Wolf RPG
Sleepy Fox Hollow Am I Alone? - Printable Version

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Am I Alone? - RIP Krypton - December 13, 2015

Anyone welcome to join! Kryp is just looking for some fun :D 

While the rain was soaking into her fur, the large female did not mind much. It made her laugh a bit to herself, although being wet and cold all the time wasn't the greatest feeling. She had been exploring again, going back to her roots and acting as if she was a loner again.

Keeping a steady pace of trotting, she made her way through the meadow that was soaked with water on the grass blades. Her paws made a squish noise against the mud that desperately wanted to cling to her for dear life. She had loved water, always have, and when it came down in a light shower, it was gorgeous. However, she didn't want to freeze and travel wet.

"Most said there was a cave nearby that was large, maybe I should just wait the rain out." She said to herself, shaking out her fur. I best be careful, the footing most likely will be slippery and I could easily twist or break something if I'm careless. Just one paw in front of the other... Slowly and steadily, the female started to make her way through the wet meadow in hopes to find coverage from the rain, the wind howling in her furry ears.

Edit: Looking for trade help!

RE: Am I Alone? - Carrots - December 13, 2015

The last thing Carrots needs is the rain.  It’s cold as it soaks through his fur and it’s been at least a day since he’s eaten.  The water dampens the snow, melting what it touches, and if it were any colder then it would be hailing.  He stands there for a moment, looking up to the sky, as it holds no real sign it would ease up any time soon.  He shakes out his fur but it doesn’t help and at least he managed to caught a poor bird that delayed its trip south to avoid winter and instead escaped right into his mouth.  

He picks it up and takes off, trying to find cover but before he knows it, he’s stumbled upon another wolf.  It had been days since he’d seen another predator and half of his tail is missing because of it.  Carrots jaws clench on his kill protectively as he stood there, fully exposed, but his eyes narrow and his fur bristles.  His back arches and what is left of his tail swishes irritably behind him in warning.

RE: Am I Alone? - RIP Krypton - December 13, 2015

Kryp doesn't like cats, whatever she says is HER opinion not mine :P

Continuing her path, the tawny wolf kept crushing the grass blades underneath her paws, the mud starting to stick to her. She was pretty fond of mud, it didn't bother her so much, considering her coat practically blended in at times.

 As her long legs covered the land with her strides, her nose filled with another scent. It wasn't a wolf, it smelt different. Stopping in her tracks, the she-wolf lifted her gaze and stared to scan the area with her glassy eyes. In the rain, it was hard to find anything, water droplets continued to fly past her irises. Nothing big stood near her, no large animals made an appearance.

Finally closing in on a spot, her eyes locked onto the dark pelt. The feline looked small, much smaller than the mountain lions out here. It could have been perspective, it could just be a birth defect or starvation. It had a black pelt with penetrating eyes, its fur stood on edge as if it was calling a bluff and a warning.

 The she-wolf slanted her eyes. She never liked felines, none of them. They made her burn with a bright passion of anger. There were a few larger cats around her old territory; annoying, mangy cats who didn't know their place. She growled loudly, giving off a warning like the feline did and exposed her large teeth in a rough snarl. She had never been really one to want to fight with no blind reason, Silver did that and it ended... poorly for the entire family. However, she hadn't had a kick of excitement or adrenaline rush in a while. She shook her head, she didn't wish to have claw marks on her.

"Mangy cat... Go home" She whispered in disgust, her hackles and tail raising, along with her neck to make her stature seem larger. She started to feel a bit of a fake confidence feed her. Was she hungry enough to want to fight a cat? It wouldn't be right if she wasn't, it would be a waste and a act of gluttony. What is a cat doing out in the rain? I thought they hated water. And why is that one so small?

RE: Am I Alone? - Carrots - December 14, 2015

No worries!  Carrots died here so I gotta go! Hopefully someone else will pop in for you!

Carrots tightens his jaws around his kill.  The wolf eventually notices him, stomps at him, and then shouts.  She doesn’t come after him, which he expects, but gives him a chance to get away.  He shuffles a few steps back and looks around, trying to decide where to go.  The rain blocks most of his view but he doesn’t waste him, going the opposite direction the wolf is headed.  He runs without looking back, searching for cover to eat his kill.

RE: Am I Alone? - RIP Krypton - December 14, 2015

Thanks for the posts! :D

Keeping her gaze on the feline, she watched as it stalked off, most likely to find a dry place to stay. She shook her head, then the rest of her body to try to rid her fur of the water. She looked up and felt more raindrops land on her muzzle. She didn't feel very cold yet, she felt happy. It was nice to get to move around and explore every once in a while. Her pack didn't need her right now at least, or what she had at least thought.

Letting out a breath, she started to make her way through the meadow, her fur starting to attract even more mud in the grass. She sighed as it felt clumpy against her paw pads. She didn't care for the feeling much. Taking in a sharp breath, she picked up a heavy trot and looked around to find a place to stay dry in. Surely there was somewhere open?