Wolf RPG
Moonspear New grounds, New Life - Printable Version

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New grounds, New Life - Kamala - January 02, 2016

'I need to find someone soon' the she wolf thought. She quickened her pace from a walk to a steady trot into the thick woods of a mountain. She put her nose to the ground to sniff for scents of other wolves that maybe be around. Trying to weave through and around all these trees while trying to find a scent was seeming pretty difficult. 'Maybe I need to set for higher grounds. It's going to be difficult to find anyone else in here' she told herself while looking up to take in her surroundings.
 There were many Dormant bushes, allowing for a good view around the area. It seemed that she had been traveling upwards. Come to think of it, she looked at the ground. It was sloped with rocks protruding the ground. How could I have not noticed that earlier? Full of determination, she continued up, finding her way up to a possible open view. 

About a few more meters, she caught scent of a wolf? No. The scent was too strong for it too be just one wolf, it must be a pack!! Joy filled her inside, though as quickly as it came, it left. 'I cant just walk in. I'm no longer a known leader. I'm a stranger. I need to let them know I'm here and hope they aren't as bad as the rogue I've encountered earlier. She took a few deep breaths before letting out her strongest howl. She found a little cave nearby to lay down in and wait for a reply, hoping someone friendly had heard.

RE: New grounds, New Life - Amekaze - January 05, 2016

For what felt like far too long, she'd been trying to wrap up her doings on the borderlands and move on back up the mountainside, but just when she thought she'd about be done here, something else would catch her eye or a scent would seem a little dulled. The cycle repeated seemingly endlessly and she was beginning to grow tired of it -- the winter winds were cold and biting and she'd hunted all morning to very little success.

With a huff that billowed into the cold air, she marked a scratched-off patch of earth and decided to seek out Charon, or maybe Jace.. and see if they were more inclined to pee all over the territory's base because she'd had about enough. But, before she could catch wind of either of the males on her mind, she scented something else. A stranger. Her nostrils flared and she breathed deep. With her exhale, she prickled her coat.

A beat afterward, the dark alpha swept off in that direction, nose low and body hunkered down into a slinking jog.

A cave loomed ahead and her nose was sharp here in the place of her claim. She announced her approach with a rumbling snarl, for she'd have her explanation one way or another.

RE: New grounds, New Life - Kamala - January 10, 2016

Pacing the cave wall, the lone wolf thinks and worries. Its been about a day, no one has come, and its dangerous to hunt on other's claims. Its punishable by death for trespassing as it is...and as of right now, she was a trespasser. 
She huffs in frustration, not liking the possible outcome of her situation. She travels to the back of the small cave that was probably used as a den once before. It smells strongly of others, giving her the urge to respectfully leave the ground. Giving into the urge, she begins to return back to the mouth of the cave.

The cave mouth was slightly hidden from the outside, from the weather at least. Its was cloudy today, making the atmosphere seem a bit colder then t really was, and the dark snarl did not help. The hairs on the back of her neck stand up, causing her to stiffen. This could possibly be her demise. 

Boldly, but cautiously she walks out the cave to see a black lean wolf. She couldn't help the words that rushed out her mouth. I mean no trouble, are you from the pack of this territory?

RE: New grounds, New Life - Amekaze - January 11, 2016

A silver and white female appeared from the depths of the cave. Amekaze took in the sight of her and stiffened her own tail above her back, making her status crystal clear. She did confirm that this smaller female was the strange scent she'd caught a hold of, but that still did nothing to quell her dissatisfaction. She didn't find she appreciated uninvited surprises.

No trouble or not, winter had run Amekaze's patience thin. "Does your nose not work?" she grated, moving closer to the female to pressure her space aggressively -- and aimed to  shoo her away from the cave for starters. She clicked her teeth dangerously and hoped that she would be very quick to do some appeasing, because Ame would be happy to stir something up but so long as the stranger acted wisely, she'd be tempered in time. "What are you doing here?" Surely, some purpose was behind this.

RE: New grounds, New Life - Kamala - January 30, 2016

Holding her place she took in the insulting question, the high rank wolf had just asked her. Of course her nose works, that's how she found this place. Noticing the that the opposing wolf was now moving toward her threateningly, she took one step back and began to get down in a defensive stance, but quickly revoked the idea knowing it would be taken as a sign to fight. Instead, she moved out and away from the cave, avoiding the tempered female. 

The female then proceeded to ask another question. This one she decided to answer too. "I was looking for a pack to join. Instead of waiting at the boundary and being attacked by rouges or starving I thought I might as well let the pack of this claim find me." This is probably by far the worst choice of words she could have used, but they were honest. Either way she would have done it, there would be consequences. Maybe she should have waited at the edge of the territory...at least she'd have a chance against rogues. Her intent gaze was locked on the female, fear beginning to fill within her. She doesn't seem like she will take this lightly...

RE: New grounds, New Life - Dash - January 30, 2016

Dash had been doing some patrolling around the borders, doing what he could to show his leaders that just because he had asked for a demotion, didn't mean he was going to stop doing his duties around here. It just meant that he didn't feel so stressed about setting an example for others. He could just do what he did and not worry.

His nose caught the mingling scents of Ame and a stranger a second before he heard the snarls and his eyes caught sight of the pair. Dash trotted over, taking his cue from Amekaze's body language, his own hackles raised and his ears pressed forward in aggression as he came up beside his Alpha, his tail remaining lower that his leaders. He said nothing, only growled a warning to the stranger not to do anything stupid.

RE: New grounds, New Life - Amekaze - February 04, 2016

She didn't pressure it further than she had already, for what she'd done did receive its intended reaction -- with a bit of time. She did spare a glance to Dash, who appeared to mirror her sentiment and she nodded very subtly his way, doubting he'd catch it at all. For now, her focus was the loner, who had prompted a squinting look back as her explanation seemed strange to Ame. The logic was there..kind of, but it just felt innately off to her. Who waited within pack lands? Did other packs often take in wolves they find holed up within their homes? The notion alone made her uneasy. "A risky move," Amekaze breathed with a click of her teeth. No matter the option, there were the risks involved.. but she almost would rather take the chance of fellow vagabonds on the borderline instead of angering a whole pack for trespassing. The boundaries were in place for a reason.

Dash being here did extend her patience just some. "So is inviting yourself in your way of appealing to a pack you seek to join? Is that right?" she asked, wondering if she was seeing this correctly and this were the case. If so, she would need to really prove her worth. Ame didn't have time for wolves who were lax about respecting boundaries -- she didn't want to be accountable when they inevitably trespassed elsewhere and brought a whole angry pack down upon their head. And selfishly, with her pack already doing well, she could afford to be picky. "It is not happening here," she rose up anew with a building snarl. "Leave." The finality of the syllable left no room for question.