Wolf RPG
The Sunspire one look from those eyes and i was done in - Printable Version

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one look from those eyes and i was done in - OG Magpie - January 20, 2016

All welcome, set for tomorrow afternoon 'cause I'm impatient.

She should have slept before making the journey to the Sunspire, particularly after the late night of rabbit hunting. But Magpie was suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to see Summer, and immediately upon parting ways with her niece, the woman made a beeline for the mountain that once held her body captive, and to the boy that had once held her heart captive. Magpie traveled the rest of the night and through morning, careful to avoid any other distractions or hold-ups. She thought she might burst if she didn't see those golden eyes soon, and the feeling lent her an almost unnatural swiftness.

The sun was high in the sky, though it danced behind a cloudy winter veil, by the time she arrived to the Sunspire's borders... and the scent that greeted her was, well, wrong. It was wrong because it did not exist, and she felt her stomach drop at the realization. It had been silly to think that the Wilds had been unchanged in her absence, and while she had considered the fact Summer might've moved on emotionally, it never occurred to her that she might not see his golden eyes at all.

She trudged woodenly through the territories, feeling inexplicably empty inside. It wasn't long before she found herself within the hidden cavern he had brought her to, so many moons ago, though she hadn't been aware that it was where she was going until that moment. Magpie curled upon the warm, dirt floor— pressed against the root of a tree— and wept until she drifted off to sleep.

RE: one look from those eyes and i was done in - Trajan - January 23, 2016

Romulus was bored, he realised. He was bored of this daily routine; he was bored of patrolling and hunting and serving the pack. He was annoyed at himself for falling into this trap of a routine. This wasn't what he was made for. He didn't like it. He wanted adventure and action and fun. This life....he didn't like this life of settling down. Rom wanted to train to fight; he wanted to be needed, wanted to be valued and this repeated routine everyday was not helping him at all. Annoyance was building up beneath his chest and Romulus decided it was time to take a break from the ridge.

He left without a single look back, walking away from the borders and a feeling of blissful freedom enveloped him. It wasn't because he wouldn't be coming back; he wasn't sure what he would do on this trip, to be honest. Romulus wasn't thinking because when he did think, he did things logically and right now, logic and reason was the last thing he needed. Instead, he wandered away, allowing his paws to lead him to wherever he needed to be, anywhere but to his duties and responsibilities.

Time passed; how much, Rom did not know nor did he care. The feeling of emptiness still resided in him; the feeling that something was missing from his life. He knew what it was, he didn't know where to find it and take it back. Irritated, Romulus paused in his steps and sniffed the air, expecting nothing but finding something. It was the smell of a stranger, a lone wolf. Immediately, he brightened up and followed the scent until he reached the sleeping form of the female. The Frostfur cocked his silver head, bi-colored eyes staring cooly down at her prone form. He was tempted to aim a solid kick at her head to wake her up, but was pretty sure that might kill her and was reconsidering his options.

This woman might be the key to alleviating his boredom; Romulus wasn't going to let it slip away.

RE: one look from those eyes and i was done in - OG Magpie - February 06, 2016

Her dreams were nightmares. Memories of Summer, beginning as pleasant nostalgia— of them running together up the mountains, of trips into secret caverns, of their first kiss. But they always changed, shifting into arguments that they had never had. Of him growing angry, though he had never done so before— he had always understood her, had always allowed her to be exactly who she was. Magpie started awake as the final nightmare manifested, Summer standing over her, eyes like flames, teeth bared, lunging toward her throat...

She started again as her waking vision presented her with a tall form looming over her. Sleep not yet faded from her mind, vision not entirely clear, Magpie started again— stumbling backward clumsily. "Wh— what?" she murmured, shaking her head as if to clear it. It didn't make sense; this place had always been secret. "Summer?" she queried, green eyes squinting as she attempted to get a clearer look at her company.

When the sleep cleared and Magpie realized the male wasn't who she wished it would be, she made it clear he was not welcome here. He made no move to leave, and so the Corvidae grumpily moved passed him to exit and go her own way.