Wolf RPG
Noctisardor Bypass yes i'm a pretty boy - Printable Version

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yes i'm a pretty boy - Ancalagon - January 06, 2016

It was the first time since the southern forest and the strange girl and man (and second time since he'd joined Lost Creek Hollow) that Lagon had struck out to the free territories beyond Lost Creek Hollow. In truth, he really didn't have much wanderlust, and as an aspiring guardian it seemed the most logical for him to actually stay in pack lands. After all, it was sort of hard to protect the borders when he was elsewhere in the Teekon Wilds. Still, he didn't exactly wish to be a complete Hollow recluse, either. Though his pack socialization had been lacking a good bit ...the last wolf he'd spoken to was Root or was it Harlyn? Either way, there were still members of the pack he hadn't made the standard introductions with and he'd been there for almost a month and the truth was he, as a social butterfly should at the very least have a name to each face. Right now, so entirely wrapped up in earning the mercenary trade (despite that it was inherently working to benefit both pack and self) he'd let his social responsibilities slip ...and deciding to take a trip outside of pack lands wasn't helping this sort of one track minded procrastination.

Lagon, however, pushed that aside for now. He was no Scout but he'd had a sudden desire to explore a few of the free territories near and around the Hollow. He told himself that it was simply because it was probably a good idea to have, at the very least, something of a rough idea of their layout ...for guardian purposes. Knowledge was power, after all. So Sveinx had made an extensive effort to drill into his son's head, anyway. So he found himself wondering, picking out notable landmarks as he went. It was about mid-day as he followed the twisting Mudminnow River towards Jade Fern Grove and came to a pass between two mountains as to which the river opened into a large, glistening lake that looked like the top was coated in a thin sheet of ice in spots. 

Mahogany red eyes studied the water, pausing to sniff at it once before he loped along it's bank, following it towards the heart of Noctisardor Bypass, the snow crunching under his weight as he moved leaving a trial that he intended to follow back to Lost Creek Hollow (because his lack of scout skills made him a horrendous tracker).

RE: yes i'm a pretty boy - Corvasa - January 15, 2016

@Ancalagon Hope you don't mind a Wild Fauna 
   Corvasa was bored. Very bored. She had been flying around in the same area, for what, an hour? There wasn't any action, any drama, nothing. She saw a wolf down near the wide lake. Her head followed the dark wolf, causing her to wonder where he would go. 
 Suddenly, a thought entered her mind. Not a very nice one, too. Without thinking it through, she swooped down and landed right in front of the wolf. She shook her head as if she had heard bad news.  "Oh dear, oh dear, I was hoping I wouldn't have to curse anyone today", she said.

RE: yes i'm a pretty boy - Ancalagon - January 16, 2016

Not at all! Thanks for joining! <3

Lagon had, abruptly, stopped in his tracks when a raven swooped down and landed right in his path. For a perplexed moment the dragon prepared to take a step forward, as if he intended on continuing on his path and if the raven did not fly away or hop out of the way he would step on it though his body froze when it's beak parted and it spoke. Initially, though, Lagon had trouble grasping that the voice had came from the raven instead peering around for a moment to determine if there was a wolf hiding somewhere that had yet to conceal itself. Perhaps it was an elaborate prank yet he didn't smell anything other than the raven and the scents of the landscape around them. Devoid of wolf aside from himself.

“Curse?” Lagon reiterated the word in a mumble but he couldn't really focus upon her words, far too facinated by the fact that she could actually communicate with him. He'd never really considered that inter-species communication was possible. “You can speak?”

RE: yes i'm a pretty boy - Corvasa - January 16, 2016

Corvasa didn't really get the reaction she wanted. Instead, he asked if she could speak. Corvasa felt slightly offended, wolves weren't the only intelligent species. "Yes of course I can speak, I am Death", she said, making it up as she went along, "and you have entered the Land of the Dead!"
She paused dramatically before continuing. "Luckily, I am in a good mood today. So I will give you a choice: you can either suffer the curse yourself, or a loved one will get cursed instead."
 "So, sir, what is your choice?", she asked the wolf.