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Blackfeather Woods Are you still getting closer? - Printable Version

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Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 06, 2016

Squeee! @Cyn for you <3

Venus took a bite of the snow, she didn't want to go to a stream, and snow was right in front of her. It basically did the same thing. She continued trotting. She was looking for Cyn, she seemed like the only one that could hold up what Venus had to say. Venus had to vent, a ball of anxiety didn't do anything good for her mentally. Tears already started flowing before she reached the girl. Venus had a nasty habit of holding things in until they burst out of her like a hurricane. Her trot, became a run, frantically searching for her trusting friend. She couldn't control the tears now. She decided it would be better if Cyn didn't see her in this state. She walked over to a large tree and slumped over. Please don't let her see me like this, I probably look terrible. 

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 06, 2016

Yay! *squeal*

Cyn heard a breathing and followed it to soon find Venus."Oh my goodness! Venus what happened?!" Cyn didn't mind that she looked like a mess. Cyn felt like one sometimes too. She licked her a little to try and calm her down, much like a mother wolf to her pup."It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, just calm down." She said in a calm voice.

Cyn finally finished her little calming session and looked Venus in the eyes."Now who do I have to knock a little sense into?" She tried to make her laugh a little.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 06, 2016

Venus quickly ducked her head away from Cyn. She was embarrassed she was such a mess. She was quickly soothed by Cyn's licking and soothing voice. She sniffled and chuckled a bit at her comment. "Thanks Cyn, I'm in the middle of some issues with medical stuff. I fell like I'm always in pain somewhere, and nothing is helping." Part of what she said was true. Being around friends, especially soothing ones, helped. It seemed that Cyn was one of the only people she had met recently that was that soothing. She smiled shyly, still extremely embarrassed over her breakdown.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 07, 2016

Cyn nodded and smiled at her."Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be better soon. Do you know why it's happening?" She would help her find out why she was in so much pain. Her tail didn't move an inch.Why should you be helping this thing out when she clearly wants your man? Cyn ignored the voice.

She had developed some small feelings for Venus as well as Mikasi and had a hard time trying to figure out who she liked more. Her mind felt like it was full of hormones and love. Cyn even came to think that she was going into heat soon, which she didn't want at the moment. The last wolf she remembered going into heat was Burke's now dead mate. She didn't want to risk Burke getting mad or even kick her out for having puppies with someone who wasn't her mate yet. She wanted love before she had anything with anyone.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus smiled at her nice gesture again. What the hell? Do I like her? She though. Maybe Cyn wouldn't be so bad, maybe this would be a good thing. She lost all feelings of Mikasi the next day, so was right, it was because she was getting sick. Thank god she didn't say anything. She flattened her ears in embarrassment again, but now it was a cute, shy embarrassment. "I probably won't get better, this has been happening ever since I had sealed eyes as a pup. I think I have something wrong with my ability to fight infections and diseases." Venus was talking about a weakened immune system, but wolves probably didn't have that knowledge. Venus wanted to stop talking, but she couldn't. When she was sick, Mikasi was her crush, but now she was for the most part clear, and Cyn filled that gap. Though it was a small crush she developed, this was much different than others.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 07, 2016

Cyn thought about the sickness and went through a list of them in her head. It could've been anything from a weird parasite she didn't know of to a disease she didn't know of either."Well what are all the symptoms that you get? I might be able to help." She smiled at the girl and didn't even mind her being a little flustered. Cyn herself felt the same way. Her heart ached to hear she had to deal with this.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus smiled again a laughed. This was going to be a long explanation. "Well, if I run to much, I wheeze, and eventually it makes it hard for me to breath. Thy has something to do with my lungs. I seem to always get sick, and not be able to fight it off very well, so that is my fighting system. I seem to always have some kind of pain somewhere." Venus let another tear fall. "I shouldn't dump this on you. I'm so sorry." Venus said and ran her leg over her cheek, trying to hide her weakness.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 07, 2016

Cyn licked Venus' tears again."I don't mind honey." She gave Venus a nickname without even thinking about it."Things happen all the time that get us down. We just have to get back up." Cyn tried to comfort her again."You don't need to be sorry." She said in a calm tone. She felt like crying too, but the reason was different. Cyn wanted to cry for Venus and the struggles she went through.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus was quickly calmed by Cyn. The girl knew her way to calmness. A spark went through Venus as she adopted the nickname Cyn proposed. She was glad Cyn didn't tell her it would all be ok, because when people said that they were lies, she would never be ok. Venus sensed Cyn getting upset, so she shut her mouth. Venus leaned over and licked Cyn's face, copying her soothing methods. Venus ached to continue, but she pulled herself away, and looked into Cyn's eyes. Some would take this as a challenge, but her eyes sparkled from tears past and future. Her eyes were soft and comforting, and Venus blinked away the tears.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 07, 2016

Cyn blinked away the tears that were starting to form. She smiled and it reached her eyes. She continued to lick her. She finally pulled back when she thought it was enough. She sat down in front of Venus. She pawed the ground without thinking and started to draw little pictures using her claw. She closed her eyes and felt very nervous all of a sudden. Her ears moved back from it and she opened her eyes again to look at the female across from her in the eyes. Cyn's tail started to wag a little. Mikasi just seemed like a flirt now instead of him actually caring about her. She felt as if she liked Venus more than she did the male.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus got nervous to, but she didn't break eye contact. She felt such a pull towards Cyn. It truly broke her heart to see the girl sad. "Don't you ever be sad. You come and find me if you are sad, if I'm sleeping, wake me up, if I'm dead, dig me up. Don't second guess talking to me. I will do anything to help you." Venus said, her tail moving a bit. Venus rarely lied, so the words she spoke were true. Venus ran her tongue over Cyn's cheek again, and focused back on her and smiled.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 07, 2016

Cyn nodded and returned the look."Same goes for you. Even if I am dying you can come to me and I'll help you. I-I" She couldn't get the three words out. She bit her tongue and tried again, this time she succeeded."I love you." She had to get them out and tell the girl. Mikasi was just a big dumb male that just distracted her from her true feelings.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus started nodding until the girl stopped her sentence. She cocked her head until the three words Venus wanted to hear deep in the back of her mind. Tears of joy began to fall and Venus moved closer to the girl, their bodies pressing close. "I love you too. You will never die on my watch. I love you." Venus said, the words effortlessly rolled off her tongue. Venus showered her face in sweet licks met as kisses. A sudden protective dome fell over her. No one would ever touch Cyn unless they wanted to die.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 07, 2016

Cyn felt the warm feeling in her chest. She came even closer to the girl and her fur was now mixed with the other. Cyn could feel the warmth from her and licked her snout. She put her head on Venus and could feel the smile on her face grow. She was happy here, but was unsure if this was right. She never knew about two wolves of the same gender together. She moved the thought to the back of her head. Cyn just wanted to enjoy the moment.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus continued to lick her as she hummed. Venus tried to act sweet, but an angry fire burned inside of her. Mikasi was still interested in Cyn, and this would not be tolerated. Venus pressed closer to Cyn, and stopped licking. She wrapped her neck around Cyn's in a hug. The warmth the two shared was like nothing she had felt before. No one had ever loved her, even in her childhood, and if they did they never showed it. Venus pulled away and touched noses with Cyn. "I love you." She repeated. It just felt right to say. Mikasi popped back into her mind, and she grew noticeably angry. "What are we- you, going to do about Mikasi?"

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 07, 2016

Cyn groaned. She knew that this would pop up."I could try and put him down gently. I don't know how though." She could feel frustration slowly rising. She calmed down enough to lick Venus again."Calm down honey. You don't have to be mad. I love you too." She could feel the guilty feeling in her stomach. Cyn probably seemed like she was totally into him and then she would have to tell him she was in love with Venus. She didn't expect to be in so much drama.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 07, 2016

Venus felt bad she brought this up, but I had to be resolved. Cyn couldn't let him dangle. She bathed in Cyn's licks and returned them with Venus scooting closer to Cyn. She gave off a small gruff purr-like thing. Already being protective of Cyn, Venus would probably tag along in case he reacted ... Poorly on his part. Another shot of electricity went through her after being called Honey. It was a stupid thing to love so much. Venus would have to think of a cute nickname for Cyn. It would be a hard for Cyn to admit to him, and she just wished she could transfer all her pain and stress to herself. Venus wanted all of the stress Cyn could ever carry. In the moment, all Venus wanted to do was mold into Cyn, she didn't want her to worry at all. "Do not fell guilty at all. It's his fault he didn't go after you." She joked.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 08, 2016

Cyn laughed lightly and licked Venus."More like it's his fault he didn't make sure I liked females too." She tried to also joke a little. She watched the wind flow through the grass and felt herself smile again. She could feel a blanket of security around Venus and just wrapped herself up in it. She felt warm and cosy despite the snow around them.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 08, 2016

Venus licked Cyn's cheek and giggled at her joke. It made her stomach churn about how much she loved this girl. She would never stop loving her, till the day she died and beyond. Venus laid down and licked Cyn's leg. Venus didn't have an issue with the same-gender thing. She let out a huff and rubbed against her love. "I love you Cyn." She said. She licked her leg and looked up at her, her eyes were bright and soft.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 08, 2016

I think your message box is full. I can't send PMs until you clean it out. Could you do that please?

"I love you too Venus." Cyn made a purring type of noise. She looked Venus in her eyes and felt a chill run up her spine as she looked into her soft eyes with her own. She could feel the warmth in her gut spread out. It made her feel even cozier than before. Her tail wagged a little faster. Maybe it wasn't wrong to love someone the same gender as you. Love is love no matter age, gender, relationship between each other, or anything. Cyn thought to herself.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 08, 2016

Aw! Sorry about that!

If you loved someone as much as Venus hoped Cyn loved her, nothing could get in the way of them. Though the love was young, Venus was so protective, nothing would happen to her. When Cyn looked her in the eye she felt the same thing. A warm fuzzy feeling went through her mind, and she leaned up to lick her nose.  She ducked her head under Cyn's chin and sat there. Thoughts began to go through her mind as Mikasi fluttered back. She didn't know why this bugged her so much, but it would have to be resolved.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 09, 2016

It's fine! It happens all the time!

Cyn liked the feeling of Venus under her chin. Her eyes closed and she felt like Venus was the one and only she would ever love. Love was just like that, a set of reactions in the brain that made you believe that this could last forever. Cyn didn't care about that rule, this felt true and the only thing she could ever experience that was actual love. Her mind wandered as she couldn't help but feel a little tired. She moved her head off of Venus to yawn.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 09, 2016

Venus stood up quickly when Cyn yawned. She licked her cheek and flicked her tail. "Let's get you to sleep. You are tired." Venus said. She began to trot off and she looked back at Cyn. It might be too early, but Venus wanted to fall asleep curled next to Cyn. Venus slowed down a bit to wait for her. She smiled sweetly and once Cyn reached her she licked her muzzle. Venus yawned and laughed. "You're making me tired."

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Cyn - January 09, 2016

Cyn nodded and followed her. She giggled at what Venus had to say about her own sleepiness. She yawned again."This is going to be a never-ending cycle if we don't go sleep." She chuckled. Her eyelids started to droop a little and she could feel the tear that got in her eyes when she was tired."Where do you want to sleep?" Cyn licked Venus' cheek.

RE: Are you still getting closer? - Venus - January 09, 2016

Venus laughed as she noticed Cyn's eyelids started to drop. Venus licked the straggling tear from her eyes and Cyn said her little dream. "I don't know where to sleep, where do you usually sleep. It might be better for you to sleep in a familiar area." She said. Venus kept her eyes open for a good spot in case Cyn didn't have an idea. Venus wondered  how they would wake up in the morning, Venus hoped they would become mates soon, waiting made her ache. She cocked her head and waited for an answer.