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The Sentinels A small break in time - Printable Version

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A small break in time - Blue Willow - January 10, 2016

Blue Willow slid from the den and looked around. It had seemed just like hours, but it had been days since the babes were born. Now they were opening their eyes and today, today...Blue wondered if they could have some regurgitated meat they were old enough. She had asked @Lasher to bring her some so she could attempt it for @Deirdre and @Emaleth, but she wasn't going to push it if they didn't want ot try. At the moment they were curled in a warm corner of the den, furs around them, while she stretched her legs in front of the den. She licked her black paws, deciding to straighten up and smarten up her fur. She looked bedraggled from being in the den for the last 15 days with only brief breaks. IT was frightening actually.

She sighed as she stretched, the muscles in her shoulders feeling nice as she popped them forward. She smiled ot herself and settled to her stomach her legs stretched out. She let her tongue gently loll from her mouth, all too soon she would venture back into the den, perhaps even with the tender meat of a rabbit or a bird for the babes.

RE: A small break in time - Emaleth - January 12, 2016

The day her eyes had opened was not one of note for little Emaleth, for she still remained blind. She still relied mainly on her sense of touch and intuition— even smells were not yet potent for the child, but there would be a great many changes for her in the weeks to come. It was a time of growth, and soon her memories of the life before would be forgotten; they would become only dreams.

She noticed the absence of the Source, though she still remained warm, and her little paws told her that her other half was still nearby. This comforted her immensely, though she didn't truly understand that. Still, she was hungry, and a sharp squall escaped her. Demanding— far more than she ever had been previously. She wanted the emptiness in her belly to be gone.

RE: A small break in time - Deirdre - January 13, 2016

deirdre herself had been napping, her chin resting upon her sisters withers. when The Giver moved she awoke immediately; she herself was aware of all changes, even the ones that might pass others by. her chin left the supportive shoulders of emaleth (though they still kept their contact) as she watched her mother make her exit. deirdre was quiet until her sister began to squall. then, of course, deirdre followed suit.

she matched emaleth's squalling with a true heartfelt passion; her sisters discomfort was her own, and it would never be had. even when the time of Forgetting came, deirdre knew that such a thing would remain true. deirdre would not quiet until her sister did, and soon her own plaintive note touched her tones. as it so happened, suddenly she, too, hungered.

RE: A small break in time - Lasher - January 13, 2016

lasher cameo! feel free to tag me back in if need be <3

it was a bittersweet day; the girls were growing hale and fast, and the dark healer had suggested the night before that they might taste meat for the first time. for now, they would thrive upon their mother's milk, but in time, they would wean onto the soft bits of bolus brought up from the throats of the adults.

that morn, he brought to his mate the tenderest organs of a young hare, and they glistened redly in the light as he laid them at her paws and backed from the den, gathering himself some feet away to peer into the darkness of the den and watch, if he was able.

RE: A small break in time - Blue Willow - January 24, 2016

I'm sorry I suck

Blue didn't quite know what ot do with the sadness that weeded it's way into her heart, but it was also growing happiness as the girls grew. She had been oddly distant with her girls and it saddened her to no end. She tended to their needs and made sure they were loved and cared for, but her mind was often on other things, but she made the thoughts that she would change that today.

Her beloved brought her the sweetest meat and she barely gulped it down, before the girls began to scream for hunger. Smiling softly to herself, she went down into the den. With gently calming licks, she licked at their tears and positioned herself so they could eat until they were sated.