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Lost Creek Hollow cabela's camouflage cup - Printable Version

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cabela's camouflage cup - Luke - January 19, 2016

He had not seen the little black she-wolf for a while. He had not sought her out, and she had not come to him. Perhaps she avoided him intentionally, perhaps not. He himself had kept tucked away, not wishing for the same closeness he once had. It was without thought that he crossed her trail and started to follow it. For once, his mind was devoid of any thought, it was numb, if you will, and his snout was pointed toward the ground as he walked with a hanging head. His steps were almost robotic, and even if she were just ahead of him, he would not spot her, not with gaze trained blankly on the snow in front of his nose.

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Ilya - January 19, 2016

fun fact: i really dislike camo but my favorite cup is a chicago bears tervis cup with a camo background ? idk where i got it.

And he didn't spot her, it seemed. The woman was tracking down a small rabbit, following it's tiny footsteps through the snowy terrain. At least she was until her focus was disturbed by the scent of Luke- one she hadn't found around the territory in a while. He was nearby, and she sought him out, her blue eyes narrowed and head lowered. He was hostile and lashed out last time she'd seen him, and she didn't want to be anywhere near him while he was in that state. But, maybe, he would be better now. 

When she saw him, his focus didn't waver. His gaze remained glassy and forward, and she had to give a low bark to keep him from passing her. The fact that he had ignored her hurt a bit, and her bark may have showed a bit of that. It may not have been his fault, but this was just how it came off to her. If he would turn to look at her, she had lowered her head in a respectful submissive manner. Her tail wagged with a friendly hopelessness, and she glanced to his to see if he returned the greeting. 

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Luke - January 19, 2016

haha. I love camo! lol. I am wearing a burnt orange sweater that has camo on the side of the sleeves, the inside of the hood, and in a deer head pattern on the front, and then there's my cup. Hehe. Even my bedsheets are camo, the same pattern as on my cup.

He lifted his head when she barked. It was true he had almost passed her by, so absent did he wander. Even as he looked at her now he was not sure what to say or do. He was well aware of his temper, and even remembered the ferocious greeting he gave to his companions when they met him that night just inside the borders. His eyes were softened by guilt as they met her face, before his gaze drifted to her wagging tail.

His own also wagged, but slowly and without the upbeat enthusiasm he once had. He moved toward her, but absent from his steps was his usual bounce, and there was unclear purpose in the suddenly focused and purposeful way he moved. The white wolf drew near, and extended his muzzle toward her cheek.

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Ilya - January 19, 2016

hunting camo(realistic looking) or military camo(flat color splotches)? if that makes sense. i like the hunting camo a lil better, the military kind is used a lot of a fashion statement and i think it just got old on me ):

Luke showed no signs of aggression, and she was excited to see such. His tail wagged and he returned her curious looks with a glassy look of his own. But there was something off about him, and she wasn't sure what to make of it. He moved towards her, causing her a slightly flinch and tensing, but he only came near her cheek. She didn't know if she should return any gestures, so pushed it against his nose, attempting to make some sort friendly contact- although she just felt awkward. Feeling his hot breath against her cheek, she looked at him curiously. 

"How are you feeling?" she asked, trying to sound cheerful. But the air was thick with a strange tension, and she wasn't sure if he even wanted to communicate with her; he hadn't, after all, even said anything. 

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Luke - January 20, 2016

Hunting camo of course! It's like wearing nature. I love nature! *said in dorkiest voice ever!* XD

He did not miss her flinch; her tension, and his ears flattened. Had he not been so numb his reaction may have been different, but for now his rage was dormant. Perhaps that was worse; it was his nonchalant way about so many things that likely led to his catastrophic, emotional breakdown in the first place. The attack had merely been the spark to set fire to the fuel that had been building up within.

"I'm fine," he murmured quietly, and he did not draw back from her. His muzzle moved from her cheek to her neck, and here his teeth combed gingerly at her furs and he breathed softly of her scent.

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Ilya - January 20, 2016

i'm far too girly for a lot of people XD my idea of wearing nature (which i agree with so much omg <3) is flowers and cutie things lol
also mmm i see homeboy's getting a little touchy ;p

His touch was foreign, and much like new personality he held; she wasn't sure she liked it. He murmured his response, but he didn't back away. Instead his muzzle trailed to her neck, preening gentle at the long black furs that covered it. She didn't know what to do. The feeling was nice, the sensation familiar to the ones she had in the all male pack where she'd been held; but the sensation was too familiar. 

As far as she was concerned there had never been anything between her and the pale brute that stood so close to her. She hadn't invited it and she certainly did not expect it, but she would of course admit she had found Luke attractive, and was flattered he'd made such intimate gestures. 

Perhaps she'd misinterpreted his actions, she was after all unaware of a lovers touch, and she figured that perhaps he had just missed her. The girl was unsure, and just went with the more innocent of the two, hoping for some relief from this strange tension. 

She nose his cheek in return, something that pushed him away gently, nothing too forceful. She didn't know what was going on (being so oblivious to the world) and didn't wish to anger him, the memories of his lashing out dancing in her mind. "That's good..." she replied slowly, smiling cautiously.

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Luke - January 20, 2016

I have girl parts and enjoy man parts but that's about the extent of my girlishness lmao. And yes, sorry! I am not done sitting on his self-destruct button and trying to get him into more trouble. Feel free to beat his needy white ass I'll even give you permission to PP a bit ;)

He had not lost his awareness of those around them, his sensitivity to their cues. He picked up on her uncertainty, knew that her nose against her cheek meant to push him away, but he was not receptive to being rejected again and turned back into her, ducking away from her muzzle. He ignored her subtle requests for space, something he never would have done before.

"Don't be scared," he crooned, sliding down her side to nibble at the top of one slender shoulder blade.

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Ilya - January 20, 2016

i feel though! i sometimes 'borrow' my boyfriends sweatpants if i get cold at his house and will take them home and horde them bc they are SO damn comfy. hahahaha i read that as pants not parts help.
and omg don't apologize i'm loving it, i'm honestly up for anything with ilya! so if you feeling a lil more trouble, feel free to keep it rolling ;) you're welcome to a lil pp yoself! 

Scared? was that what he had said? Had he really murmured so sweetly and softly to not be scared? It was poor word choice and, quite frankly, poor actions. She could feel his gentle preening against her neck moving down to her shoulders, and she was unaware of where he might be going with this. Was it an attempt to start something? Ya know, her mind told her, maybe this is his way of letting you know that he is attracted to you. It was once again an innocent thought, but she was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. 

But then, his nips and kisses moved down, and he easily stepped one foreleg over her short body, most likely with the intention of rounding his back side to hers. The black wolfess snapped. At first she was simply standing in hopes he'd get the point. She didn't encourage him, didn't whine in pleasure- she didn't even return his nudges. And for goodness sakes he was part of her fucking pack. Seriously? What kind of Beta acted like this? Ilya's tail tucked tightly beneath her and she lunged forward. In his shock, and perhaps anger, she let out a snarl and lunged again, this time at him. Her teeth connected with his muzzle and she bit down in what she felt was a well-issued warning. "I'm not afraid, Luke," she spat, eyes narrowed and fur bristling. 

Of course, while her bite may have hurt, she was not a hard target to claim; her only hope was that he didn't pursue her further. Unfortunately Luke seemed pretty intent on it to begin with, and she feared that he'd try again.

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Luke - January 21, 2016

I was totally wondering why you were talking about sweatpants all of a sudden... LOL... I assumed they were camo sweatpants... lmao. I've gone ahead with a bit of pp, but as always, feel free to shoot me a note if I've gone too far! <3

He continued his advance, trailing his unwanted nips and licks from her neck, down her back and toward her flank, but it was when he lifted a leg over top of her slender spine that she reacted. Like a coiled snake that had been laying tensely in wait, her teeth struck his muzzle, biting down in a well-deserved warning and drawing his blood.

He staggered back, shocked, but his face soon darkened as he began to quaver. Savage folds appeared across his snout, and his brows pitched down over his narrowed, blazing eyes. Gone was the numbness, replaced now with sudden, all-consuming and irrational rage brought on by her 'attack'. He would not let another control him like this, not let another harm him as he had been harmed by the cat. He snarled fiercely.

"You should be."

The white wolf lunged forward with frightening speed, seizing her scruff between his slavering fangs. In the same mind-spinning moment his body pressed in and down, a forepaw lashing out to assist in taking her off her feet. He wanted thrust her into the cold snow below and pin her there. He wanted to be in control.

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Ilya - January 21, 2016

oooo shit i love it. HE DONE DID IT. (also loving the reference to the last thread he was in about being in control 10/10 character right here)

He snapped. The nightmare that haunted the thoughts of the black wolf so much had came true. Not just in Luke's sudden, irrational anger, but in the memories that occasionally kept her awake at night. He lunged back at her, and she felt all in this one second that she'd made so many mistakes in the past ten minutes; but she couldn't take it back. She let out a loud yelp, but shock soon rose to effect and she found that her calls for help were silenced by fear. Her whimpers were enough for Luke to hear though- whether or not he listened was hard to tell.

But her legs, unsuspectedly, were wiped from underneath her and she let out a sound that was similar to that of a rabbit as it saw it's life flash before her eyes. Luke was becoming his former self, if the transformation was not already complete. And in his need for power and control, he was pushed Ilya back to her own previous personality: silent, fearful, and paranoid.

Her front was pinned down into the snow, her scruff held tightly and her lower half trying desperately to escape. She squirmed with all her might to be freed, but the larger male had too much of a weight advantage, and she could not escape. The only thing she could think to do was lower her hind side and tuck her tail away from him, her mind racing. In a last desperate attempt for freedom, she snapped at his forelegs, but she found them rather far, and struggling to even get near them. Her fearful whines continued.

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Luke - January 23, 2016

Glad you are enjoying it hehe!

He succeeded; the small female was pressed into the snow, held beneath him and he gloated with a disturbed grin around the mass of scruff he had seized. He released his hold only to menace her with several other quick bites to her neck and shoulder, a laughing-growl in accompaniment. He did not draw blood; it was not blood he wanted. He shifted himself to square his hips behind her as she cried.

To him, in this dark moment, she was the cat, and the roles had been reversed. He was not the one being overpowered and invaded this time, and it filled him with a sick sense of victory and the thrill of revenge being served.

But then, as he was about to take from her as he had been taken from, he paused, and became the portrait of a statue frozen above her. Something reached him, perhaps her fearful whines, perhaps even the frail sight of her — his companion, dear sweet Ilya — between his paws against her will. Whatever it was, it was like a fine-honed spear, and it pierced through the demented dream with jarring force and speed.

He was sick instantly, and vomitted whatever his stomach held off to the side of her, although some did find her soft black coat. He staggered back away from her, incredible horror writ upon his face. He tried to speak, but his voice was not but a stuttering, raspy noise, S-s-s-s-s— that was cut short by another round of vomitting.

He fled then, as fast as his white paws could carry him he ran, toward the borders of the hollow, and beyond them.

RE: cabela's camouflage cup - Ilya - January 24, 2016

gonna end here for ilya! feel free to respond again and then archive it! i'd love another thread, i just don't think she'd chase after him xP

It was too late. She wasn't able to defend herself and he was too overpowering. She had failed and she knew it.  She couldn't see his dark smile, but she heard his laugh, his growl. She let out a whimper, and with every bite he aimed at her a louder, more fearful, yelp. Ilya had nothing left to do. Her only response were cries that pled for whatever mercy he would give. She couldn't fight back, but she wanted nothing to do with this. When he had squared his hips with her, her only response was to give up. She had no fight back, and she fell limp in his grasp and waited.

But it never came.

The male fell from her and lurched, twice, into the snow. She stared in disbelief, but had no sympathy for him. Her muzzle burrowed into the snow and her paws fell over it. Her hindquarters curled themselves tightly near her, unmoving. Vomit found itself in her pelt but she didn't move. She only shook. Her last glance at the male was him running from her. She did not follow. She did not care what horrors shook him because of what he did. She was not any better. The only difference was that she was the victim. This had been his doing. Right now, he was the evil.