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Silvertip Mountain I hate being alone - Printable Version

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I hate being alone - Peak - January 18, 2016


Peak was interested in seeing the territory of his new pack, and Zaria made it clear Steady would be in charge. He was quick to find him, and he dipped his head in greeting. "Hello Steady, can you show me around a bit? I just wanted to see the territory." He said. He quickly fixed his body into a more submissive position. He gave a smile and awaited an answer.

RE: I hate being alone - Steady - January 19, 2016

Steady had actually been looking for Silvertip's newest member. He had promised Zaria that he would keep tabs on him and make sure he knew what was expected of him. As Beta of the pack now, he took on a new, deeper, feeling of responsibility for the members of the pack. He hoped in getting personal with each of them, it would draw them closer and they would less of a revolving door when it came to new members. Fitz had made him feel welcome from day one, and that's what Steady intended to do with the others, too.

They found each other easily, and Steady was pleased to see that Peak was submissive and respectful. Steady's tail wagged in greeting as he nodded. Absolutely, he responded happily. You can relax, he added. It would be hard, after all, to show him around if he was worried about being submissive. As long as Peak didn't turn dominant towards Steady, he would be fine to walk along side him.

Steady motioned him to follow. Where are you from? he asked as they strolled along, heading towards one of the more popular lakes on the mountain. It would be important, after all, to know where the water sources were.

RE: I hate being alone - Peak - January 19, 2016

Peak smiled a bit, and stood up like normal. He was still a bit weary though, as he didn't want to offend the higher ranking. He was happy this wolf was so welcoming, especially since Peak took away the mans' time. He took in the surroundings, trying to shove everything in his mind. He was snapped out of it when Steady asked a question. "I'm from Alaska, and my mother and father brought me and my sister down around the Wilds. I left, and ventured down here, where I came upon Silvertip." He said and smiled. "Where do you come from?" He asked and cocked his head. 

RE: I hate being alone - Steady - January 23, 2016

Peak seemed to relax, though he still respected Steady by not having his head higher than his own. The newly appointed Beta respected that. Peak told him how he had lived in Alaska, he and his family migrating down. Why did you leave them? Steady asked. Steady had left his home pack, too, but it was on good terms. He thought it said a lot about a wolf as to why they left their home.

I'm from Wisconsin, he replied when Peak asked. My parents lead a pack there. I left with my sister to come find FitzDutiful, he explained. It was a pretty simply story, he supposed. Steady stopped as they came upon the lake. This lake is one of our main water sources, he said. It's stocked with fish, too, he added. Although, with the nearly frozen temperatures they were seeing, most wolves wouldn't think of taking a dip, even for fishing. Spring would be here soon enough, though.

After answering any questions Peak might have about the lake, Steady kept moving, thinking of the next spot to take Peak. How much do you know about healing? Steady asked, remembering the other male had mentioned it when he was requesting to join. Maybe he could teach Mason a thing or two.

RE: I hate being alone - Peak - January 25, 2016

Peak kept his eyes aware of his surroundings. "I left them because they planned to raise me like a warrior, but my dad gave up and became abusive, that is why I have so many scars." He said. Peak didn't really enjoy talking about his abusive childhood, so he left some minor parts out, like the favoritism for his sister. They soon arrived upon the lake, which was extremely beautiful. Peak had never seen a lake in winter. The only lake he remembers seeing was the one he fell into in the summer time when he was a young pup, but that doesn't count as actually seeing one. He he quickly caught up with Steady, for he had no questions to ask. He couldn't learn to fish at this time of year, so he would seek Steady out later in the year for that lesson. Peak still kept his stance, showing Steady was still dominant, but Peak started to relax a little bit more. He still showed complete respect. "I apologize for this sounding rude, but I do know quite a bit about herbs. I learned from the cuts and scrapes my father and mother gave me." Peak was not a cocky wolf, and he said it just to prove that. If Steady gave him a test, Peak would probably pass with flying colors.

RE: I hate being alone - Steady - January 25, 2016

Steady listened intently as Peak confessed he supposed to be raised as a warrior. Steady had been a natural since he had a high protection instinct when it came to his family. Being a mercenary just fit him. He couldn't imagine, however, being forced to become something that he didn't want to be. It did, however, bring up a question. We're a pretty peaceful pack, but we have had intruders from time to time. Do you feel comfortable doing what you need to so that they are taken care of? he asked. Steady needed to know that Peak could run off or attack anyone that meant harm to their pack, without pause.

While Steady's tail was still high, it swayed back and forth easily, showing his relaxed posture. He listened to Peak speak of his healing abilities, though the other male seemed a little nervous that he would boast about himself. No need to apologize. It isn't rude to be confident in your abilities. I'm glad you know how good you are, especially if you are ever needed in an emergency, he said. You should bounce some knowledge off of Mason, my nephew. He's a fellow healer, Steady suggested.

Steady lead them to Schläger Cavern, stopping at the entrance. This is another important spot here on the mountain. If we're ever attacked on one side of the mountain, this is the quickest route to escape to the other side, he explained. It also wasn't a bad tool to be used to lead the attackers in and ambush them. Many of the pack wolves stay here since most of the dens at Silvertip Hollow were destroyed in a tornado. We'll go there next, he said, waiting to see if Peak had any questions or comments before moving on.

RE: I hate being alone - Peak - January 26, 2016

Peak nodded at Steady concern about fighting. "I have learned some skills from when I was young, I might need some freshening up in the future, but I'm currently confident I could fight off an intruder." He said and smiled. The news of a fellow healer got him excited. Now Peak could work extra hard to prove he was as good of a healer as he thought he was. "Sounds good by me. I'm sure I will see him around." He said as they came upon a new place. The place looked like it was inhabited already by the smells of other wolves. "When did the tornado pass through?" he asked and cocked his head.

RE: I hate being alone - Steady - January 30, 2016

Peak seemed confident that with some refresher spars, he could and would fend off intruders. Steady believed him, but hoped to see that in the future, Peak took it upon himself to make sure he was ready if such an incident happened that they would need him to fight. He was also happy to hear their newest member was happy to hear about a fellow caregiver.

As they walked, Peak asked about the tornado. I'm not sure. I wasn't here when it happened, he confessed. Chaska may be able to help answer that, though. He's our pack chronicler, he added. Steady was fairly certain Chaska had been with the pack when the tornado ruined their lands, which gave him even more of an edge of telling the history.

They came upon Silvertip Hallow, and Steady stopped, looking around at the ravaged lands. There are still a few good dens here, if you choose to take one. Otherwise, you could make your own, or stay in the Cavern, he explained.

RE: I hate being alone - Peak - February 01, 2016

Peak looked on at what lie before him. It was sad to him, from what he could see, honest and good working wolves. He dipped his head, even as a new blood, he would help his new pack. "Where do you store herbs? If you know, I would like to find a den as close as possible to keep away rodents, and other pests." he said. The ivory male shook his pelt, shifting his fur, some fur lying over scars. He flicked his ears up took look around the dens, possibly to greet someone.

RE: I hate being alone - Steady - February 06, 2016

Steady thought for a moment, trying to recall if anyone had ever told him where the herb den was, but he was certain he didn't know. I'm sorry, I don't know. But, Zaria or maybe Mason would know, he said, his expression conveying his apology at not having the information. Steady had never been quite interested in healing, and so had never bothered to figure out those little tidbits of information. But, it would be a good opportunity for Peak to get to know his other pack mates.

Reluctantly, Steady said, I need to get back to my duties, if you're good here? He waited to see if maybe Peak had any other questions.

RE: I hate being alone - Peak - February 06, 2016

Peak dipped his head. "Don't you worry, I will find out. Thank you." he said. He quickly nodded his head. "Yes! Yes, I'm good here. Sorry for taking you away from your duties! Thank you for the little tour. I really appreciate it. So, see you around?" He said, not trying to be abrubt, but he didn't want to hold the man hostage from his duties.

Fade after your post? Thanks for the helpful thread!

RE: I hate being alone - Steady - February 06, 2016

Yup, last post from me. Would love a thread anytime! :-)

Peak seemed confident he could find the information he needed, and Steady took note of that. The other male seemed confident in his abilities, and Steady didn't fear he would ever been a burden on the pack. No, instead, he was quite hopeful that Peak would be a great asset.

Steady smiled, glad that Peak was understanding. You're quite welcome, he said. Anytime you need anything, even just company, don't hesitate to seek me out, he offered. I'll see you around, he confirmed before turning and heading for the borders to patrol them.