Wolf RPG
The Sentinels Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Printable Version

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Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - January 22, 2016

I was gone for a week and I return to angst and drama like what
AW, but preferably @Behati, @Casmir or @Aria to catch up, if not this thread then I can make another 

Upon her return from her little tracking excursion, Pearl found herself in the midst of overwhelming drama. Nothing had really happened up until she left for a week, but leave it to Pearl to be gone at the point where probably could have helped. 

Pearl set out from the comfort of her and Aria's shared den, who she hadn't seen yet, and began to seek out the angsty teenagers. She didn't particularly enjoy listening to these types of problems, but if she was to be a mediator, it would play a big part, especially in this pack. 

She started weaving in and out of the trees, planning to track down these hormonal harlequins one by one.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - January 23, 2016

*throws a moody Cas at u*

the talk with Behati had gone as he presumed. Cas slunk around the edges of the territory in a fine mood, glaring at all before him. he didn't feel like talking to anyone, not even Aria. a flash of white caught his eye, and the boy started, thinking it was the girl who had held his heart for a while now. however, it was Pearl. she'd been gone for a bit but he hadn't even noticed. Cas started to sneak past, hoping she didn't catch sight of him and lope over to say hi or whatever. "miss me with that," he muttered under his breath.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - January 24, 2016

*lets him drop and stares at him in disgust*

Cas had forgotten that she had a hunter trade. The sound of muttered words was faint, but there. Pearl's head slowly turned and searched for the shadow among the trees. Once she had him in her sights, she quietly slunk around the trees to tackle him. She figured he'd need some fun first, but they'd eventually talk.

Circling around the back, she made sure her pale coat blended enough with the snow to go unnoticed. Once she had gotten close enough, she leapt from her spot in a burst of speed and jumped him.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - January 26, 2016

i swear i replied to this BUT IT WAS EATEN

the boy heaved a sigh of relief as he passed by the locale he had last seen Pearl. assuming she'd wandered off, Cas continued on. however, in the next moment, a flash of pale fur filled his vision and he was knocked several feet into the nearest drift, hollering with surprise. as soon as he was able, Cas leapt to his feet, a savage growl purling from his lips as his hackles stabbed the air impressively.

"Pearl!?" he exclaimed. "what the hell?" he demanded incredulously. the adrenaline began to die away and he felt stupid for his outburst, but she couldn't go leaping onto people like that!

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - January 29, 2016

She watched as he was flung into the snowdrift, completely surprising him. She had to admit his hackles were impressive, but they and the growling had no effect on her stupid grin and wagging tail. Pearl laughed at his outbursts. 

"I figured you needed a break from the drama that's been going on lately. You look like you need some fun." she said, subtly looking over his sulking form.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - January 30, 2016

"what drama?" he snapped, way too soon. he sighed and flicked his tail apologetically. "yeah, you know what's going on, i imagine," he mumbled. "thanks." falling into step beside Pearl, he bumped her shoulder with his own. "where have you been?" the boy asked, finding her eyes with his own.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - January 31, 2016

Pearl, subject to the moodiness she was constantly around, merely raised an eyebrow at the snappish boy. She accepted his apology with a flick of her own tail and bumping him back. She didn't know why they still treated her like she didn't know anything was going on, and didn't like it. She was only trying to help resolve this ugly and stupid conflict. 

"I've been out tracking the herds. It seems I took too long in getting back," she said with a sigh, looking back at him.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - February 02, 2016

he was immediately chastised by her silent eyebrow of judgement, and resolved not to act like she was dumb in the future. obviously she was not. "what did you follow?" he asked, trotting alongside her and reaching out to grab the fur of her shoulder in a gentle and teasing pinch. maybe she would show him and they could hunt together.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - February 12, 2016

She looked back at him slyly when she felt a gentle pinch on her shoulder, and responded with a nip to the ear. "Mostly deer, one elk herd. The closest one would probably be directly south of the border by now," she said. Did she feel like hunting now? May as well, if Cas wanted to.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - February 13, 2016

small PP to get them moving <3

"wellllll, let's go then, powderpuff!" Cas teased, tugging at her ear before falling into step alongside her. they talked of interesting and empty things; the boy practiced his best bits of teasing mockery on the girl before they arrived at their destination. nares flaring, Cas dragged the hot scent of deer into his senses, setting his stomach immediately alight with a loud grumble.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - February 14, 2016

I love the nickname powderpuff for her 

Pearl laughed at Cas' stomach, but even harder when her own called back. The deer herd was close, she could smell them, and immediately recognized them as what she classified as 'D3'. She flashed a grin at Cas, and figured that just one deer would be good enough for the two of them, especially if they got one of the bigger ones.

They traveled along the right flank of the herd, closing in on the one they wanted. If this one failed, both were fast enough to catch up with the herd and try again.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - February 16, 2016

she is a big ol puff of sweetness but also firmness haha. do you want to roll for the kill?

her stomach growled too, and he chortled in gentle mockery, but soon the young wolves had settled into a clip, their sharp gazes darting in tandem to choose silently the one that they would try to take down. they were slim and lithe, but lacked the true muscularity of full adulthood, at least in his case, and so they were evenly pitted against the herd.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - February 16, 2016

Sure, we can always do another if this now fails
 Success: 1-3  - 4

They closed in on their choice doe, a decent size for the both of them. Pearl wondered which strategy to employ, as she was trying to perfect them for her specialty trade. Maybe she'd let Cas take this and see what he'd do. It was a possibility, but she'd probably lead.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - February 18, 2016

they closed in on their chosen doe, and Cas glanced over his shoulder to see that Pearl was hanging back. this threw him off a bit, but he figured she wanted to see what he was made of, and that was fine with the Mayfair boy. he was always looking for new opportunities to show off. the boy employed a tactic he had seen Lasher used before -- running directly at the herd, to spook and scatter them. with luck, the doe would be separated from her family and thus become vulnerable to the wolves.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - February 18, 2016

just pointing out that Pearl's almost 3, no worries :)

Without knowing it, she had held off, allowing Casmir to take over and employ his own tactics. She wasn't too surprised with the strategy he started off with, but it was a bit under practiced. It worked, so she couldn't complain, not that she would have anyway. Although the doe was separated for mere moments, she took the opportunity to race forward with her favorite tactic, explode and get the legs. 

While Pearl still got the leg in her maw, the deer did something she had only encountered once before: it kicked her off. She was flung a few feet away, getting the breath knocked out of her but standing up fast enough to watch.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - February 19, 2016


he watched as Pearl bravely darted in front of him, saw her teeth glint as she sank them into one straining leg. before he could hoot with congratulations, however, she was thrown aside. this alone was enough to slow Casmir, who tried to look over his shoulder to make sure she was all right. however, Pearl found her feet quickly enough and so the boy kept pace with the doe, trying to snap into his shoulder.

his teeth connected and, much like Pearl, he hung on for dear life, trying to avoid the flailing, knife-sharp hooves. his grip began to slip, nevertheless.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - February 21, 2016

I'm improvising on how to fail a hunt I have no idea

She watched Casmir catch hold of the doe's shoulder and ride off with it, as she stood gasping for air. When she finally gathered enough to run, she tried to go get Cas from wherever he probably fell off. 

If this did manage to fail, she thought with steely determination, the doe would be far too injured to run very far. They would catch up to it eventually.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - February 22, 2016

lol me either

he soon had to launch himself away from the kicking hooves and landed with an 'oof!' in a drift. gathering himself to his paws, he shook flakes from his ruff and turned to look apologetically at Pearl. however, the droplets of blood in the white frosts interested the boy -- with luck, if they followed alongside the deer-herd, she would weaken. "wanna go?" he asked his packmate.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - February 29, 2016

I think this counts as a restart?

Pearl watched steely eyed as the doe escaped, leaving a crimson trail that almost beckoned them to follow. She shrugged indifferently to Casmir, but then her stomach growled for meat that belonged to the blood stained on the snow. "Heck yes," she said, an air of determination and excitement about her.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - March 01, 2016

id say so!

they loped side by side, following the bleeding deer. she had run in a fairly straight line away from the wolves -- Cas' tongue lolled and he bumped Pearl's shoulder playfully as they continued on their trail.

presently, a spreading pool of red caught the Mayfair's eye -- he jerked his muzzle in the direction of a bracken clump, covered in snow.  "there she is." a pair of agonized liquid eyes stared back at the young wolf.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - March 03, 2016

ARia AIn'T IN DiS eB ;)

Pearl glanced at him and playfully shoved him harder. They continued to go on until they came upon the painful state of the snow-draped doe. She seemed to stare back at them, eyes of pain and terror resting upon their yin and yang forms. 

She approached the doe with what could be almost reverence, but proceeded to clamp on the neck until it was apparent it was dead. She turned back to Cas, a smile on her face and blood on her muzzle. "Shall we eat?" she said.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - March 04, 2016


he watched as she moved toward the doe, somehow worshipfully putting it out of its misery. hunger gnawed at him, and the boy nodded gratefully, liking the look of the blood splashed across Pearl's muzzle. it spoke to something primal in him. he bit into the doe's hide, ripping it away from the flesh. blood soon smeared his own fur as he gulped most inelegantly. 

eventually the boy groaned and lay back. "god. i ate too much."

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Pearl - March 06, 2016

lol love u

Pearl ate her fill as well, blood more or less covering her front half. She kind of liked the look, almost as if she appeared more fierce some than she was. She looked upon the stuffed form of black in front of her and smiled. "So what do you want to do with the rest of this?" she asked, not that there was much to be spoken for.

RE: Well that all depends what you qualify as friends - Casmir - March 08, 2016


the boy patted his stomach with a lanky paw. "uh," he began elegantly. "i dunno. i'm sure there's a cache around here though." rolling to his overstuffed belly, taking Pearl's cue, the boy waddled over to the carcass and set his teeth into his, beginning to drag it slowly in the direction he thought the cache might be.