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Porcupine Ridge Tired of wandering - Printable Version

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Tired of wandering - Aluri - January 19, 2016

Aluri had been wandering for countless days and was putting her foot down today. She hated the life of a loner and was over ready to join a pack and she had decide she would join the first pack she came across and this pack had been it. She padded up to the border before letting out a long and loud howl, she hoped anyone would hear. She she sat in a respectful way making sure to not come across as an intruder. She thought if anyone else was close she would also say something.

"Hello? Is anyone around here?" she said loudly not caring if she said it to loud. What's the problem with being loud? She hated it whenever she was to quiet though. It just wasn't right. She just hoped some wolf would come over here soon. It was kinda cold.

RE: Tired of wandering - Capriccio - January 19, 2016

She was nearby the call – the howl that went up stirred more unease in the she-wolf who was so meticulously trying to calculate her life far in advance. And then more estrogen just had to show up at their border.
Swift to find the wolf who beckoned them, Capri’s intention was to beat Taggarik, who had opened a floodgate of females in to their pack recently. Of course, it was the luck of the draw, as to what gender would find their way upon their borders – and unfortunately, the recent males they had turned away had all been for arrogance and well deserved.
Of course, as the silver-tipped wolf caught sight of the other – the tawny wolf loudly questioned if anyone was there. Having made it to the borders in rather impressive time, given the size of their territory, an instant scowl stormed Capri’s usually gentle features as her form lifted even higher. “Not very patient, are you?” Instantly, the regal was unimpressed, and her harder gaze spoke this in volumes.

RE: Tired of wandering - Aluri - January 19, 2016

Someone had of course answered her howl and seemed they weren't very happy with her. Usually aluri would said something snappy back but this wolf, she knew she was alpha and she had to give her respect."Sorry I bothered you... I came here seeking a pack." she said quietly, even if it was to her disliking.

She changed her stance to a more submissive posture and dipped her head. She hated this feeling, the feeling of being so belittled. Nevertheless she needed a pack in the dead of winter and here one was. She hoped she could make up for what ever she did to piss off this she-wolf.

RE: Tired of wandering - Capriccio - January 19, 2016

The girl submitted – though not as much as she would have expected, given the girl was seeking entrance in to their pack. She felt a surge of annoyance that Taggarik seemed to quietly command others about him to slip in to unmistakable submission – they practically rolled over for him the moment his eyes hit them. And Capri? She got a head nod.
“And what’s your name?” She attempted to keep the irritation from her tone – her own form stiff as she took another few steps closer to the youthful girl. She leaned forward, taking in the girl’s scent – she seemed healthy enough. Nothing alarmed her enough to turn the girl away, yet. “And why are you a lone wolf?”

RE: Tired of wandering - Aluri - January 19, 2016

When the alpha asked aluri her name and reason of being a lone wolf she felt very uncomfortable but so be it. If she wanted be a part of this pack she would have to tell the alpha."My name is aluri. I am lone wolf because my original pack wanted me to be something I didn't want to be, so I left so I could decide my own future." she said quietly her tail between legs. She hated being judged and usually never showed her distaste but this she wolf was different. She was better than Aluri and by instinct she was being submissive. She felt liking running again but she knew she had to prove herself to this she wolf.

RE: Tired of wandering - Capriccio - January 19, 2016

She could have left it far simpler, but the girl’s words stirred interest in the woman – and while she was tempted to question her further on the matter, she was not willing to pry too far in to the personal matters of those she did not know.
If it became a concern to the pack, that would be another story.
Prowling forward, maintaining her height, the swarthy female made to gently grasp the girl’s muzzle in her jaws – testing her even further. She was not ready to relinquish her title, unless Taggarik chose a mate, and she was firm upon reminding the youth who was her Alpha.

RE: Tired of wandering - Aluri - January 19, 2016

Aluri was glad that the alpha didn't dig deeper into her past. She didn't let it show though. Aluri thought the questioning was over and that she might get an answer but instead the alpha female grabbed her muzzle and all she wanted to was fight back but she held back. She needed this pack so she could survive winter. She didn't know what to do so she stood still. She was scared of this she wolf. This wolf was a true alpha you did not want to cross. She stood still letting the alpha show she was the boss.

RE: Tired of wandering - Capriccio - January 19, 2016

Aluri did not resist, and Capri kept her grip gentle – after only a few seconds, Capri released her grip upon the other woman, her eyes flashing toward the girl’s face as she made to rub her shoulder against the newcomer. “Welcome, Aluri,” she finally offered, allowing her stance to relax slightly now.
Pulling back, she gave a nod to the direction of the territory heart. “I’m Capri – the Alpha female. I can show you around your new home if you’d like.” Her eyes drifted between the woman and the direction they would go – as far as she was concerned, the pack required no more members for now.. especially in winter. They had enough mouths to feed after this moment.

RE: Tired of wandering - Aluri - January 19, 2016

Aluri had done it. She was a part of the pack. The alpha, no Capri seemed to relax and Aluri relaxed and little to though she was still respectful to Capri. As Capri asked if Aluri wanted to be shown around the territory she simply nodded her head, shocked by the past events to speak. She wondered what the territory she now called home would be like. Aluri was glad to know she wouldn't have to wander anymore. This was her home now and she  was happy about that.

RE: Tired of wandering - Capriccio - January 20, 2016

Welcome to PR! This is the last post for Capri in this thread, so feel free to respond once more, or archive.
“This,” she noted, as they swept forward and in to the lands she called home. “Is Porcupine Ridge.” The Ridge had grown upon her quite a bit, and while upon her first arrival, she had worried for Terich-mir’s distaste in mountains, it would seem they had both grown accustom to it – and now she found herself always taken with the view.
Coaxing their newest pack mate along, Capri would offer her a quick tour of their home, revealing to her a favored water source by the pack, and the rocky ledges that spanned just before the breathtaking view of the Northstar Vale below.
When she found there was not much more to impart, the silver-tipped regal would once more brush against her companion, solidifying the girl’s scent as a pack wolf, before she would lope off to the direction of either Terich-mir or Taggarik.