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Deepwood Weald When pride gets in the way - Printable Version

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When pride gets in the way - Sebastian - January 09, 2016

@Pearl if you have the time, otherwise anyone welcome!

Sebastian decided to settle down for a few days to rest his paws. He and Aduin had traveled down the coast and they didn't have any luck yet for a pack that would take them in. Sebastian was hesitant to return to RHC, not wanting to be stuck in that same life. Plus then he would be back on his father's doorstep and he really did not feel the need to be there. Sebastian technically called for a break because he didn't want to travel too far yet. 

He had found a play to stay with Aduin and now Sebastian had decided to start scouting this area. Maybe it would contain a nice source of food that could sustain both males. The grey tank trotted through the forest, his nose closer to he ground and paying attention not to wander too far from Aduin.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Pearl - January 09, 2016

~I am here~

She was out tracking the various herds around the territory when she stumbled across the downwind scent of Sebastian. It was well over a few days she'd been out, which explains why she wasn't there to greet her friend at the borders. Her head raised and ears perked, she left with little reluctance the small band of deer that had joined for the winter. 

Pearl made her way through the forest at a brisk trot, eager to see him and Haven again. But strangely, her scent wasn't anywhere. A bit confused about why he was all the way down here when his aspired pack was supposed to be up the coast, she continued until she saw the large storm cloud in the forest. She gave a chuff to let him know she was there before she said, "Hey, Sebastian! What's up? Why are you all the way down here?" 

RE: When pride gets in the way - Sebastian - January 10, 2016


Sebastian looked up instantly at the sound of a chuff. He made himself ready to meet some kind of stranger. Yet as he looked he realized the wolf approaching him was no stranger. Sebastian looked surprised to run into his friend. Sebastian's tail started moving before it dropped a bit. The male had no clue had been knocking on the door of Pearl's pack, unfortunately they were full. "Pearl! Hey," he greeted with a kind smile that soon vanished. "It is a long story," the male sighed.

Sebastian licked his lips and looked a bit sadly to Pearl. "Well, Haven left me, that is the baseline of things. We had the perfect location of our pack we were going to start and one day she went out with her sister and she never returned. We waited for a month, looking for them, but they never returned. No use starting a pack when you are only with two," he muttered sadly. "Her brother and me were here to join this other pack at the coast but they were full and we were rejected." 

He really liked Aduin but it was also kind of bittersweet that he was taking care of the brother of the wolf you once loved. Sebastian was a good guy and wasn't going to leave him but the one he wanted to be with had been gone. He was alone again. He didn't have much luck at all. Sebastian sat down, letting himself wallow a bit, ears hanging to the side.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Pearl - January 10, 2016

Sebastian's usually cheerful demeanor dropped as soon as he recognized her and said hello. Pearl was surprised at the weariness and sadness in his eyes, and sat and listened to his story. "I have time," she offered. 

The bare fact that Haven had left him shocked Pearl. The Power Couple? Gone? It even sounded preposterous. She wondered if Haven had somehow gotten lost with her sister, as in the situation with Osprey. But tipping those around you off about where you were going often helped if you somehow got lost. He proceeded with the story, and she wondered if he was talking about her pack. They had been full at the time when she started off, so she just assumed. She let Seb finish, watching him with pity, despritely wondering if there was anything she could do.

So, she did the one thing she could think of first. She stood, went over to him, and gave him a big, wolfish hug. Didn't seem to do much, since she could practically sink into him, but it was the thought that counted. She started talking, which almost always ended up going the wrong way, but what the heck, a friend was in need, and screw it all if she wouldn't try to help him. 

"I'm sure she'll come back, Seb. Love like that doesn't often die so fast," she said, minority startling even herself with her words. She sure wasn't the awkward mess she was a short while ago. She had been spending a little too much time around Lasher.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Sebastian - January 11, 2016

Sebastian was kind of glad for the hug. He needed a hug. The bigger wolf rested his head against the pearly white female. Guess she got her name from the color of her coat. Sebastian let out a soft sigh. "I don't believe in it, Pearl. I'm done believing in it," he spoke and stepped back looking away. He was back to being the bitter young man again he was before. When he joined RHC to spy on his father. This should end. He should have dealt with his father long ago and it seemed only bad things were happening to him as Sebastian kept avoiding his father. 

"It died from my side," he clarified to her, his face scowling. "I can't have a break. I never will. I liked a girl once, pale colored like you. She died. I liked another female and then I got attacked by visiting her. Later on I liked Haven and she left me. I'm done," he stated to her. His pale set of eyes glaring softly, he didn't mean to glare at her. It was all too much to deal with right now. Another heartbreak. Maybe it was only now while talking about it to someone who he didn't need to be cheery for that he realized how heartbroken he really was. With Aduin he couldn't be really honest because that would probably make him sad too.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Pearl - January 14, 2016

Sorry for the wait, so busy XD (using this as a counselor trade thread, if that's ok) 

Pearl lived in the moment of the hug, but then reality shock hit her hard when he pulled back and she saw before her eyes the fluffy, caring bear turning into a bitter storm cloud. Something stirred inside her, a thought came to not let this happen to this poor boy. He had to keep believing. But sadly, she couldn't offer to be with him on the possibility of Haven coming back. What had life done to Seb?

Not really surprised by the glare on his face, she just simply stared at the heartbroken man. What could she do for him? But as soon as he said he was done. That's what sparked her. Instantly she felt like hitting him for giving up. But she wouldn't have been able to do much to the tank. Instead, she settled for sitting beside him and leaning on him. A gentle approach would serve better. 

"Hey, just because you're done doesn't mean love isn't. It'll bring around the right girl for you, or bring Haven back. Frankly, it's shaping you by brutal heartbreak, but you have to be strong enough to live through it. Don't give up just yet," she said, standing up and staring into his eyes, angry bright blue meeting calm and loving peridot.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Sebastian - January 15, 2016

That is fine! :)

Sebastian let out a long sigh and frowned when Pearl spoke about him having to put through with it. Sebastian didn't feel like he was ever going to get love again. He was just too broken by all the other times. Now it was just the final straw. Pearl's words were encouraging but for him having been heartbroken for several times now it almost didn't feel worth it. "Pearl.. I've been heartbroken before," he explained again. "It is too much," he muttered. 

Sebastian let out a soft frown and held his head down. He was kind of wallowing in his own sadness. It was unfair that someone would find their love instantly and when he found love or would have a crush they would all leave him within the first few weeks. Haven hadn't even left him but also her brother.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Pearl - January 22, 2016

Again, sorry for the wait X) Not sure exactly where I'm going with this

Pearl sighed softly in exasperation. She would help him. She had a hard time relating to his many heartbreaks, but she'd use what she had. "I don't have much experience with heartbreak, though I do know it hurts." she said, at this point lifting his muzzle out of its pit of misery with her own to bring it up into the spring of calm joy that dwelled with her. She would try and give him the happiness he deserved, but she still felt as if Haven would return. If that did happen, she would feel utterly guilty that she had some between the power couple, even if Haven had left unintentionally. 

"I know it's unfair, but that's how life is sometimes. Though all the while it is working towards something better." (Unless it's one of Kat's characters in which case not really) Pearl said, trying with all her might to bring him back to the realm of the believers. He just couldn't give up, no matter if it was hard or not.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Sebastian - January 23, 2016

haha I will follow your lead then :P

Sebastian was tempted to drop his muzzle again once Pearl had lifted it. His love life had been insanely unfair to him. Sebastian was really starting to think there was a curse on him. "It is horrible, Pearl," he stated and then slumped down. He tried to be positive he really did but the male had a flare for the dramatics. The grey male placed his head down and let out a long sigh. "I waited for a month. I did my waiting before too, when we slowly getting together. I waited for her to get ready. Maybe she wasn't. She was younger than me, about a whole year. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe I went too serious too quick," he muttered, and there he thought females liked males that were serious. He always ran into the wrong ones. He battered his pale eyes at the lightly colored girl. "How can it be working towards something better? I don't believe it, all the females I like just .. don't work."

RE: When pride gets in the way - Pearl - January 24, 2016

I just want to hug the fluffy ball of sadness

She watched him slump down again and listened to him, pitying him beyond belief and something tugging at her chest to help him. She didn't know how though -- she was almost tempted to agree with him that he was cursed. Again, she tried with what she had. "Maybe all the females you liked weren't the right ones," she suggested softly, though she still held on to the hope that Haven was the right one for him. She looked down into his saddened pale blue eyes and the tugging increased, followed with something like a flutter.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Sebastian - January 24, 2016

I know right? :P

Sebastian looked up at her from his slumped ball of unhappiness. That had been his argument after the first and the second but now it had happened for a third time. It was starting to get harder and harder to believe it. The young male swallowed thickly. "Maybe," he spoke softly and battered his eyes down. He might have been too hopeful that he was like females would like. "I am sorry to bother you with this," he spoke then. "It is all coming down now. I have to keep up a positive face for Aduin, her brother. She left him too. That poor soul is one nervous wreck. A kind soul. I couldn't leave him. But.. it is hard to be so positive all the time. It is just really tough getting your heart broken."

RE: When pride gets in the way - Pearl - January 24, 2016

It wasn't bothering her in the slightest that he was opening up. What was so difficult about it was the blatant fact that she couldn't do anything to help his pain. It was heartbreaking as it was to her just to see one of her friends like this, who had been through so much and deserved so much better. "No, I'm not bothered at all. Don't worry." She drew a blank on what to say next, so she just let her terrible social instincts take over. Pearl slumped alongside him, more composed, and tried to comfort him by grooming and licking his large neck. It was comforting at the same time to her, him having enough fur with his winter coat for nearly two wolves.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Sebastian - January 25, 2016

Seb the fluffy teddybear! haha

Sebastian glanced at her sideways when she spoke about not feeling bothered. Yet the male felt like he was just on a complaining rant and Pearl couldn't really do anything to stop it. Or so he thought. The male shifted a bit as the pale female laid next to him. His eyes blinking for a moment when Pearl started to groom him. It was indeed true that Sebastian was sporting quite the thick winter coat and it did feel nice to be groomed. He placed his head down on his paws. "Thank you, Pearl," he whispered to her. He kinda needed some TLC at the moment. The young male was currently still to heartbroken to realize that there could be more than friendship between them. Sebastian would probably need to get over his heartbreak firs before starting to look around again.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Pearl - January 26, 2016

DID YOU SEE ZOE'S BACK I can't wait for the drama this will cause ;)
fade with this or next post? 

Pearl just smiled. "No problem, Seb." was all she whispered back. It was comforting and comfortable to say the least, snuggling next to her friend. She thought only briefly about a relationship, but quickly pushed it away. It would be too selfish to suggest such a thing with Sebastian being heartbroken and the slim possibility of Haven returning. It would have been nice, though. For now she was content being there for him and cleaning him up. She was content, though he might not, to simply lay together in the blushing light lazily streaming down upon them through the bare branches reaching above. How long she remained and how much time had gone by had no meaning to her.

RE: When pride gets in the way - Sebastian - January 27, 2016

Haha I saw!! She messaged me. Oh the dramas haha. Seb is not going to be happy!

Sebastian smiled at her and placed his head down. He felt comfort in the girl next to him. They didn't need to talk about things. He liked that they could just keep silent and not needing to talk. He missed Haven, his heart was broken from being left again. He did not think of Pearl in that way since it was only now he was starting to process that he had been alone again. He stayed with Pearl for quite a while before going back to Aduin and having his plan of joining RHC. He did tell Pearl that he was planning on going back to the Caldera, with that he left. Not sure when he would see her again. 

-end thread!-