her vainest when she just felt good. She was far too influenced by the landscapes around her, it seemed, and the seasons right along with it. Recently, with her mind and body effectively engaged, it had translated to good morale when it came to herself and her own skin. "We are just fine," she smirked. They were both wolves built to survive, and there was no shame in feeling good about it.

Anyway, his reasoning on Vienna and Sumayl both was sound, and she nodded slowly. She'd accepted her as gone, too, maybe more on a subconscious level. They were likely committed to the travels, or if they hadn't already, they'd settled down on their own -- it was only natural for a mated pair to do so, after all. But, she had nothing else to say about them so left it at that.

"I should head for the borders," she said, stretching her front legs and gearing up to get going again. She didn't explain her reasons, for he'd understand, but at least it had been good to be in his company for a while.

When she was ready, and after a short nudge of farewell, she took her exit since she did not wish to impose on Jace for much longer. She knew he was just as introverted as her, so she was ever mindful of it. Afterward, she did as she'd said, and went for the borders to refresh the scents there.