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Lost Creek Hollow bowspirit - Printable Version

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bowspirit - Mordecai - January 10, 2016

[Image: hunter.gif] — open for anyone.

Glittering frost clung to the early morning landscape, though he had long risen before the eventual rise of the sun. His restlessness was brought on in part by the restlessness that had overtaken Harlyn, and the cold morning had only drawn whatever residual warmth he had felt away. It left him grim where his thoughts dared to wander and so, he had opted to keep himself busy.

Given the snowfall that had come in recent days, it had provided the Hollow with cover of wondrous design; the temperature had scarcely rose high enough to peel and melt away the snow that had plastered itself against the wood. Woodlands that were once light and airy now felt damp and blanketed, but that very same snowfall had been nothing more than a canvas for the wolves and their prey to crisscross upon.

He had come across the tracks of a snowshoe hare and followed in its wake, not entirely knowing whether or not he would find it before it spied him. Though the majority of his wounds had healed and were now nothing more than gruesome closed reminders, he found there was still adjustments to be made. He hadn't hunted since before his unfortunate encounter with the cougar and the urge to do had long burned at both ends. But the diminished sight left him to track and slowly at that, perhaps so that if he did happen upon his quarry he would not startle it.
balmorhea — bowspirit

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 16, 2016

ye! ilya could use some hunting threads / a lil bit of mordecai ;)

The previous day had been a long day. A really long day, in fact. Ilya had forced herself out of her comfort zone and had left the territory to do some much needed exploring. She checked vaguely upon the beaver dam, and headed back without much to report. It looked the same as it did when they had discovered it. It was still inhabited, she assumed, because it was still strong and compact, although she saw no beavers and it did not appear much larger. The wound she held from the beaver who had bitten at her leg was healed now, but left a strange scar regardless. She disliked the look of it.

The girl had risen early, as she often did, and was off to maybe patrol a little. Lagon was right; there was no sense in hanging to the heart of their land, the pack needed her and she needed to step up her game. The cougar was no where in sight and she didn't pick up any traces of it the day before. The woman was simply paranoid and unable to shake her stress after stumbling upon Luke. 

As she travelled to the border, she came across the scent of Mordecai, perking her ears curiously. She had not known Mordecai to sleep in much, but she'd never seen many wolves awake as early as she often was. No matter, she wished to say good morning. Ilya tracked him down easily, ears perked as she went. When she saw the male, she realized he was tracking something down and did her best to figure out just what. It was a rabbit, she soon after decided, and glanced curiously where he was headed to see it. She did not, however, and looked curiously back to Mordecai, who appeared to be moving rather slow for a creature who she didn't even see. Then again, Ilya was not the most patient of wolves. She let out an extremely quiet woof, not to scare him or the prey he was tracking. She lowered her head, hoping to join her alpha on his morning hunt, her tail wagging in a friendly greeting. 

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 16, 2016

He heard the long approach of a wolf in the snow well before he chose to acknowledge it. Given the depth that he had rooted himself within the territory of the Hollow, Mordecai did not fret over whether or not less than savory types would permit themselves to tread so far. Whatever faint acknowledgment he gave those footfalls came in the form of a turned ear — only at first — before the hushed sound of Ilya's bark drew him to stop.

Drawing his solitary gaze to linger over her form as she joined him, he mirrored her greeting. He refrained from offering her a sound greeting, though the inclination was there. She seemed in better spirits than the last time he had seen her, though he did not question or doubt the impact that finding Luke had on them. He had yet to seek him out, if only to allow him the rest that he had given Mordecai in turn, but the time was coming.

For now, there was the premise of a hunt.

Venturing on, his attention returned to the disturbed path of pristine landscape to pick up the scent again. His was a patient venture, though now with the budding sensation that he could not falter. It was subconscious at best, indescriable that he would suss it out in spite of lacking total depth and field of view. But the show would go his way, or at least so he thought and in its wake there would be no description of what they were setting off to do.

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 17, 2016

To the black wolfess, this was an invitation to join. Perhaps it really wasn't, but she took it as such. She fell behind him as he went, shifting through Mordecai's strong scent and focusing on the fainter scent of the rabbit. She remained behind him, although slightly to his left, as they went, her eyes remained forward as she stayed with Mordecai's pace.

The woman was not aware that this was his first time hunting since the attack, but she could tell he was getting used to it. For now, she only planned to be a back up. She would let her alpha go about his business and when she was signaled she would join in, perhaps to steer the kill back towards him or catch it in her own trap. She was unsure how it would go. Regardless, the woman felt the need to stay with him. Maybe she would just be used as moral support, or maybe he'd ask her opinion. There was no way to tell, she was not, after all, the keeper of knowledge.

She pondered if she would speak with him after their hunt. Maybe she would decide that her questions were better left unasked, after all, they weren't fully her business. For now, however, she simply followed, trying to keep her focus on the hunt and leave the details of the cougar attacks behind her. 

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 17, 2016

As the minutes drew out, they progressed onward towards an unknown final destination. The hard pack of the snow made the journey easy beneath the bare canopies overhead and the silence that proceeded them aided him in keeping his senses focused. The duo of wolves were hardly alone in their tracking, but he had little want to pursuit other creatures that were out on the wintry day. As time would have it they were making their way nearer and nearer to where the hare had paused for the time being, but their approach would not go unnoticed.

Their quarry in all its pale and seemingly bug-eyed study of the world around it picked up on the minute passage of the wolves. Its focus was more on sussing out the foliage beneath the snowfall to graze, and as the winter carried on it found that its own search was taking it farther and farther from its home. For as many as there were within the Hollow itself, the hare had only kept reserved worries as to whether or not it would have stayed on the dinner plan.

But when it dawned on it that the wolves had found it and drew in closer to its location, its grazing halted and its body grew tense in preparation. All it took was a raise of its head and when that happened, Mordecai happened upon it as his own steps drew to stop. He let out a breath swiftly, the action followed by a swift lick of his chops. The Ostrega sprang forward in near time with the rush of the hare, who dove into the closest warren it could find.

And where there was a warren, perhaps lied the chance of more than one hare.

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 17, 2016

The further they moved, the more impatient Ilya grew. She kept her feelings low and unnoticed, knowing that it was her who joined him and he did not ask her here. If she wanted to complain she might as well leave, because she was better off keeping her trap shut.

Then they found it. When they drew it's attention (accidentally, of course) it bolted, and Ilya looked to Mordecai for his next move. She had seen where it had gone, and was well aware of the spoils that the warren might hold. While keeping it low, the black female's tail wagged with excitement, her ears perking with curiosity. Would they attempt to lure the hare's out? Or would they wait for them to do so on their own? She was unsure, but regardless she was ready. 

eep! sorry for short post. silent threads are hard with Ilya; her character goes all over the place if it's too long, lol

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 17, 2016

not a problem at all! i actually enjoy that about her, and don't mind shorter posts. :D

He closed in on the warren with speed that almost frightened him; the ground rushed up violently and in a flurry of scattered snow as he shoved his muzzle into the space. It was scarcely large enough for him to do such a thing and needless to say, he did not go about cramming his head into it. The ground itself blocked his already limited vision, and after several moments of trying to reach after the fleeing creature he gave up his pursuit. At least in that way.

Lifting his dirtied muzzle out of the gap, Mordecai sought where Ilya was in his resulting commotion. It was not a lengthy search, as the petite flash of darkness had stayed nearby. "Find the other entrance," he prompted, "we can't let it get out." It couldn't have been too hard to discover either, for the tracks were as plain as day through the snow and its varied banks in the wood. He doubted that it was far away at all and rightly so, turned his attention back to the warren's mouth and began to dig furiously.

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 17, 2016

A rather silly smile graced the face of the fae, and her tail wagging in amusement. His face was  dirtied and against his tawny coat it was still visible. But she remained serious about the task at hand, dipping her head obediently.

She sniffed at the ground, looking to the tracks second. Her eyes flitted from spot to spot and she found it quite confusing with the tracks everywhere. But her nose did not abandon her, and with a bit of help from it, she managed to find a decent trail, one that led where she wished to go. Ilya's tail wagged as she went, but it stayed low and she remained aware. When she found the hole she sniffed it with interest, shoving her nose into it to display the same dirtied muzzle that Mordecai had. She looked up, although was rather far and could no longer see the male, so she focused back down. What would allow it to escape? Would she had to wait? she didn't know. So, in the spur of the moment, she let out a loud bark into the hole, hoping to maybe scare one out.

The tactic was perhaps a bit stupid, but she was truthfully uncertain of what to do, and there was no one to tell her what else to try. She waited for something to pop out her side, or perhaps to hear a triumphant call from the male on the other end.

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 17, 2016

Tearing at the cold earth, the progress Mordecai made was slow at best. He drew his gaze from his actions long enough to see Ilya disappear through the timber, but caught her emergence not long after that. Good, it seemed she had located where the other exit was, or at least that was the thought that he had. In reality, there was perhaps no telling where and when the warren had exits; for all he knew they had their own system worked out beneath their very feet. Or it could have been another warren altogether. When it came to the intricacies of hares and their lot, Mordecai only knew that they were fairly decent tasting.

His motions eased into a stop, though mostly out of tiring himself. The earth did not have the give that it would in the weeks to come, where the snow melt would soften and the temperatures would warm. His chances and grabs for purchase had only turned a narrow opening to something more malleable and the goodies he sought within were still safely tucked inside.

And then, Ilya barked into the depths of the warren; his attention diverted itself back to it at the faintest sounds of scrabbling within. They definitely lucked out this time, finding both exits. With little idea of what next to do, Mordecai opted to do as she did. He bent again, shoving his muzzle into the crevice and barked in response.

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 17, 2016

While she was well aware this was not a game, the strange innocence of what appeared to be simply barking into a hole amused Ilya in the most childish of ways. Her tail wagging with excitement as her alpha responded, the bark showing that she had perhaps made the right decision in this situation. On top of Lagon's talk the previous days, this was what she needed. She was still useful, and the pack still needed her- even if it was just for barking into holes.

Her tail continued to wag furiously behind her, she couldn't help her happiness. Her mind jumped from the cougar, to Mordecai, and back to the hare in which they were attempting to catch. She waited for it, and almost barked once again, but she heard the unmistakable sound of pitter patter in the hole and braced. She stood stiff and open mouthed, like one of those halloween candy bowls that snap onto your hand when you try to grab candy... except this was a wolf, with teeth and jaws that could kill you in one chomp given the right aim. And so she tried, but the rabbit leapt out awkwardly and she managed only to grab it's hindleg, crunching it easily into thousands of shards and allowing it a loud wail. It scratched and nipped at her chest in return, and the only logical thing she could think to do was toss it up and attempt to catch it more accurately.

There were better ways of going about it, but this seemed the best, in her mind.

She did luckily catch it in a better spot, giving it a rough shake and listening to the bones in its neck snap. She dropped the limp thing, letting out a loud bark to signal her alpha, before licking gingerly to the baby wounds on her chest. "Damn thing..." she muttered, eyeing the dead creature with a death glare. 

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 17, 2016

Where he had hoped to hear the sound of what could be none less than the flurry of hares freaking out and scurrying for safety, there was only the one. One that he realized was quickly going in the opposite direction from him and towards his hunting partner. He missed the action of it springing from the hole in its brave escape, but did catch sight of Ilya snapping it out of the air. He stood stock still, curious of whether or not she would retain her grasp on it... and she did only with a little bit of panache to go with it.

He snorted hotly, more amused with her haphazardly flip of the creature that had ended its life. He left his place to come to her, his tail swinging up into a congratulatory wave. "That seemed unexpected," he said to her as he came to a stop. Not close enough that he would arouse concerns that he was there to take her rabbit of course — she had caught it in the end, fair and square. "Gave you a scratch? They're good for that."

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 18, 2016

Truth be told, even if Mordecai had attempted to take the rabbit from her, she wouldn't have argued. The girl had spent most of her time within the territory recently, and had nothing better to do than to hunt small game- mostly squirrels. She was well fed for the winter season, and smiled happily at him, her tail creating it's own path as it wagged through the snowy earth. 

"I caught it by the leg," she offered, embarrassed. She had caught it in the end, so it didn't really matter, but the thought was still strange. She eyed the limp beast, it's mangled leg crumbled into a strange shape. No matter, you don't eat the little bones anyway. Her chest merely stung now, a bit of blood seeping out if she flexed her shoulders. She was not worried for them, she'd seen worse. Ilya then tilted her head to him, curiously. "Would you care for it?" she offered, leaning down to nose it towards him. "You found it, anyway," she woofed, happy to offer her alpha any kind of sustenance, even it it was a mere snowshoe rabbit. Her tail continued to thump against the earth, blue eyes shining with their usual child-like excitement. 

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 18, 2016

Though certainly a strange way to capture a hare, Mordecai only offered a shrug in response to her initial statement. It was true, at least she had caught it. If she hadn't, they would have certainly been in for a chase. For as much as he would have enjoyed the chase, it would have been a difficult thing to perform given the wintry conditions around them. Their quarry was made for the weather and perhaps naturally would outpace the predatory wolf.

And where Mordecai had anticipated her to eagerly collect her prize, she offered it to him. "Are you sure?" he queried with a cant of his head. "You caught it." Of course, the gesture was appreciated all the same. He didn't exactly have hungry gnawing on his insides, but he could think of someone who probably did.

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 18, 2016

"I would've have offered if I felt I needed it," she replied, smiling and dipping her head to him. "Even if you'd rather share it, it would mean a lot if you would take it," the girl added, her tail wagging as she sat in the snow. She meant it. It would mean more than anything if she could help keep her pack strong. She felt that way about quite a lot, and quite often too. She'd been a bit uneasy lately, but knew now how badly her pack needed her. One of the ways she would help was hunting, and if it started right here right now with a rabbit that barely made for a meal, she would accept it.

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 18, 2016

She was intent on giving it up and so he obligated at first, stepping in to scoop up the hare without much consideration. But in spite of the instinct to claim it for himself, he relented in carting it away for a moment. Instead he let it plop back down to the ground. "Actually, I think we could probably split it if we pull it apart. I know it isn't much, but it works. Which end do you want?" If nothing else, he figured they could pull it apart with relative ease.

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 18, 2016

He obliged, much to Ilya's excitement, and offered to share. She found this a moment of excitement, as she rather enjoyed sharing the company of her respected alpha. Her heart skipped with happiness and she nodded (as cooly as she could manage) to him. "I'll take top," she woofed, tail wagging. She wouldn't admit that she thought the backside had more meat, and wanted to let him have it. She would've insisted on him choosing, but he seemed so set on her deciding that she didn't argue. She picked the thing up in-between it's shoulders at it's scruff, tilting her head to make the back side easier for him to grab. She he did so, she pulled.

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 19, 2016

She made her decision and when she lifted the hare, Mordecai playfully latched onto the other to pull.  He had done something similar once upon time, though with whom escaped him.  Planting his forelegs and locking his elbows, he pulled hard on the hare.  This was a bit more of a tricky sort than just playing tug of war with a stringy bit of intestine; the fur of the hare had a bit of give to it before the flesh and bone.

He growled, though hardly menacing, and his tail swung easily at his hocks.  Whether or not he found find his much smaller and darker subordinate game to give in and play back, however, was anyone's guess.

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 19, 2016

Ilya, of course, found the more childish outlook of Mordecai's yanking and returned his pulling with that of her own. Her own growled were higher pitched, but matched the playful tone that his held. Her tail wagged gently behind her, but it remained mostly stiff in a catlike attempt to stay balanced. She shook at the rabbit, eyeing Mordecai from across the carcass, inviting him to bring it on, another growl rumbling from her throat.

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 19, 2016

She took to the playful nature of separating the meal; he was delighted. It wasn't too often Mordecai found himself engaging in such a thing, but it was also a necessary morale booster. For all the darkness that had been cast on their little neck of the woods, he considered this just another ray of light to prove that they would adapt and overcome.

As Ilya's head weaved and bobbed, he pulled the kill between them towards the ground and twisted his own head. Their tug of war on it was just as much for play as it was to try and break the hare in two. He felt his own grip slipping on it but not because his companion was stronger; the patch of fur he had a hold on was beginning to go. He tightened his jaws on the hare, latching onto the bone and its tendons that were relentless in giving up.

It was only a matter of time now.

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 19, 2016

The rabbit's skin was slipping from Ilya's jaw as way- she was honestly confused at how it was still even hanging on. She'd always taken Mordecai as a stronger male, and even in her size she thought herself a decently good fight. Then again, she hadn't fought off many. Eventually, the meat of the hare began to tear, and with one final heave she yanked her half free of his. She sniffed it curiously, blood oozing from it's body onto the snowy terrain, the liquid that had splashed her face dripping down over it. 

She looked up to her partner with a triumphant grin, tongue lolling and tail wagging. To someone who wasn't used to the ways of a wolf (a human, perhaps) she probably would've scared the shit out of them. A bloodthirsty creature who bathed in the blood of her victims. But to Mordecai, she probably just looked goofy and cute, but in the way that someone would call a young pup who was excited about everything in life. She watched him (presumably) inspect his own piece, and then waited for him to eat first.

RE: bowspirit - Mordecai - January 19, 2016

The hare separated with a final resounding snap, much to his surprise. He had hoped for a bit more give, but the disappointment was brief and discarded quickly thereafter. His own half went limp against the snow as he moved to scoop it up again, holding it for what would no doubt be the final time.

But the message that he missed was the one that Ilya was waiting on him to eat his own share — something he hadn't put into much consideration. Though peckish, he had opted to return with his half for Harlyn and with a muffled woof following his snatched up piece, was already venturing off back the way they had come.

RE: bowspirit - Ilya - January 19, 2016

Mordecai gave a final bark and turned to leave. While disappointed he would not eat it with her, she supposed he had more important things to do, so did not grow angry or jealous. There was truly no reason to anyway, she was simply childlike and enjoyed the presence of others. Understanding his leave, she gave him a bark of goodbye in return, and rolled her shoulders. She watched him as she did, and turned towards where her own den was, deciding perhaps she could go eat in some peace and quiet. It was still early morning, she would meet others today no doubt, she hoped.

fade here, if that's okay? (: