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Silvertip Mountain I hope we kill - Printable Version

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I hope we kill - Zaria - December 31, 2015

@Krypton I already implied that they have hunted on the rabbit.

Zaria walked with Krypton to the hunting grounds that contained a big rabbit colony. She appreciated that the female was being more quiet this time. It didn't take long before they both had a rabbit. Zaria was pleased with the fact as they were both sitting around the two dead rabbits. Zaria easily gutted one but with such precision. She only did this to one side so the loner would see the other perfect side. The slender female went to retrieve the branch of American Yew . He broke off a smaller branch and placed it by the dead rabbit. With her nails she moved over the branch to make the needles fall off into the body. Most of it fell next to the rabbit, yet she didn't care. She let Krypton do the same, for now. Before they would place they by their borders, or maybe just outside of it. Yes, perfect. "Done?," she asked.

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 01, 2016

The larger woman was sitting next to the slimmer one, her eyes stayed onto the rabbits they were able to catch. She saw how effortlessly Zaria was able to clean out hers, Krypton quickly followed suit and started to gut hers. When Zaria left, the woman made sure her rabbit was gutted to the best she could do. When the slimmer wolf returned, she held a branch of the Yew tree in her jaws. She started to let the pine needles fall into the gutted rabbit after removing the needles with her nails.

When she finished, the woman took the branch and did the same. Most fell onto the ground, but a few did make it into the hollow rabbit. Quickly her eyes went to Zaria's rabbit, before returning to her own. She let a few more needles fall in before placing the branch away from the rabbits. When the slimmer wolf asked if the other was done, Krypton nodded her head. "Done."

RE: I hope we kill - Zaria - January 03, 2016

Zaria pushed the intestines back into the animal with her nose. It was quite a tough job to get it all back in there, but no one would notice really. The slender female trotted forward and then looked at Krypton's work when she was done. It looked good enough, they had one as a back up if the first didn't give enough information. Zaria grabbed the rabbit by its scruff and looked at Krypton, signaling to her that they should head to the the borders, or go across it.

Zaria trotted, taking the lead since that was only natural for her to do that. The lean female didn't keep an eye out for Krypton, she had a feeling that the bigger female would follow her. Zaria continued towards the border, once they were there she crossed it into neutral lands. She wanted the catch to be a bit away from their borders. She looked around, and instead of laying it in the middle of the clearing she hid it in the bushes, but still clearly smellable for a wolf. "Keep yours," she spoke. "Lets find a good spot to hide!"

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 03, 2016

The tall woman looked at Zaria who was starting to cover the needles with the internal organs of the rabbit. She was clever, hiding them within the body and making them be unknown to any wolf who will eat the bait. Quickly Krypton followed, shoving the intestines back into the rabbit, although it was quite tricky. It didn't look quite as clean as Zaria's, but it still passed the look.

The other woman signaled for them to head to the borders, Krypton followed quietly. Her jaws were clamped onto the rabbits scruff, not too tightly though. She let her trot stay behind the slimmer wolf's, watching where her paws fell. Both continued their pace and crossed over the borders. The land held no smell, it was the unclaimed parts. Krypton smiled a bit at the scenery, it was quite pretty, especially with the light dustings of snow it held.

Her glassy eyes landed on her superior, the slim she-wolf was hiding her bait. The scent was quite strong considering it was a fresh kill, it didn't look very suspicious. Hearing the command to keep her rabbit, Krypton nodded her head. Zaria spoke about finding a hiding place for the two, Krypton nodded her head at her words. Her ears perked up and her head raised to look around the land to find a place to hide.

RE: I hope we kill - Zaria - January 04, 2016

Zaria looked around, realizing that she had to find a hiding spot big enough for her and Krypton. Normally searching for a place to hide wasn't that difficult. Zaria let out a soft scowl but accepted her fate. She walked up the hill that looked at the bushes. If she lay flat then they would be out of sight, and they were far enough to not be scented, at least she hoped.

The female laid down and now they had to wait. Zaria usually entertained herself with thoughts but now she had actually someone to converse with. She placed her head on the ground not because she was tired but to keep her body low to the ground on top of the hill. She wasn't sure what to ask her now they needed to wait. Zaria wasn't that social. "So why you were alone when I met you?," she decided to ask.

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 04, 2016

Zaria started to walk towards an area to find a place to hide, Krypton followed suit. It was atop a hill, one that held bushes and overlooked the area below that held the poisoned bait. The area was at least large for the tall woman to hide in with the slimmer girl. Quickly Krypton followed Zaria's position into laying down. Her tail curled closely to her leg to keep it out of sight, her fur bristled but flattened down.

The burly woman placed her head on top of her paws, mirroring Zaria's actions. Her only idea to do so was to not only please Zaria but to be out of sight as well. Both women stayed quiet for a little bit of time before Zaria asked Krypton something. Why was she alone when both met each other? Krypton wasn't one to pour her heart out dramatically (when she wasn't troubled at least) to someone. Sure, she completely trusted her superior, but she wished not to spoil her image to the cunning girl.

"I was alone since I was too skittish to join other groups. I wasn't very brave" Krypton said to the slimmer wolf, her eyes staying up ahead to peek through openings of the leaves from the bush. It was quite a miracle she managed to speak to Zaria that day. However, she was in need of food and interaction, it had been almost an entire year for being a lone wolf.

RE: I hope we kill - Zaria - January 05, 2016

Zaria nodded as the girl explained her words within a sentence. The female could appreciate that since that meant less complicated words to listen too. She was better with the english language but sometimes it was tough to understand all the words. Often she could grasp the concept. Zaria was surprised how honest she sounded. "Aha," she returned. "But now you are doing better right? You like Silvertip?," she asked. Arrogantly Zaria thought that she would reply with a 'yes'. Silver tip was a great pack since she and Fitz lead it.

Zaria kept her eyes on the bushes below, but there was no sign yet of a wolf. Hopefully one would come soon so they could spy on what the effects were of this yew tree. Zaria was ready to speed off to follow the loner if they carried the prey away. "So you are interested in poisons too?,' she questioned with a whisper. Krypton was helping her but Zaria was curious to know if the larger female did that out of loyalty or out of mutual interest.

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 05, 2016

Zaria nodded at the tawny woman's words, it made Krypton feel a little relaxed that Zaria would not judge her in her old personality. She was much braver, but still a little meek. Hearing the slimmer girl ask about Krypton's place, she smiled and nodded her head. " I do, it's a very good place. Nicer than my original pack." She was telling the truth, this home was kinder.

Zaria's second question made Krypton think a little. Poisons weren't her real interest, but instead a good idea for back up and hidden attacks. "A little. I like it because they make it easier to kill if needed." Krypton would not like to fight, she would rather use the world around her. Why spill unneeded blood onto your paws?

RE: I hope we kill - Zaria - January 06, 2016

Zaria was pleased to hear that Krypton was happy with their pack. It was something that was very important because if their members were unhappy they wouldn't have a pack, when Zaria joined they were quite small and now they were growing bigger and bigger. Zaria liked it a lot. "So you rather poison than fight huh?," she smirked. That she hadn't expected from the bigger female. Zaria wasn't complaining.

Her eyes turned more to the bushes as she spied some movement. She saw a quite skinny loner. Her heart leaped in victory. Zaria quirked up her lips and watched. The wolf seemed to instantly wolf down bits of the rabbit. She looked to the side of Krypton, they would have to follow to wolf if they wanted to find out about the symptoms, but first she would let it eat in peace first.

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 06, 2016

Upon seeing Zaria smirk at the big woman's answer, Krypton didn't know if her answer was good or bad. Either shoe made a better connection between her and Zaria, or she had exposed that she didn't care to fight and seemed to be a coward. Well, it was bound to get out sooner or later anyways.

Her large ears perked up at Zaria's question, she was about to answer until she saw a loner decide to stroll by the fresh kill. Any hungry loner would eat it, less work, and they were most likely starving. Krypton decided to stay quiet and not answer, hoping to not scare away the loner from the kill. She and the slimmer wolf would have to follow the loner to see the symptoms of the Yew. Krypton would have to be very tactful with her paws and try to be as quiet as she could. Her eyes stayed glued on the lone, but trying not to be rude, she nodded her head at Zaria's question.

With very quiet whisper (which was very shocking to hear from a wolf her size), she looked over at Zaria quickly."Why spill blood when you can use the earth itself?"

RE: I hope we kill - Zaria - January 07, 2016

Zaria kept her eyes on the loner that was wolfing the rabbit down without thinking twice. The alpha female could only be more than pleased especially because it worked so well and the loner was eating all the American yew without thinking. It stayed really quiet for a long time, then Krypton whispered an answer back to her. Only Zaria's ear broke her posture, turning to Krypton but turning right back when she was done talking. Zaria's focus hadn't fully broken. She kept her green eyes at the loner. Once it started moving Zaria instantly followed. It wasn't that she was ignoring Krypton but it was that this experiment was very important to her. She did like Krypton's answer.

Zaria kept her body really still like following a prey, but not low to the ground. She hoped Krypton would follow her footsteps since those were safe and without noise. And if they were seen they could maybe act like friendly strangers, trying to help him out while looking at the symptoms from a closer range. Zaria hid by another bush, so far not much to see. Of course the meal needed to be processed, and for that the female was laying down by some tree roots, perfect!

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 07, 2016

Krypton's swirled eyes stayed glued on the testing loner. Somewhat, she felt cruel to be giving a innocent life an unsuspecting death, but then again this would feed her brain that was hungry for knowledge. A tragic win in her eyes, but it would be worth it. Surely she could maybe bury the loner once the effects (if they are correct) have kicked themselves into full power. Hopefully Zaria would at least respect the sacrifice this wolf would make.

Seeing how the slim girl started to follow the loner quietly, her body looked as still as could be. Swiftly but quietly, Krypton followed her superior. She watched how Zaria moved, quickly finding where the female had laid her paws before following the same path, reducing lots of her noise. She was very quiet, not as quiet as Zaria, but a lot better than before. She quietly praised Zaria's cunning mind and thoughts, she managed to track out the quietest route. With her breathing almost silent, the female followed the slimmer wolf stiffly.

RE: I hope we kill - Zaria - January 09, 2016

Zaria was pretty impressed that Krypton was so quite compared to the roaring bison she was before. Zaria had settled in a new spot where she could look at the loner and how the meal would effect her. She kept her green eyes on the other but did move closer to Krypton. "Watch ever thing and note it down in your memory," she spoke. They would talk about this later. Maybe Krypton had seen something she missed. Zaria doubted it but she felt like it was a good thing to have an extra set of eyes.

Slowly the loner before them showed hints of tremors but they might be from sleep. Zaria wasn't sure, if Krypton noticed too then they might add it to the list of symptoms. But for now the wolf was still resting. Zaria inhaled softly, a bit impatient but ready to wait never the less.

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 09, 2016

Krypton's once loud steps that anyone could hear were quieter, she felt pretty good about herself to pull it together. Her eyes stayed ahead to where Zaria was traveling, and quickly both females landed into the new hiding spot that overlooked the callow loner that dared ingest the poisoned animal. Her ears flickered like a flame at Zaria's command, she nodded her head at her superior's words. Watch for anything and make sure to remember all the details.

Silently, the burly woman let her eyes stay peeled, she watched as the loner started to show signs of the effects kicking in. Trembling in short spurts, that was definitely a sign the wolf was slowly becoming a victim to poisoning. Krypton's eyes stayed on the loner's breathing, seeing how instead of it at a normal pace, it was fairly slower. The loner was going through the phase of having a harder time breathing. It would be even harder when resting to breathe since the area of the lungs would be somewhat squished.

Quickly her eyes stayed on the loner's eyes. This was one keen thing she knew was whether or not if the pupils would dilate, or widen in simple terms. At first glance she could see nothing, considering the loner wasn't facing them head on, and her eyes were a little hard to see with all the fur blocking her view. The female let out a quite grunt in annoyance, but looked for any other signs of poisoning.

"Time is drawing near Alpha Zaria." Her words were in a short sentence, this lone would die a tragic death of pain and suffering. She prayed the lone didn't deserve to die, she prayed the lone had lived a good life.

RE: I hope we kill - Zaria - January 10, 2016

Zaria nodded towards Krypton and watched the female as she began to stir. Zaria had the feeling that her breathing was also getting heavier. The loner slowly woke up, staring to breathe heavier. A bit restless too as she sat up but then laid down again. Zaria watched her with hawk eyes. Not a moment later the female was vomiting up her giving meal. Still that didn't help with the tremblings and soon she was starting to have seizures. Zaria let out a victorious laugh and jumped forward over the bush.

The slender female stepped closer, the loner looked so confused with what was happening, the seizures were getting worse, making Zaria grin devilishly. So she was getting the knack of which plants were poisonous. Very well. She stood like a dark shadow over the female's last few minutes. Zaria figured the seizures would make her heart stop from the shock, and even though Zaria didn't mean to kill her maybe they had used a bit too much of the yew tree. Maybe a few of the needles were enough to make a wolf vomit. Zaria stepped closer, looking at the vomit as the the loner's trembling stopped.

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 10, 2016

Seeing Zaria nod at her words, the tall girl kept her eyes on the loner just as her superior did. The trembling increased, along with the heavier breathing. Sadly this death would be painful and a rotten one. As the symptoms became worse and worse, the loner vomited up her poisoned meal, making the tall woman flinch a little. Krypton saw the last symptom, seizures.

Zaria had let out a victorious laugh and bounded towards the poisoned wolf. Krypton quickly followed her, but a grave expression was on her face. She felt guilty, to her this was practically considered murder. The loner had complete shock written over its face, Krypton kept silent. Her face became contorted with fear as she saw seizures become worse and worse before the female's eyes became glazed over and her body gave in. Krypton gave the loner female a saddened look and whispered her a prayer.  "Laissez cette femme reposer en paix".

Her attention was brought back to Zaria, who was examining the vomit of the loner. Most likely to see if the yew tree was inside of it or not. Krypton walked over to her superior, casting the dead wolf one more look of sadness before focusing on her alpha.

RE: I hope we kill - Zaria - January 11, 2016

In comparison to Krypton Zaria looked far from guilty. In fact she looked more than pleased with herself that this had happened. Once Zaria looked up she saw Krypton's sad expression. The alpha female frowned for a moment, wondering what was wrong since Krypton said before she liked poisoning more than fighting. She also spoke some words that she didn't understand which made her a bit suspicious. "What did those words mean?," she asked. It was more like a demand for Krypton to tell her.

Zaria then looked at the loner. The vomit showed that the wolf had chewed on some of the needles, and that probably released the toxins. Hmm. Interesting. Zaria was just glad that she had found a poison that was still there in winter. "Lets go, before our scents are too evident," she pointed out. Zaria had currently enough info to think about, and she didn't need another wolf to see what they did or link their scents to silvertip.

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 11, 2016

Zaria was still observing the vomit, but once Krypton's prayer was heard, the words were questioned by her superior. Krypton lifted her gaze from the lone's body and looked towards Zaria. "It was a prayer, I said 'let this woman rest peacefully'." Krypton was a religious wolf, religion was important to her homeland and she was brought into the tight relationship between her people and her god that she serves. She casted Zaria a crooked smile, hoping she would at least understand. 

"We at least gathered the correct information, we can protect ourselves with the yew now." She exclaimed this in a happy tone, hopefully tossing the sadness away. It was true though, they would have a little better chances in defending themselves now. Hearing the command to head back, the burly female nodded and started to walk home, carefully staying behind Zaria.

RE: I hope we kill - Zaria - January 11, 2016

Zaria kept a brisk pace back to STM. The female looked like she had gotten sick more than she had been poisoned so Zaria had let her final resting place be there. "Why would you say that? Never mind. We got good information indeed," she spoke. Truly if Krypton had another religion Zaria couldn't care less. Silver tip had his beliefs on how to be a family and how to protect their lands but it wasn't like wolves couldn't have their own believes. She was even accepted as a member of Dorthran pack. She didn't even know about borders in the beginning. "Yes, we need to find an antidote for that," she muttered more to herself than to Krypton.

Fade after your post? :3

RE: I hope we kill - RIP Krypton - January 11, 2016

Sounds good!

The burly female felt her face heat up in embarrassment at showing her religion, but she had nothing to be ashamed of. She was at least happy Zaria didn't say anything about what she believed in, that was a huge pile of weight lifted off of her shoulders. At first she was questioned about why she would say such a thing, but the said woman tossed it off and decided to worry about it later. The information was very strong and had high expectations.

Less wars? Less intruders? Less problems? This yew tree wasn't going to be a savior, but surely it would help, right? Whatever the case, the two headed back to their land they called home.
