Wolf RPG
The Sentinels *cue dramatic entrance* - Printable Version

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*cue dramatic entrance* - Aria - December 14, 2015

hiya! (: looking for friendly pack wolves to perhaps stumble upon my bby :p (pun lol i'm hilarious)

It did not settle well with the pretty young wolf that she was unknown in her new pack. She wished to be known, and wished to be respected. It was unfortunately noted that she was of the lowest rank in the pack as of now, and any respect she would receive she would have to work hard for; not that she truly minded working for anything. For now, Aria only wished to make a friend or two among the pack. She knew that it was a large pack and Lasher had informed her of his two children in the pack. After hearing this, she made the vague assumption that there must be a few wolves around her age in the pack. Secretly, she hoped a handsome male would be among the ranks, but she kept her hopes stashed in the back of her mind.

She was currently exploring a piece of the territory that was claimed to the pack. It was nice, she decided, although she was quite confused in regards to the weather. She had traveled southern of her home in hopes to find warmer temperatures, especially so close to the beach. But alas, she'd found nothing but cold sand. Pity, she thought it was. After a bit of sniffing and mentally noting, Aria decided a nice break would do, and dug a shallow hole into the white snow. She gazed around, making sure no hostile intruders were near, and curled herself into the white ditch. Her ears remained perked but she allowed her eyes to rest. The trek from her last pack had been a long one, and without any friends to spend the night with she was left sleeping out in the open. The ground was too hard to dig into in one night, but she hoped to eventually break ground or find a den buddy. For now though, a shallow hole in the snow was a perfect nap location.

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Pearl - December 15, 2015

Sleep deprived posting during finals week is not the best idea but here I am :) 

Pearl's first thought, being more logically geared, was to dig a den as soon as they claimed the territory. She was able to dig a rather spacious one, knowing that there would be more wolves than just Behati that would show up and not have a den. Perhaps it would be a good idea if they were to all dig a big one as a pack shelter, or just a few pack dens newcomers could use. Making a mental note of this, she crawled down and out of her own, once again a defense to the wind and rain. Her stomach gave a low growl as she trotted from under the protection of the great trees onto the white snow draping the ground. Paws delicately crunching in the snow, she turned her head on a lookout for tracks. Being a plains wolf, she had little experience being quiet in deeper snow. Finally, after coming across a rabbit tunnel, she was able to collapse the tunnel and draw out a struggling, nice sized rabbit. 

Carrying the swaying carcass in her jaws, she made her way back to her den, but not before stumbling on a new scent. Pearl peered into the shallow snow den, though not too close, with interest. This female was obviously accepted, having Lasher's scent traceable on her coat that blended cleanly with the snow. "Hello?" she called to the resting female.

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Aria - December 15, 2015

yay <3 no worries i'm the same :p 

It was unfortunate for Aria to have fallen asleep, as she was so set on simply resting her eyes and limbs a bit. It wouldn't have been so bad if she wasn't out in the open, and being asleep she was unable to hear the light crunching of snow beneath a wolfs feet. Notably, she may have needed the rest. While she may have seemed alert and healthy while speaking and standing, the girl was quite exhausted. She probably deserved a bit of sleep. Too bad she'd fallen asleep where she had, and was awoken, slightly startled, by a wolf that mirrored her image quite well. She didn't scramble to her feet, but realizing that someone was standing over her she did make haste to get to her paws. She stifled a yawn, doing her best not to be rude, but she dipped her head, jumping quickly from the hole and dipping her head.

 The white wolf shook out her coat, attempting to wake herself up a bit more. She blinked, gazing at the wolf with concern. Who was this? What was she doing here? It was then that she realized where and what she was. She lowered her stance. 

"I apologize," she murmured, dipping her head again. "I'm Aria," she woofed, her tail low but wagging in a friendly manner. "I joined your ranks yesterday. I thought I should explore the territory today. I was only taking a break but... Well I suppose I needed a bit more rest then I received last night," she joked lightly, hoping to show the wolf that she wasn't slacking, just a bit tired. She wondered curiously who the female was, what rank she was, and how friendly she'd be. Her only clue would be her posture, which was slightly relaxed, but that didn't really mean much to wolves who didn't care for rank, she supposed.

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Pearl - December 16, 2015

I find it very ironic that you almost mirrored my character, down to the picture I first had XD

Pearl backed up to allow room as the new girl jumped from her hole and shook the snow from her pale coat. Listening to the younger's explanation, she nodded until she had finished. Formulating her own, she started, "It's alright, I'm not one to judge." True, she'd made assumptions at first, but never would speak them until getting to know the wolf first. "I'm Pearl, the Gamma of the pack," she said, with an overdramatic sweep of her tail and an exaggerated posture of dominance. Relaxing back to her original stance, Pearl laughed. Unless you were the Alpha or Beta, ranks didn't mean much to her. "So, I'm assuming you need a place to sleep until you find somewhere? You're welcome to my den if you want," she offered. Mentally, she shrugged as she did with Behati not too long ago. Speaking of which, Pearl wanted to be there for the newcomers, so the good impressions would continue.

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Aria - December 16, 2015

omg i'm so sorry! i didn't even realize that i'd used your image ):

As the girl informed her of her name and rank, Aria nodded. The pretty young wolf smiled, and her tail wagged a bit at the dramatic pose that Pearl struck as she spoke. She dipped her head, giggling a little. "It's a pleasure," she replied, her posture straightening a bit. Once she saw that the older wolf had relaxed, she decided that it would be alright to stand as she normally did. It was far more comfortable to her and the thought of a bad back scared her. Better safe than sorry, she had decided long ago.

Her ears perked a bit when Pearl offered a den. It was almost as if she read her mind, but then again she was sleeping in a hole in the open. She didn't feel herself grow hot, but a bit of embarrassment struck through her veins. "Thank you, Pearl," she smiled, dipping her head. "I'd quite like that. The ground is too hard to dig into, and all I've gotten is a few scratch marks. I've hardly broken the surface," she mused, but in truth was quite disappointed with her lack of progress. No matter, she thought, it would soon be alright.

Aria relaxed then, sitting down. The snowy ground did not bother her as she sat. Being from the north she was quite used to the frigid flakes. And, as she'd just demonstrated in her shallow hole, she actually didn't mind the cold at all. She watched Pearl with a curious expression, deciding it would be appropriate to get to know the wolf, as she would be spending nights with her until she could dig her own den. "You must be a founding member then, yes?" she asked, curiosity laced in her voice. "Lasher mentioned you all came from a Plateau... One with Blacktail Deer, I believe. How is the transition, if you don't mind me asking." 

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Pearl - December 16, 2015

Nah, you're fine :)

Pearl had suspected as much with the ground, but was surprised it had gotten that hard in a short time. In the plains, it didn't become thoroughly hardened until late December. Then again, it was nearing late December. Time seemed to be flying by with all the new surroundings to explore. Blue was already coming near to giving birth soon, which was exciting, but she worried for the mid-winter pups. She nodded to the younger. "I suspected as much," she said with a nod. To Pearl, asking for a place to stay wasn't that embarrassing during the winter months, where the alternative was freezing.

Mirroring Aria, Pearl followed suit and sat. She gave a slight cringe, as she wasn't used to being around deeper snow and the cold still affected her. Her question brought a smile to her face, because BDP had been founded far before she had gotten there. "Actually, I joined the ranks in the previous location this midsummer," she said. "The transition went pretty well, without much difficulty. How about you? What brings you to our oceanside band?" she questioned of the girl. Her brain guessed North, as Aria was clearly adjusted to the snow.

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Aria - December 17, 2015

The white wolves spoke together, sitting across from each other. Aria made note of how similar they looked, but thinking further upon it there were plenty of white wolves out there. Maybe it wasn't as interesting as she found it. Shoving the thought away, she listened as Pearl told her of the plateau. She smiled a little as she spoke, her white tail wagging, pushing show in a pile behind her. 

"That's wonderful," the fae mused, her tail dipping in excitement for the girl. When she asked the same of her, she let a casual shrug out as her only body language. "A change of scenery," she explained, similar to what she had told Lasher. "I travelled from up north, more specifically in the mountains. I am not from somewhere with kind wolves, I was looking for somewhere with a better atmosphere and lifestyle..." she paused. She had begun to look off as she explained, and without turning her head her gaze fell back to Pearl. "I do believe I've found it,"

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Pearl - December 19, 2015

Pearl shrugged at her response. It was reasonable, but not like others she had heard. Many wolves around here seemed to all have tragic backstories (including herself). She followed Aria's line of sight with her eyes, but snapped back once they drifted back. Pearl gave a warm smile to the younger. "Yes, this is a great place and the wolves here are generally very nice," she said, wondering briefly if this one would get along with Behati. Maybe. Kit didn't go over too well with the sugar coated girl, but then again Kit was a special case. 

Looking over to the still warm rabbit to her side and yawning, she wondered briefly if she should have caught another. They'd manage. Her body desperately longed for he warmth of her den, a nap, and a bite of that fat rabbit. "Would you like me to show you where my humble abode lies? I'm about to go and take a nap, if you would like to join me," she said, hoping she would say okay.

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Aria - December 20, 2015

sorry it's so short? ):

Aria dipped her head, thankful for the offer. "I would love that, thank you," she woofed, her tail wagging. She began after the white wolf, allowing her to lead the way. She decided she would ask more questions, curious of the wolf and hoping to make close friends with her.

"So what are you training as?" She asked, head tilting a bit as she walked. "I am hoping to be a healer and perhaps an advisor," she continued, hoping that Pearl would understand if she was confused by her previous comment.

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Pearl - December 20, 2015

don't worry about short posts, I'm guilty of far too many :)

Pearl almost sighed with relief. She wasn't very fond of the never-ending cold, but she'd get used to it. Picking up the plump rabbit, she led the way back into her den. Looking back at the girl who asked a question while she was carrying a rabbit, she quirked an eyebrow and considered draping the rabbit over the other's shoulders. Instead, she humored the both of them by attempting to speak through a dead rabbit. "A raker an editor, maye perapis" she said, incredibly muffled. She smiled, looked ahead, and wagged her tail slowly all the while keeping her pace, amused. 

Arriving at her den site eventually, she crawled up into it and laid in the corner, dropping the rabbit. Yawning, she waited patiently for Aria to crawl in after her.

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Aria - December 24, 2015

The white female frowned, unable to tell what skills her packmate wished to master, although she was amused nonetheless. She felt that the last one was meant to be 'therapist', although she was not positive. Instead of responding Aria simply chuckled and smiled, moving on as they padded forward. 

A light breeze ruffled her fur, but the cold only nipped at her toes. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't cold, although she was a bit more adjusted to it by now. By no means old or wise, Aria still managed to adapt well to her surroundings early in life. Thick fur was bred into her, and the love for a crisp winter day came along with it. She would prefer a clear one over a blizzard anyday, but she'd rather be a bit chilly than overheating in the blistering heat. The thought was cleared from her mind, she didn't wish to think so negatively, it was putting her in a rather salty mood.

When they arrived to the den, Aria smiled. Her eyes lit up a bit and the pretty fae let her tongue loll. "This is marvelous!" she praised, her tail wagging. She ducked into the den behind her, and settled a bit to the right of the entrance. She lowered herself and laid as gracefully as she could, but the comfortable, warm den made her want to just plop down and fall right asleep. The girl smiled to Pearl, lowering her head but keeping her eyes open, "Thank you for the offer, Pearl. This is much better than a hole in the snow," she mused, her tail beating lightly against the dusty ground.  

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Pearl - December 25, 2015

Feel free to wrap it up on your end! Thanks for the thread :)

Pearl's head on her paws, she watched the girl, smiling. "You're welcome, it's no problem," she said, and nudged the rabbit towards Aria. "Would you like some?" she offered before splitting it. 

Full of good meat and the warmth of the den, drowsiness was fogging up her mind. But not before she realized she had yet to answer the question properly. "Oh, for a more clear answer, I'm training to be a tracker, mediator, and a therapist," she said before closing her eyes. She rolled over to face the wall, curled up, and quickly fell asleep.

RE: *cue dramatic entrance* - Aria - December 27, 2015

to you as well!! <3

Aria nodded to her, smiling. "Thank you," she murmured, pulling her half of the kill. She waited for the female to begin eating because she began, but ate almost too quickly once she started. The white female was hungry, and even such a small piece of prey was just what she needed. She rested her head on the ground again.

Pearl told her again what trades she wished to learn, and Aria's tail beat lightly on the ground as she did so. She was pleased to hear that she was indeed correct about therapist, and hoped to talk to her later about it. They had different interests, but therapists and advisors could often share knowledge, she decided. Her eyes closed after a few moments, and soon the young girl was fast asleep.