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The Sentinels girl are you a software update? because not now - Printable Version

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girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 17, 2016

she had come back. and not only had she come back, she had gotten into it with Aria, someone Cas found himself mightily attracted to, in a strange way. and so it was with an annoyed expression that he followed the trail of Behati's scent to where he thought the girl might be. first, she'd run off suspiciously close to the time that Regi had disappeared, then she had been gone forever, and then she had returned only to be mean. 

"@Behati!" the boy called, trying to keep the hurt out of his voice. why was everything so confusing? "we gotta talk." about what, he didn't know yet. winging it.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 17, 2016

Casmir wasn't hard to find. News of her return had evidently spread quickly, because it seemed he was looking for her, too - striding around the forest looking .. more handsome? Had he grown?

"We've gotta talk," he barked. Ominous. Behati decided to play innocent, dusting the trail behind her with gentle sweeps of her tail. ".. about what?"

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 17, 2016

the girl arrived, looking even prettier than ever -- Cas' angry breath left him in a whoosh, and his tail swayed behind his hips in a relieved manner. "hey," he said, his anger ebbing away. "why did you go?" he asked, the old hurt of the past few weeks creeping into his voice. he wisely didn't mention Aria -- even if Behatid didn't know what being a girlfriend meant, he didn't want to play that jealousy card.


"you just ... left. right after Regulus did," he muttered, hackles raising somewhat. "and then you didn't even say anything. i thought were were, you know, boyfriend and girlfriend. and then you just left. did you not want that?"

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 17, 2016

Casmir put his cards on the table immediately - and thank god, because Behati was desperate for a sleep and a pee. It surprised her that Regulus was the first to be mentioned; she hadn't given him much thought since the humiliating incident in the caves.

"I didn't.." She fidgeted, looking for a better explanation than 'took a walk and just kept going'. In the end, she was too tired to bother. "I just kinda went for a walk and kept going. I guess - I.. a habit?" Behati gave her head a shake. "I'm sorry. But it wasn't with Regulus! God, he's so like.. one going on seven." His jealousy warmed her, but also reminded her of the earlier run-in with Aria. Behati's gaze hardened somewhat, and she avoided eye contact when she spoke next. "I thought we were? We're friends. Do you not want to be friends?" Or did you want to be frients with Aria? Weak - very weak; but she had nothing else.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 17, 2016

"i thought we were more than friends, Behati!" Cas exclaimed, stepping toward her. "you're my girlfriend." surely she knew that it was more than a hangout buddy? he himself wasn't sure of all the nuances but at least he was willing to try, which he didnt assume Behati was interested in. her expression was suddenly cold; the boy's ears wilted. "are ... are you mad at me?" what was life, even? he was about ready to throw in the towel, because it was becoming more and more confusing, but grimly he hung on, wanting to stick it out.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 17, 2016

Hilarious teenage babble ensued. "No! No. I'm not mad - you didn't even like do anything." What was the problem, then? Was there a problem? Behati's brain felt like one giant error. "I do, but.. what does that even mean though!" The flustered youth demanded. "Pearl told me about sex. Is it sex? Because.. because I don't.. I kind of like.. I don't want to do that." Sheepish eyes. "Yet." Had this been what her subconscious had been wrestling with? If not, it seemed like something she could make work.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 17, 2016

sex. "w-what?" he stammered, sitting down heavily. he too knew what sex was -- he wasn't about to go blab that HIS MOM HAD TOLD HIM, but that's basically where he had learned that, and a longer-winded version from his dad. "well, yeah!" he answered. "i mean no!" came his next fumble. "i mean ... okay .. well, i always thought being ... together meant that we could like ... get a den together and like ... i dunno, be mates next year. and have puppies. so yeah, eventually." unless you wanted to try now, but obviously she did not.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 17, 2016

It had not occurred to Behati that "girlfriend" was a tentative first step in a dance with many moves to follow. Aikasarria had not been a settling down kind of guy, and females had not lingered long enough to leave any kind of impression.

But what Casmir was describing sounded nice. Really, really nice. Behati's tail began to wag in earnest, but she caught herself looking Too Enthusiastic and stopped.

".. yeah! That.. those things sound pretty cool. Yes." 

Pause. Some awkward giggling.

"So did Pearl tell you, or like..? Or did you do it with Aria? "It sounds sort of insane."

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 17, 2016

she wagged her tail; he followed suit. all right. they were good now ... right? a brief bit of guilt sparked in the boy at how he had cuddled with Aria, but he wasn't about to say anything. that could play out later. at Behati's vague hinting, Cas flushed beneath his fur. "i didn't hear it from Pearl, no," he mumbled, thinking over the mechanics of the thing, and how the touching he had exchanged with Aria, and the way girls made him feel reminded him often of that biology lesson. "i dunno ... i think it sounds kind of ... nice." was he a total pervert?

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 17, 2016

Casmir replied with a mumble - Behati's throat tightened as she assumed the worst. Rather than assuming a patent had filled the boy in on the specifics, her mind wandered to Aria. If Casmir had hoped that being vague would avoid a shitstorm, he was wrong.

"Aria told me it was your birthday. " It was plain from the look on her face that Behati had not brought the name up by accident.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 17, 2016

uh oh

she mentioned Aria, and the little grin on Cas' face froze, then died into nothing. "yeah. it was." and you weren't here for it, the petty, mean part of him wanted to add. Aria was a friend -- that was going to be his stick-to story. after all, Behati hadn't even been around, so what did she even care? aware that his face was growing cold and closed, Cas shook himself back into the present. "i heard you two talked when you got back."

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 17, 2016

Wrong move. Casmir's face darkened, and the he became decidedly less friendly. Behati immediately regretted bringing it up. "She seems OK," the girl lied, quickly smoothing over the crinkle in their conversation. Awkward silence followed.

Oh, to hell with it. Behati gathered her courage and blurted out the mutant offspring of their combined thoughts.

"Did you do it with her? It's fine I mean, I was.. I wasn't here." It totally wasn't fine.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 17, 2016

Behati was lying. why? they didn't seem to like each other. "no!" he blurted, instantly regretting how guilty he sounded. "promise. we didn't do ... it." he felt like he really should use the word 'sex,' but it was so awkward and clinical. he lapsed back into that weird silence, hoping she believed him. 

"would you hate me if i did? we didn't, but if it had happened ... " just shut up, Casmir.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 18, 2016

In a parallel universe, the Behati's pupeteer watches on as her baby's life descends into a soap opera. They are still children, playing at adult concepts with no inkling as to the seriousness. Even so, Behati's benevolence did not stretch to being ousted by some white girl - Aria and Casmir were literally night and day, totally not meant to be. 80% chocolate and caramel 4eva. 

A special brand of Bitch Confidence filled Behati's bones, gripping it like Wolverine's adamantium. She puffed herself up like a bird ruffling his feathers, fixing Casmir with a cool stare.  "Yeah. Really hate you. But you didn't, because you're not her boyfriend." Boyfriend. Omg omg omg must tell Pearl.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 18, 2016

boyfriend. "yeah." his own tail swayed behind him. "i am." seized by the same bit of struttingness that had entered Behati, Cas approached her with a sashay to his step, pausing only a few inches away to look down at the girl, seeking her eyes with his own. where she was not wishywashy, he certainly was. "so, uh," he began with his usual silken charm, gold eyes flitting away from her for a second. heaving a visible sigh, he cleared his throat and looked back at the girl. "so i can kiss you now, right?"

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 18, 2016

Behati failed spectacularly at responding in a sultry, adult way to his advances. Despite having just moments ago confirmed that they were indeed boyfriend and girlfriend, the girl's first attempt was a giggly gut reaction car crash of a response: "What? Umm you're so lame?" Shitshitshit. Behati's skin turned grey beneath her fur. "I mean - yes!" How? Like, which end did they need? Behati cursed her parents for exposing her in this moment, standing stock still and staring up at boy whose warm breath she could now feel on the bridge of her nose.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 18, 2016

she insulted him, but he laughed anyway -- Behati was funny like that. awkward, like him. slowly he lowered his muzzle and pressed his mouth against the edge of her own lips. it sent a spark through him that quickly turned into a full-body tingle, and he blushed deeply beneath his dark fur. presently, he pulled away, unable to hide a huge grin, and peered sheepishly at his girlfriend.

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 20, 2016

It was the perfect moment - sweet, innocent, and electric all at the same time. Casmir's lips sent a spark into her belly, where flames blossomed high and bright. Behati's eyes fluttered shut. She did not draw breath until the situation became desperate, gulping oxygen into her lungs with deep, messy breaths. Casmir was peering coyly at her, looking every inch the freshly crowned boyfriend. Behati felt suddenly self-conscious, shifting where she sat. "What?" she murmured, smiling shyly. Did I do that right?

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Casmir - January 20, 2016

fade with your next post? <3 

she looked awkward and adorable, and Cas chuckled again, sitting in front of her. "you were great," he said, congratulating her for reasons he didn't understand. they were great. together. had Cas any inkling of what was about to happen, he might not have been so happy, but as it was, he was blissfully ignorant. he nudged her cheek gently. "wanna go find dinner?"

RE: girl are you a software update? because not now - Behati - January 20, 2016


"Yes," she giggled, and off they went.

It was just, like, perfect. They caught like totally the juiciest edible creature available at the time, and all was super duper with the world. And who knows - perhaps things would work out as planned. But more likely, because fictitious life is cruel when orchestrated by two sadistic bitches, things were going to go to shit at some point.