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Phoenix Maplewood Focus on the Promise - Printable Version

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Focus on the Promise - Esaro - January 09, 2016

After being brought onto pack grounds by Ukko, Esaro wanted to begin working on his promise that he made. What he must do first is meet the other members. He knows Saena and Reek ever the Alphas thanks to Ukko but there was nothing really said about other members, or maybe he didn't pay attention at one point. Either way Esaro felt a little excited to meet others here. His only worry is that he wasn't sure if they would really accept him. As long as he could prove his worth then maybe everything would be fine like that. It was a hope he was holding on to.

For now he was being his basic tracking skills to the test. After sniffing around he was able to uncover that there are a few other members but just couldn't pin point on how many others. When he realised that he felt a little discouraged. He had to meet everyone but it would make him look bad if he missed someone.

He started to search the woods for any members who just happend to be nearby. It wasn't as cold as it was the first day he came into the territories but it was still chilly. Just after a few minutes he lost his patience and started randomly calling out. "Heelllloo to anyone nearby, are you there?" He asked out loud, wondering if anyone would appear.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Spring - January 09, 2016

Spring ears perked hearing a pack mate she could not identify, that probably had been recently recruited by Ukko, Reek or Saena she guessed, hollering, “Heellloo to anyone nearby, are you there?”  Spring pinned her ears as it was repeated over and over, randomly hollered out, but decided not to be rude and padded out of the underbrush.  “Hello, are you looking for someone?”  She asked Esaro, curiosity in her voice.

She examined the male noticing that she was right and that he had to be a new recruit.  She had never seen him around.  “Are you new around here?”  She continued, with a welcoming smile.  She wondered how this wolf had gotten here, but didn’t ask.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Esaro - January 10, 2016

His efforts got the attention he wanted. For some reason he was a bit surprised to see wolf who looked similar as him. Why did it surprise him? He would never know the answer to that. It was unexpected to the point that he ended up staring for a moment without realising it. At first glance the other seemed like a mirrored version of himself but it didn't take long to notice differences. First of all she was a female, which left an awkward feeling. He really did believe to have found himself for a moment.

After a couple seconds he shook his head little and cleared his throat. "Um, kind of." He answered a little friendly smile in return. "I mean, Ukko brought me here not long ago so I thought I would go find and introduce myself to everyone in the pack."

Then he noticed her scar on her muzzle. Just that gave him the impression that she was a warrior. A fighter that he probably shouldn't mess with. First he thought that the female could be Saena but doubted it after her words. The Alpha would have been likely more strict and direct. In conclusion he just met one of the basic members.

Esaro was losing some confidence in himself. She looked like she had talent and the fact she was likely one of the basic members here means he would need to be at an equal level. Knowing his own abilities he wasn't even sure if he could come close to the worth of someone who is skilled in something.

He managed to keep eye contact but it was sure that he was starting to get nervous. It was hard to believe that just two days he was living the happy life but now life became much more stressful. Could he really pull himself through all this?

RE: Focus on the Promise - Spring - January 10, 2016

Spring noticed the wolf stare at her seeing got forget himself for a moment.  She made sure not stand still and not react.  But her mind raced in thoughts.  Why is he looking at me like that?  Did I do something?  But Spring made sure to keep her gaze pretty much blank.  So as not to betray her emotions and show rudeness. 

Finally the white/brown/black colored wolf spoke.  “Um kind of.”  Spring heard him reply, wondering what that meant, but remained patient.  Then she heard him continue.  “I mean, Ukko brought me here not long ago so I thought I would go find and introduce myself to everyone in the  pack.”  Spring heard the male continue.

Spring smiled friendly, softening her expression.  “Ukko...makes sense.”  She admitted.  "He made you make a promise didn’t he?”  Spring paused.  “That was part of how you were excepted, correct?”  She decided on her next words carefully.  “Ukko made me make a promise to.”  She commented.

Spring noticed Esaro glance at the new scar on her muzzle.  The one Zaria Had given her.  It almost made her shiver at the memory of Silvertip Mountain.  She would never go back there... ever, even if her life depended on it.  She was loyal to her new pack. Phoenix Maplewood.  She could never go back to that place.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Esaro - January 10, 2016

Esaro was reminded of the promise. With what the female said, Ukko seemed to have a habit of making others promise something. But that wasn't the case for Esaro. He made the promise himself in order to get Ukko to help out. It was really to show that it was worth it. He didn't have to skills to survive a winter alone so he needed to turn to someone. For being helped Esaro felt a debt he had to pay by returning the favor. To reassure that it wasn't a lie he made the promise.

"Actually, I made the promise myself." He said, setting the facts right and admitting that there is a promise. "By letting me be part of the pack it's only normal that I try helping him in return. The promise I made was to try to reassure him that I wasn't going to take advantage. Is it the same for you?"

He was starting to ease up a bit, due to her friendliness. It made him happier knowing that there are friendlies out here too. His worry of being rejected by other members of the pack was slowly fading. But he had yet to show them how unskillful he was. Right now they seem kind and open but what if they judged his skills later and find out it's not good enough? Would they still act the same?

The female was already on his trust list, a friend. "By the way, I'm Esaro." He said with a happy smile. He was less nervous and a bit more relaxed around her but he was still worried about what would happen later.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Spring - January 10, 2016

Spring found herself trusting the male and her ears twitched in surprise when she heard that he had made the promise himself.  She nodded.  “Ukko said he’d let me in if I could prove my skills of healing and fighting and I accepted.”  Spring shrugged.  “So I guess it goes both ways in who made the promise.”  She decided.

Spring noticed the wolf starting to ease up a bit.  Then nodded when he told her his name was Esaro.  “Nice name.”  She responded.  “I’m Spring by the way.”  She added in a friendly tone.  “How long ago did you join Phoenix Maplewood Esaro?”  Spring continued.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Esaro - January 10, 2016

So it was confirmed that the pack is filled with members who have skills useful to the pack, and Esaro was among them. He wondered what the expectations were. He was going to have to meet whatever is expected of him. With the promise and a debt there is no way he could accept failing. He had no home to return to and no where to go. It felt like he was at the edge, requiring him to jump across to the other side. Right now he has time but sooner or later he was going to have to make the jump, ready or not.

Esaro gave an envious expression. "Fighting and healing huh? I guess you are very good at those." He said, assuming that's where her talents are. He did want to know how good she was so he could compare himself and have an idea of the level he would need to have.

He grinned shyly when she said his name was nice but only for a moment. Her name was Spring. The name had a playful sound to it. It made him wonder if she was playful but he didn't feel ready to test that.

"I'd say, since yesterday." He answered as he walked a bit to the side to get a side view of her. He saw an other scar and then another. "You have quite a few scars, you really must be good at battling."He said, giving her a bit of praise. Having seen those scar, it could only mean she had to fight for her life. She fought hard enough to keep her life, It's plenty enough to say she has the skill for it.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Spring - January 10, 2016

Spring noticed Esaro’s envy and then heard him comment.  “Fighting and Healing huh?  I guess you are very good at those.”  Spring responded with a nod.  “I know over one hundred tactics for both,”  Spring replied with a shrug.  Watching Esaro.  “What do you claim your talents to be?”  Spring asked curiously.

Spring nodded.  When Esaro told her that he had joined the previous day.  It made her remember of when she had joined too.  Trying o remember how long ago it had been.  Five?  Six?  Four?  She cleared her thoughts of that, deciding it was unimportant.

Spring was hesitant when Esaro mentioned her scars.  He nodded slowly.  “I’m pretty good, others tell me.”  She paused.  “Although some of the scars hold memories I want to forget.”  Spring admitted sheepishly.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Esaro - January 11, 2016

Spring asked the question that Esaro was just afraid of. He hesitated on answering her but he needed to be honest to her and himself. "I'm... not really talented in anything." He admitted. He felt a little embarrassed and ashamed of himself. He was basically a young adult that has gained nothing over his life so far. He has never been into a real fight or even have tactics for them. He still believes to be capable to a bit a resistance but by the sounds of it, if he ever challenged Spring just for fun she would likely run him over. Still there was that tiny hope that maybe he had a little chance but that's only because he hasn't seen her skills yet.

Her scars now appeared to be reminders of what she has been through. He was curious enough to want to ask but resisted after she said she wanted to forget them. He wasn't ready to ask about them but one day he will.

He didn't want her to think he was useless because he had no talent and decided to attack that thought. "But I can fight if I have to. I can hunt small prey. And I once saw my mother use herbs to treat an injury." He said trying to make his lack of talent not seem so bad. After thinking a little of what he said, he sighed. He felt pathetic, any real wolf could do what he just said but most likely better.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Spring - January 11, 2016

Spring watched Esaro closet as if thinking.  Then after a moment the female began to speak.  "Your good at being social from what I've seen Esaro.  Social is a trait a pack needs, without it wolves in a pack would be strangers to eachother.  We need wolves like you to keep the pack going and keep bonded. To remind us how much the pack enjoys eachothers company.  Your very good at that Esaro.  You have many wonderful perfect talents besides that too I bet you.  You just haven't uncovered them yet."  Spring complimented.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Esaro - January 12, 2016

I'm afraid that it's just not that simple :P It will take more than that to get him to understand his place!

He listened to her telling him he did have talent somewhere but with amount of time he's been with her it was easy to believe she had the wrong impression. To Esaro's eyes Ukko was the one who seemed to be keeping the pack together. He didn't get a chance to meet the Alphas yet but he had the impression that everything was going fine in terms of social, they wouldn't be a pack other wise.

"Everyone here is social from what I seen. The Alphas would have to be in order to keep a pack up and running. I think you are over-estimating me. I just enjoy the company of others, You are just as social as I am. And also I don't think I'll ever be as good as you in terms of skills and talent, It's just something I don't have." He said, speaking against her optimist view of him. It's nice to know that she believes he is capable but then that meant he needed to meet her high expectations as well.

Although her intentions were good, it was putting more pressure on Esaro. It was making him anxious. What would she think of him once she sees his actual skill level? He ended up looking down at her paws without realising it. He was afraid of what they would do once they notice he wasn't good at anything. For some reason he was against himself with his honesty. So far all he has been saying is that he wasn't skillful.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Spring - January 12, 2016

((I know, Spring was just trying to get his hopes up.))

Spring took a step back.  "Well... You mentioned you saw your Mother use herbs a few times.  I could teach you some herbs and gel you memerize them.  It could become useful in the future and give you a higher rank within the pack."  Spring offered to Esaro.  She waited for his reply.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Esaro - January 12, 2016

In case you didn't know [ooc] [/*ooc] (without the star) with the message between the boxes to have the ooc message appear like this. If you want Spring to have a very difficult time teaching, Teaching Esaro is a good choice. It will take a lot of work to make just a little progress :P

If there was one thing Esaro never thought of, it was having someone teach him. "I'm not really worth the effort.." He said with honesty. In truth it could likely be the case. Esaro was definitely not a fast learner and without a doubt could easily frustrate anyone who tried to teach him. He doesn't mind someone trying to teach him but he'd prefer to not trouble them.

But then there is also the idea of ranking up. That was something that did interest him. His father believed that Esaro could be Alpha one day. The one thing he was already determined to do was fulfill wishes that would make someone happy. To be alpha would surely make his father proud but as things currently stand he really doesn't come close to what is needed to become one.

Esaro turned around, he had conflicting feelings on the idea of being taught but it's just because he didn't want to waste her time. "Your time could be more useful doing other things than to be with me. I mean like now, isn't there something you should do? I still need to introduce myself to the others." He enjoyed the company of others a lot but he also didn't want to waste time when there are other more important things to do.

In the end, Esaro would be happy to improve his very little skills. But it felt like something that would take a lot of time.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Spring - January 12, 2016

Thanks!  I was wondering how to do that.
Spring wanted the challenge that Esaro would be in training, yet in the end it was really up to Esaro himself.  So she choose her words carefully.  “I can teach you Esaro.  It would help the pack and it would help you.  It would be worth the effort in my opinion.”  Spring paused in hr reply for a moment thinking.  “If you will allow me to teach you that is.”

Spring thought for a moment when he mentioned he had to meet the others.  “If you train hard, you will have ways to prove your full worth and potential to the other pack members of Phoenix Maplewood.”  She pointed out.  Then sat, waiting for Esaro’s response.

RE: Focus on the Promise - Esaro - January 13, 2016

Last post from me. when ever you are ready for another thread you can start it, or I will (and I'd title it 'Focus on the First Step' :P)

She was giving the impression that she had a lot of free time. It's clear that she wanted to teach him. There was one thing that did make Esaro a little cautious. It's the fact that everything here felt like it went a little too fast. Both were quick to accept each other and now Spring was offering to teach without really knowing the challenge ahead. In a way it sounded like she was a little desperate for an apprentice. This would mean she would expect certain things out of him.

But it might really be worth the try. Here was a given chance for improvement. If he was making progress it would be one step closer in making his father happy as well as being more capable of holding his promise. There really was no reason to refuse as long as Spring was serious.

He turned to face her again. "Alright, I guess I could be your apprentice." He said with a small smile. "But before we begin any sort of lessons I should first go introduce myself to the other members. I'm sure you also need some time to plan and prepare what you count on teaching."

He decided to take his leave. "When you are ready, find or call me." And just before taking off "See you later."

RE: Focus on the Promise - Spring - January 13, 2016

Fading Here... I’ll Create A New Thread Soon Titled “Focus on the First Step” As You Recommended.  :)

Spring was not training Esaro in herbs just because she felt like it.  She had reasons.  The biggest reason was that she wanted to give Esaro a higher ranking and training to get it, a chance she wished she could have gotten in her first pack, so she wanted to give the wolf what she had never gotten herself.  Spring also just simply trusted Esaro.  There were other reasons too, but not as important.

Alright, I guess I could be your apprentice.  But before we begin any sort of lessons I should first go introduce myself to the other members.  I’m sure you also need some time to plan and prepare what you count on teaching.  Spring heard Esaro  commented with a small smile.  She would need a little time to plan out the training session.  She already had a few ideas in her mind.

As Esaro took his leaving padding away after a brief see you soon.  Spring responded with a small smile.  “Yes see you soon.”  Spring replied.  Then padded the opposite way, starting to form a training session in her mind.