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Bramblepoint Lost in the Static - Printable Version

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Lost in the Static - Maja - January 16, 2016

If anyone wants to help a girl out (Maybe a RHC wolf?) 
    Maja let out a frustrated growl. This was unfair. Everyone was gone again, and she was alone. She been following the weak scent of her brother for days now. Sprinting towards what seemed to be his location, she ended up at the end of the forest, near a pack. Wait what!? Did Aduin join a pack? 
  She wanted to go head first, straight into the pack and demand where Aduin (and possibly Haven) is. But she was taught that she could die easily that way. Instead, she howled to Aduin. Hoping that her howl was loud enough, she sat down. She realised how tired and hungry she was, from traveling so far. She took deep breaths and tried to relax herself. "Stupid pack, not letting me go in", she muttered to herself angrily.

RE: Lost in the Static - Nevouku - January 16, 2016

Aduin might need some help here

Aduin was going to go around, getting the lay of the land of the new pack he was apart of and the area around it, but whoever passed out that howl had other ideas for him. Something about it was familiar. He grumbled to himself, thinking it was something bad. And when he arrived, it was. In his mind, that was. For standing there, was his sister, Maja. He froze on the spot, peeking from behind a bush. On one side of him, he was glad. But the other side overtook: Anger. And when he felt anger, he felt fear. And most likely, where she was, Haven must have been nearby. He silently prayed that someone else would come by, so he didn't have to deal with her alone. This would have possibly been one of those moments he most needed Sebastian.

RE: Lost in the Static - Maja - January 17, 2016

Exhausted, Maja wanted to sleep, yet something seemed to be near her. She could almost hear soft breaths that were covered by her's. She stopped, listening. She slowly turned her head towards a bush. She saw a glimpse of the familiar grey fur. A small gasp escaped her lips and she blinked again.

 "Aduin, is that you?", she said softly. Her tail swayed as she hoped that Haven would appear behind him. Her ears perked up, in search of other wolves nearby. She could smell the pack on him, and that made her slightly jealous, that he had found another family.

RE: Lost in the Static - Nevouku - January 17, 2016

Aduin seized up when he heard her words. Saying his name struck him hard. It caused a shiver. Half of the time they had searched, he believed her to be dead. With Maja being right over there, it made him feel like she had returned from the dead. He wasn't even sure what to believe anymore. His tail stiffened, the hair on his pelt sticking out, and his eyes bulging. 

Only after a short time, he finally felt he could speak. Although, he could not hold back the anger from his voice. "W-what do you want?" he asked with a cold touch to the words. It surprised him on the inside, but he didn't care. He deserved a right to know.

RE: Lost in the Static - Maja - January 17, 2016

Maja couldn't hide the hurt from her eyes. Was it her fault that she had disappeared? All she wanted was to stay with Haven. "I wanted to see you", she said, pained. She could see how uncomfortable he was here. Maja looked into his brown eyes, and a little part of her almost died. She wouldn't hurt him. Then why was he like this?

RE: Lost in the Static - Nevouku - January 17, 2016

Finally, Aduin came out. He too had hurt in his eyes, with a mix of anger. But, somewhere in there, was gladness. Maybe just a little, but it was there. Glad to see she was alive. Though there was none in the words that came next, nor his stance. He stood high on his legs, showing none of his awkward side. This was nothing like the old Aduin she would have once known. 

"You left. Without saying a word...you left." He stared right at her, taking a couple of steps forward. In his heart, he was screaming to go to her, cry and embrace her. But his mind said otherwise. "You...left" he repeated. This time, there was some sadness in his voice. It trembled as he spoke. "Why?" He waited for an answer, unblinking and his legs shaking a little. "Why?!"

RE: Lost in the Static - Maja - January 18, 2016

Maja attempted to swallow the lump in her throat. He seemed so different. Stronger.
"Why?" She winced. She could've apologised, but that wouldn't seem real. Instead, she answered his question. "I had to stay with Haven. I haven't seen her in so long. I don't really remember, I just...", she said, her voice getting stuck before she began again, "I assumed after she left, she was with you and Sebastian. I don't know, I don't know, Aduin."
 She let her head stay down in defeat. It was like a joke, Aduin becoming so strong, and her becoming so small. He hates me, she thought. Her breathing was ragged and her body was shaking with silent tears. 
  "I am so sorry."

RE: Lost in the Static - Nevouku - January 18, 2016

Aduin's eyes softened at the look in her eyes. She had explained her reason. Her love for her sister. He knew it was near impossible to pull them apart. His tail fell, his ears following suite. The anger in him drained away, and he started sniffling. All it took to bring the old him back, was a heart-felt apology. 

He rushed forward, embracing her with his face buried in her fur. "I m-missed y-you!" he sobbed, hiccuping with his words. How could he be angry at her? She just wished to do what both of them wanted. To keep what was left of the family safe. How he longed for Haven to come back. Then all they would need is Seb to return, and they would be a happy family.

RE: Lost in the Static - Maja - January 18, 2016

Sorry its short :/
She felt Aduin's warmth on her side. "I missed you too", she whispered. She curled her tail around him protectively. Blinking away her tears, she began, "Aduin? What about your pack, don't you have to go back?" She wondered where Sebastian was, then remembered that Aduin might know. "And do you know where Sebastian is?", she added.

RE: Lost in the Static - Nevouku - January 18, 2016

Hearing her say how she missed him warmed his heart. He longed for her to return, hating being alone. Although, he was not alone. He now had a pack. A pack he promised to stay in, until Seb's return. Though, he doubted Maja would be let in. And if Aduin vouched for her, he doubted they would listen to him. "Yes..I do...but what about you?" he asked, concerned for her safety.

Of course, she had to ask where Sebastian was. He gladly answered. "He left. Family business." There was a pause as he thought about what he had said. What would he think about Maja's return? "He promised to be back soon."

RE: Lost in the Static - Maja - January 18, 2016

Something felt weird. Maja wasn't one to stick her nose into other people's business, but something seemed wrong. Why would Sebastian want to leave for family things. Had he somehow been in touch? She cleared her mind and focused on the more important thing right now: Where would she stay?

Maja had to join the pack. She couldn't leave Aduin alone, family stuck together. "I think I'll also join the pack, for the time being", she answered, after a moment of thought. She stood up. "C'mon Aduin, lets see this pack of yours."
 She began walking, hoping that Aduin would come with her. What's to lose, anyway?

RE: Lost in the Static - Nevouku - January 18, 2016

Just like her. To face a possible threat and look it in the eye. He knew it could be a bit suspicious that he showed up one day, and a few days later, his sister showed up. And he had had Sebastian vouch for him. No way could she vouch for her. If anything, he would probably get both of them kicked out.

"Uhhh, maybe not the best id-" he halted his speech. Where would she go, if not to the pack he was in? It was her only hope. But then, he worried about Seb's return. What would he think? He had to think this through. Finally, he came to a decision. "Come by the border later. Call for the alpha. I..I will try to come." It was all he had at the moment. If he had to, he would wait just inside the border.

RE: Lost in the Static - Maja - January 19, 2016

So, last post from me, I guess
 "Well, thats a better idea", she said, stopping. Her tail swished from side to side as she talked. "So see you later?", she asked her brother. It was nice to finally see a familiar face. 
 She took a breath, and almost fell over. She hadn't eaten in so long, she had to go hunt something. Amazingly, she kept her legs from shaking, but she slowly swayed. She licked her lips nervously, hoping that Aduin wouldn't notice.

RE: Lost in the Static - Nevouku - January 19, 2016

Aduin smiled lightly. Even if he had originally been mad, he could only be happy to see family with him once more. He could only hope upon Seb's return that it was the same with him. If only he could hurry it along. Perhaps he would get back in time for Haven to come back...if she was trailing nearby. He realized he hadn't asked, but if they were together, Haven would be here. Unless she had been severely injured.

"I..I guess you will..." He paused, not wanting to say the next words aloud, just in case. "Goodbye." He turned away reluctantly. For he had a duty to continue with. A duty to his new pack. He had yet to meet the others of the pack.