Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Joining - Printable Version

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Joining - Peak - January 12, 2016

A white shadowy figure appeared along the border. He sniffed the ground, and determined her was a fairly far away distance from the border. The white male tilted his head back and howled. The mans coat was lined with undesirable scars, and his eyes showed pain. The scars that lined his pelt told stories he wasn't fond of. He needed a new start, and he believed this was the rightful place for him to live. The howl he made signified he was here and was a respectful distance from the border. His body language showed immediate submission, for he was not here to fight. He did not look frightened, but his body showed that he was not a cocky wolf.

RE: Joining - Steady - January 12, 2016

Steady had thought about taking a break from patrolling when the call rang out. He stilled, his ears perked in the direction of the howl. He was a little tired, but knew he couldn't ignore it.

He trotted his way there, stopping on the border, noting the stranger had respected their territory and stopped a little ways away. He looked like he had seen his days of fighting. Hello, how can I help you? he asked simply. His tail was held at back level, a little above neutral. With the trespassers they had lately, he was a little on guard,  but his voice was friendly enough.

RE: Joining - Peak - January 12, 2016

Th wolf that approached him looked exhausted. Peak simply dipped his head. "I would like join join your ranks. I work well as both a warrior and healer." He said. "My name is Peak." he finished. Joining a pack would be great for him, it would be good for him to anything other that loof around, not helping a soul but himself. Peak did not step any closer to the border, he didn't want to get in a fight, nor did he want to start off like this.

RE: Joining - Zaria - January 12, 2016

Zaria was walking around the border doing one of her patrols when there was a howl very close. By. Her ears were flattened towards her head. It wasn't often that they were popped up. Lately she felt rather protective of her lands and rather aggressive towards mostly anyone except Fitz. Mostly the females would have to deal with Zaria right now, but some of the males could get a good bite from her too if they annoyed her.

Zaria appeared for the wolf from his side. She didn't look too pleased but she never really did. Though she was getting along with Chaska and Steady pretty well, though the latter was on a trip with Mason which might be the best for them right now. She saw his submissive stature but still she found that a growl would give the right setting. 'What you want?," she let out, voice heavily accented since after all english wasn't her native language. It was also Steady that had been there already she now realized. Blinded with her agitation Zaria realized that something was happening with her.

EDIT; LOL! I only saw this now. I posted this before going offline haha! I will edit

RE: Joining - Steady - January 12, 2016

Mar, you and Lauren shadow posted each other XD

Steady noted that the stranger was respectful and submissive, explaining why he was here and what he could offer to the pack without Steady even having to ask. He was quietly grateful because he wasn't up for a long back-and-forth conversation. Short and to the point was what he needed so he could go rest a bit.

He was about to respond when Zaria showed up, closer to the stranger than she was to Steady. Steady immediately lowered his ears, tail and body to show respect to her. He knew she had been on edge the past week or so, and instinct and nature told him why, even if he wouldn't say it out loud. That would have been rude. He had paid extra attention to his body language when she was around, not wanting to do anything to set her off.

In this situation, Steady felt it was a good idea to stay quiet and let Zaria interact with the stranger, unless she told him otherwise.

RE: Joining - Peak - January 12, 2016

Peak was a bit surprised when another showed up. Peak quickly noted Steady's body language. Peak lowered his body to the ground and looked down and the woman's feet. He looked back up to the girl, avoiding eye contact with her. "I wish to join your ranks, my name is Peak. I enjoy working as both a warrior and a medic if either spot is available." He said and dipped his head again. He didn't dare to move until there was some kind of silent agreement. His legs were sore from traveling, but he wouldn't prove to be dead weight to the pack. He knew it was the last thing they needed in the winter. It seemed some ghost pain had surfaced the last few days where his scar lay. He put up a brave shadow, and waited for the girl to respond.

RE: Joining - Zaria - January 13, 2016

Zaria let out another growl just because she felt annoyed. The alpha female looked at the male, he enjoyed being a warrior? Him? He looked rather skinny. Alas she was not very heavy too. They had quite a lot of warriors but more was always welcome, at least in Zaria's mind. "But are you loyal?," Zaria asked. "We do not provide food for you through the winter. You will have to become part of this pack," she stated.

Zaria looked at Steady for a moment who also had the right posture. The alpha female had been more on edge lately, and seeing that she had to deal with this loner now. "I will hunt you don't if you are disloyal," she threatened. She was clearly in a bad mood but that didn't mean her threat was empty. "And Steady here will help me," she added. They could however use a medic.

RE: Joining - Steady - January 15, 2016

Zaria was quite the spitfire, but Steady knew she really didn't mean any harm. Peak was smart enough to follow suit and lower his body when Zaria arrived. From experience, Steady knew it would please his leader, even if she didn't show it.

Zaria threatened him, adding Steady into the mix. Deciding to play along, he looked to Peak and gave him a smirk. Gladly, he replied. He was loyal, but Steady knew he would never attack a wolf that didn't harm any others. He hoped Zaria would never ask, but he humored her right now.

In order to ease the tension, Steady's gaze went towards Zaria, though it never met her own. Zaria, if you're thinking of accepting him, I could take him under my wing, show him his responsibilities, he offered. He would make sure Peak didn't disturb her.

RE: Joining - Peak - January 15, 2016

Peak nodded his head. "I will not let you down. I swear, I will work for this pack as hard as I can. I am loyal to Silvertip, and I will do anything to help you, or anyone else, in anyway I can. I give will give it all I've got." He said. It was a real pleasure that both of these wolves came to meet him. He would stay faithful, and would be honest at all times. He eagerly awaited Zaria's response. He could kind of pick out both of the wolves he just met, personality wise. He was eager to start his life in a pack, and Silvertip seemed to be just the right place for that.

RE: Joining - Zaria - January 16, 2016

Zaria was quite easy to convince by Steady's words. He could have more responsibility and having Peak under his wing would be a good task for him to show that. The agitated alpha nodded shortly. "Alright, I'd hope for you, you stay true to your words," she pointed out to Peak. She looked at Steady as in a quick glance. "You are luckily Steady wants to mentor you, learn and treat him with respect," Zaria spoke.

With that said she accepted Peak in their ranks. Zaria could be even feistier at times, most of them didn't even know about her skills with poisons. Alas even Zaria had gotten some morals after mating with Fitz. They balanced each other out. Normally Zaria was much viler than she was now. Back in the pack with her father she was quite the evil mastermind. She did not with peak a welcome to the pack. Zaria had the hormones surging through her and she was close to exploding like a champagne bottle under pressure. She would leave Steady to deal with this Peak!

- Zaria Exits -

Welcome to the pack! :D I think Zaria will warm up to him eventually haha xD

RE: Joining - Steady - January 16, 2016

Zaria seemed to like Steady's idea, and gladly accepted it. He thought she might like the fact that a newcomer wasn't just let loose in the territory, and instead would have some guidance. His tail wagged as Zaria made her way off.

His gaze moved to Peak as he moved his body back into its full stance. Welcome to Silvertip Mountain, he said with a smile. Here, we respect others, and their ranks, and we all earn our keep. He wanted to point that out again, just to drive it home. Do that, and you'll find we aren't just a pack- we're a family, he added. Gesturing for the male to follow, he turned to lead him into his new pack lands. I'll show you around, he said.

Steady would spend the better part of the day showing Peak the mountain and seeing just what he knew that he could contribute to the pack. When they were finished, he would let the newcomer know to seek him out, should he need anything at all.

Welcome! Last post from me :-)