Wolf RPG
Firestone Hot Springs If Memories weren't so sad - Printable Version

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If Memories weren't so sad - Jace - January 26, 2016

Jace walked along the ground, picking up faint traces of who had been and what had been through. As he came to the fire springs, he smiled at the memories of Bazi and her silliness. He realized jarringly that he had not thought of her in some time. He frowned, he had thought of no one in some time. Not his sister, his parents, his friends, no one but Leaf. And the only reason he had even thought of Leaf was a small question spurred by a young girl.

He stared at the steam as it blew up from the springs. He wrinkled his nose at the tangy, sulfuric smell, but he settled ot his haunches near them despite that. He let the warmth seep into his coat and he sighed contented. Perhaps he would just lay here a little while, let his memories run with themselves, remember Bazi and her quirks, the way they both love to hunt. His best friend. He wondered what she was doing now or where she was. And he hoped with everything in him that she was happy.