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Wild Berry Meadow I can see your Halo - Printable Version

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I can see your Halo - Mason - January 23, 2016

Backdated a few days, just as Mason set off on his expedition, located nearish Blackfeather Woods as I expect this will make more sense for @Sebastian too?

Mason pressed onwards. He had angled through Bramblepoint as his first port of call, as he knew the territory so well. However he had realised that if he carried on in this direction he would come across a territory, because he had caught their scent borders on the winds. Thankfully for Mason, his decision was a good one – the Dark Brotherhood was a pack he would deal with very well.

So at the edge of Bramblepoint, bordering the no-mans land between it and Blackfeather woods, Mason turned and headed in the bright winter sun towards the meadow in the distance. He was chipped, shedding his worries like a cloak. Mist rose gently a couple of centimetres above the cold ground, signalling that perhaps spring was finally starting on its way. Mason was hopeful, but it was likely just a temporary lull in the weather. Where the trees filtered away, the snow began to pile up. Mason chose the lightest routes, treading carefully to keep himself as on-top of the snow as he could and avoid any sharp rocks underneath.

In the distance he spotted a wolf. He called a “Hullo!” and headed in that direction. It was on his way, and Mason was a sociable wolf. He liked to meet others. He desperately wanted some friends he could rely on, instead of the ones which were intent on stabbing him in the back. Well now his back was sore, and he would not stand for it anymore. IfZaria carried on the way she was going, Mason may have to form a coup – or simply exile her. He could always fantasise. Mason shook his thoughts as he came closer to the other male, to devote his full attention to the silver-furred potential new friend.

RE: I can see your Halo - Sebastian - January 23, 2016

Yes that is perfect!

Sebastian was a bit hesitant to go to Black Feather, he had just left Aduin at the borders of RHC. A nervous feeling had settled down in his stomach not wanting to face his father but he had to. If he wanted to have some peace of mind. The large male had arrived here in the beginning of spring, if the snows would melt alway it meant he had a year wasted and living in fear. He had been so bitter about his father in the beginning, he shouldn't have joined RHC because that was when he grown to care and not wanting to confront his father anymore. A long sigh came from the giant's body. 

Sebastian was build like a tank, just like his father. He was in category as Steady's size if not bigger, so when the younger boy approached Sebastian didn't know that he was used to oversized wolves. His ears perked up, pale eyes falling on the other male approaching. He looked friendly. Sebastian pushed himself to his feet, the snow was quite high by now so he could see why the other would be struggling. "Hello," he greeted back, hiding his own struggles with a polite smile on his face. Sebastian's tail wagged slightly to show the other that he had a friendly nature, hoping that this wolf didn't know Burke.

RE: I can see your Halo - Mason - January 25, 2016

As Mason’s short legs began to flounder in the snow, the behemoth rose from his position – apparently he had been laying down, and this was the reason that he had not appeared huge from the outset. Ho hum!

He seemed friendly enough as he wagged his snow-dusted tail. Mason grinned and reciprocated, spraying smatterings of snow all around behind him as he inadvertently fanned it. “I’m Mason, I was coming to do some scouting.” There was the lingering smell of Redhawk on him, but Mason couldn’t determine whether he was part of the pack or not.The young man hesitated for a few seconds then moved onto a safer topic.

“Are you familiar with the area? Do you know anything about the landmarks so that I can show my Dad how good a scout I am by remembering them?”

RE: I can see your Halo - Sebastian - January 26, 2016

Sebastian watched the younger male approach through the snow. His large frame stayed seated for now, not seeing a reason why he should get up and show himself as even bigger than he was while sitting. It was at least a bit better than laying down while a stranger approached. "Oh you were? I am Sebastian," he spoke with a hint of a smile on his lips. Maybe a distraction was good. Then the boys started about his father though and Sebastian was instantly reminded of his own father. 

"Well I used to live at the Caldera pack, so well, that is a pretty big landmark. I don't know much about this forest but I do know about the plains that lay here between the Caldera and those Black Woods. There is another pack, Black Feather Woods or something like that," he spoke. Sebastian didn't know about the name change, he didn't have anyone to tell him that, not yet at least. "Um. There is also a big lake, like really big close to Black Feather," he explained. "Is that what you are looking for?"

RE: I can see your Halo - Mason - January 27, 2016

Mason shook his head. For now he was not looking for the lake – later he would do so, and it would confuse the hell out of himself and Finley. “That’s good information, it will help me map the place in my mind. Thank you.” Mason tilted his head to one side as he observed the greyscale male. “I don’t think I’ve heard of Blackfeather pack before. But I’m mostly going off what I’ve been told. This is my first big real adventure y’see.” Mason grinned and wagged his tail merrily behind him.
“If you used to live at Redhawk, where do you live now?” Mason looked around, as though expecting a den to materialise from nowhere nearby. [url=https://dub110.mail.live.com/ol/][/url]

RE: I can see your Halo - Sebastian - January 27, 2016

Sebastian was quite enthused himself but the happiness the other was projecting. Sebastian had to smile when he was so excited about this adventure. He nodded slowly. "Well, don't go to Black Feather, they are not nice," he pointed out. He could picture this Mason going there and be eaten. He was still doubtful if he wasn't going to be eaten. "How cool. How is your adventure going so far?," he questioned to the younger wolf. 

Sebastian watched Mason watched around for something, but he was not sure what. "Well... I am a lone wolf. I don't have a pack currently," he explained. This might be a very strange concept for Mason that a wolf didn't have a pack.

RE: I can see your Halo - Mason - January 28, 2016

Mason blinked rapidly when he was warned away from Blackfeather Woods. He took it on faith that Sebastian (a nice guy) would know who the bad guys were. Therefore, Black Feather was crossed off his mental list of places to visit. “’Kay” he agreed immediately, without further mention of it.
“Well… I’ve not really got very far yet!” He admitted “I met a lone wolf once a while ago, she seemed nice too, do you think you know her? She was all black and her name began with A. How do you manage to catch food easily?”

RE: I can see your Halo - Sebastian - January 28, 2016

Sebastian have him a grateful nod when the boy took his word for it. Some might be stubborn and wanted to check it out for themselves but Burke was not the one to mess with like that. Sebastian tipped his head cutely. "Not all lone wolves know each other," he commented. "I never heard of her." The young male smiled at the other's interest. Sebastian licked his lips. 

"Well it is mostly smaller meals. But I used to travel with another lone wolf so we could team up a bit and try to hunt bigger game. But it is much harder," he admitted. It must be strange for the boy as to why he was even a lone wolf in the first place, that was a whole other story actually.

RE: I can see your Halo - Mason - January 29, 2016

Mason felt a bit ashamed when he made the assumption that all lone wolves might know each other. Until recently, his world had been his pack. Now he was expanding on it but he had no real idea of how big the world was. His knowledge was that there were maybe 100 wolves in Teekon wilds in various packs – he had no concept of outside.
“Then why don’t you get a pack? What’s the point in being on your own? Why don’t you come and live at Silvertip?” Mason enthused, becoming an enlister. He could not understand why anyone would choose to be alone. He needed people to chat to.

RE: I can see your Halo - Sebastian - January 30, 2016

Sebastian looked at the youngster who didn't look like he had seen much of the world, the pup would have to learn a lot but instead of throwing that to his face Sebastian stayed polite. It was good of him that he was exploring now, he was about the age when one would do such things. He was not going to belittle him for that. "It is alright. If you have been in a pack all the time then I am sure this is super weird," he returned to Mason to calm him down. 

Sebastian smiled at the offer but shook his head. "No. I have to do something else first but nicely offered," he smiled. "I became a lone wolf in autumn because I wanted to find a mate. The caldera didn't have any females at the time and I really wanted someone to be protective about. Someone that would be mine and she could love me back. I found a female, we wanted to start a pack at the beach but then she left me out of nowhere. I don't know if she is dead or still alive and gotten cold feet," he spoke. Sebastian was still heart broken about it. Something Mason could probably understand.

"Anyhow. After being left I didn't really feel like starting a pack and we didn't have enough members because her sister left with her you see. I had to take care of her brother, nervous fella he is, good wolf but nervous. But I couldn't leave him behind. I let him join the Caldera. He would be safe there, they are good wolves too. Alas, now I am on my own because well... I am heading towards Black Feather. Yeah the place I warned you about... I must make no sense to you," he spoke, smiling a bit sadly.

RE: I can see your Halo - Mason - February 01, 2016

Mason was learning from all of the males around him that heartbreak was a common occurrence, and that perhaps women weren’t all they were cracked up to be. Fitz and Raissa. Sted and the woman who didn’t even want pups. Now Sebastian and his potential-mate! Mason had his own bad experiences with Zaria, who had only stuck around to torment him by being with his father instead. He was over that now. Mason wondered if he was over all women. A certain dark face swam in his mind but he banished her for now to concentrate on Seb.
Mason listened carefully to all that his new friendhad to say. He was clearly an adminrable wolf. When he had finished Mason tilted his head and spoke. “That’s kind of you, to look after her brother still. I’m sorry she… left. My mum left when I was only little, and I know someone else who had a similar story to yours. Maybe you should start a bachelor pack.” Mason tried to incite a smile from Sebastian that held more warmth than the current one on his face.
“But why are you going to Blackfeather if it is bad? I don’t want you getting hurt.” Concern crumpled Mason’s features into a frown. He wondered if perhaps he should go with Sebastian – two were better than one, even if the weedier of the pair was terrible at fighting.

RE: I can see your Halo - Sebastian - February 01, 2016


Sebastian nodded, he was quite kind. He didn't want others to suffer if he could do something about it. Especially with his whole past and how his mother died and how he couldn't have done something about it. The charcoal male smiled. "Maybe I should," he laughed softly. "All males, no females allowed," he laughed. This Mason had some good ideas, maybe that would work. An all male pack? Hmm..

"Because I have something I have to deal with before I can live at the Caldera. My... father is the alpha of black feather, so yeah. We lookalike but we are definitely not the same personality-wise," he explained to the younger male. "It is all quite complicated," he admitted. The male smiled lightly at the younger male. "Be glad you have a good relationship wit your father. At least if I am assuming that rightly so."

RE: I can see your Halo - Mason - February 11, 2016

Haha Mason will join as I think he’s destined to be a life-batchelor xD

Mason grinned – “I’ll join!” he enthused jokingly. He didn’t have any inclination to leave his family yet. Perhaps his wanderlust would extend. More likely, he would come to wonder whether he was surplus to requirement once the new sprogs were born.

Mason’s ears pushed back as Sebastian continued. It appears he didn’t have a nice time with his own father’s pack. Mason felt grateful again that Fitz had accepted his teenage moanings and groanings with no real ramifications. Well, he suspected most parents would feel that way. Perhaps rather than Mason being lucky, it was Sebastian being unlucky.

“Yeah, me and Dad are cool… I hope you sort out whatever it is. Maybe that means you can have a fresh start.” Mason was glad Sebastian was thinking of joining a pack at least, in the future. Despite it not being the best pack, of course.
“So… you think if I come down to Caldera in a couple of moons you will be there, or will it take a long time?” As an aspiring scout he wanted to garner some good relationships in the packs and Sebastian seemed exactly his sort of guy.

RE: I can see your Halo - Sebastian - February 11, 2016

Sebastian grinned at that. "You would be most welcome," Sebastian smiled at the younger boy. He liked his enthusiasm. The grey tank nodded at the other when he was wished that things would go better. "I hope so too. I want this matter resolved not sure how it will work out in the end, but we will see," he returned to the male. Sebastian had no clue if he was even going to survive this encounter after all his father could be quite aggressive.

"I'm glad you and your father are okay, cherish it!," he advised. Then another question was asked and Sebastian had to think about it. "I think so, unless I've been killed by my father," he stated, it sounded quite melodramatic. "Maybe I will think of your advise and start my own pack. If I would start one you are more than welcome to join?,"he offered. "Where would I find you?"

Aww Mason should join! :P

RE: I can see your Halo - Mason - February 12, 2016

Mason smiled – at least Sebastian was hopeful it would be resolved, which suggested on his part there would be no ramifications or anger. That meant there was less likely to be some conflict which would cause injury.
However then Seb said something which caused all that to disappear. Mason’s eyes boggled from his head. “Please don’t die!” he stated. But considering Seb started talking about founding a pack he reined in his floundering emotions and spoke again. “I live at Silvertip Mountain. Dad is asking me to be a Beta so I’d need at least that position to consider your offer.” Mason flashed a cheeky grin and swished his tail.

RE: I can see your Halo - Sebastian - February 13, 2016

Sebastian watched the pup be shocked at his words. He might have spoken them too casually. "I don't plan on dying," he returned and then puffed out his chest a bit so the young male would see that he was not afraid. He would face his fears, even though he had long walked away from his fears. Sebastian smiled a bit. "Oh but you look like excellent Beta material. I can see why your father picked you," he spoke.

Sebastian took that name into his mind and then tried to remember it. Mason from Silvertip. Okay, that would be a good start. "I might see you again in the future, Mason from Silvertip," he then wished to him, getting back up to his feet.

RE: I can see your Halo - Mason - February 15, 2016

Sebastian was possibly one of the most macho wolves he had ever seen. The only one to really match him was Steady. He was quite surprised and pleased that such a cool looking adult would think he was Beta material. Whilst he had been jokingly confident in his request, he didn’t really know whether he was going to be the best leader. He wished he had his Dad’s confidence that what he was doing was right.
“Bye Seb, I’ll hopefully see you soon. No dying remember.” Mason flashed him a grin, then moved off with a wag of his tail, ready to progress his journey onwards to other territories

RE: I can see your Halo - Sebastian - February 15, 2016

Little did Mason know that Sebastian was the least macho wolf out there. If Sebastian would have known he might have been surprised and even flattered. He was certain though that Mason would be a good leader. Sebastian nodded him goodbye. "I will see you around," he confirmed to him with a smile. Sebastian trotted off, heading to Black Feather to deal with his father. This was scary but he just thought of Mason and that he was going to see him again.


Thank you for this thread!