Wolf RPG
Big Salmon Lake Ready or not - Printable Version

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Ready or not - Jace - January 11, 2016

I don't think i'm too near territory, but if Jace is please lte me know and we can make the appropriate replies :)

Jace hadn't traveled far from Moonspear, and he already missed it. More so he just missed being able to hide in places he knew. However, he was also enjoying the freedom. The open air, not having someone looking over his shoulder all the time. It was nice to have a break. Jace had learned early on, he was a wolf who enjoyed his solitude more than most. As he walked he reflected on the past and his last few years. Some things filled him with deep deep shame, others made him anxious, and some made his heart full, and heavy at the same time. He wished for someone to share this all with, to talk of his fears with. However, he wasn't sure if he would ever, or even if he had ever had that. He had loved Leaf, loved her with everything in his overly large boyish heart. He still wasn't sure to this day, if she had loved him too.

He trotted along, stopping to stare at the lake and frozen ice on top. HE settled to his haunches and watched the sun glint off the ice. He briefly wondered if perhaps, just perhaps it was strong enough to hold him. He wasn't foolish enough to try of course, but he thought about it. Wondering what it would be like to slide across it. he imagined it could be fun in a sense.