Wolf RPG
Porcupine Ridge sandisk microsd adapter - Printable Version

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sandisk microsd adapter - Taggarik - January 02, 2016

@Capriccio perhaps? :)

He had not left the ridge since the pack had announced its claim there, although his paws frequented the borders, as did the paws of his wolves. They had shown him that he could take a break from patrol and be confident in knowing that their borders would not go undefended, and so the black wolf retreated to the heart of his domain on this morning.

Snow had fallen in the night, thick and wet with the mild temperature. It crunched beneath his paws with each step he took, it consistency perfect for snowballs if only he had opposable thumbs, but he did not and he found the cold down packing between his pads and clumping into the fur around his sturdy limbs. But the heavy blanket of snow swallowed sound, there was a serenity about the ridge he could not help but admire as he broke trail toward one of the spring-fed lakes.

By the time he drew toward the icy edge of the lake, he found each pace uncomfortable, and sank his haunches into the snow, lifting a paw so that he could chew and pluck at the snow that clung to it.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Capriccio - January 03, 2016

She sought him out as the sun just crept up to the horizon. Not for any specific reason other than to get to know the wolf she deemed her Alpha. Terich-mir, as her best friend and traveling companion was certainly familiar with, but the other three males within the ranks were those she would like to know more about.
Taggarik just happened to be her first victim.
She found him by the shore of the lake. Her frosted eyes scanned over his large form, and it was easy to see why she had felt at such ease to follow him -- there was a natural dominance in his stance, and she found herself at ease with her decision once more.
She did not announce her presence, but the she-wolf did not maintain quiet as she neared him. Her own paw pads ached from the snow -- small cuts apparent on her right paw pad, given she had stupidly walked upon a gnarled, frozen stick. Sidling up beside him, her gaze drifted upward to study his features as he groomed himself -- noting the chunks of snow he pulled from his paw pads. Speaking nothing, she instead would settle in to his companionship silently as she gently sat down, curling her tail to her own fore paws.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Taggarik - January 03, 2016

There was a soft click of teeth and a gentle snuffling as he pressed his front teeth, and consequently his nose, between his pads as he fussed at the snow lodged there. Fortunately, tongue and teeth made reasonably quick work of the offending material, and he dropped one paw in order to pick up the other. It was at this time that his ear swivelled to sound of crunching, the tacky snow giving away Capriccio's easy approach.

He welcomed her with several flourishes of his tail and a smile, and as she drew close enough he reached out to poke her shoulder companionably. "How are you?" He murmured as he somewhat quietly resumed the clicking and snuffling, working the snow free from his other paw. He was not the least bit ashamed or embarrassed to be caught grooming himself.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Capriccio - January 03, 2016

not put off from her presence, Taggarik's only disruption from his task was to nudge her gently in greeting, and she tipped her muzzle up to graze his cheek in the welcome of her superior and pack mate. Nothing was spoken initially, but as she pulled back and allowed her eyes to drift over the still waters, Taggarik questioned her, and she allowed her shoulders to lift in a gentle shrug.
"I'm well," she determined quietly, casting him a sideways glance. "And you? Your kingdom is growing quite nicely," she teased gently, wondering what it meant now that she was no longer the sole female of their ranks.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Taggarik - January 04, 2016

The black wolf hummed a pleased mm-hmm and nodded his head as he plucked free the last clump of snow. The pack had come together quickly and painlessly, as if the motions had been choreographed before hand. He found a few wolves, found the ridge, found a few more wolves, and here they were. Now, he did not even have to go in search of recruits, they came to the scent of their borders and to the sound of their howls.

"But it is not just my kingdom," he smiled with lifted brows, tipping his head sideways to glance upward at her in a playful, comical way, before righting it again. "Do you think you'd like to keep it?" He asked. "Your position, I mean." There was another female among them now. Taggarik did not know if she aspired to lead as an alpha, but if she did, would Capri defend her place beside him?

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Capriccio - January 04, 2016

It was an easy relationship between the two thus far – perhaps, because above all, the swarthy she-wolf could only consider the pack as Taggarik’s, despite the words he offered her. The wolves who remained within the ranks had not chosen to follow her – they followed him, and she was content to be one of them.
The tip of his muzzle stirred a partial grin to her muzzle, though her wolfish brows arched slightly at his next question. It likely stemmed from the fiery new female that had just joined their ranks – and thus, a potential for Capri to lose her newly placed crown to.
She did not answer swiftly. Instead, her gaze turned thoughtful, her mind rampant as she realized she did not dare admit not only to herself out loud, but to the ebony Alpha that he true reason for leaving her birth pack was to settle down, seek a mate, and have children. She had not even ushered such words to Terich-mir.
And, would giving up her rank steal those chances for her? The possibility of it seemed highly likely.
“I will relinquish the position to the female you decide to take as your mate,” she determined, her tone gentle as she gave a small shrug. “Otherwise? Yes.” She would not lord her role above the female Taggarik found his affections to – no doubt, she would hold a strength that would only encourage Capri to submit to her, given the nature of the wolf – but it also did not mean that Taggarik would aid his future lover in such an endeavor.. and the silver-tipped she-wolf wanted him to know she would not take it personally come time.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Taggarik - January 04, 2016

Like his silvery alpha female, Taggarik had left his natal pack in search of his own future, one that as a dominant male, naturally and instinctually entailed finding a suitable mate and of passing on his bloodline. Founding his own pack had been step one. But unlike Capriccio, the black wolf knew it of himself, owned it, and would admit it freely to any who might ask.

Her answer surprised him, and he responded at first with a quirked brow and a contemplative twitch of his tail. "But what if it's another male I want to take as my mate..." he joked, grinning impishly. "I kid," he clarified a couple breaths later. "I'm glad you're intent on keeping your spot for now," he said. "I think you'll be a good fit." It was a gut feeling.

The black wolf dropped his shoulder into the snow, and his entire body followed until he was was on his back, all four paws flung into the air, and he was playfully wriggling from side to side. His nose brushed through the snow as he squirmed, drawing a loud, unbecoming sneeze from him. But he was not concerned. He was comfortable and content enough in Capriccio's presence to let loose and relax. Much of his time had been devoted to business as he worked to ensure the pack was established.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Capriccio - January 05, 2016

His words had been unexpected, but even as the dark wolf cast her a grin and spoke of joking, a part of the silver-tipped she-wolf wondered if he truly was – only in the sense that perhaps Taggarik did not seek love for gender alone. Her own lips quirked in to a small grin, her brows lifting as she gave a soft cluck of her tongue. “If you choose a male for a mate, then I’ll be seeking your permission to breed with a mate of my own to provide puppies for this pack,” she half-heartedly teased back, though the words were indeed far from jest.
Tagg’s confidence in her did not seem fully reflected in her own self – at least not out loud. She had proposed to Terich-mir they create their own pack – and depending how things went upon the Ridge, the idea had not fully fled her mind. Terich-mir despised heights and mountains, and the sting of guilt plucked away at her heart any time she noticed his discomfort. If, to add to the mix, she lost her rank and was unable to procreate.. it would seal her fate to move onward – but she did not expect Taggarik to hold such against her.
His form slid languidly to the ground – relaxed in her presence as four legs swung through the air playfully. Her own form maneuvered closer to him then, her muzzle sweeping down to nose at his cold cheek, chuffing softly at him. Despite their easiness, Capri was far from done form having a more serious conversation, and allowing her own slender form to sprawl out beside him, her gaze drifted to study his features. “And how do you feel about your pack mates having puppies?” They had never discussed the rules – and perhaps they should have.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Taggarik - January 05, 2016

She may have been teasing him back, but the black wolf did not doubt the truth in her admission. It was a bit of surprise, only that she said it, because the intention itself was so commonplace it was almost expected. He could not help but grin at her, lazily batting a paw at her as she bent down to nose his cheek. She was not ready yet to retire their casual yet professional conversation, inquiring about how he felt about his packmates having puppies.

He shifted to his side, facing her, so that they could speak more readily. His tail gently swept the snow. "I would prefer that I would be the one having the puppies," he said. "Well, making them at least," he quipped. "But, if I do not have a mate and my packmates asked me beforehand, I would probably be open to the idea, depending." His gray eyes searched her face for her own preferences on this matter.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Capriccio - January 05, 2016

Taggarik looked to her, but her gaze would only meet his cheek in submission. Her tail mirrored his own – sweeping through the snow and a soft hum escaped her at his words. Honesty, however late it might have been, was likely best at this point. She held no mate, and Ukko had been the only male to ever express interest in her, albeit briefly – in truth, as much as she desired to settle down with a family of her own, she was in no rush to take on by her side, nor would it likely even happen until her next heat occurred. Given Kesan’s age, the silver-tipped she-wolf would assume the fiery girl would have hers next – and depending on their female population at that point, Taggarik would be the one gunning to take the she-wolf as his.
And, perhaps at that junction, Capri and Terich-mir would continue on their way – she could accept no less than having pups of her own.. and she could only assume her friend wanted a litter of his own one day. “I suppose we might find ourselves on different paths one day, then,” she murmured, a gentle smile tipping at the corners of her mouth. “But until then..” Trailing off, she cast a sideways glance to her companion – and then her nose dipped toward his face, a playful nip aimed toward him.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Taggarik - January 05, 2016

She turned her periwinkle eyes toward his cheek, and there may have seen the faint smile that played at the corner of his mouth but for a moment. It was not required of her, but appreciated, as he appreciated all his gestures of respect and deference his packmates had given to him.

She spoke, indicating that they may find themselves on different paths someday, and he hummed thoughtfully. "Or not," he said, and his smile returned for another quick appearance before her teeth met his muzzle.

With a soft, playful growl he swatted a big paw at her again while he sought to return her nip with one of his own to her silky ear. His tail thumped and whisked around the snow and his lips were drawn into a mischievous grin with his brows pitched down tauntingly. He resisted the urge to make another move, his mind entertaining the idea of a tackle-and-pin, and instead his expression and gently wiggling body dared her to try something.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Capriccio - January 11, 2016

His words only settled the conversation upon that one point – Taggarik would have puppies one day, as would Capri – but not likely in the same pack. For now, they would thrive as they were, and the silver-tipped she-wolf allowed the thoughts of her future to drift from her mind as she instead focused upon the present.
Swatted by a large paw, she withheld a snort of amusement, his own teeth giving a tug to her ear. They both seemed to pause then – Taggarik’s tail swept through the snow, and her pale eyes studied him with impish intent – attempting to decipher the best plan to set in motion. Her own form was completely still – waiting – and when her companion began to wiggle his body, she shot forward, aiming to nip him again before untangling herself away from him, trying to lure him to a game of chase.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Taggarik - January 12, 2016

The business topic was lost to the whims of play, which presently was at a standstill. But not for long; his alpha female sprang forward, catching him in a nip. His own teeth sought purchase with the intent to capture her, but she was fleet of foot and was free of his limbs and muzzle before he had managed more than a few stray hairs between his incisors. She was the proverbial worm on a hook and he the hungry fish; he was effectively lured as she intended him to be. The muscles in his haunches coiled and released, propelling him out of the snow and forward, nipping at her tail as he chased her.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Capriccio - January 17, 2016

Last post from me.. fade?

She paused -- her form still as she waited, and then, one paw would sldie her even further away ever so slowly.. luring him. He watched her for what seemed like forever, but within an instant, Taggarik was quick upon his paws and giving in to her game of chase. Releasing an ushered 'Ohshit,' under her breath, the slender female bolted, a flurry of snow blowing up from the friction of her paws upon the ground.
And so the two would play -- a perfect distraction from the unease their conversation had left in her mind, and one that she would choose not to reflect on for at least a day.. but she knew she would need to discuss with Terich-mir, and they're options.
For now, she was in the present -- the cold winter wind bit at ehr face, and she loved it as she whipped through the territory that was slowly becoming home.

RE: sandisk microsd adapter - Taggarik - January 17, 2016


So the pair were swept into play.

The black wolf harbored none of the unease that, unbeknownst to him, occupied his companion's mind. He did not know if the silver-and-black female would be the one to bear his pups, but for now she was the likeliest of candidates in that she the alpha female. Time would tell, and he did not dwell on the past nor the future so much.

He chased and she ran, and free was his spirit.