Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest Tell me What the Rain Knows - Printable Version

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Tell me What the Rain Knows - Luka Iva - February 14, 2014

The sun was just rising to hit the highest point in the dome of cyan sky. Heat radiated from the burning mass onto Luka's inky pelt. Luka woke violently from a nightmare he was having. It took him a few moment to realize where he was. Luka shook off the scare and looked at his den, a simple dug-out from the earth coated in moss. With the excess of moss in the darkened forest Luka frequently replenished the den. The moss kept his body heat contained within the tiny cavity of earth. 

Stretching his aching body Luka rose from his den. The ebony male was out earlier in the day and manage to trap a rabbit within his grasp. He ate only half of it and buried the rest near his den. Luka trotted over to the hole covered in fresh dirt and dug out the remains of the hate. The coal pelted male then laid down in a patch of snow near his den and began to munch on the remains of the rabbit. With his nightmare fresh in his mind that's all he could think about. As a pup Luka was often plagued with horrible dreams, most just containing the same scenario. Luka would watch as a wolf he cared about was killed over and over again. When he was a pup it was just his mom but now images of his friend, scimitar, filled his eyes. 

RE: Tell me What the Rain Knows - Gunnarr - February 17, 2014

Hope you don't mind a newbie!

Midday was definitely not Gunnarr's favorite hour. His charcoal coat soaked up the blazing sun like a sponge, and he swore it felt even warmer in the winter months: the sunlight reflecting blindingly off the pristine snow that coated the landscape. Today offered no respite, and the bulky Stormbringer was determined to get his task finished before the brightly burning ball slipped below the horizon.

It had been two days since his acceptance into Neverwinter Forest, and he still hadn't found a good corner of the packlands to call his own. It was possible he was being too picky, but the truth was that Gunnarr knew what he wanted and was far too stubborn to settle for anything else. He wasn't asking much, just a sturdy tree with good strong roots spread wide enough to allow a den to be dug out beneath it. There had been a few locations that had come close, and Gunnarr grumbled as he contemplating turning around and going back to one of them.

The dark wolf's ears flicked forward as sounds of munching reached them. His large paws slowed, finally stopping as he inhaled the cold wind around him. The scent of meat and wolf drifted from his right, not terribly far. Having not met another packmember yet aside from their leader, Gunnarr had no name to place with the unique male scent. Sighing heavily, he decided his quest could be delayed by a little and headed toward the scent's origin.

As the Stormbringer approached, he made sure to circle around upwind of the other male, allowing his own scent to precede his appearance. He was then careful to maneuver himself to the other wolf's line of sight, his paws intentionally crunching across the ground. "Hey there! I hope I'm not interrupting your lunch. The name's Gunnarr, and you're the first packmate I've come across since meeting Chakra. Pleasure to meet you mate!"

Table by Ann

RE: Tell me What the Rain Knows - Luka Iva - February 17, 2014

The leftover hare gave the swarthy male enough to hold him over until his next meal. He needed to hunt, it would clear his mind and give him something to do with himself. It was hard, at these times in the year, when the snow covered landscape offered Luka little to no cover. He would have to attack with out stealth, but with speed. Which proved in some cases to be a problem but Luka would manage. He always did. The ebony male named on the remains of the rabbit. 

Before he could find the strength to rise from his position a wolf approached him. Trotting closer to him was a large, masculine, almost bear like wolf. With a friendly smile and warm voice he greeted the willow. Luka glanced up at the male and gave him a smile as he rose to meet him. They stood nearly eye to eye, but the main difference shown in their body types. The male who named himself Gunnarr was a bear of a wolf while Luka was limber and lanky.

 With a slight head bow Luka introduced himself. "You did not interrupt me I was just finishing. I am Luka its a pleasure to meet you Gunnarr." lilted Luka. He raised his head and looked into the males eyes. Gunnarr had smoky eyes that fit well with his darken pelt. "Its good to meet new pack mates, how are you liking Neverwinter?" Luka inquired meaning to start small talk with the male.