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Firestone Hot Springs Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Printable Version

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Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - February 19, 2014

Blue Willow woke up early, it was mildly warmer than it had been of late and she was pleased. She took a moment to look around her new den and she smiled as she stepped from her dense forest home to travel towards the hot springs. Since her meeting with Crete there she wanted to explore them more. Being sure not to cross any borders. She was certain that her pack was the only one around this area as of now though.

As she trotted towards the steamy springs her thoughts went to her parents and what they were doing. Was her father and mother still traveling? Or did they find a forever home? Was her father's arthritis and joints still hurting or were they doing better now that it was getting a little warmer? She missed them like a dull ache that would never go away. She loved them and she missed them, but she did not regret leaving them to go her own way. She hoped she would see them again some day.

She looked around drowsily as she slowed to a walk and made it to her destination. She looked around and poked around looking through the different plants and soils and anything else that happened to catch her interest.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - February 19, 2014

After meeting another packmate at this curious place, Osprey had decided to return here alone and explore it a little bit. It wasn't anything she had seen in her life before, which meant it was all the more exciting to return. The sulphuric smell wasn't very pleasant and it took time to get used to it. It also tinged the water, therefore after the first few tries she had given up the inclination to drink it. But the one thing she enjoyed the most was the warmth. It was still months away until summer came, which was her favorite season, therefore she enjoyed every little reminder of the warmer and sunnier days.

She wasn't here alone for too long, however. Osprey noticed another wolf-figure arrive at the place. It was a female with a black pelt and air of seriousness around her. She appeared to be busy sniffing around and not too intimidating. Therefore the young wolf decided to approach her in a neutral manner. She also began to sniff the ground, nearing the other one and occasionally lifting her head to steal a glance at the she-wolf. Once she was close enough to spark up a conversation, she greeted: "Hi!"

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - February 20, 2014

OOC: sorry so short
Blue Willow's fur rose as she realized she was not alone. She cursed herself for not paying attention until she turned and realized that the other did not mean any harm. She visibly relaxed and favored the other with a smile.

"Hello I'm Blue Willow. You are? Blue Willow stood in a neutral position, she smelled the pack on this other wolf as well as Crete and Peregrine, but she wasn't sure why. She assumed she was another pack mate, but one could never be to careful, so she would stay on neutral ground for now.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - February 21, 2014

"Yerpso - Osprey," she introduced herself, allowing a little whim to spell her name both ways. March Owl had told her that her namesake Osprey Sr. or the Original had liked to do that during his childhood. She had decided that it was a cool habit to carry on and did this occasionally, when she was getting to know other people. It also was her way of finding out, how people reacted to the unusual and the strange, to get the idea of whether they would be able to cope with her antics.

"It's nice to meet you - Eulb Wolliw!" she dipped her head lightly in a polite greeting. "What has brought you here?" she asked.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - February 21, 2014

It took mere seconds for Blue Willow to compute what the other female had said. She let a small chuckle rise up from her chest, as she realized the other was simply saying her name backwards, so she was Osprey. She was also new and Blue Willow wondered why she smelled of two of her pack mates more than the other, but was unsure how to ask such a question. "Well tell me then friend do you prefer the moniker Osprey or Yerpso? I will call you either.

Blue Willow bowed her head in greeting also pleased to meet another friendly face, and pack mate and female as well. Her pack had smelled highly of testoterone of late and it made her a bit nervous, especially since breeding season was coming and males tended to go a little crazy. "I am merely exploring this spring. Looking as well for some herbs and plants to add to my store. I wish to become a healer and need the replenish my stock. I used most of it on my way across the land and when our fellow Packmate Ariston was ill. How about you?

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - February 21, 2014

"It depends on the mood," Osprey returned playfully. She ran by either name and would sometimes call herself Yerpso, if she suggested that the other person was too serious. The girl loved a little fun at the expense of other's confusion. "But Osprey is what they call me most of the time."

Then the kind lady talked about the herbs and plants and Osprey's eyes grew wide in amazement. "A healer? That is awesome," she had never been the one to know plants well, but had always admired the ability of those, who possessed that gift. It seemed the closest thing to magic to her. "Exploring. There wasn't such a place, where I came from," she explained.

"What plants are you looking for?" she was a bit curious, since there wasn't much of anything during the winter.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - February 21, 2014

Blue Willow chuckled, mirth deepening the laugh lines around her eyes. She enjoyed having fun herself. She was a very happy, intelligent wolf and could take a joke very well if she could understand it. Sometimes she ran into that especially if the joke happened to be crude. "Well then Osprey it shall be for now unless some day you decide you wish to go by Yerpso then just let me know. Most call me Blue or Willow I do not care which you call me personally.

Blue Willow smiled a full toothy smile at the other's enthusiastic reply. Yes a healer, something she loved and cherished and it made her feel so very close to her parents, both of whom she missed so much. "Yes a Healer and thank you. I have seen hot springs before, though I have never fully been in my own home until this pack. My parents were healers and storytellers and travelers you see. She did not tire of telling the truth about her past, it was in retrospect what had made her who she was.

Blue Willow smiled a bit sheepishly and said quietly, "Well truth be told I am not going to be able to find very much, as it is not quite yet spring. However, I am hoping to find the places where the herbs will grow so I can find them come spring. Though Crete found some sword fern for me just recently around this spring, so I may find some. She did not know the other female was her mute friend's sister, but she had enjoyed her time with him and had liked the fact that he had helped her find what she needed and she wanted everyone to know how much he had helped her.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - February 24, 2014

That might happen pretty soon, if Peregrine sticks to the idea of calling his kid after me. Osprey thought. She still was very much opposed of the idea that her name would be given to someone else. In honor of her being such a great sister. Come on - no got a medal for being a good person. You had to be extraordinary. If you asked her then apart from some of the quirks, she couldn't name a single quality that made her any more special than the rest. Oh well... She might get used to the idea of being Yerpso.

"A storyteller and traveller?" Osprey stared at the balck she-wolf as if she was looking at the God himself. Had she been a human, she would be that odd book-worm type of kid. The girl adored stories and meeting a wolf, who might know new ones, was amazing. Cool. Unbelievable. "Totally awesome!" she yipped and made a little jump on the spot. "You have to promise me a story-telling evening. You simply have to. I love stories and I will die, if I won't hear what you have to tell," she added the childish threat, which was not meant ill. She simply was very excited.

"Crete is my brother, littermate and best friend. I share the den with him," she told.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - February 24, 2014

Blue Willow did not know of the name that Peregrine was wishing to call his daughter, if she had she would have agreed with Osprey. Not because she thought Osprey was a bad sister, merely because she thought that a pup should have their own name. Too often when one was named after another wolf, you felt inadequate or that you didn't quiet fit the standard or that you had to be just like that other wolf, she felt that unfair.

Blue Willow smiled at the look she was given by Osprey. "yes a story teller and a traveler. I will gladly tell you a story one of these nights, what is your favorite type? That way I can find one that suits your likes. Blue Willow carried many stories in her head, she also carried many experiences in other packs with her. She could remember a pack that had raised only their girls, once the boys were old enough they kicked them out, or how about the pack that had raised their boys to be warriors and always put the youngest in the front lines.

Blue Willow smiled when she heard that Crete was the other's brother, that meant that the entire litter was together. She remembered how Peregrine had wished that. "That is wonderful and he is a very kind wolf, he certainly helped me and let me just say his body language is superb.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - February 25, 2014

"All kinds... well, maybe not the bloody and awful ones," Osprey valued a good story no matter of it's genre, because it was the storyline and moral that mattered the most. However, she couldn't stand the types, where there was too much of unneccessary violence and, which were not very fair. There always had to be a way to defeat the main villian. For this reason, she would have never liked "A nightmare on Elm street" had she been a human not a wolf.

"We must have a date then," she had a habit of calling very desirable meetings dates. Not that involved any kind of romance. "Just name time and venue - I will be there," she figured, however, that Blue willow, who was a more established member in the pack, must have the liberty to choose, when and where. There probably were more important tasks for her than to entertain a very excited youth.

"Crete has the heart in the right place," Osprey agreed and smiled, thinking fondly of her dear brother. "He takes a lot after our father Aether. He was a great wolf too. You would have liked him, had you ever had the chance to meet him."

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - February 25, 2014

Blue Willow tilted her head and had to admire the other wolf for her forthright opinion. She herself did not like violence, or blood and gore. And she also felt that good should always triumph over evil, though that was not always the case. No it was the case sometimes it just took longer than wanted to conquer the evil things. "I do not like the bloody and awful ones either, though i know some. There is always someone who will like those kind unfortunately.

If Osprey had asked about a very excited youth Blue Willow would have told her she didn't mind in least telling a story to a youth. As a matter of fact she would do that anytime it was asked of her. She loved a good story and she loved to tell a young one stories. The way their eyes shone and sparkled and they hung on your every word, it was a magic in it's own right. "Gladly and if I don't make a date quick enough you can make one yourself if you like. She smiled at Osprey kindly.

Blue Willow nodded, "Yes I probably would have so far I have met three of you, I have yet to meet Atticus is it? And I believe that if this Aether can raise three such fine wolves as yourselves, he would have been well worth meeting and i would have liked him. I have heard of you mother too, a little bit Mo isn't it? Blue Willow had also heard of the brother Tyrannus but she refused to comment on that mean one.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - February 27, 2014

"Come to think about it - if there weren't horrible things in this world, there wouldn't be horrible stories. The fact that the latter exists only reflects things we are lucky not to experience in the real life," Osprey remarked, remembering, how her father Aether had told her stories and legends of the great and powerful Roman wolves, Caligula's reign in the valley and his army. Stories of war were not her favorite, because she felt too keenly the loss of each wolf that lost it's life in the war. None of them were casualties of war to her.

"Atticus is also my brother," Osprey said, although there was a little tinge of sadness to her tone. She hadn't seen him much at all, since she had arrived, they hadn't had a single proper talk. They had been good friends all their lives, sharing their fondness for stories and stars - she couldn't understand, what had changed between them now. Because from his prolonged absence she somehow though that it was her fault. That she had done something wrong unknowingly.

"Oh, my mom MO," she smiled albeit a little sadly too, because that way she was reminded of the fact that she had passed away not so long ago. "Nothing like my father - straight-forward, rude and rough, but had a good heart," the fact that Mo had been her mother, had taught her to tolerate a lot of kind of wolves and not take insults personally. "Plus - she was a master at swearing and I - daresay - that this saved her a lot of trouble of suffering in silence," even though she was very honest about, who her mother had been, one could feel that she remembered her with fondness and held high in regard.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - February 28, 2014

Blue Willow blinked at her pack mate and smiled sadly, "Yes that is very true and all too often I have seen the scars on the souls of those who have lived through those awful things, and those scars they are hard to get rid of. Blue Willow had seen casualties of war, she saw her own father's soul dark and sad. She did not like war or violence, but she also knew that without it, there would not be the chance for the really good and pure to help more than they already did. Everything happens for a reason, regardless of whether they wished it to or not.

Blue Willow nodded, "Yes he is the only one I haven't met yet. Peregrine wanted me to meet him for some reason, but I do not know why. Perhaps he just wanted me to meet everyone in his family. His family is very important to him and as a member of the pack we are all family. She really hadn't known why at the time, that in her alpha's head he was mating her off to one of his brothers or at least playing with the idea. So therefore she saw no reason to offer this information up. If she had known it would have made her incredibly shy.

Blue Willow smiled sheepishly and said quietly, "Yes I heard some of the phrases your mother used come from your brother's mouth. I can honestly say they took me backwards as I am not used to such profanity, but I must say he was certainly a master of it. That alone I suppose has warrant for praise. SHe chuckled quietly.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - March 03, 2014

When Blue willow talked about scars on the souls left by others, Osprey was reminded of Tyrannus and his actions. How he had caused unneccessary suffering and evil to his family members. Yes, he had his reasons. Very good ones too - he believed he was doing the right thing, even if others did not share the same opinion. But his right had changed her siblings - there had once been a time, when nothing and no-one would stand between them. Now it seemed that they weren't the same people. Both Crete and Peregrine treated her as if nothing had happened, but she hated to see the rift between her brothers.

"We are very family oriented - we were born and raised in a very big family," Osprey explained, remembering the very few wolves in the Falcons, who hadn't been related to them. "Always and forever - family above all. That's what I believe in and stick to," she told the older she-wolf. This was her moto and she was hell-bent to stick to it, as long as it was possible.

"Yeah... Peregrine can be foul-mouthed sometimes, but, when you get used to it, you find out that it makes his speech much more... alive, I guess?" she chuckled too, remembering his most expressive phrases and best moments. There were quite a lot. "But I have found that by using some of the strong words at times is very useful. You get rid of stress easier. Some go around and destroy sticks or trees, I swear out loud and get to feel a lot better."

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - March 05, 2014

Blue Willow had not meant to make Osprey think about the injustices and scars on her own soul. If she had known that the other female was feeling a bit down, she would have tried to make her feel better.

Blue Willow smiled, "I always wanted to be part of a big family, but my brothers were 2 litters older than me, and i myself was the only pup from my own. I was however loved and cared for wonderfully and i wouldn't trade it for the world. As a matter of fact i wish i could have talked my parents into coming with me. Blue Willow nodded her head in agreement with Osprey's next comment, but opted not to comment back as she full heartedly agreed and could not have said it anymore perfectly than her new friend.

Blue Willow chuckled, "Yes he can be foul mouthed and it makes me a little uncomfortable as I am not used to it, but it is a quality of his that i find endearing. I do not think that I could imagine him in any other way, so it does not bother me as much as it normally would. Usually when I am stressed myself I go for a run or a hunt it helps or i sort my herbs, reciting everything i know about them. It calms my mind.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - March 11, 2014

Osprey's eyes lit up, when Willow mentioned running. This activity was her second nature. She was born to be fast and agile, she had been able to outrun every wolf in her former pack. It was the feeling of speed, wind blowing in your face, the surroundings flashing past in a blur and sense of invincibility. When she ran, she felt strong and indestructable. Very much like her packmate here, when she needed to assure herself, to lift her mood - running was one of her favorite remedies. It was hard not to feel excited and elated after conquering a long distance no one else could have managed to do.

"Oh well..." having been always surrounded by plenty of family members of various ages, Osprey wondered, what would it be like to be an only child. Not that she had ever wanted to be, but still... it seemed odd and somehow wrong. "... I sometimes miss the rest of the family in my birth pack, but then again I have high hopes for this place too. I am sure that in time we will also be and feel like a big family, no matter of the differences in characters."

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - March 13, 2014

Blue Willow didn't see the other's eyes but she did see the lifting of her lips in a small semi second smile when she mentioned running. So she decided to offer up herself as a running partner. "If the time ever arises that you find you would like a run and a friend please consider me a willing partner. She smiled again and then tiled her head as Osprey spoke.

Blue Willow smiled though not as wide, she hoped for pack cohesion and a family feel, but lately she was not sure if that would happen. She liked both her alphas and the other wolves she had met. But there always seemed to be tense feelings from a few of the others around Hawkeye, perhaps it was merely because she was a fairly new leader who knew, but she did know that she hoped it would go away and those would begin to be less tense in time. "I hope you are right Osprey, I would like to have a large extended family.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - March 15, 2014

"Definitely," Osprey sealed the deal, feeling happy that she had found a kindred spirit in a pack mate and hoped that this was the beginning of a long-lasting friendship. The more she talked with Blue willow, the more she enjoyed her company and already her mind was cooking up plots and adventures they could be in together. As a matter of fact - she knew she was in a need of a good friend, which was outside her family circle. Peregrine would soon be a very busy and happy new dad, he would have less time for her. Crete also had his commitments to the pack and Atticus was very distant and didn't seem to even consider to rekindle their sincere relationship.

"So... you were looking for some plants, right?" she decided that she had kept her packmate from her duties long enough and it was her turn to prove that she could be useful to her. "I can help you look for them, just show me, what they look like and where to find them."

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - March 16, 2014

Blue Willow smiled glad that she had found a new friend. Not that she did not mind having male friends such as Peregrine, it was nice to have a female friend too, more feminine perspective. She did not yet count Hawkeye as a friend, she respected her yes, but for the most part she was wary of her leader, only because she was her leader and there was so much tension around her.

Blue Willow chuckled "Well osprey we probably won't find very many. I was mostly just looking for places where they might grow come spring. Sword Fern is one to look for your brother found some. It is green with lots of leafy fronds. Canada Milk Vetch would be nice to find as well for little cuts and scrapes. It is green and it looks like a small tree but it looks softer than branches. She hoped that she was able to explain their looks well. It was hard to explain how they looked without the ability to show one what they looked like, but she had none at the moment to show.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - March 17, 2014

Blue Willow was good at describing the plants, but there was always trouble of transferring an exact image to the receiving end's mind. Osprey listened carefully, memorized the words and tried to tailor appropriate images to them. She ended up with several variations and a lot of questions as well - the confusion reflected on her facial features. She was about to ask for more details, when a quick glance around reminded her of something.

"But there isn't much green around here," her glance went from one spot in this place to the other, seeing nothing but wet ground, patches of yellowed grass and some rotten black stuff. "Maybe it will be easier for me to follow around and, when you see a plant, then you can tell me, what it is," she suggested, because, while imagination was a field she excelled at, the actual knowledge of botany wasn't.

ooc: maybe we can fade this out in the next few posts and have a new thread?

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Blue Willow - March 18, 2014

Certainly this will be my last post and then do you want to start a new one or myself or are you all threaded out for now lol

Blue Willow saw the confusion etched in the brow of her new found friend and she smiled softly and kindly. "I'm sorry i didn't mean to confuse you. It's hard to just describe a plant.

Blue Willow dipped her head and nodded "Yes there isn't much green i was just looking to see if I could see where the herbs are going to grow this spring. Of course you can follow and I'll see if I can find at least one plant to show you. With that Blue Willow put her nose to the ground and began a search that would probably prove futile, but she was trying none the less.

RE: Listen to the Sky Dance with the River - Osprey - March 20, 2014

"It's nothing," Osprey brushed it off and smiled at Blue willow. The kind and wise woman had given her best try in describing it and every word would definitely make sense, once Osprey would see the plant in real life. Therefore she began to follow her in search for the plants, concentrating more on the work that needed to be done, than the questions she was dying to ask her packmate.