Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Joining - Printable Version

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Joining - Atari Silver - January 03, 2016

Atari awoke covered in snow, she didn't mind to much but she was a little annoyed with it, nevertheless she trudged on. She looked up at the sky, it was light grey that type of grey when its going to drizzle or in this case snow. She huffed, the snow reminded her of the bitter cold days as a pup. She had gotten abandon by her own mother and left to die in the snow; Atari growled at the thought and walked faster, in a trot like manner. She started focusing on something else, she focused on the sound of the snow getting squashed under her paws as she took each step. She focused on what she would do when she got to the packs territory; what she would say; how she would act. Atari was looking for this pack her caretaker told her about before she left. Atari thought about this for a while. As the day dragged on it got colder, Atari could see her breath with every exhale. A shiver went down her spine and even down to her tail; she flicked her tail as the shiver reached it, as to rid her of the shiver. She didn't think it could be that cold, maybe it was just her. The sound of Atari's paws hitting the snow got faster, she started running in hopes to get rid of any future shivers.

It wasn't long before she halted to a stop, upon smelling a packs territory. Atari takes a few steps back out of respect. She fills her lungs with air ready to howl to the pack. She knows this is dangerous but she's willing to take her chances. Atari lets out a howl, hoping one of the packs leaders comes to meet her. She isn't a dominate wolf so she knows she wont appear as a threat to the other wolf, she lays down to relax and waits for the wolf.

RE: Joining - FitzDutiful - January 04, 2016

FitzDutiful was on patrol again. It was something he was doing more and more often as he worked towards his guardian speciality. He wanted to be sure that the borders were the safest they could be and patrolling was one of the more important aspects of that. As he wandered down, strengthening them in the weak places, he noticed a scent on the air accompanied by a howl. A lone wolf. Alert, he moved to intercept though the call made him doubt they were about to violate the borders.

Indeed, the female was a respectful distance away. FitzDutiful cast a wary eye over her assessing the colours of her fur, her stance, her build and her age before approaching closer. "FitzDutiful, how may I be of service?" His posture and body language left no doubt that he was alpha here. He expected the appropriate level of submission before he would hear any more. Almost a year of being an alpha had brought him confidence. Confidence he had lacked severely to begin with.

RE: Joining - Atari Silver - January 04, 2016

Atari stood but at half her height and she tucked her tail in between her legs. Before she put her head down she glanced at the wolf's posture, he definitely was an alpha but she was careful not to look into his eyes in doing so. She couldn't speak, fear gripped her throat and showed no mercy. She calmed down and after a few seconds she spoke. "My name is Atari and I wish to join your pack" she said in a calm non threatening voice. "I'm a decent hunter, I know my kill spots. I'm aggressive when necessary, however I know my place. I am fiercely loyal, and would be an asset to your pack. My desires to be loyal to those who will protect me comes from the abandonment of myself by my lone wolf mother. I've always felt a fire inside of me, a yearning almost, to belong to a pack. What shall I do to prove myself worthy, in your packs eyes" she said in a firm but non threatening voice again. 

Atari hoped this would be enough to persuade the alpha enough for him to consider her. She felt her legs getting weak, they wanted to buckle under her, she wouldn't give in that easily. She checked her posture, she seemed okay but doubt filled her mind. She stopped worrying about that, even though that was the most important thing she could do, and focused on what she said. Atari ran over what she said in her mind, she hoped she said everything right and didn't appear threatening but only the alpha could say.

RE: Joining - FitzDutiful - January 04, 2016

Atari's posture was pleasing - Zaria's vain state of mind seemed to be seeping into FitzDutiful slightly - though he kept his position strong as she spoke. Afterwards, he visibly relaxed and sat down, motioning for her to come closer and do the same. The fact she was a strong hunter was appealing, they had no hunters of trade within their pack and if she could master it she would rise quickly within the ranks as loyalty was another thing he favoured. The fact she was abandoned caused Raissa's departure to grate on him, something he hadn't thought about in a while, though he was careful to avoid showing it.

First though, a test. "What are you weakness?" he asked, kinder now as he turned it into a more conversation and less interview state of affairs. They could afford to be picky, at the moment, but he knew it wouldn't last forever. From the abundance that came to their borders it was important to only select a few loyal and valued members rather than a mass of bodies that didn't know head from tail.

RE: Joining - Atari Silver - January 04, 2016

Atari sat upon seeing it was okay with the alpha, she felt the tension of her legs ease as she sat. She took in note the wolf's posture, it was relaxed which put her mind at rest. Atari thought about her weaknesses, it took her a moment. "I'm not the best at fighting wolves, I've had one or two fights with wolves here and there but other than that I'm a little useless for that. I know to go for the neck but its rare that I land a bite. They always get me first. The only reason why I'm still alive is because I was always being protected by my caretaker." she says this in a tone of regret and disappointment. "I am willing to learn, if someone will teach me. I am a fast learner." she says quickly to counter what she said before. Atari knew that would be a big problem if the pack ever went into battle. Its probably a bigger problem now. Atari started to sigh but quickly refrained herself.

She tries to think of something to balance out that problem but cant, her mind is elsewhere. Its to her caretaker, the one who raised her. A thought popped into Atari's head, she was a good tracker. "I'm a good tracker" she almost blurted out. "My nose can smell past almost anything" She was so excited she remembered this her tail started wagging. She stopped this instantly and sat on her tail. Atari had no idea how she could have forgot this. After the tail wag she got a little nervous and hung her head a little low but nevertheless she had hoped what she had said would turn the tide in her favor.

RE: Joining - FitzDutiful - January 05, 2016

All official so I'll title you now! Feel free to start other threads, you can have as many on the go as you can handle at once. For the sake of timelines most people say whatever date & time the thread was posted on is when it occurs.

The regret and disappointment that Atari didn't know how to protect herself came through with her words and FitzDutiful sympathised with that. He liked that she knew her weakness but also that she was quick to be willing to learn. No one wolf could be good at everything but she seemed to have potential to fill a void that they pack had. Giving himself a moment to think, Atari mentioned being good at tracking - that cemented his decision.

"Then welcome to Silvertip Mountain, Atari." he told her, with a grin to accompany the acceptance into the pack. "I'd like you to focus on honing your hunter skills. We don't have any wolves with an official hunter trade and you would become a valued asset if you make a point of becoming one." He liked to give wolves something to work towards, especially when they first joined. It's how Moon Shadow had been given Steady as a mentor, unfortunately there was no mentor for hunting so she would be the first. He left it unspoken that she could rise fast if she followed his advice, Atari was hopefully smart enough to read between the lines.

RE: Joining - Atari Silver - January 08, 2016

Atari lifted her head up when she heard she was accepted into the. She was surprised she made it. "thank you" she bowed her head. "and I will practice my hunting skill" she said this as if it was a promise but it was a promise. A promise she would keep. Atari thought more about what the alpha had said. The words valued asset kept going through her head. She understood what he had meant, it isn't hard to miss if you think about it. "thank you, again" Atari smiled and waited for the alpha to lead the way.

((Sorry. I don't know how to make the color of the words light gray but this is last post for me sorry its short. Also you don't have to reply back))

RE: Joining - FitzDutiful - January 09, 2016

For the light grey comments you do
[ooc]Text here[/ooc]

As he lead Atari through the pack lands, giving her the welcome tour that encompassed all the important areas of the pack life, he wondered more about her. He was going to leave that conversation for a later date, one that he wanted to hold with all the newcomers of the pack. FitzDutiful showed Atari where she could sleep - the common area of Glass Cave where most of the pack slept - as well as the quarter's he shared with Zaria; a side chamber not far from the main area.

He showed her the most frequented caches and the pack meeting area near the waterfall as well as the tunnel within Glass Cave that lead the side of the mountain near Firestone Hot Springs - quick access to wherever you needed to be. When all was done, he bid Atari farewell for now and headed back to another border patrol.