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Porcupine Ridge nyc grain-free jerky treats - Printable Version

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nyc grain-free jerky treats - Taggarik - December 30, 2015

He had a couple wolves with him now. The pack was coming together, but he would not officialise their claim until there were four, a respectable number that could appropriately defend their borders. It was on these borders, still yet unmarked, that he found himself roaming again.

It was mid-afternoon, snow fell in big, languid flakes, so delicate and light they clung to his dark hairs as if by tiny fingers, precariously perched and dislodged with the slightest bit of movement or wind. The black wolf found one of the ridge's many stony outcroppings, and ascended it. The toes of his broad paws flexed and gripped at the edge as he gazed out across the land sprawling before him. If there was movement out there, he would spot it.

RE: nyc grain-free jerky treats - Anwyl - December 30, 2015

Whew took me forever to figure out the ooc type thing xD Thanks for starting!

Anwyl had left his family in the north and had started traveling. He would miss his family, but it was time for him to start on his own. The small fluffy male hung his head, watching his large white paws as he walked. Thoughts of his old home flooded into his head, making him sad. The warmth of his family. He began to wonder why he'd left in the first place. Right, because of the food shortage. Something had started killing off his old pack's main food source, and being winter his family was finding it hard to feed everyone. Anwyl had decided they'd survive better without him, so he left to protect them. It had taken a lot of courage to do something like that, especially for a young dependent pup like him.

It's gonna be ok. They'll be fine, and I'm sure I'll find a new pack before winter gets too harsh. I have to. What if I don't though? What if... Nah I'll be fine. He tried to pep himself up, as he trotted through the cold snow. His normally silvery grey pelt was now tipped in icy white flakes, and as the snow melted it soaked through his fur and onto his skin. He shivered, hoping to find shelter soon. He looked up, after staring at his paws so long he thought he deserved a change of scenery. That's when he saw something standing on a distant ridge. A black figure, powerful and menacing, scouring its territory.

Of course little Anwyl wasn't scared. He's probably a lot nicer than he looks. He thought cheerily, and barked in a friendly manner towards the male alerting him of his presence.

RE: nyc grain-free jerky treats - Capriccio - December 30, 2015

For timeline sake, Capri has already met Anwyl now in another thread on PR and told him a bit about the pack.

While not official, Capri was one to keep close watch upon the land they were attempting to cal their own, and so when another scent intermingled across their unclaimed borders, the silver-tipped she-wolf was on high alert, her gait quick as she made to close the distance between herself and the stranger.
The sun glinted off the snow upon the grounds -- her own nose reverted downwards to the tracks left behind, but Capri would come upon not just the stranger she sought, but Taggarik -- the swarthy wolf she had pledged her allegiance to. Bemusement spread across her features only momentarily as she noted the two only seemed to find company with one another when a stranger was with them, but she made no comment upon it.
Instead, she swept forward, her own slender form aiming to come to the shoulder of the large ebony leader, her eyes fixated upon the wolf who approached him. As she gained ground, the she-wolf noted it was the youth she had come across not long ago, and her muzzle canted slightly in curiosity.

RE: nyc grain-free jerky treats - Taggarik - December 30, 2015

No problem! :)

There was movement out there, and indeed, he did spot it. For the briefest of moments he thought the gray figure might be Terich, but as he narrowed his eyes in careful scrutiny, he honed in on the differences. Rising to his heavy paws, the black wolf made short work of closing the distance with long strides and a ghosting gait, slowing his advance as he drew nearer.

He did not bare down on the stranger with anything more than confidence and neutrality. He appraised the gray wolf as his tail swayed slowly. It was a young male, a yearling or perhaps not quite. Before he could speak, his peripheral vision caught the approach of Capri, who came to stand at the black wolf's shoulder. He nodded to her, his tail offering her a quicker wag.

He looked back to the gray male. "Looking for a home?"

RE: nyc grain-free jerky treats - Anwyl - December 30, 2015

Anwyl took up a submissive position, feeling a little more intimidated by the black male than he had expected. When you're right next to someone, they can look a lot bigger than if they were far away. This proved to be true for when the man approached, he seemed to double in size. Wow ok. You're good Anwyl. He's probably nice remember? He reassured himself, preparing to prompt his name when another wolf approached. However this one held a more familiar scent. It was Capri, the female he had recently met. Her presence by the black male led Anwyl to assume that he was speaking to the Alpha Taggarik.

Oh hi. I'm uhh, Anwyl. Yeah I'm looking for a pack. Are you umm, are you Taggarik? He asked, nerves creeping into his voice. When he was anxious, the boy would stumble over his words, and his voice would raise an octave. His previous confidence had dropped a little, for he knew that if the wolves suddenly turned hostile, he would be in serious trouble. But he had to remain brave, they didn't seem bad, and the pup was desperate for a home. He had to be strong.

RE: nyc grain-free jerky treats - Capriccio - December 30, 2015

Capri, the silent observer as usual, noted the languid ease at which Taggarik held himself-- a posture that demanded respect and yet friendship. Something about the large wolf soothed her, and she was pleased that she and Terich-mir had come across him that one day.
Weaving closer to the ebony wolf, Capri's greeting to him was a crooning rumble before her nose would sweep forward to touch his shoulder gingerly. "Anwyl was here not very long ago, he seemed curious about your pack establishing," she uttered to him softly, not soft enough for the youthful silver wolf to not hear, but not something outwardly spoken either. Her gaze continued to study the younger male, hoping he did not make another joke about how he found the Ridge's name to be silly.

RE: nyc grain-free jerky treats - Taggarik - December 30, 2015

The young male was quick to submit, a gesture the black wolf always appreciated. He took the opportunity then to step forward and customarily sniff at the wolf's head and neck for any scents of interest, after which he stepped back to allow the other wolf his space.

Nervously, the gray wolf introduced himself, causing Taggarik to quirk a brow at the mention of his name. But Capriccio spoke softly to him, indicating that she had met the boy before, and Taggarik, satisfied with that, nodded.

"I am," he answered, his gaze shifting back to the boy. "If you want to join us then you are welcome here so long as you pull your own weight." He had already shown a willingness to submit to Taggarik's leadership, passing the first requirement. With an expectant expression, Taggarik awaited the wolf's answer.

RE: nyc grain-free jerky treats - Anwyl - December 30, 2015

Anwyl gave Capri a grateful glance, glad that she'd interrupted his nervous banter. He let Taggarik sniff him, then gave a smile when the alpha backed away. He felt more comfortable now that greetings were through with and everything seemed to be fine. He stood up a little straighter, puffing out his chest a little trying to show that he had strength. Taggarik offered to let him join them, and the boy's face brightened tenfold. Really! Oh wow thanks! He squealed in delight, though quickly realizing that that was childish of him, settled down and nodded. I have to be mature. He said I can stay as long as I can take care of myself. I can do that.

I mean, yes. I appreciate your offer. I'm a good hunter, and I'll help out in any way I can. He raised his head to look up at the alpha, but not at his eyes. He didn't want to come off as the challenging type. He was really quite humble with whatever rank was decided of him.

Anwyl is such a baby xP

RE: nyc grain-free jerky treats - Capriccio - December 30, 2015

Taggarik was quick to accept the younger boy -- relieved as such, the ebony she-wolf tipped her muzzle down in silent welcome to the youth, though her tail would give an idle flick as she would back peddle slightly, allowing Tagg to give the boy the tour he had once offered her -- it would do Anwyl well to be in such company, and her presence was not required. With her gaze drifting between both for another stolen moment, Capri offered a gentle smile before loping away from the two -- her trek would take her to their unofficial borders, where she would continue marking their claim upon these lands.
They would rise as a pack soon enough.

RE: nyc grain-free jerky treats - Taggarik - December 31, 2015

Last post for me :)

The black wolf nodded his head with a quiet hum as he received the boy's pledge to hunt and help out anyway he could. Little faith did Taggarik place in words, it was action that spoke loudest to him, but he nonetheless appreciated the enthusiasm and intention to do well. Time would tell.

Capriccio took her leave, correctly guessing that Tagg now meant to offer their newest recruit a quick tour of his new home. "Come then, Anwyl," he said as he turned and walked in toward the heart of the ridge. "I'll show you around."