Wolf RPG
Kildeer Rest keep me concealed just like i was a weapon. - Printable Version

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keep me concealed just like i was a weapon. - Trouvère - December 11, 2015

There was unexplained derision on his face as the white wolf gazed out across the plains.  It had been days since he had seen a soul and something about the bleak, empty flatlands before him suggested that his dull, monotonous travels were going to continue for the time being.  The male heaved a sigh of resignation before he started off at an easy canter.  The sooner he got moving, the sooner he would be onto the next, and maybe the next would have something to hold his fickle interest.

Trouvère had not been running for too long before he caught a scent that intrigued him.  Not only had it been days since he'd seen another of his kind, but it had also been just as long since his last meal.  He slowed and lowered his head, shrinking towards the ground as his eyes shifted across the tall, brittle grass.  He stopped after a few paces, his ears twitching as the faint rustle of brush sounded to his right.  He turned his head to look, but didn't move quite yet.  He needed it to move again, to give itself away.  It was a waiting game now to see who would hold out longest to win.

Unfortunately, patience had never been a quality associated with Tru Demonte.  The minutes ticked past without another sound until finally, the pale jackal made an educated guess, picked a spot, and darted forward with a rumble.  The rodent burst from its cover as well, but it did so far, far to the left of where Tru had leaped, and so it was that the prey managed to dive safe into its hole before the predator had even been able to rush to its original hiding spot.

With a frustrated snarl, Tru swatted a heavy paw at the brush.  He tore a clump of it out inadvertently and watched as it plopped onto the ground a foot or so away.  He stared at it for a moment before - just like that, without any visible cause - the tension slipped off of his figure and he trotted over to snatch the clump up in his jaws.  Swinging back his head, he tossed it into the air and then chased after it when it landed a few feet away, only to toss it into the air and chase it again and again.

RE: keep me concealed just like i was a weapon. - RIP Krypton - December 12, 2015

Mind if I jump in? 

Trotting along with a even pace, the burly female kept her neck aligned evenly with her shoulders, a serene look on her face. She was out exploring again, almost as if she was not in a pack. Although she was bound to her pack, she wasn't going to give up her sense of adventure to explore every once in a while.

Her hackles were low, along with her bushy and swinging tail as she moved, breaking to a long stride walk. Her steps were long and large, her legs engulfing the land as her paws crushed the dirt underneath. However, her peaceful thoughts were cut short when a scent entered her nose. She stopped in her tracks and perked her ears and head up, her heart pounding against her ribcage.

She felt somewhat nervous, but she felt excited as well. Although she was in unfamiliar territory, it didn't mean she was safe from other lone wolves. However, this could be a chance to recruit a new wolf onto her pack. Feeling courage feed her false words, she started to pick up her trot again towards the scent, curious about it. 

Maybe this wolf is friendly? Maybe this wolf is interested in a pack? Maybe this wolf could be a friend... She thought as she trotted, her paws crushing a few twigs and roots beneath them. "Come on Kryp, just be patient. If this wolf is hostile, then just book it. If he isn't stay around a bit." She said to herself, continuing on her way towards the other wolf.

RE: keep me concealed just like i was a weapon. - Trouvère - December 18, 2015

Not at all!

Tru carried on for a while, clueless to the fact that someone was approaching him.  When he threw the clump of dirt far enough that he needed to trot quietly for a few seconds before he was within range to pounce upon it, he finally became aware that he was not alone in this seemingly lifeless prairie.  Wheeling on his heels, he spotted her.  His ears perked towards her in alarm - she was kind of... erm... thick, to put it in his own eloquent, thankfully unspoken words.  For a moment, he wondered if she was going to try and eat him, but he quickly enough recognized that there was no threat in her movements, and he relaxed.

"What's that?" Tru called, having just barely heard her mutter something to herself and not realizing she hadn't been talking to him at all.

RE: keep me concealed just like i was a weapon. - RIP Krypton - December 18, 2015

Glassy eyes scanning over the land she was trotting over, the burly female's ears were flattened a bit, but continued to swivel around. Her ears pricked forward at the sight in front of her. It was a male wolf with a beautiful white coat that looked as if night had sprinkled itself onto his coat. His eyes, she really couldn't see the color from this far away until her eyes focused more.

She stopped in her tracks and faced the male, noticing how he seemed to be smaller than her. Well, everything seemed smaller than her, especially when she had her winter coat. She shook out her fur quickly, ruffling it more and accidentally making herself seem bigger.

Her eyes finally locked onto his, she gave him a nervous smile. He didn't look very scary, and if she needed to, she could just bluff to get out of the situation. However, the male seemed level-headed and looked neutral as she did. Just to be sure, she lowered her hackles and tail, her head the tiniest bit tilted to the side.

"Hello." She said in a calm tone, almost inaudibly. She was never one to speak to strangers, and she most certainly wasn't the bravest.