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Silvertip Mountain Joining - Printable Version

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Joining - Mara Susi - January 24, 2016


Mara circled the perimeter of the packs territory, staying catious to not step over any boundaries. After looking for her brother for so long without a pack or any helping hands, she decided to was time to take a break. Even if it was only for a period of time. Perhaps others in the pack could help her.

She was eager to meet someone with authority, but seemed more lost and careless on the outside. Mara thought she caught the smell of another wolf, but since her smell was damaged from a bear a few months ago, she didn't rely very much on it.

RE: Joining - Steady - January 24, 2016

Steady's large frame was partially concealed behind a tree as he watched the female with narrowed eyes. She had been circling the area for a short while and he had happened upon her while patrolling the borders. He thought she would have called for a leader, or anyone, by this point, but she just kept on. He had no idea what she was up to. Maybe she was building up the courage to trespass and try to steal their food. It wouldn't be the first time.

Growing tired of waiting to see what she would do, Steady emerged from the forest line, trotting towards her with the poise and confidence of a Beta, his ears perked and eyes almost drilling into her. A low growl released from his throat as both a warning and a greeting. He was generally more pleasant towards strangers, but she had put him on edge by hanging out here. He stopped a few meters from her. What are you doing here? he demanded. If she refused to answer, or if he had an inkling she was lying, he would run her off.

RE: Joining - Mara Susi - January 24, 2016

(January 24, 2016, 09:20 PM)Steady Wrote: Steady's large frame was partially concealed behind a tree as he watched the female with narrowed eyes. She had been circling the area for a short while and he had happened upon her while patrolling the borders. He thought she would have called for a leader, or anyone, by this point, but she just kept on. He had no idea what she was up to. Maybe she was building up the courage to trespass and try to steal their food. It wouldn't be the first time.

Growing tired of waiting to see what she would do, Steady emerged from the forest line, trotting towards her with the poise and confidence of a Beta, his ears perked and eyes almost drilling into her. A low growl released from his throat as both a warning and a greeting. He was generally more pleasant towards strangers, but she had put him on edge by hanging out here. He stopped a few meters from her. What are you doing here? he demanded. If she refused to answer, or if he had an inkling she was lying, he would run her off.

Mara eyes widened and ears perked at the greeting of this very large male. She assumed he had some power in the pack, with his bold appearance. She cautiously backed away a few inches. I was hoping to join your pack, she explained. Mara straightened her posture to give some sort of respectful air about her. Not wanting to seem weak, but worthy to the pack. Although she was intimidated by him, and also a little frightened, she hid all that with a polite but tall stance.

She could tell he was aggravated by something, probably her being so close to the border. Mara had thought multiple times to call for someone, but didn't build the courage-- more of didn't want to disrupt. 

Mara subconsciously tilted her head to the side, her thoughts wondering off and thinking about how she never noticed him before. Sure, her scent has failed her multiple times but he was so large and muscular, how could she not have spot him?

Hopefully her sight wasn't leaving her.

RE: Joining - Steady - January 25, 2016

Just to let you know, if you hit the "New Reply" button all the way at the bottom of the page, instead of the "Reply" button at the end of the post you're replying to, you don't get the quote in your reply. Those quotes are used in the OOC forums. :-)

Steady had really expected her to either submit or run when he approached. While she had retreated a few steps, possibly in fear, she showed no other signs of respect or submission. She confessed she hoped to join Silvertip Mountain. While Steady was forming a response in his brain, the female saw fit to straighten herself, looking larger than she had when she first approached.

Steady's ears were pushed forward and his tail held high as he moved towards her, a growl coming from his throat. You show no respect to me, or the borders of this pack. Instead of submitting when I approach, you hold yourself higher in a blatant show of insolence, he said, his voice taunt as he he tried to control his anger towards the stranger. And you want to join Silvertip Mountain? He asked, almost stunned that she was requesting to join. You have two options. Check yourself, and we can get on with this conversation, or I'll take your stance as a challenge, and I'll react accordingly. It was rare Steady reacted with calmness to such flagrant disrespect, but he was giving one, and only one, chance.

RE: Joining - Mara Susi - January 25, 2016

Mara was startled by his response, she believed her form of boldness would stand out. Then again, interactions with other wolves was rare for her, since she avoided it at all costs. Afraid of situations like this. She lowered herself slightly, and lessened her reckless stance, her ears also degraded.

I apologize if I seemed discourteous appearance, she said, trying to be sophisticated. My communication with other wolves has been... limited. She was almost embarrassed to say it, what wolf at the age of one hadn't been able to figure this out?

RE: Joining - Steady - January 25, 2016

Steady was pleased to see she altered her stance to one a little more submissive, though his own features remained taunt. She apologized, explaining her interactions with other wolves had been limited. Steady honestly thought these things came natural, like an instinct, to wolves. But, then again, he had grown up with many other wolves who taught him how to act.

He relaxed, enough to be visible, but not enough to give the impression he was folding over because of her apology. You should learn. Fast, he warned her. The leaders here do not tolerate insubordination on any level, so if I do accept you, you'll get a fast course in body language one-oh-one, he said.

Now, it was time to get down to business. What can you offer this pack? he asked. It was a standard question that any leader would ask a stranger wanting to join their pack. He needed to make sure she was going to be able to contribute to the pack instead of instantly being a responsibility they had to take on.

RE: Joining - Mara Susi - January 25, 2016

She was relieved when his forcefulness was lessened. Tilted her head to the side, searching her brain for good answers. I've been alone for months and managed to stay alive well fed, and healthy. I believe I could be a great contribution for hunting, even though my scent isn't as good as it should be, I'm still very resourceful on the subject. In my time of being alone, I managed to fight several things without being too injured, except for my nose with a grizzly.

Mara almost backed out on admitting her weakened scent, but lies would do her no good, especially on her first note. As for my body language, I can quickly educate myself on proper interactions. 

RE: Joining - Steady - January 25, 2016

Steady listened intently as she described herself as a fairly adept hunter. Keeping oneself well fed during this winter was a feat, he though. She explained she had even fought several times, only losing some of her smell in the process. How do you find your food if you can't smell as well? he asked, genuinely interested in her answer. He wasn't questioning her ability, merely asking how she did it.

Steady chuckled, though it was a bit dry. Oh, no dear, he corrected her. I'll teach you, he insisted. We have a very strong-willed Alpha female, and any mistake you make with her risks your life before you even know it, he explained. Fitz was a little more forgiving, especially if he knew in advance. But, Steady just couldn't see Zaria being anything but aggressive if this female went to her like she had him. Zaria would not have hesitated to attack her.

Steady tilted his head, considering her. Alright, he said. You can join, but before you cross those borders, you'll get your lesson, he said, allowing no room for argument. First and foremost, you are the new wolf here, and as such you are the lowest on the totem pole. Therefore, any wolf you come across inside those borders should been shown instant respect, whether you know who they are or not. That means your head is kept lower than theirs at all times, and your tail, at the very least, kept down by your legs, if not tucked under your body. He paused, letting her absorb his information. Got it? he asked.

RE: Joining - Mara Susi - January 25, 2016

Got it. Mara couldn't help but feel excited to be taught by this wolf, he seemed interesting in every sense of the word. Once upon hearing his instructions to keep her head low and tail tucked, she became more conscious and fixed her position a bit. The idea of him  being interested in her hunting ways gave her some pride, especially with her now being at the lowest of the low in the pack.

Although, all these friendly emotions were rushing through her, she only managed a small smile and otherwise showed no emotion. Well, usually my sight plays a big role. Which stuns me with how you managed to be out of my sight while waiting by the borders. Hearing is also a good source of direction. it's almost as though my other senses were increased, while my scent decreased. She explained, hoping that she could prove herself to him, and to the pack. 

How did you gain your role?  She asked, curious as to how she could possibly move up in rank, though she wasn't bothered at her place. It was just fine and seemed comfortable, but besides his obvious leader-like personality, and bulk, what did he go through to gain such a role.

RE: Joining - Steady - January 25, 2016

She seemed like she understood what he was saying, for which he was glad. However, he felt he should add, If you ever get into trouble, or have any questions, or need anything at all, don't hesitate to call for me. Steady was nothing if not dedicated to his pack mates.

He nodded his understanding when she explained her other senses seemed heightened. He grinned when she admitted she didn't know how she hadn't seen him before he came upon her. I didn't get to be such an adept Mercenary by not being able to conceal myself, he confided, not at all ashamed of his abilities, though it wasn't often he boasted about them.

He became serious again at her next question. Work, he said simply at first, before elaborating. My main focus has always been the well-being of my pack mates. We aren't simply a pack here. When you're accepted into this pack, you're accepted into a family, and I'm very protective of my family. I make sure everyone feels safe, and comfortable here, to the best of my ability. The Alpha's seen that, and so they felt it fitting to promote me to Beta, where I can continue to work. He wondered how many wolves thought being a leader meant you had less responsibility. But, in reality, the leaders had to look out for each and every one of the pack mates. In addition, he had to make sure the wolves he accepted held the same values as the pack.

Feeling confident about her abilities, said made the decision official. Welcome to the pack... Ahhh... He just realized he had never asked her name. What a newbie mistake. I'm sorry, what's your name? he asked with a grin. I'm Steady, he offered.

Turning towards the borders, he invited her in. You're welcome to explore the territory as you see fit, he said. I could show you around, as well, if you like, he offered.

Welcome to Silvertip Mountain! We can wrap this up, if you like. If Mara Susi would like Steady to show her around the territory, we can make a new thread for that. :-)