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Redhawk Caldera I don't believe in talking just to breathe. - Printable Version

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I don't believe in talking just to breathe. - Currawong - January 20, 2016

@Fox? If that's okay :)

Days had turned into weeks, and the hours had still gotten colder. Occasionally, there was that one pleasant day until Mother Nature decided to screw them over and push them back into the frigid temperatures of the damned season, Winter. It wasn't like he was constantly cold, but the snow just felt.. not nice. It got everywhere and it made him sneeze and cough up not nice things too. He had a speculation that he had caught whatever Peregrine had passed onto him, but not that long after did the sickness subside. He now had no fear of infecting his fellow packmates, and took it upon himself to seek out every individual. It was out of character for him to do so, but this was a new start (again) and he wasn't going to waste it (again). Hoshor and Sawtooth seemed a distant memory away, and he barely took time to remember what they had been like. It didn't matter now, Redhawk was his home and he would rather catch another one of those horrid, goopy sicknesses than part from his new home (again). He paced rather silently through the woods, though his ears swiveled ever so often looking for a trace of paw steps nearby.

RE: I don't believe in talking just to breathe. - RIP Fox - January 20, 2016

Long before Fox's world had been turned upside-down by Peregrine, she had been seeking out some of the Redhawk members who had been around awhile, but she had not yet met. Everything with Peregrine was still on ice, and Fox still did not know where the cards would fall, but she still had a duty as a pack member to know everybody who lived here. Apparently, Currawong had the same idea.

When she finally rounded a corner to see him, she almost thought that she'd found Peregrine. But her nose wasn't broken, and she knew immediately by his scent that he was not her... well, not the father of her children. He did remind her of a younger Peregrine, though. One who had sight in both eyes, a rich black coat, and a sense of smell.

"Hey," she called out, surprised by the breathiness of her tone. Fox cleared her throat, then repeated herself a little less pathetically. "Hey!"

RE: I don't believe in talking just to breathe. - Currawong - January 21, 2016

Almost immediately did a voice call his name, a familiar one at that. He had not met the Alpha female, but her scent was clear in his mind. Once or twice he had passed by the woman, but was never formally introduced. Turning his body position, he dipped his head graciously. "Lady Redhawk," He submitted. He knew nothing about the recent troubles occurring between the Alpha couple, so he thought nothing of Fox's wandering alone. Afterall, a lady was allowed to have independence without the arm of a male, even if she was carrying children. In a way, he admired the fact that while she supported a pack she was a mother as well. Though he would never dare comment on it, he felt Peregrine was lucky to have a strong mate like her. 

"How are you this evening?" He asked, genuinely concerned for her well being. He had vowed to help and protect every individual of Redhawk, even if they did not require it or ask. Watching out for another was no crime, after all. Studying her silently just a bit more, he noticed her to be.. a little out of sorts. While body language could cover up mostly everything, he found himself a little more intuitive than he thought. Alas, he would not say anything unless Fox wanted to tell him anything. But why would she, they barely knew each other after all.

RE: I don't believe in talking just to breathe. - RIP Fox - January 22, 2016

What was up with everybody calling her "lady" lately? Maybe she just had a new air about her, or maybe she was just looking extra fine with that pregnancy glow. Either that, or they had figured out that she was going through a rough patch with Peregrine, so they were flirting with her. Fox tried not to think about it too much, and just let it slide this time.

"Well," she replied, giving Currawong a sidelong glance. "Do you like it here?" she asked, open to hearing his honest opinion. All the while, she continued to size him up, wondering if Peregrine's finest days were done and over with. Fox still felt youthful and alive... would it always be that way? She could still see, smell, and hear just fine. She was younger than Peregrine by a year or two, but she couldn't understand why he had begun to deteriorate so quickly.

For whatever reason, though, Currawong disappeared without a word. Fox frowned, but did not go after him. "Your loss," she thought, then quickly departed as well.