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Porcupine Ridge stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Printable Version

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stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 12, 2016

anyone welcome!! going to tag a few people though! (:
fair warning, Jhala is my bad word wolf and i'll probably curse a lot while narrating. (: also interpreted the territory as jagged with cliffs very often, so hopefully this makes sense to the territory?

It was her first few days within Porcupine Ridge and Jhala was feeling at home... kind of. It was a new territory and she was not used to the strange lands. Not that she didn't like or appreciate it, it was just new. She longed for a friend. She was aware of the male to female ratio was extremely off, and honestly had no worries about mates. The pack seemed to function differently, so she wasn't sure if she was even allowed pups. For now however, she assumed the answer was yes; because fuck not having a family. If that was the case there was a slim chance Jhala would be comfortable being a lower rank. 

For now, the girl had spent her time seeking shelter. A den was out of the question, as the ground was far too frozen to burrow into. She was currently looking up at a drop off, standing at the bottom. She stared at it curiously before walking along the wall, sniffing it as she went. She eventually came across a tree and, intrigued, began to investigate. Conveniently, she found that the roots were raised high enough for her to fit under as they were practically growing up the side of the cliff. Her tail wagged with excitement and she let out an excited bark, sniffing the entrance before heading in. 

Finding that the shelter was empty, free of snow, and held no scents of others, Jhala claimed it accordingly as her own. Using the outside to mark as her den, she then padded curiously around the area to find something new to examine or someone to talk to.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 14, 2016

There are some topics in the PR member's forum, one of them has some pictures to help you picture the territory :)

He was not far from one of his newest pack members, close enough in fact to hear her excited bark. The black wolf had only made a pass when she was at their borders, and now loped after her scent in a bid to get to know her. He found a strong concentration of her scent at a sort-of den, formed by tree roots and a rugged cliff face, and reasoned rather quickly that she intended this to be her place. He chuffed in amusement to himself. She was making herself at home, it seemed.

Taggarik continued to trail after her, finding her not too far from her 'den', and he woofed to catch her attention as he approached. "I see you've found yourself a bed," he commented.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 14, 2016

actually found them after I had posted this thread! thanks (:

It was no shock that the alpha male had found her so quickly; not that she was hiding. She had expected him one day or another. Based on the unspoken pack rules and how the two wolves she'd already met acted, she assumed that he would want to meet the new female who had joined the ranks. And here he was. She turned her head to view him, smiling brightly at his approach. She lowered herself automatically, tail falling lower than his and her head dipping into a respectful greeting. 

"You could call it that," she mused, a smirk falling across her jaws. When he approached closer, she dipped her head again, introducing herself humbly. "I am Jhala," she woofed, raising her head back up, but averting her gaze from his. "It is a wonderful territory," she then offered, a mild compliment on the place he decided to place his pack in, glancing to the left of her at the area before slowly glancing back to him.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 16, 2016

no problem!

Her respect was noted and favored with a smile and a wag of his tail. "Taggarik," he introduced himself, and as she went on to compliment the territory he nodded his head. "I thought so too. It's scenic, but more importantly there is plenty to eat, to drink, and as you've already discovered, plenty of places to rest."

He preferred to sleep in the open himself. His coat was thick and warm, and his guard hairs permitted little of the wind and the weather to penetrate to his skin. But, his pups, when such a time came, would require the protection of a den, and so he did not overlook potential sites.

"It was isolated too," he went on to say with a thoughtful hum and a brief pinch of his brows.. "I do not know for sure, but we may have neighbors soon."

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 16, 2016

She grinned, however, at the thought of her own den and how he had managed to come across it. Somewhat embarrassed at the makeshift home, she shrugged. "It could be worse," she mused, the white spots above her eyes drawing together as she squinted in an attempt to see further in the territory. She could not, however, and so she dropped the attempt. A chat with her alpha was far more interesting anyway, in her eyes. She glanced to the ground once, curious if he planned on walking or sitting, but did not voice her question. Her full attention turned back to the black male. It was not obvious, but she viewed him curiously, deciding that he was rather attractive in her eyes, and noted that she believed the alpha pair as a whole was a sight to see. They would make quite handsome pups. 

Jhala perked her ears thoughtfully. "Neighbors," she repeated curiously. She vaguely imagined having a pack to defend themselves against, her tail wagging at the thought of doing just that. She didn't have any way to communicate this sense of pride, and it may be frowned upon to act so proud, so she kept the thought to herself. "Do you know where?" she asked, although the question was pointless. She was new here and had absolutely no idea of any of the territory, in or around them. But she asked anyway, perhaps it would be useful in the future.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 17, 2016

"Northeast," he replied, and as he did so he swept his muzzle to invite her to walk with him. His pace was leisurely, and more out of habit than purpose he started toward the pack's border. "Immediately adjacent to us. I can't fathom why any wolf would choose to settle so close to an established pack when the mountain is so expansive and offers so many other options, but..." he trailed off with a shake of his head. His lips pursed as he hummed a gruff, displeased note.

"As I said, I do not know for sure, but there are at least a couple of scents that seem prevalent, and that's how it starts." His last excursion beyond his domain had not lead him to encounter one of these wolves, but he was still intent on making contact, hesitant though he was to spend too much time away from the ridge. "We will have to be vigilant. I plan to seek them out — I tried once — but have not yet seen them." It was time his wolves were made aware of the potential threat next door.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 17, 2016

Jhala listened, taking notes on each of his comments. She was by no means the greatest at keeping knowledge, and (being as young as she was) not the most experienced. The girl did, however, have big plans for the future. She hoped to move up, just slightly in the ranks. Her hope was to become strong and respected. She was a fighter. She had no reason to want to lead a pack, she simply wished to defend it. She did not, however, wish to be a pawn, hence the reason she wished to move up just slightly along the ranks- she was unsure how they worked around here. 

Dipping her head respectfully, the dark wolfess gave Taggarik a confident smile. "They will not be a threat sir, I will help make sure of that," she woofed, amber eyes shining with determination. She dreamed of the day that she would prove herself a valuable warrior, but for now was left with gentle reassurances and a hell of a lot of training to do. But she would do it, she trusted herself. She chose this pack, and she would help her leaders to make it prosperous. 

"I'll have to check it out sometime. It'd be nice to know where these wolves would be in case we need to deal with them," she added, tail swishing lowly behind her with curiousity.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 17, 2016

He chuffed in amusement. She was a new recruit, but determined and ambitions she already seemed to be. He appreciated her spirit, her willingness to jump in with all four paws and commit to her pack. He nodded his head. "I appreciate that." He said. "But if you go out, take someone with you. Just in case." He had not followed his own advice the first time he went out, but intended to the next time, if he could.

The pair walked on, his gaze casting absently about them, looking between the trees and scanning the barren peaks above. "I do not want to make enemies," he went on, making a pointed glance toward her. He could not have his subordinates starting wars, but if they were keen to head out and gather information, it would be welcomed. "The ridge provides all we need, and I have no want of their territory," he explained. "But if a pack were to establish adjacent to us, it may impede our travel to the eastern reaches of the mountain range. This, I will not welcome."

If there ever came a time when he or one of his wolves needed passage to the east, he would not tolerate them being barred from it.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 17, 2016

"Of course," she agreed, nodding quickly. She did not wish to start fights, especially ones that she may not win. It was simply the idea of winning them that perked her spirits, and she allowed herself to secretly dream of being a prized member of the pack. She made note to keep an eye of them regardless, but to keep any interactions peaceful. She also made note of his advice to bring a pack member with her and cocked her head curiously, but remained silent.

Jhala's nose scrunched in a slight annoyance. They really were arrogant to attempt to settle so close to them, borders were not meant to be shared- they were meant to be respected. She looked to him, although not so daring to look in his eyes, and suggested another thing. "Their closeness would also allow wolves coming from their direction to hit their pack first," she noted, looking in the direction she glancing eastwards. "If we are in need of members ever, this may harm our chances," she added thoughtfully, but continued afterwards, "Although, from what I can tell the Ridge appears quite strong."

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 17, 2016

There was irony in her words that was not known by either of them, yet. One of the ridge's hopefuls, a young black male that found himself beneath Taggarik's hindquarters, joined the pair that sought to claim the stormy mountain. But what Jhala said was true, and not something that he had thought of, and he hummed in contemplation.

"You're right." He agreed. He hoped, one day, the ridge would be prosperous with his own offspring, but such a day was far off, and in the meantime they required a balance of numbers - neither too many nor too few - to ensure their survival here. "We are strong, but we will not remain so if we do not guard against that which can weaken us."

He was not an aggressive sort, but like a thorn working its way deeper into his paw, the thought of neighbors was gradually becoming more of a bother to him.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 17, 2016

Jhala nodded, tail wagging a bit. She wished to inform him once again of her will to protect the pack, but found it a bit redundant to repeat. Surely he could tell, and she needn't insult his intelligence by repeating it. It was then that the young female thought of a question, her cheeks warming as she was slightly embarrassed by wanting to ask. 

Should she bother? Her body shifted uncomfortably as they sat. It was important to her, but perhaps not to him. Her old pack had allowed such things but this one was far more set upon rules and ranks, maybe her rank didn't meet the cut. She shifted again, obviously burdened by a question that was truly only half important- the female was unsure if it mattered to anyone but her. But, feeling annoying, she stilled herself and stared into the territory, chewing the inside of her lip with thought. 

Ah, what the hell. 

"May I ask something, regarding ranks?" she asked glancing at him briefly before her gaze feel forward again.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 18, 2016

The black wolf slowed his steps as she requested permission to ask a question, and he looked to her. "Of course," he said. He was not sure what she wanted to ask, but guessed that perhaps she wondered why things were done different here. Many leaders dictated their ranks, but he preferred that a wolf earn their place among the pack and stand on their own feet.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 18, 2016

A wave of relief flooded the girl as her alpha reassured her that she could. She slowed when he did, but continued to walk with him. "I understand the difference of the ranking system here," she began, showing him that she had no complaints, "I actually really like it, it gives the ranks a  sense of meaning- like you actually have to earn them. That's great," she added, in case he somehow took it the wrong way. It was vague background information to set up for her questions. 

"But- the lower ranks, would they be allowed to have families?" She asked, her tail wagging rather hopefully behind her. She was ambitious sure, but not for anything past a Gamma. The girl was young and unsure if she was able to lead a pack correctly. The question meant a lot to her, and it decided exactly where she would aim to reach among the ranks of the pack. 

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 18, 2016

He chuckled softly, but there was no scorn or judgement in his laugh, and it concluded with a warm smile. "That depends," he said, momentarily reminded of the conversation he had with Capriccio not so long ago. "I plan to have pups of my own and will not allow two litters in the pack at once. But, if mine are grown, or not likely to come about anytime soon, I may be open to the idea if my subordinates ask me first." There is inherent selfishness in his answer; but the pack on the ridge would not exist were it not for his ambitions to have offspring of his own, and this he would not jeopardize.

He slows until his paws are no longer moving. "So you don't aspire to lead, then?" he lifted a brow.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 18, 2016

The response came as soothing. It meant that if she did find a mate they could always plan a litter, around that of the alpha and betas pups. Plan, now that she could do. She smiled, not at him but in general. "Sounds fair," she replied, her tail wagging as her worries had been put at ease.

"Not necessarily," she then said, stepping over a large stick as she came towards it, dipping her head to snif it with interest; nothing of note expressed itself. "I believe myself too young to understand how to properly lead a pack," she explained, "I'll be trying my way through the ranks, but your co-alpha and Beta female have no worries of being threatened by me," she woofed. It was true. Perhaps if she'd found a mate in the higher ranks, it might change somethin. But as far as she was concerned they had no interest in her, and she didn't mind. 

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 18, 2016

He favored Capriccio, thought her a good alpha female, and intended to claim her if she came into heat, but there was a part of him that wished to see another aspire to her position. It may spur the silver-and-black female to make her choice. He knew she was unsettled about her future beside him. If nothing else, it would ensure a strong mother for his offspring.

"But not too young to care for and lead pups from infancy to adulthood?" He commented, canting his head to the side. It struck him odd, in a way, that anyone intent on reproducing should not have the ambition to be at the head of their pack. He had left his home because he would not have his future dictated by anyone else.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 18, 2016

Her nose twitched. That hadn't really crossed her mind... It was, more or less, just a dream that she wished to accomplish later in life and she wanted to see if it was even possible... A thought, although a rather foggy and uncertain one, crossed her mind; did he want her to challenge the alphess? Certainly not, she assumed- in her eyes she was too young and uncapable, but she couldn't help but wonder. She looked forward, shrugging. The only response she could muster up was one of wit, although it was a bit dry. "Anyone can get knocked up," she replied, standing still with him and thinking about the wording of his comment, trying to figure out if there was any hidden meaning. 

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 18, 2016

He reasoned that in some sense raising young and tending to a pack was much the same job, with wolves who depended on you to make the right decisions, to ensure their needs were met, and who looked up to you for guidance. Of course there were differences, but he thought the two went paw in paw for the most part.

She responded with a humorous remark, and he grinned. He supposed too, that just about anyone could lead a pack. Even a total dumbass, as long as he or she could find other dumbasses willing to follow him or her. But he did not bother to comment on this. "Any other questions?" He asked instead.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 18, 2016

Jhalas head shook in response, "Bu thank you for asking," she smiled, her tail wagging. At this she felt that he would probably head off, but didn't directly give him a good bye, as she wasn't really sure. She glanced off into the territory before turning her attention before to her alpha. Their conversation replayed in her mind over again, as she pondered the whereabouts of where she might think that she belonged in this pack. 

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Taggarik - January 18, 2016

Wrapping up :) We can have another!

He nodded his head in acknowledgement. As he resumed his walk he invited her to come along on a patrol if she wished. "I'm going to scout the borders, you're welcome to come." His pace quickened then into a purposeful but yet still leisurely jog, he spared only a glance to see if she would be joining him, and continued on.

RE: stand tall... WHOA okay not that tall - Jhala - January 18, 2016


"I'd love to," came her response, and the silvery-gray she-wolf followed behind, her tail wagging as she came. She looked over the territory once before she used a steady trot to catch up to the darkened male. She was still positive she'd like it here, regardless of what kind of rules or mannerisms were used. She felt she fit in to the rocky territory, and perhaps she did.