Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood in the waiting line. - Printable Version

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in the waiting line. - Kael - December 13, 2015

He sighed. Listless and a bit bored, Kael couldn't help but pick his way apathetically through the wet terrain. He dipped and lifted his muzzle a multitude of times, peering into the unsaturated distance. The slushy sleet-rain had finally abated for the moment, but had left the world grey and washed out. Visibility was shot, even with Kael's adequate eyesight, all he could make out was murky trees and blurs of hazy foliage looming atop dull snow. What did linger, however, was scents - and there was plenty. He had picked up this particular scent a while back, following it with a mounting curiosity.

It was the scent of a pack, complex and heady despite the weather's extreme attempts to shower it off. It coaxed him until the smell was intoxicating, and he started becoming drunk off of his potential future. His head shifted to look at his too-lean stature of being a lone wolf. Although it did not show yet through his thick winter fur, Kael had lost a significant amount of weight making his journey away from his birthplace. Lonerism never suited the boy, and it wasn't just sociability that he had lacked from his months-long travels. He needed food, he needed shelter, and he definitely needed a place to harbor him from the upcoming winter.

When the scent had finally come to a head, Kael stopped. He skirted alongside the thick growth of trees until he could find a bit of a clearing. Make himself presentable, you know? He shook out his agouti fur, reflexively tucking his tail between his hindquarters and ears pinned back. He lifted his head just slightly above his massive shoulders, and let out a general call.

RE: in the waiting line. - Ukko - December 13, 2015


With winter upon them, the snow cold beneath his feet, there has been several new wolves stopping into the forest.  First Tavi, after he joined, but that wasn’t a traditional situation.  Antar showed up looking for refuge before Saena turned him away. Judith, who didn’t stay very long, and Kari who he hadn’t seen since he first met her.  The wolves that had stayed, himself included, he wonders about whether or not they would stay once spring comes when it’s less dangerous for them to be on his own. He doesn’t expect he’ll go very far, glad to call the place his home, but the rest he can’t be certain to answer for.

The call adds in his suspicion and Ukko shifts his weight, turning to position he heard it come from. The purpose is vague and he can’t quite determine what the other might want before he gets there to ask.  The threat of a cougar around their home left those that didn’t have a pack in danger.  Phoenix Maplewood, as well as those safely tucked behind borders, had an advantage.  A cougar that crosses borders—even though they do not adhere to wolf law—would still be in danger.  He could handle one, maybe two wolves, but a pack of them is a death threat.

Ukko steps through into a clearly to spot another wolf that, to his surprise, already tucked himself into a submissive position rather than waiting for someone else to show.  Good.  His own features remain stoic and he lifts his head, tail curling tightly around his spine, and huffs a sound in greet.  He doesn’t speak first, letting the other know he’s come, wishing for the stranger to first speak his purpose.

RE: in the waiting line. - Kael - December 14, 2015

Thank you, I'm excited to get into it! :3
It didn't take long at all before Kael's call was responded. His golden eyes acknowledged the pack-wolf's stature, lingering a few seconds over the other's scar draped around his shoulder. He was easily as large as Kael was, made even more so as his naturally dominant stature loomed impressively beyond the division between wild and claimed land. The boy chanced a bit of a small friendly smile while his tail thumping eagerly at his hindquarters. He caught his eyes lurking so the agouti boy pulled his eyes to rest at the other's dark chest, letting his head dip a little in greeting.

Hello, he let his warm alto voice cover up any insecurities he may have had. My name is Kael. I have come seeking acceptance to your pack. Quick and to the point would have to be the best decision for this sort of gathering he presumed.

RE: in the waiting line. - Ukko - December 14, 2015

Excuse my short/crappy posts but I wanted to get it up for you before I fell asleep!

The wolf, Kael, doesn’t waste time in getting right to business.  The only way to speed it up is if he’d tell him why he would be useful to the pack.  Ukko’s tail twitches above his spine in thought, welcoming the wolf the borders of his pack.  “It’s nice to meet you,” he pipes up, looking over his shoulder to expect one of his leaders to show up as Saena had before.  “This is Phoenix Maplewood. I’m Ukko.”

In the threat of winter, Kael seems to still be in relatively good shape.  Perhaps thinner than his form should appear, but Ukko’s own had thinned out when the snow hit the ground.  “What can you bring to our pack, Kael?”

RE: in the waiting line. - Reek - December 14, 2015

As soon as Reek heard the call, the alpha male woke from his nap and began to work his way to it's source. Due to the extent of his injuries, his pace toward the border was slow, but he limped onward without complaint.  As always, he was late to the party... but this time he had an adequate excuse. Also, it seemed Ukko was doing a rather fine job at keeping the newcomer busy, along with doing the whole new-member spiel himself.

Limping out of the brush, Reek made his presence known with a low chuff before taking his place at Ukko's side. Despite his condition, Reek's body language was strong and confident. His tail and head remained held high with pride, but he did not utter a word. Ukko had done a fine job this far, and Reek wanted to see just how well he would do on his own.

RE: in the waiting line. - Kael - December 21, 2015

I'm so, so sorry for the wait on this. I unexpectedly got engaged! Which naturally threw a wrench in everything.
The sable wolf replied easily to Kael's brief introduction with his own. Ukko presented the packlands and the agouti boy nodded visibly at the new information. His head began to formulate his own dreams and aspirations christened with a title under Phoenix Maplewood. Kael, the pack member of Pheonix Maplewood. Kael, the defender of Pheonix Maplewood. Kael, the righteous, courageous, stupendous...

Ukko had spoken again, and fortunately Kael, the foolish not-even member of any pack caught the tail end of the sentence. He could only assume that the other required his resume, skills and abilities to be eligible for a spot within the pack. Before he could start, a chuff was heard across the patchy snow. Kael looked up to see another dark wolf, but despite his small stature seemed to be the one in charge. He gave a bit of a low friendly woof in reply, his tail never ending the eager thump against his hindquarters.

 "I hate to brag," he started a wolfish grin on his face. "But I'm a great hunter. Even through the oncoming winter, I was able to keep myself pretty well fed. I'm also young, just over one full year, and plan to grow and never leave the pack. I'm pretty flexible." He was inherently cocky, but his parents and instinct had hard coded respect to the ranked wolves. At this point, he was just pretending he wasn't begging.

RE: in the waiting line. - Ukko - December 22, 2015

No need to apologize!  Congratulations!!  Sorry for not replying last night like I said I would so here's something cruddy tonight so not to slow this down.

Ukko smiles as the wolf begins to explain his assets and a quirk of his brow.  They could use a good hunter, someone else going for the trade.  Kari is likely an abled hunter herself but an extra one would suit them well for the upcoming winter months.  The dark wolf swings his head, looking over at the leader, to see his expression.  When Antar had been at the borders and Ukko thought him to be suitable, Saena proved him wrong. 

There isn’t anything for the boy to add so, for the time being, he remains quiet, letting Reek be the one to make the next move.

RE: in the waiting line. - Reek - December 22, 2015

The newcomer was quick to rattle off reasons in response as to why he should be accepted with open arms into the fold.  Reek nodded along, taking note of the individual's skills. They needed hunters, now more than ever with winter approaching. For the moment, he was content to differ to Ukko to see if he was proper beta material, a thought he had turned over in his head as of late— but, he caught his gaze and realized the ball was in his own court.

"As long as you can help us keep the caches stocked, you're welcome here." He spoke warmly despite the sadness that threatened to boil over internally. "What's your name son?"

RE: in the waiting line. - Kael - December 23, 2015

Two dark wolves with vastly different features seemed to have Kael's fates in their paws. His golden eyes flitted from one ebony face to the other, never making eye contact but desperately searching for validation. A bit of nervousness and apprehension began to pull at Kael's stomach, clenching gradually as the silence mounted.

Kael snuck a glance at Ukko as he deferred to the dominant one, only seconds in reality but to the boy it felt like hours. It seemed to drag on until the leader spoke. A tawny velvet ear flicked to register the words, and he couldn't help but feel a beam split across his face as his tongue lolled out happily in response. "Kael," he gave eagerly. "Kael Metis at your service!"

RE: in the waiting line. - Ukko - December 24, 2015

Fading Ukko out. :)

Reek is satisfied with the answer Kael gives and a smile returns to his dark features as the exchange comes to an end.  As long as the new wolf could pay his dues, he’s in, and thus Ukko’s chest fills excitedly at the new prospect.  Two wolves claiming to be good at hunting would be good for the pack and he makes note to introduce the two should they not run into each other next time he sees either one of them.  Ukko nods his head to both wolves, leaving them to details while he takes a sweep of the borders.

RE: in the waiting line. - Reek - December 25, 2015

Gonna fade with my post! Welcome to the PHX! Hope to thread with you soon!

Kael. He repeated the name in his mind to commit it to depths of his memory before nodding kindly to the newbie. Ukko took his leave and departed for the borders, leaving Reek the duty of showing their newest member around and orientating him to life within the pack. It was no skin of his back, there was nothing else to do anyway but mope and perhaps showing the newbie around would provide a necessary distraction from the cataclysmic shit-show that was life.

"Welcome home Kael," spoke Reek. "Come." He motioned for the new member to follow him into the maplewood and into his new home. Together, they left the border behind and ventured into parklands.