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Thunder Dome Winter flames race the wind - Printable Version

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Winter flames race the wind - Asterr - January 06, 2016

Here we go~ @Jolon

The peak had quickly become her home, the ridges growing familiar beneath her paws. She valued the land she walked upon, not only for the dragon that had blessed it, but because it was hers. An official claim had yet to be made, for she was still in search of those willing to follow her lead, but even still it was already hers within her mind. No one could take it from her, nor could they enter without her knowing. She would personally scout them all out, if necessary, but greet them with neutrality. After all, while she viewed the peak and cavern has belonging to her, she knew outsiders would not see it the same way. Knowing that, she was well aware that meeting anyone with hostility would be entirely unwarranted, as well as useless. However, meeting them with a neutral air around her could prove beneficial, if she were to be capable of earning their interest in her soon-to-be home.

Nights had been spent within the safety of the cavern, though she was often met with no sleep. Instead, she'd take to further exploring the vast space, learning of it's ecosystem and making note of which places were best for slumbering. There were few places for the snow to touch down at, too, which served as an added bonus. Not only did she possess her own forest within the mountain, but it was also secluded enough to keep the winter's harshness out. Alas, despite how intrigued she was by such a discovery, it was not the center of her focus currently. In fact, she was not even within the cave, for the need to patrol the dome called to her. Asterr moved with pure grace across the ridges, the wind and clouds above hardly a hindrance. Already she'd grown used to it, and had adapted to it all in order to survive within her tribe.

With the higher levels checked out and confirmed to be free of any unwanted company, the dragon began her descent down the rocky paths, nearing the area she would eventually mark as a border of her tribe. For the time being, no concrete scent clung to the ground there, but she could still locate it with ease. Her own scent lingered there, for she'd traversed the paths plenty of times already, but that was about it. Asterr continued to walk along the worn path, her posture and senses alert. There was no way someone could approach without her noticing they were there, in which case she would greet them with a soft nod of her head.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Jolon - January 06, 2016

Jolon wandered over the rocky surface that was covered in a thin layer of snow. He had just been rejected by a leader of a pack he wanted to join, and was not in a very happy mood today. Despite his lonely mood he enjoyed the scenery up here. This place was truly breathtaking, not like the place he once called home as a pup. Jolon smiled at the thought of his old home, remembering what an easy life he had back then. It was nothing compared to being a lone wolf trying to survive in the wild. Somehow he had managed to get through it though, not knowing how he had done it.

Suddenly his ears perked up, followed by his whole head. He heard something. He couldn't quite place the sound, but knew it was nearby. His mind was already overflowing with possible things that could have made the sound, like a hare, or maybe even one of his own sort. Being alone for so long had made him desperate to meet others, good or bad. 

Knowing that whatever it was that had made the sound was close to him, he decided to call if there was someone. Hello? Anyone there? He called out in his cold voice. He was probably just going crazy, but it was worth a shot. He awaited an answer, not knowing if there would be one.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Asterr - January 06, 2016

A trek that had begun in silence was destined to end with noise, as was revealed by the sound of a voice nearby. She'd heard the undeniable clacking of nails against rock before the words had even reached her ears, but had paid it little mind. If someone were to close the distance she would have responded accordingly, but without the sight of another she'd remained relaxed and focused on her task at hand. The voice, however, had her abandoning her task, interest piqued by whoever had come calling. She was intrigued, not only because someone had called out despite the lack of an official claim, but also by the cold tone of whoever'd done it. For those who could not muster up even the slightest bit of warmth when speaking, there was bound to be a story to them that usually went unheard. No matter, she did not fret, and instead turned and started off in the direction from which the voice had come.

When the stranger came into view, she did not close the distance between them immediately. Her nose raised against the wind and took in his scent, learning his gender—male—as well as that he was alone. The scent of a pack did not cling to his person, which came as a small relief. With carefully placed steps, she then grew closer to him, but was sure to stop at a decent length away. Asterr's pale gaze trailed over him, taking in his physical condition as well as his appearance. They were similar in colour, she'd discovered, but aside from that they were entirely different. The male was large, built with muscle and an unquestionable strength, while the yearling was slender and the epitome of grace. His eyes were cold, silently telling that he'd been through a lot, whereas hers held a hidden wisdom far beyond her years. If it came down to it, she knew she would stand no chance against the man in a duel, so for the time being her posture remained neutral, signifying that she was of no threat.

"May I ask why you called out to the wind?" she inquired, a gleam of curiosity shining through her gaze. Depending on how the male was to react to her appearance would signal to her whether or not he'd be worth keeping around—or, rather, telling of her tribe. While she knew, deep down, that she could not afford to be picky, the look of the man had her desiring to be just that. There were perks to his being, for he could serve as an excellent warrior, but the unknown aspects of what he'd experienced and how he would act had her wary of allowing him around Leo. Silently, she awaited his response, though her eyes never left his face. She would continue to watch in silence, looking for anything that might make her disinterested in speaking with him any further.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Jolon - January 07, 2016

Not long after Jolon had called out to see if there was indeed someone around, a slender wolf came into his eyesight. Her body, that moved with much grace, looked feminine. Her scent said the same, and that she was not part of the pack he had encountered earlier. The cold wind was playing with her raven coat and she looked like she could take off any second, as if she didn't belong here on the earth's surface. Jolon found her very enthralling, especially her eyes that were drenched in more shades of silver and grey than he could ever imagine. He was interested in her story, in the place where she had found the knowledge that her eyes revealed to him. This wolf probably had a lot of tales to tell, but he wasn't sure since she didn't look much older than 13 moons. She stepped closer, but not too close that Jolon found it alarming. He saw her inspecting him but she soon locked her eyes on his. Then she asked him something in a manner that he had not heard before. Then again, he never met many wolves at all. 

Insanity, perhaps. May I ask why you answered the call? Jolon spoke with an interested tone, but he couldn't eliminate all of the coldness that had nestled it's way into his speech manner. He didn't like answering questions with questions, but he was truly interested in why this young female had answered his desperate call. He didn't want to overwhelm the female with his big build, so he sat down, giving away the comfort he had in this conversation. He never broke eye contact, for he was too deep invested in her silver orbs.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Asterr - January 08, 2016

A shiver threatened to snake it's way down her spine when he spoke once more, his tone much like the wind that danced around them—cold, but lacking malicious intentions. This time she could also pick out something along the lines of curiosity, though she found it minute in comparison to what she presumed was his typical modulation. Thus far, she was content being in his presence, seeing no reason to fear him. She was appreciative of his choice to sit, and even followed suit for it seemed polite at the time. The words he'd spoken were thought over further then, which allowed for a comfortable silence to settle between them. What he considered to be insanity, she believed might be destiny. There was always a reason behind the actions of each individual, even if one was uncertain of what they might be. Whatever had driven the male to lend his voice to the wind was, surely, something other than madness. The true cause, however, would forever remain unknown to the girl, but she found herself unconcerned by such details.

"I have made it my responsibility to remain aware of all who may cross these ridges, as well as those who linger near to them," the yearling answered, craning her neck ever so slightly as she gestured towards the peaks behind her. "This place will be my home soon, as well as a home for those who've decided to follow me." Once again, her gaze began tracing his features, seeking anything that might signal an interest in what she was saying. "I am still in search of others who might wish to have a home here with us..." Asterr's words trailed off, though the hint that had been present within them was easy to detect. A part of her mind remained skeptical of the stranger, but her greater self dismissed any and all worries. He had showed no hostility towards her, so perhaps he was not as heartless as one might assume based off the look within his striking gaze. "My name is Asterr Draconid, en passant." Her introduction was followed by a look of encouragement, silently requesting his name be given.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Jolon - January 08, 2016

A gentle smile appeared on his face when the she-wolf followed his lead and sat down as well, He was re leaved to see that she wasn't frightened by his appearance. Most wolves who he had encountered were more aggressive towards him, for he was build like someone who could attack at any moment when your back was turned. Although he liked a bit of action, Jolon would never be the one to cowardly attack without a motive. a pleasant silence settled between them, which allowed Jolon to listen to the sounds around them. However, it didn't take long for the raven she-wolf to speak. Jolon listened carefully to what she was saying. it seemed that she was claiming this land to start a home with others. His ears perked up when she mentioned that she was still looking for more. With a curious twinkle in his cold eyes, he knew this was a hint of some sort. If it was, Jolon was elated that he had called out in the first place.

Her name followed soon after, and Jolon repeated the name a few times in his head. He wasn't good with names, but this one was pretty unique so maybe it would stick. It looked like she was seining for him to reveal his name as well. Jolon had no problems with this and couldn't think of a more politer thing to do at this point.

You picked a quite breathtaking spot. He said calm, but a little bit of his enthusiasm leaked through. And your name is rather beautiful. They call me Jolon, a bit dull compared to yours. He followed. Jolon was considering to ask if he could join Asterr and her people, but thought it might be a bit impolite to be so straightforward. He would rather ask for more details to show that he was indeed interested.

What would one need to do or be to join you? He asked curiously but chilly. The twinkle in his eyes stayed however, for he wanted to know more about this wolf and the ones who were going to call this place their home.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Asterr - January 08, 2016

A twinge of pride ran it's course throughout her small frame when he complimented the land she'd chosen to settle upon. It was always good for one to take pride in their home, but when someone else found it to be nice too... well, that just made it even better. The feeling was mixed with joy when she detected some enthusiasm in his voice, which led her to believe he might be intrigued. She felt her interest in him increase when he revealed his opinion of her name, though that was probably due to her having received a compliment. It had not been unusual for her to be given kind words from those in her place of birth, but it seemed different hearing something similar from someone outside of her familial circle. "Thank you," the yearling responded, the phrase directed towards both of his statements. "I find your name to be rather appealing, as well. I have never heard something quite like it before." She had long since discovered that Teekon possessed a wide variety of wolves from various cultural backgrounds, and many held names that she'd never heard before. It was fascinating, at times, though there were occasions in which she'd felt bad, for she could not correctly pronounce an overly different name.

There came a question, one that she felt confirmed he was curious of her home. "One can be whomever they were born as, I do not ask that anyone change their ideals or morals for me. Even when trades and the like are involved, I do not request that anyone acquire a specific trade or specialty," she began, a small smile never leaving her face. She wished for each of her followers to have the freedom to decide who they wanted to be, rather than having a position forced upon them. "As for what they may need to do... why, all that is necessary is that they agree to be loyal to both myself and the tribe as a whole. That they not betray us, no matter how tempting an offer may appear." For some, that was asking a lot, but it was the sole requirement for those looking to reside within her home.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Jolon - January 08, 2016

Jolon's tail wagged a little when he saw that the things he had said made her proud of the land they were currently sitting in. A smile appeared on his face when she thanked him, he hadn't had such a comfortable conversation since the day he had stranded here as a rogue. You're welcome. He replied rather gently. When Asterr said that she found his name appealing, he was confused. He normally didn't get admiration for his name, for it was a very common name in the land where he had come from. He figured Asterr was born and raised in a place far away from the place he called home as a pup, so he took the compliment with a small nod and a thank you. Thank you, I assume you're not from nearby where I was born. It was a pretty prevalent name at the time. Jolon found himself more and more comfortable with this she-wolf. 

She answered his question detailed, just the way Jolon liked it. It sounded like this was a good place for him to get a fresh start. The way she described it, it would be perfect for him to meet others and finally call a place home again. She mentioned something about betraying, which was the last thing Jolon would ever do to someone he had sworn to be loyal to. In his eyes, it was one of the lowest thing any wolf could do. Asterr seemed like a great leader, one who Jolon would gladly swear loyalty to. 

You look like you will be a great leader, to me and to whoever follows you. So, I will gladly swear my adherence to you and your supporters. Jolon spoke with seriousness and devotion. To make it more official, he bowed a little but it was highly uncomfortable in the way he was already sitting. Betrayal is not in my nature. You have my word. Jolon got up from the uncomfortable pose he was in and looked Asterr in her eyes. I offer strength and protection to the tribe. I will help in any way I possibly can. So with this, will you accept my humble offer? Jolon was nervous to what she was going to say. He had chosen his words carefully and had spoken them with clear devotion. Now, he awaited an answer.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Asterr - January 08, 2016

There was a hint of surprise that flitted across her face when she noticed his tail move. The motion was scant and short-lived, but it did not go unnoticed. To witness such a seemingly cold wolf show even the slightest of happy gestures had her suspicious of what truly went on in his mind. Perhaps the look he wore and the tone he spoke in was a defense mechanism, an attempt to save himself from the risk of falling victim to emotional pain. It would not be the first time she'd met someone of the like, and most certainly would not be the last, but she neither could or would confirm her assumptions. Despite her desire for him to join the ranks of her tribe, the truth remained that they were strangers. To ask someone to give such deep and personal information out to another they'd only just met was expecting too much, and she would not demand it of him. If, with time, they grew close enough for him to share willingly, then she would gladly listen. Until that time arrived, if it ever did, she would continue to let herself be surprised by the little shows of positive emotions he'd give.

Asterr knew not of from where he'd come, so she did not confirm or deny his conclusion. It was quite possible that their homelands were actually close to one another, but the manner in which her's worked was... strange, to phrase it simply, when compared to other establishments. Of course, it was all too normal for her, but never would she verbally label the two as such. Instead of commenting on his statement, she'd simply offered a nod of her head. No matter the differences in the areas they'd been born into, she would not put another down in any manner. If she were to meet someone, it was because she was meant to meet them. It was an event that had been weaved into her fate long before she'd even been conceived, and so she often took the time to learn of other cultures, rather than put them down for being different from her own. Someday, perhaps in the near future, she may ask Jolon of his heritage, and hope by then he feels comfortable enough to let her in.

With their informal exchange set aside, the topic of conversation once again became serious. His comment concerning her role as a leader was flattering, and was made even better when followed by a statement that she deemed satisfying. He would give his loyalty to both her and the tribe. It was a wondrous thing to hear, and she demonstrated her gratification with a swift wave of her tail. It was quick and limited, but prominent all the same. She accepted his awkward bow with a dip of her head, as well as stored his words away in her memory. He had given his word that he would never betray them, and she would hold him to it. His next words appeared to be spoken with a great deal of thought behind them, as if he wanted to be sure his phrasing would not go against him. She could accept what he had to offer, and so a smile of approval was given. "At first, I will admit that I was wary of your presence. However now I know I have nothing to feel concern towards," the yearling voiced, stepping closer in order to touch her shoulder to his. "You, Jolon, have been accepted into my tribe. This peak may serve as your home, your safe space, and your family from this day forth. I look forward to seeing you often." With that, she took a step back and set her gaze on him once more, before stepping aside to allow him to pass her if he chose to do so. "If you would like, I will show you around. If you'd rather explore on your own, please keep in mind that their are others residing on this mountain. If they know of me, then they are of the tribe. If they do not, be wary of their intentions."

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Jolon - January 09, 2016

The corner of his lip perked up in a friendly smirk when she nodded. He liked her little reactions to his words, it was like there was a debate going on inside her head with everything he said. Jolon's words were always taken seriously so far, but Asterr was the first to think about them like this. It was good to see that his bow did not go unnoticed, for it really was not easy to nail it without it looking silly. He was not one to bow easy for a yearling, but with the wisdom she spoke, one would almost forget she was. The questions he wanted to ask were all aimed at where she had come from and who had taught her all this knowledge, but the answers would come with time. For now, he was satisfied with what he knew.

It was no surprise that she had found his appearance cautionary at first, but he was contented to hear that those feelings were gone now. She stepped closer to him and connected her shoulder with his, something he had only ever done with one who had passed away. This made him bond with Asterr in his mind. He knew it was probably only a small gesture to her, but to him it was much more. 

He let his tail wag once again when he heard her words of approval. This moment had led him to believe that he had been destined not to get in the pack he had encountered earlier that day, for he would've never met this bright spirit. He nodded appreciatively and he allowed a tiny grin to grow on his face. She stepped back and out of the way for him to pass and even offered to show him around. Jolon did not know the area well enough yet and didn't want to risk falling and getting an injury, so he would gladly accept the offer. 

I can't thank you enough. Jolon replied in his normal manner, but with a tiny grin covering his normal emotionless face.As for your offer on showing me the place I'll call home from now on, I'd really like that. If it's not a problem for you, of course.The warning of others on this mountain was appreciated with a small nod and a smile. For once he felt happy about what he called his insanity, for it was just that that had led him to meet this raven yearling. He looked forward to being by her side from now on, and among the ones who had sworn loyalty to her as well.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Asterr - January 09, 2016

Fade with your post~? c:

The smirk that touched his lips did not go unnoticed, however she understood it was not meant to be cocky. It was friendly, perhaps formed out of amusement, and thereby accepted as a positive occurrence, rather than the negative most took the expression as being. Her opinion of him remained on the rise, for he'd accepted her touch and had not pulled away. It was an important gesture, in her mind, and while it was most likely not nearly as important to her as it'd been to him, she still found the meaning behind it to be of great importance. Her tribe was growing, and soon she would be able to lay an official claim to the peak. It would become her's—no, their's—and no one would be able to steal it away from them. A home fit only for those who were loyal, those pure of heart.

Again, his tail wagged, yet she thought it to be different from the previous. She knew she'd made the right decision in allowing him entry to her tribe. Not only was he loyal, but he'd seemed legitimately happy to have been granted access into her ranks. The yearling could think of nothing worse than permitting someone entry who was not thoroughly pleased by the idea of joining them. Not only would that sentence them to a life of sorrows, but it would be unhealthy for the mountain, too. Asterr was grateful for the existence of wolves like Jolon, and could only hope that, someday, more like him would gather at their doorstep.

A soft titter managed to slip past her lips, followed by, "You need not thank me." It was a home that he'd needed, and followers she'd sought. Both parties were left satisfied by the acceptance, and so she felt neither demanded thanks to be given. "Assisting a member out in any way will never be a problem for me," she assured him, taking the lead in order to show him around the territory. She led him all around, pointing out which paths were safest to travel across and what areas he should be most careful in. At the end of their trek, she'd led him to the cavern, telling him of the safety it provided and how it was the best location to find a place of slumber. The forest within it was lush and healthy, almost as if winter had yet to touch it. It was there she left him go to investigate more, if he so pleased, for she knew no dangers to lurk within the woods. It was there that he would be safest, and there she hoped to someday learn more about him.

RE: Winter flames race the wind - Jolon - January 09, 2016

After he had seen all that this beautiful place had to offer, he was left in the woods. These woods almost felt alive and Jolon could hear almost everything with his sensitive ears, from the dripping of water to the snoring of little mammals. Exploring here would be very enjoyable. He had always liked wandering through places he had never been before and this was no exception. He glanced around quick, looking for possible threats, but soon realized this was a safe-haven. Before Asterr could possibly walk away to, perhaps, seek for more people that would want to join the tribe, Jolon called out.

If you are in need of help, just call. I'll come as quickly as I can. He felt protective of her, not knowing how she would do in battle. What if she encountered a wolf that wasn't as friendly as him? He knew that she would indeed fight back to protect the land she wanted to claim for their tribe, but he couldn't risk losing their home, losing her. Be safe. He ended with a concerned voice. Before she could react he had already turned around, not awaiting an answer, for it wasn't a request or question. It wasn't a real demand either, it was his way of saying that he cared enough to offer help. He strolled away from her, knowing that soon their paths would cross again.

Hopefully this was fading enough. *fades some more like the pro fader I am* woopdidoop, this was fun :D Can't wait till this pack/tribe will be official, hyped much o.o see you soon :)