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Northstar Vale [j] The Tears of Agea - Printable Version

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[j] The Tears of Agea - Kanti - February 14, 2014

Kanti was exhausted, that much he could admit to himself. Traveling in the dead of winter, alone, with very little food and shelter made only of dirt made a wolf tired. Especially one of small bodied with little heat to offer himself in the first place. The mountains of home prepared him for winter, but not for line lack of food. His family pack  had always managed to scavenge some type of game to eat. Kanti was not a wolf that had the ability to prey on a grown ungulate by his lonesome. Eventually after many days which seemed like moons Kanti caught scent of a pack. He pitched himself to the outsides of their territory not daring to go any closer to the vale in-between the two vast mountains. 

Kanti wandered towards these mountains because they reminded him of home. The yearling had no idea if a pack was here, he just wanted a place that was familiar. When he wandered close to the territory in the dead of the night he noticed a stream that traveled through the vale. This made Kanti giddy with excitement. He was bred for hunting fish and rabbits in the mountains. Small bodies and quick catching fish was easy for him. His prowess as a fish hunter was his ego booster. Kanti after finding out this couldn't wait to meet the wolves. When the sun rose the next day the youth ran towards the territory. Waiting on the edges he let out a long howl. Higher in pitch but the message was clear. He wanted to join, but he needed to meet wolves.

RE: [j] The Tears of Agea - Xinuata - February 14, 2014

@Tenzin | @Raheerah | @Dawa

The mornings, these days, were never without some kind of activity to begin. Whether it was to mark the borders or inspect them, or forage through the snow for sustainable food, there was something that needed doing. The life of a wanderer had been all she knew for a while, but it had not settled wholly. In repetitive chore, she recalled the life once had as a pack wolf, though with an agreeable difference of the lacking ill disposition. The wolves of the Vale were there to rest and be a part of a grander thing. And while she was content to remain but a part, she was glad for those that took more from the serenity and security of the mountain.

Not unlike those that beckoned on the borders.

She was swift to the reply, trusting another of the Vale would not be far behind to receive the young caller. Her heavy steps were quiet as she came upon him within the crevice of the mountains, noting pointedly the state of him; no different than she had once been as a wanderer. Though she bore him no sympathy only the stoic visage of an observant thing. Until her maw parted slightly to permit the roll of her tongue across stout muzzle, and the soft, raspy words that flowed freely then.

“Your call has been heard,” she uttered plainly. “A head of the Vale shall be along to receive you.” Her tail flicked mildly. “Til that time; what name do I address you by?”

RE: [j] The Tears of Agea - Raheerah - February 14, 2014

His days had been busy lately; teaching those who fell into his faction, wandering the borders and ensuring their safety, protecting this pack. It was his sworn duty, the promise he had made. It was by no means the promise he made to the monk, or any form of obedience towards the older male. It was purely on Lham's behalf that he should guard her for as long as he lived and, now, Xi'nuata. He had purpose here. As long as Lham would need him, he would be there. As long as his light, Xi'nuata, shown - she would cast a shadow, and it would be him. It was his vow. And, for the first time, he felt somewhat st peace. By some strange fate, some mysterious force, his hellish storm had subsided - for now.

The call of another radiated out into the sky, and Raheerah was quick to leave his route to tend to it. The consistent calling of strangers outside the borders of the valley had began to irritate him, but they were not without merit - most of the time, they presented an able-bodied wolf willing to serve. So he made his way, and was satisfied to see not only a healthy looking male, but near him the familiar form of his light.

The dragon emitted a gruff grunt, announcing himself. His single eye, molten in its glare, focused on the female before he looked to the stranger. Small and thin, but nothing a couple days of food and rest couldn't fix. He remained silent, tipping his head in a nod of acknowledgement, but nothing more - the stage would be his to explain himself.

RE: [j] The Tears of Agea - Kanti - February 15, 2014

When his call concluded the yearling stood like an oak. He needed to present himself as strong and as healthy as possible. While the lack of food and water permitted to be a conundrum his pride as a wolf wouldn't. The crisp morning air fluttered through his fur. He glanced to the molten sky, hearing the wind and tasting the air. Before he could have time to address even the horizon a wolf appeared. His call was heard. 

She approached quietly this wolf of gold and autumn. Her body large in stature, making Kanti's already small frame look like a pup. With blank words she spoke to him. With a steady but childish voice he replied. "I am Kanti Dharma of the North Willows. Call me Kanti. What is your name if I may ask." Kanti dipped his head in submission after stating his name. Even before the female could reply another wolf made its presence known. A gargantuan of a wolf crowded in. The youngster attempted to shade his fear but he felt it seep out. The male was something else. Greasy fur dipped in smoke darkened his body. A scar ran on his face, with only one eye that was a molten orange like the sky overhead. Kanti bowed in respect and turned back towards the female.

RE: [j] The Tears of Agea - Xinuata - February 15, 2014

Her presentation of authority was what she could instinctively muster when no prior rite had been granted to her before. Through experience she knew how the ‘higher’ carried themselves. From the breeding females to the warrior males, there was unmistakable air they exuded which represented the place and purpose to the community. Her own was what she perceived herself to be, and for a moment it was as a guard to the Vale, heavy, silent, and strong. Unchallenged by others save for one, and it was addressed by the subtle lift of her tail by its base, but as not to overshadow her relaxed appearance. This male was but a newcomer, a weathered soul undoubtedly seeking rest. And she was in no position to dismiss and wandering soul. But she would have her question answered, one way or another.

Deep umber and pale gold remained fixed on the youth as he drew in his breath and parted his muzzle to speak. Her ears bent forward, braced for hesitation in compliance, but was taken by genuine surprise when he replied. She was answered without struggle. And while her muzzle remained placid, she felt the spark of her heart leaping then drumming on with contained glee.

And it beat faster still as the familiar gruff of her companion rose from behind her. The twitch of the tip of her tail betrayed her calm, as did her swift step toward the male to reclaim his side. In greeting, she passed his front to his blind eye to give the scar a gentle touch, then rounded his length to stand near his visible side at his shoulder. Her tipped her muzzle toward him, impassive and unexpressive, yet in her golden eye was the soft glimmer of a hidden smile. “This is Kanti Dharma,” she told him, having only just learned the name herself. Then calmly she returned her gaze to the youth. “He is Raheerah, protector of the Northstar Vale and lead of the Warrior faction. And I am Xi’nuata, a female under his command.” She dipped her muzzle gently to the conclusion of her introduction. “We welcome you, and ask if it is shelter that has brought you to the borders this day.”

RE: [j] The Tears of Agea - Raheerah - February 16, 2014

im rly sorry for the short post, i just didnt wanna make you want!

Though in his approach he had been wordless, low rumblings had left his chest with each exhale. The beast was hardly a ghost; in all his darkness and phantom-like aura, the creature was probably as obvious as the sun if anybody were to pay attention to him. He moved up beside Xi'nuata, only tipping his head slightly watch her as she graced his scarred skin and moved around from his blind side to where he could see her. Raheerah only nodded in response, and another low growl, one pleasant and of satisfaction emanated from his depths. His focus landed on the younger male, and he expected some explanation to pour from his lips - but the boy only bowed and looked at Xi'nuata, as though expecting her to speak for him.

Raheerah narrowed his eyes. A spark of irritation born among his thoughts, he was seconds from peeling his lips apart to let some insult roll into the air when the tan woman's passive voice disrupted the silence. His single eye flickered back to her and he would listen, but he would not be as accommodating as his companion.