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Moonspear berserk - Printable Version

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berserk - Kjalarr - January 03, 2016

'tis why Ragnar shouldn't let his drugs mushrooms where curious kids can possibly find them when they go exploring their birth pack's territory. oops. ;p

Snow had begun to blanket the earth and this time what the light snow over the couple of days had accomplished had stuck and this put Tev into a horrible predicament. It drove him to the confines of dusk, dawn and night solely, at least until the snow melted into something more bearable. When it had initially begun to fall and the day was overcast it was alright, though still not the easiest for him to navigate, but when the sun shone? He felt like he was blind and for a terrifying moment as he braved the sunlit day earlier he had thought he'd gone blind. It had been too bright, and the monochromacy had made it impossible for him to detect grays beyond the bright white of the snow. He had even begun to hyperventilate in the sinking fear that he'd always had (that he would one day go blind from whatever was wrong with his eyes) until he saw the familiar towering peak in the distance. A sharp cut of gray through the ungodly brightness to assure him that he was, in fact, not going nor had he become blind.

Nevertheless he had retreated into the confines of his den, curled back up and went back to sleep after murmuring something in Norse to which ever God had decided to listen. It was the middle of the night now, and the snow didn't impact his night sight all that much, aside from the fact that it somewhat aided the view of grays, of shadows. It was easier to see a fox has it scurried across his path, a streak of gray before it paused and looked at him, it's bottle brush tail and scent giving it's species away. Before it might have escaped Tev's notice until he saw the movement at the last second. This knowledge made him think that maybe he wasn't the best wolf for the job of guardian ...but he wasn't going to let it stop him. He would not let his sight issues compromise the pack and it didn't compromise any of his learned fighting skills. He could kill and the closer he got, the more discernible the details of something became. 

Thus far only Floki knew of his visual impairment, and for as long as possible he intended to keep it that way. Twins shouldn't keep things from one another, Tev had decided and if there was anyone he trusted with all of his secrets it was Floki. He took a turn at the mouth of his den to a small cache he'd built and carefully pulled back the dirt, stopping when he'd reached the dried and brown leaf he'd used as a barrier between the cover of the cache and it's contents. He lifted it with as much delicacy as he could though his teeth punctured it again before he placed it upon the small pile of dirt he'd accumulated and sniffed at the mushrooms he'd taken from the very back corner of his natal den in Stavanger Bay. It was curious why they'd been buried back there as if they were a secret and though something told him he should probably seek Thistle out to find out what they were. 

Carefully he took a mushroom and chewed it slowly, and swallowed, making a slight face at the aftertaste it left in his mouth. Ugh, they were awful. Maybe Ragnar had kept them as some kind of snack or something but if that was the case his taste buds were seriously messed up. Tev gave a shake of his head before he stared down at the gray blobs in their little hole for a few moments, head canting to the side in curiosity over what he'd found and coincidentally just ate. Unaware that due to the intolerance his body had for the Berserker mushrooms that he would begin to feel it's effects soon.

RE: berserk - Amekaze - January 06, 2016

Her night was quiet so far. Only a soft crunch of snow underfoot, but even that was terribly subtle as it faded into the rhythm of her jog. She'd made it over the borders and seen no one so far as she worked her way back into the territory's heartlands. It was bitterly cold, and painfully still out. Which, while good for the ease of safety on this stretch of the mountain, it was certainly far from entertaining. She only attached herself to the nearest pathway and went with it, hoping to muster motivation to track bear whereabouts again.

The beginnings of different scent began to tickle her nose and the dark alpha slowed up, then sniffed thoughtfully. She weighed her options for a beat and decided to follow it a little closer. After all, she had no other pressing matters at present, so why not? It was mainly curiosity that pressed her forward, but that was only normal.

She encroached slowly but steadily. Of the brothers, she was least familiar with him so was far more measured than she'd be while approaching Charon, for example. But it was high time she establish something besides being in the same place at the same time with him. She knew he occupied the nights, could function well as a hunter, and that was about the extent of it.

But, she flared her nostrils and caught wind of the different earthy, distinct scent. Against winter's frigid air, it stood out quite well. She looked him over in a silent inquiry, wondering where he had unearthed his treasure from, and if he had a purpose for it.

bad ragnar, lmao

RE: berserk - Kjalarr - January 07, 2016

hehe! Thanks for joining! <3

Salmon pink tongue scraped futilely against the sharp canines that lined his top jaw in an effort to scrape away the horrid taste of the mushroom, knowing that it was entirely useless yet at the same time couldn't yet give into the idea of giving up. He even scooped up a mouthful of cold snow but giving that snow had no actual flavor — except for the yellow snow but he wasn't going to eat that — it did essentially nothing for the aftertaste Tev was suddenly left with. He gave a nod of his head, brow furrowed and stare icy as he glared at the small hole in the earth he'd made to keep them. “Yeah you taste like shit ...you...little shits,” It had sounded cool in his head but it sounded ...lame when he said it out loud, followed by the consideration that he might be going insane because he was talking to mushrooms. Tev couldn't recall the last time he'd spoken to an inanimate object but he knew for certain that he had grown out of that stage a long time ago.

Still, it felt nice to vent about how awful they tasted even if no one was around to hear it (and frankly, though he was blissfully unaware of this fact, he was lucky his mother wasn't around to catch him eating them).

It hadn't taken long for him to begin to feel weird. It began with shivering, though not something Tev paid much mind too despite that he wasn't really cold. His toes were a little chilly, it was true, but he, inherently, wasn't cold. His fur prevented him from feel the true nip of the air, though he was better equipped due to his northern lineage, his winter coat coarse and thicker, bred to resist the more frigid temperatures of the north. It wasn't until there was a slight chatter of his teeth as they clicked together with the shivers did he understand that of course he felt weird. Something wasn't right about the mushroom(s) he'd eaten. He glared at them, let out a low curse in Norse before he turned, alarmed at the crunch of snow beneath another's footfalls. His pupils were blown wide in their pools of icy caribbean blue, ears slicking back to rest at half mast atop his skull, hackles rigid as they bristled as he took in the black form of Amekaze. It took him longer than it should have to recognize her, and when he did he took in a deep breath and shivered, shoulders hunching as his head lowered slightly. As entirely indiscreetly as he possibly could while under the beginnings of the Beserker high he used his back paw to kick the small mound of dirt haphazardly into the hole, not caring that the mushrooms were now buried in the dirt. Ah well, the dirt might actually make them taste better.

RE: berserk - Amekaze - January 10, 2016

[ooc] ah, yw <3[/b]
She was simultaneously wrinkling her nose ever so slightly at the earthy scent and sniffing for more. But, he did maintain much of her focus -- especially when she realized his shivers after the bristling of his furs. She canted her head and watched, curious. Since he had regarded her decently enough and was not outright objecting to her presence, she took the chance to come closer to him and whatever it was that he had, exactly.

"What are they?" she asked and gestured towards his efforts of scraping dirt with a point of her snout, nostrils flaring as she did. She'd not been able to a good look at the contents of the hole from here -- not that her identification skills were that good alone. A lot of her own knowledge was secondhand and based on whatever had grown closest to the mountains she'd known. Obviously, there were many gaps and she was well aware of it.

But, that didn't dampen her curiosity. She glanced between the hole and him, and she was slowly starting to piece this together. For now, it was only a suspicion. She was far from entirely uninformed when it came to matters as these, but the effects were all unique..