Wolf RPG
Fairspell Meadow Rowan's Beginning - Printable Version

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Rowan's Beginning - Rowan Wolf - December 31, 2015

Rowan ambled across the snow covered meadow, afraid she would get spotted by other wolves because of her tawny colored pelt. As she walked, she found a uprooted bush, much larger then the rest. She sniffed it gingerly, finding no traces of animal scents. She was unsure whether to make a den there but the unwelcoming clouds which gloomed overhead caused her push aside her worry and start digging. After making a shallow dip under the bush, she scanned the meadow, looking for anything that could be used for bedding. After a few hours of searching there wasn't anything. To make things worse, it started to snow. She huddled in her little makeshift den which provided no shelter. Despite the bitter cold, she started to drift off to sleep.

Rowan woke up in Jasper, her old home. The trees were now grey and dark, and the sky was a deep, dark shade of crimson. Feeling sharp pangs of hunter stab her, like a blade. She walked out of the darkened forest and came across a field, the longs thin grasses now turned to a shade of night. She sniffed the air, trying to catch any trances of prey. Instead she got the sickening smell of blood, filling her nose until she couldn't breathe. She followed the scent line, curious, yet horrified what may be ahead. She started walking slowly, then going at a faster pace, until she was sprinting. The scent kept going on and on, like there was nothing causing it. How is this possible? She thought grimly to herself. After what seemed like hours of running, she came across a grey wolf carcuss. Her eyes became misty at the sight. It was her father, his corpse mangled in a bloody mash. Both of his eyes were clawed out. His jaw was crooked and his legs were set in awkward positions, making them unreal. His tail seemed completely ripped off with only the bloody bone left in the remains of it. He was lying on his stomach and Rowan could clearly see a large rip on his side, like if some animal raked it's claws down his stomach and tried ripping his intestions out. Rowan knew this was his father was because of his ear, he never had one. The wind started to pick up and somehow, it was whispering, telling her to run away. By then, she was too petrified to even move a muscle. The wind was practically screaming at her. She started to pelt across the field. She tripped over some loose roots. She wanted to get back up but she couldn't move.

Rowan woke up, her heart racing and was still frozen in fear. She strained to remember where she is and how she got here. I am in the Teekon Wilds. I was born into Jasper National Park and left after my father's death. After about a minute she reclaimed her thoughts. She still felt exhausted and was debating whether she should go back to bed. It's only a dream, it can't hurt me. Right? After her decision, she took a deep breathe and let feebleness consume her.