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Silvertip Mountain Back To Me Usual Self - Printable Version

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Back To Me Usual Self - Chaska - December 20, 2015

I believe it's time for someone to go back to their normal selves. @Steady, maybe? Since you offered

What a boring day it was, today. Possibly because casanova Chaska could find nothing to do. How could he, after that weird dream, although it was more like a nightmare from some corrupt mind, the night before. It had felt so real. And for some reason, he recognized everyone in the dream. And he could not recall ever seeing anyone of them.

Finally, he found something of interest. A small mound. Perhaps there was something worth while to dig out. And so, without much more thought about it, he began to dig with curious thoughts, only wondering what could be deep underground under the lump of dirt.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Steady - December 22, 2015

Happy to thread with you! I hope you don't mind Steady throwing in a gift for you!

Steady had racked and racked his brain for a gift for Chaska, but there wasn't anything he could come up with. Steady didn't feel like a very imaginative wolf, but he knew he had to do something. The only thing he could think of was food, and so he went with it. But, he wouldn't get the normal stuff. He wasn't sure how often, if at all, Chaska ate fish, but Steady hadn't seen or heard of him doing it, so he thought it might be something he could give him.

Early that morning, Steady had headed to the nearest stream to catch his gift. He had arrived just as the sun was coming up, and he found the fish to be sparse. But, there were some following the river. It had taken him a couple hours, but he finally caught an average-sized fish. It wasn't as big as he'd like, but he hoped Chaska would like it all the same.

Steady headed back home at a brisk trot, trying to warm himself up on the way. Fishing in the winter hadn't been a great idea for himself, but it would be worth it. He crossed the borders and searched for Chaska's heaviest scent, following it until he found him. Coming to a stop, Steady dropped the fish at his paws. Hey, Chaska, he greeted. He knew his pack mate had lost his memories, and wasn't sure if he remembered him all that well yet, but Steady tried to treat him as normally as possible. What are you digging for? he asked, his ears perked in interest.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Chaska - December 23, 2015

Sure. But he'd know nothing about it. Until later.

The brown dirt got thrown around from under his rear legs. Chaska's Fore paws becoming a blur in the dirt. His curiosity drove him forward. But that wasn't all. An odd sense of familiarity, that made no sense to him. It was driving him crazy, not knowing what laid under the mound of earth.

When he heard someone speak near him, his fore legs stopped moving. Slowly turning his head, he found the voice belonged to a black furred male wolf. And on the ground, in front of him, was a fish. And he just sat there. Chaska guessed that the only reason he would be this close, just waiting for him, he would want his attention.

Opening his mouth a little, he spoke to the male. "Um, can I help you?" he asked. "Cause I'm kinda busy, here. As you can see, no doubt." He went right back to digging as he awaited a response.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Steady - December 25, 2015

His ears perked at Chaska's question, before he flicked them back, feeling a bit awkward. Maybe now wasn't the best time to give him the gift. But, if not now, the fish would rot. He took a moment to think, seeing that Chaska went back to his digging.

Um, I was just seeing what you were up to... Do you need some help? he asked. It seemed like his pack mate was looking for something, but Steady wasn't sure. He glanced at the fish between his paws before taking a few steps toward Chaska, leaving the smelly carcass where it lay.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Chaska - December 25, 2015

Hunger started to get to him. He eyed the fish again. But when the other male approached, his gaze shifted to him. An ear flicked anxiously, his tail flicking a bit here and there. From how the male approached before with the fish, it seemed it was a gift. Having no memory of him made it a bit of an awkward situation. And yet, he had a sense of familiarity. Suddenly, he recalled some conversation. Only a sliver of it, no imagery. But something about history, which was off to Chaska. But, nonetheless, hunger called him back to the fish. He shot past the other male, possibly giving him a sense of surprise as it came unexpectedly even for Chaska, and he picked up the fish. It tasted so succulent.

He whipped his head around at the other male's question, with a questioning face. "Well, that depends" he answered, although it would have been muffled with a fish in his mouth. He glanced back at the hole, and recalled the actual reason he was here. He went back over to the hole, and started digging again, while explaining. "There's just something about this hole. And I'm gonna find out what." Once again, it was muffled, coming out in a different way then he meant it. But for the best of hearing, the sentence would not be too hard to decipher.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Steady - December 31, 2015

It was awkward, he supposed, being familiar with someone who didn't know who you were anymore. Steady had never dealt with a situation like this before, and wasn't really sure how to act towards Chaska. Should he be normal? Talk about their memories? He just didn't know.

Steady didn't really pay attention to Chaska eyeing the fish, but he became acutely aware his pack mate wanted it when the other male shot past him to devour it. Steady took a few steps away, not wanting Chaska to think he was going to take it. Yeeeaaahhhh, that's cool.... It was a gift for you anyways, he said extra casually, maybe with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He had wanted to present Chaska with the meal, maybe a bit more formally, but oh, well. He had it, and that's what mattered.

His pack mate seemed to not know what exactly it was he was looking for at the bottom of that hole. Steady's head tilted a bit, thinking a moment as he figured out that last comment. He was determined to find out what was so special, and Steady offered up his help. Want me to dig some? He wasn't sure if Chaska was getting tired or not, but if he was, Steady was prepared to step in and dig.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Chaska - December 31, 2015

The fish truly was delicious. It had been filling, and given him more energy to work on the hole that he was so determined to empty. Something in the back of his mind told him it was special. In some kind of way that would help with something.

Chaska cast a side-wards glance to the other wolf, pausing the digging. Then, stepped to the side so there was enough room for the other to dig. "Go ahead" he replied thankfully. Then, went on digging.

Whether Steady helped or not, he did in fact find something at the bottom. And that thing filled him with disappointment. A black object, like some kind of strap of some sort. Everything about it was odd. He reached down to grab it, and as soon as the taste hit his tongue, it was like some invisible force whacked him back when he flinched.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Steady - December 31, 2015

Steady's tail wagged when Chaska allowed him room to help dig, moving in get his paws dirty. After a short while, Steady could smell something new, something different. Was this what Chaska was looking for? He stopped digging, taking a step back as the other male grabbed the object. Chaska jerked, and Steady was quickly by his side. Was something wrong? Chaska? Are you okay? he asked softly.

He wasn't sure what happened, but he was instantly worried. He attempted to give Chaska's neck a gentle nudge, holding back a whine. Steady watched him closely, preparing to call for back up if he needed to.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Chaska - December 31, 2015

And he's back! Thanks for helping him.

All was black, even though his eyes were open. His life flashed before his mind. But everything that had happened recently disappeared, along with the 'new Casanova Chaska'. Even the memory of the new wolves he had met. The first he heard was a faint voice, and when he turned his head, he saw a familiar black wolf.

"Steady?" he asked, before glancing around, finding himself before a hole. All he could remember was taking a hike on the mountain. "Where am I? Did you bring me here?" He looked at the collar, and a face of urgency appeared as his fore paws rushed forward to put it back with a panicked yell. How did that get out? he thought. Little did he know was that the collar was the least of his worries.

Gonna tag @Krypton, if she wants to join to and some awkwardness.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - RIP Krypton - January 06, 2016

*Rolls in* Sorry I'm late,! Since this is closer in the past, Kryp will still be a little new to everyone except Chaska if that's okay :) 

Krypton's job of babysitting wasn't her greatest skill, especially with a wolf who was older than her. Pups were easy to handle, but having a wolf that could easily wander around unlike a pup, she was in for a rough ride. Sadly the woman had lost sight of the male, she didn't know where he had ran off to and she was on the prowl for him. Argh, when I get my paws on him...

The woman's thoughts were cut short though when she saw Chaska. She quickly darted towards him, not even thinking about the other male that accompanied him. When she made her way to his side, she had her ears flattened a little and sighed angrily. "Chaska! Where have you been?! I've been looking all over for you!" Her voice reflected her irritation with Chaska. She was afraid of the consequences if she hadn't kept her eyes on the injured man.

Her eyes landed onto the male that was next to Chaska, she quickly bowed her head to him to show respect after not greeting him. "My apologies for not greeting you, mister ...?" She let it trail a little, hopefully cluing him enough to give her his name.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Steady - January 10, 2016

Chaska seemed to come back from whatever had happened to him. When he turned and seemed to recognize him, Steady smiled, his tail wagging. But, his smile was turned upside down when Chaska didn't seemed to know how he got here. Steady watched as he quickly buried the thing he had just unearthed, but it wasn't important to him, so he didn't ask about it.

You were already here when I came upon you. You were digging and I helped, he said. Steady's focus was diverted when a female entered the area. He hadn't met her before now, and he was instantly irritated by her demeanor, lowered head or not. He growled a low warning, his ears standing, and his tail lifting as he put himself between her and Chaska, his voice stern. I am Steady, Gamma here, and he is your superior, and you will treat him as such, he responded, fully expecting her to check herself. Steady was a traditional wolf, and rankings within a pack meant quite a bit to him. He generally gave respect to pack members, no matter their position. That was, unless they were being disrespectful, as Steady felt she was towards Chaska. In the altered state he had been in, Steady would not hesitate to put anyone in their place who may have tried to take advantage of him.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Chaska - January 10, 2016

Chaska looked around, all confused. Steady had explained how he came here, and as it turned out, doing so was by his own will. Same with the 'digging up the bad tasting collar' incident. Perhaps that was the thing that brought him back. Such a horrible taste. Hard to forget such a thing.

And to make matters worse, a female wolf came running up to them, shouting at Chaska. Asking where he had been. It made him feel...guilty. Thinking he had done something in his amnesiac state. Unlike Steady, he was a little more passive. His tail stiffened as well, but his eyes only held confusion. "Do I know you?" he asked in the politest, yet stern way possible. He then turned to Steady. "Do I know her?" The answer was most likely no. But that didn't mean the amnesiac Chaska couldn't have met her, and done something he would most likely regret.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - RIP Krypton - January 11, 2016

Krypton's irritated posture changed into one with submission at the darker one's warning growl and body language. His words made her brain focus and tune in, his name was Steady and he was the gamma. Shit, I just messed that up. However, the female still felt irked that he didn't even hear what had been going on the past few days, with Chaska sliding down a mountain and all that. Instinctively, the woman let her head and hackles fall, deciding to apologize for her actions. She knew her place too well, but she knew what is was like to have a position of power, one stronger than gamma. "My apologies Steady." She didn't dare look him in the eye, in fear of coming off as a challenger. Her eyes stayed upon her paws, they shifted uncomfortably. In this position though, she hated seeming weak, having to oppose to others. She hated seeming weak and having to show submission, but her ranking determined everything.

Although she hated not being heard, she would get to that later. Hearing how she should treat her superior with respect, there was no arguing with that. But come on, she was babysitting the older superior. If you couldn't find someone you're supposed to watch, you'd freak out a little too and be a little angry when you finally locate them. This time, she would plead her case to him. "I apologize for acting in a way of disrespect to my superior." Good, she sounded like a lower subordinate and stayed true to herself with her answer. "However, I have strict instructions from Alpha FitzDutiful to watch Chaska at all times to be sure he is healthy and safe. It becomes nerve-racking when I cannot locate him." Surely the gamma would understand the woman's cause, would he not?

Her ears flicked when Chaska asked if he knew her. For a moment the woman was contorted with confusion, for God's sake he should know her! She was the one who saved him and toke him back after his little fall down the mountain side. She was going to say something in a sharp tongue, but knowing very well that the gamma was present, she held it tightly and spoke politely back. "Chaska, you don't remember me? It's me, Krypton. I saved you after you fell down one of the mountain sides. Alpha FitzDutiful had assigned me to watch over you to make sure you were healing correctly." A mouthful indeed, but it held dear information. Had his amnesia finally faded? Had he turned into the Chaska he originally was before his little fall? She hoped he did, she didn't care for babysitting very much.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Steady - January 11, 2016

Her instant submission and apology made him relax a bit. She had obviously been distracted by whatever was going on with Chaska, and wasn't thinking about anything else. He didn't think she would soon make that mistake again, though, and wouldn't hold it against her. She explained what she was doing here, and it made Steady understand quite a bit more about why she had come rushing upon them as she did. He nodded to her, and was about to respond when Chaska spoke up.

His expression turned to confusion when Chaska asked if he knew the female. His gaze went from the older male to the younger female, listening as she explained. He moved back a few steps, no longer feeling the need to be between the two. Things were jumbled, but Steady was beginning to see the bigger picture. He turned his gaze to Krypton. Before you came, he seemed to black out for a moment, then recognized me. I think he has his normal memory back, but I don't think he remembers anything that's happened since his accident. He doesn't even know how he got here, he said. He wasn't a hundred percent sure, but that's what it seemed like. Maybe you can fill him in on what he's been up to the past few days? he asked her. If she was "assigned" to Chaska, as she said she was, she would know more than anyone else about Chaska's movements since his accident.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Chaska - January 11, 2016

Chaska's gaze softened at her apology. He could tell it was genuine. Even if she did shout at him, he was a forgiving wolf. Although his confusion took a turn for the worst when she explained herself. His tail fell close to the ground, his ears drooping slightly. Even his pupils dilated a bit. To disobey the Alpha, that was not a thing to do. Even if he did see Fitz as the forgiving type at times. And he'd strained her. "Oh" was all he said.

As it turned out, he should have remembered her. If his memory of the events after the fall hadn't gone away. At first, he thought she was crazy. He'd met a few that would say anything to get at a male before coming to Teekon. Just those moments he'd rather forget, for they were in the past. How much strain had she put on her? She looked very tired. "Look, I am sorry, but my memory is back. I wish I could remember whatever I could, but I'm afraid it will take time." He really meant it. To know what damage had been caused, if he put strain on any others. Anything like that would help by a long shot. Then again, her sudden explanation gave him an idea. That would take out two problems at once. One Steady was quick to voice before him. But only half of it. "Is there any way I can repay you? Perhaps talk it over..." he struggled for the right words, not wanting to say the wrong thing. "...Well, talk it over anything, really."

"I would really like to know what happened, if it is not too much trouble." He then turned his head to Steady. "Steady...thanks." He did not think he needed to explain why, thinking the other male would understand why.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - RIP Krypton - January 11, 2016

Quietly, the tall woman let her ears listen in onto the everything both males said. Steady was kind enough to tell her what had happened before she had rushed in, that was very important to know. It was a relief his normal memory has come back, maybe her days as the guardian/watcher were over? Her attention was brought to Chaska, hearing his apology for causing her some problems with having to chase him down everywhere. She smiled kindly towards him, bowing her head in thanks that he at least somewhat realized the situation.

Hearing about the situation taking time, she couldn't rush that no matter what she did. She nodded her head at his words, understanding him. When he spoke of repaying, she shook her head lightly. That was nothing to repay her for, it was a job she was assigned to do. She deserved no credit for anything really. Both spoke about filling Chaska in, she couldn't agree more.

Swiftly the female sat down, making sure every inch of her body was lower than Steady's and Chaska's. "The story is somewhat long, I will try to shorten it up. Please, make yourselves comfortable at least, I wish not leave you two with sore limbs." Aha, her fine skill of sugar-coating her words. Well, no harm doing it anyways. She waited patiently for both to take a comfortable position so she could begin.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Steady - January 12, 2016

Steady smiled at Chaska, understanding his thanks. As the two spoke about regaining Chaska's memory over the past couple of days, Steady realized he may not be wanted here. If you like, I can make my departure here, if you'd feel more comfortable that way. Not knowing what Krypton had to say, Steady wanted to give his pack mate and friend the opportunity to hear it in private.

Should Chaska need the privacy, Steady would say his farewells and get back to his duties. But, if he wanted Steady to stay, he would sit down and get comfortable for the story.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Chaska - January 13, 2016

Chaska sighed. He hated to do this, but for his own sake, he did. "Yes...I think that would be best." He did not want another knowing what he did. Just in case. He would rather keep the things he did between himself and only one witness. He gave Steady an apologetic look, hoping he would understand. Although, he would not voice the reason.

His rump fell to the ground as if dragged by a large force of gravity, his tail straightening out with a slight curve. His eyes fixed on her face, waiting for it to open with words to come out. He awaited patiently. Now he knew how others felt when he told them a story of his own. Anxiously waiting, and waiting. The wolf cracked a small smile to his face. "Funny how I'm the one listening to a tale this time" he said openly to himself, even though he did not recall that Krypton already knew he told stories. Having heard one herself. And he already knew the morale: Don't fall down cliffs, or you might do stupid things. If you survive the fall. A rule to live by, most certainly.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - RIP Krypton - January 13, 2016

Chaska had decided to let the gamma head on his own way. Krypton was happy either way, but preferred to have the conversation be private, considering some of the erm... actions Chaska had done before he turned back to his normal self. The woman let her body become lower than her superior, her hackles and ears low to show submission. When he spoke about one being told the story, she was a little confused by his statement. What could that mean? Maybe he told stories before, maybe to the pups or something like that... Whatever the reason, she just decided to go along with a nod of her head.

Seeing that the gamma would be gone soon, Krypton decided to start off the recap of what had happened. "It had happened when I first arrived to Silvertip, so not too long ago. While I was exploring the territory, I heard a few rumbles of rock and snow and decided to check it out. Then I heard screams and I found you at the bottom of the mountainside." The tall woman stopped to pause and catch a breath, hopefully her words breaking into his mind. She took in another breath and continued on. "I ran down to check on you, but when you saw me, you might've become... a flirt." So, after exchanging names and such, I tried to escort you back to the den sight, but we happened to get stuck in the snow, so we camped under a rock ledge for a night before heading back." Another pause, another breath. She was a little worried about the male thinking she was lying, she didn't want to be seen as a liar. Hopefully some of this would flow and connect.

"After returning safely, alpha FitzDutiful put me on watch duty over you to make sure you didn't hurt yourself again. It had been fine until I couldn't find you, that day being today. Thus why I cam barging in, mostly since I didn't wish to upset the alpha." She left out a few details about what the man had said, but that was nor truly necessary for now. Unless he asked, she would keep the words hidden and take it to her grave.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Steady - January 15, 2016

Last reply from me <3

With Chaska's wishes in mind, Steady reached out his muzzle, his intention to nudge Chaska in support. Steady wasn't sure what Krypton needed to say, so he wasn't sure how hard it might be for Chaska to hear. He nodded to Krypton, I'll catch you later, he promised, his expression relaxed. He felt the need to get to know her, especially if Fitz saw fit to give her such a large responsibility over another pack member. Rising, he turned and left the two with their privacy.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - Chaska - January 15, 2016

we can finish up here. unless you want to continue (in a week, i won't be able to reply for some time)

Chaska watched Steady walk off. And then, there was only the two. He turned back to face her, and just in time to hear her account of things. As he suspected, it was a fall. And it must have been quite a big one. How else would his personality have changed? And the way he changed shocked him. "A...flirt?" he repeated, trying to make sense of it. He never imagined himself as a flirt. That surely brought some embarrassment to him.

She paused a few times, which was understandable when one has much to say. By the time she had finished, well he wasn't too focused. He was still trying to get over the fact he was a flirt. But he did get some of the info in past his awkward look he gave the ground. "Well..thank you, I guess" he managed to say. "And once again, sorry for any inconvenience I caused you. I meant none of it." His apologizing would probably be repetitive by now, but he could not stress it enough. He never liked being a burden. He rathered be the one to carry the burden. Now that he knew he had been a flirt, he had only grown awkward around this wolf. "I'm going to get going, before I make this weird" he quickly said, before starting off, not looking back.

RE: Back To Me Usual Self - RIP Krypton - January 15, 2016

Sounds good, I'll go ahead and archive!

The woman had finished her story, she waited for the man's response. What would he think? She feared he would be seen as a lunatic or a damn liar. However, he responded better than what she expected. He at first questioned her word of 'flirt'. He was a bit... forward with the meet and greet. She pushed the idea away quickly and stayed focused on Chaska. She could see a little bit of confusion in his eyes, and they looked unfocused, glazed over. Was he not listening to her like she had hoped? She grumbled silently, feeling a bit irked on how he was not focused.

However, he tuned back in, thanking and apologizing for everything she had done. She nodded her head, happy that he at least recognized her work she had put in for him. He said he was going to go ahead and leave, she didn't argue with him. He most likely needed to process everything, so she would not try to argue with him. Simply, she watched him start to back off and walk away, not giving her another glance.

Krypton let a small frown fall onto her mouth before standing up and walking the other direction, towards the den sight. She wished to rest her paws a little after running around looking for Chaska.