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Silvertip Mountain All good. I'm normal, guys. - Printable Version

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All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - January 26, 2016

Maybe someone Zaria hasn't met?

Zaria was more refreshed lately. The female had settled in her old behavior instead of the extra aggressive one she was sporting before. After a week of a very tiresome heat Zaria had distanced herself for a little break. She had given herself a few days off which contained of mostly sleeping and getting her energy levels back up. Today she felt better and decided to get out of the alpha den. She was lucky to have a mate like Fitz, providing her with food. She was glad everything was back to normal, but little did she know was that her heat had been very successful, and soon her life would be far from normal.

The female now was only a few days in and didn't have any feeling or suspicion that she was pregnant. Nor would anyone be able to see or smell it. They would only smell that her heat had passed. The alpha female trotted forward through the snow. This was the season she liked the least of all but living on a mountain she would have to deal with it. With a casual trot she moved her way through the forest that laid against the side of the mountain, curious if anyone was around .

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - January 26, 2016

Hope you don't mind me jumping in here :) and please excuse my writing still learning XD 

Atari was walking in the forest, looking at the trees and listening to the ever so few birds, singing. The forest was a peaceful place. The forest shared some of its peace with Atari, along with bliss but Atari had been a lone wolf to long, to not have that feeling of constant endangerment. She pushed it away knowing she was safe as long as she was still in the packs territory but the feeling was still lurking. The female sighed, flustered with herself. Atari carried on, continuously pushing the nagging endangerment feeling away. The wolfess went back to focusing on the forest, it took her mind off of the nagging for a while as she walked, she was back to peace again. Atari closed her eyes (while still walking) and took a deep breath, she held it for five seconds. As she exhaled the she opened her eyes and after that the only emotions Atari had, was peace and bliss once again

After a while of walking Atari decided it was best to head back. The female started into a trot. A couple minutes had passed by as she was trotting along before she saw a wolf. It didn't take long to recognize who it was. The alpha female Zaria. As soon as Atari recognized Zaria, the only feeling Atari had was shyness, and a little fear. Maybe Zaria isn't as aggressive with just one female. Atari starts debating whether to sneak away or to introduce herself but sneaking away would seem suspicious. She knows she has to meet Zaria. Atari takes a deep breath, and exhales. Come on Atari your not going to your death, you'll be fine. Atari swallows hard, nervously. Maybe.

She decides to alert Zaria to her presence "Alpha, Zaria" Atari calls out. She lowers her tail and hackles and walks closer but remains at a distance. Once at a respectable distance Atari lays on her back, exposing her stomach and neck. She does this a little out of fear but mostly out of respect, despite it feeling a little degrading to Atari but its better then getting killed or injured. Avoiding eye contact Atari speaks again "It is an honor to finally meet you" her voice cracks, fear has gripped her throat and has no intent of letting go.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - January 27, 2016

Not at all!! <3

Zaria looked up when someone approached her. The slender female watched the other female. She was not that good with them, most of the females she knew when she was young were her slaves back in the Dorthran pack. She grew up with quite a different culture. The only female she did look up to was Kivi she had been her trainer. Zaria wondered if any of the Dorthran wolves were still around. Not that she wanted to prove anything but she left being rejected from their pack and now she was the queen, the Khaleesi, anyways. The girl quirked up her lips but then decided to put her focus back to the female. She was with Fitz at the time right? Zaria was surprised how slightly fearful she looked. Zaria couldn't really remember what she did. It was mostly a blur.

"Hello," she greeted back, now realizing she didn't know who this was. Was this Atari? Or the other ones? They had quite an influx of new ones lately. "What is your name?," she asked. When she spoke she had quite an accent, her dorthran accent, but Zaria was smart enough to learn the common tongue. It took awhile for her to understand. Chaska had helped a lot with his stories. Zaria was pleased to hear that this female was honored to meet her. Zaria already had too much an ego but this one was just petting it into something bigger. She raised her chin proudly. Yes she was an honor to meet indeed. Zaria could only agree. "Are you settled in? You like the mountain?"

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - January 28, 2016

After Zaria had spoke Atari decided to get back on her feet but keep her height and tail low. Hopefully the alpha female wouldn't get upset. The alpha had asked for a name. "Atari Silver" the female managed to say, with her fear subsiding. Atari noticed Zaria had a accent. The female loved accents, you could tell where they came from but Atari had never heard of this accent before. Atari was born in Canada but didn't get a Canadian accent, her caretaker was from the south and she learned her way of speech. Atari was curious as to where Zaria was from but she would hold off from the questions for a while. 

The alpha female asked two more questions. Zaria had wanted to know if Atari was settled in, and if she liked the mountain. "I have settled in quite well, though I'm still getting used to things around here, its quite a change for me but I am glad for it" Atari smiles. She was happy for the change, another day as a lone wolf and she might have gone crazy. "And the mountain, is beautiful. I've never seen such a sight." It was true, she had never seen such a mountain. She had never been lived on one either, this was a new experience for her. Atari would most likely spend the rest of her life here, she was satisfied with that. It was better than being a lone wolf. She probably would be dead by now if she hadn't joined this pack. She would have either be killed by wolves or starvation, or a whole number of things. All probably the most painful ways to die but she had this pack now and as far as she knew, pack mates look out for each other. Atari knew she would have a long lasting life. A life she would enjoy.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - January 28, 2016

Zaria nodded slowly. She was never really the one to chitchat. She liked to work better, or talk while working but seeing that she had previously been so tired she had mellowed out slightly. The female started to register her scent with the name. She would not forget she was very good with names like that. She didn't want other's to forget her name either. Zaria could be mean or a bitch even but in the long run she meant well for the wolves she could tolerate. If one wasn't being tolerated by Zaria they would have a bad time. Atari had seen bits of that bad side when she had charged in possessively when they were with Fitz.

Zaria could understand where the female was coming from. "Yes. The mountain is different but beautiful indeed. Don't let the beauty distract you," she stated. Zaria was always ready for business. With gotten her to her next point of interest. "What trades are you interested in? Which ones you want to pursue?," she questioned. Maybe they could work together if their trades overlapped.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - January 29, 2016

I read somewhere that you role a dice to determine if you get a kill or not when hunting. I believe the dice is in the chat. I'm asking just in case Zaria does help Atari with her trade and short post is short XD

Atari's fear had vanished and she started wondering why she had fear in the first place. Zaria wasn't as mean as she thought. The female was rather nice. Zaria had agreed the mountain was beautiful but the beauty could be distracting. Atari nodded in agreement. Zaria had asked what trades Atari was into and wanted to peruse. "The hunter trade. I am a good hunter, I know my kill spots and I have a keen nose." Atari did have an interest in a hunter trade, she loves to hunt but if she were to hunt for the pack, this would put a little weight on her shoulders. She would most likely get to nervous and would alert her prey.

"I don't really have any other trade interests. I'm only good at hunting but I can learn other trades if I have to" Atari was very willing to learn other trades, she was a fast learner after all. If she were to learn another trade, it wouldn't take her long to catch on.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - January 30, 2016

Yes! there is a whole forum for it! You can roll for anything really!

Zaria liked to hear that this female had a plan. The slender female was pleased to hear about her wanting to become a hunter since they needed official hunters. Of course they could all hunt but they need specialist that would give them probably more success at making the kill. Zaria could be strict and very mean but she was ambitious and she could definitely appreciate ambition. The lean girl nodded slowly. "Well, I wouldn't mind to go on a hunt with you," she spoke. "You don't have to kill perse you can also display how good of a tracker you are, or even watch our herds and see how they are doing," she explained that it wasn't only hunting that would be tied to the hunter trade.

Zaria believed that it would be good to know more about the herds, and how they functioned. She was not sure yet if Atari needed someone that would mentor her in those skills or if she could be in depended enough to display her skills without getting lessons in it.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - January 31, 2016

What type of herds? Or is that left up for me to decide? Also thank you for giving me the links to the dice role forms! :)

Zaria had spoke about hunting with Atari, it had been a while since the female had hunted, but Zaria said she didn't have to kill. Atari could just show how good of a tracker she was or even watch the herds. Sounds easy enough but Atari wanted to hunt, she missed it. She missed the adrenaline it gave her, she missed feeling like she accomplished something. "Maybe it would be best if I did kill something, Its been a while since I have. I'm afraid I might loose my skill. If I may call it that," Atari didn't want to seem to cocky by calling her hunting a skill. It wasn't in her nature to boast. "but its completely up to you." the female wanted to leave the decision up to Zaria, just in case they were fully stocked up on food.

Atari felt proud of herself in that moment, the alpha seemed to be interested in the females hunting skill but she wasn't quite sure, she could only hope. Obtaining a hunter trade is a daunting task but Atari was sure she could handle it. This would be the first step to the hunter trade. One step of many, Atari thought. Getting the hunter trade would take a month at most, maybe even two months, but only time could tell.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - January 31, 2016

You are more than welcome! You don't have to roll for a hunt, usually the dice roll is used for fighting. But if you want to use it for the hunting thread that is more than okay too! I will let you decide what they hunt since your character will be the hunter!

Zaria could use some entertainment and exercise, if there is one thing Zaria would not be offended by it was ambition and confidence. What Atari displayed was just enough in her opinion. "Well then I'd say we go on a hunt," she pointed out. She might be the alpha female but her expertise was not in hunting, it never was. When she was at her previous pack her father was hesitant to teach her because Bison, the only food they hunted, were quite dangerous. Zaria was vain and arrogant but she did know her limits and hunting was a bit of a limit for her.

"You want to show me what you can do?," she asked. Zaria might be mean from time to time but she was very keen in learning and she might pick up a thing or two herself from this female. The alpha female was quite supportive of other ambitious wolves, those were the wolves they needed in their pack!

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - February 02, 2016

Alright cool! :) Sorry for the wait

Atari gave a quick nod upon hearing she could hunt, she would have thanked Zaria a million times but she wanted to remain subtle. Atari gave a quick thought as of what they might come across. It could be Bison, Elk, White tail deer, Caribou or a whole number of things. A Bison would be a challenge alone but the female had Zaria, the alpha could either go for the neck or the hind legs. Which ever she may choose but Zaria spoke once more, telling Atari to show her skill. The Bison hunt might have to be done another time but with that said Atari nodded once more, to the alpha's words and made a swift movement of her muzzle, a gesture of 'follow me'. The female was so completely blinded by suppressed excitement, that she didn't realize she gave a order to an alpha, and to Zaria no less!

It didn't take long before Atari realized she gave an order, upon the realization the female quickly stopped in her tracks and looked back at Zaria with her ears flat against her skull. The female jerked her head forward and lowered both herself and her tail, her head along with them. "I didn't mean that!" she said in a panicked voice. Atari new much more about pack life than she did when she first joined but not all of it. For all she knew you cant give an alpha a order under any circumstance. Though there could be a slim chance Zaria would be okay with this but there's also the chance she will be beyond mad with this. Atari braced herself for the worst.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - February 02, 2016

Zaria started to follow after the female gave her a nod. Seeing that she let Atari in charge there was nothing to worry about. Zaria could follow any lead, if she wanted to, and now she was here to help the other. She wasn't giving her charge of the whole pack, she let her in charge to show her skill. She could still have her alpha follow her Zaria was pretty certain Atari was more submissive than her. So once they suddenly stopped and atari and a freak out it confused Zaria greatly. She stopped in her tracks too and wondered what just had happened? Was this female crazy? Mentally ill? What was going on?

Zaria looked at her in confusion. "What the...," she stated. "What are you babbling about!," she let out with a short huff. Her ears falling back in annoyance. "Just find the animal you want to hunt and tell me what you need help with," she stated, maybe a little bit harshly but Zaria wasn't the one that would be soothing and patting someone on the back. She was strict and disciplined. It was simple right? Zaria didn't understand what the female had been mumbling about.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - February 02, 2016

Zaria's reaction was understandable, Atari didn't give much of an explanation as to what she meant. She knew there was no use in explaining, it would just waste time. A moment later Atari picked up on the scent of some Elk. The scents were strong, they must have gone by not to long ago. "Forgive me alpha but explaining my actions would only waste time. Which we have very little, I just caught a couple of scents. All Elk." It wasn't the best time to tell Zaria this but Atari was afraid the wind might start picking up and carry their scents to the Elks. "I can explain my actions later and hopefully we can laugh about it with our stomachs full." Despite her embarrassment Atari looked back at Zaria and gave her a half smile.

The female took a deep breath in through her nose, the scent led straight.  Atari wanted to make sure everything was okay with the alpha, so she wouldn't get in trouble again. She wasn't in trouble to begin with but it sure felt like she was.  Nevertheless Atari needed to focus on the hunt, before a hunt the female would always visualize what would happen to the best of her ability but she needed to see what she was up against first. Atari looked at Zaria with eagerness in her eyes, the embarrassment had all but vanished, it had been replaced by that eagerness to show her skills.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - February 03, 2016

Zaria exhaled sharply as Atari started to apologize. Still the female liked her way of thinking and that she would explain it later. First the hunt would come instead of balling about what she did wrong apparently. If she would have done something wrong she would have felt Zaria's teeth by now or a mean comment. Zaria's eyes widened a bit at the mention of Elk. "I think for an Elk we need at least three wolves or four. I am not a heavy weight, Atari, nor do I like to get injured," she explained to her, sounding surprisingly calm. She almost sounded more mentoring than annoyed. The alpha female could understand that he other wanted to impress her but that was not by hunting the biggest of them all.

"How about something more middle sized? Like a raccoon or maybe a fox? Pronghorn female?," She explained. She knew that the Elk did not have their small young anymore, they would be close to the size of an adult and Zaria didn't feel like a kick between their legs. Pronghorn could be dangerous too with the big male protecting his females but at least that was a more manageable size for two females, two wolves. The alpha female looked at the other if he suggestion was taken on well.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - February 04, 2016

Atari was glad when Zaria didn't continue to focus on her. The alpha instead said something about the Elk, they would have to have multiple wolves to bring on down. "Maybe but there is a chance one is sick, those are easy kills," Atari used to take down sick Elk with her care taker, it was easy. They couldn't run or fight back. Though all the Elk could smell might be healthy and the trip to them might be a waste of time. "but I do suppose your right. We should move on" Atari was unfit to take on a whole Elk but that doesn't mean she wouldn't try in the future, maybe when she has obtained her hunter trade.

Zaria wanted to hunt something smaller, like a fox or a pronghorn female. It would be a start for the female but it seems a little to easy for her. She would have to deal with it for the time being. "Alright, sounds fine to me" Atari started walking forward and kept searching for scents.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - February 05, 2016

Zaria looked at the female with a bit of a skeptical gaze. A wolf should know their limits and it was slowly getting to her that Atari might not have that limit line yet. The soon to be hunter might be learning that as she was working on her trade. "Don't underestimate the sick. Even they can give a good kick or bite," she returned to Atari. Normally she was all for the danger but today she didn't seem to feel like it? She was glad Atari agreed on seeking out another prey. It made the female more at ease which was weird since she had not even realized that she was uneasy?

Zaria followed Atari as she sought out the scents. She would let her do her trade. "Tell me what you need me to do," she spoke to the female. She didn't want to a freak out again and the female was very submissive to her. This wasn't a bad thing but Zaria needed Atari to take a lead on this so Atari could display her trade for the alpha female.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - February 06, 2016

I think Atari needs to learn a thing or two about sickly Elk or Elk in general lol cervical vertebrae = neck bones XD I don't know if you know that 

Zaria had a different opinion about sick Elk, they, supposedly, could still get a good kick or bite. Atari nodded at this.  The female has yet to meet an sick Elk that could land a bite or a kick. All the Elk she hunted never stood a chance, though most of the time she had someone to back her up but there were days she had to go alone and she never got hurt. Except for a couple of times but it was rare. Atari was currently focused on finding an animal, it wasn't long before she caught on to something. It was a fox, sneaky little things are a pain. At least that was Atari's experience with them, the ones she faced were always annoying and aggressive but mostly annoying. "I've caught scent of a fox, its not far" Atari said in a whisper, she didn't want to alert it to her presence, it'd ruin the hunt. She started to walk slower and place her steps carefully. The female hoped Zaria would do the same.

The fox came into view as the female got closer, it was a red fox. Perfect. Atari knew the foxes kill spot, it was rather obvious, go for the neck. No, the female had a quicker way, she went for the cervical vertebrae. Before finding this fox, Zaria told Atari to tell her what to do when the time came, and now was that time."It would be a great help if you could get a hold of one of its legs, you don't have to if you don't want to." Atari said in a whisper, the female was very capable of handling this on her own but a little help never hurt.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - February 07, 2016

Hahah yep. XD But that would be good development for her as she works on he hunter trade!! I would have probably googled it. xD

Zaria nodded shortly when the female was starting to do her work. The lean female rooted after her at a calm pace and most of all a quiet one. The alpha female let Atari do her hunting and tracking. It was good for her to practice this, even with the pressure Zaria might give her. Once she gotten her hunting trade Atari might have to lead the hunts seeing that she was an official hunter when she had her trade. "Foxes are quick," she let out in warning.

Zaria stayed close to the ground as they crept closer to the fox. The vain female only nodded she understood what Atari asked of her. She moved more to the left so she had a more direct part to one of its back legs. She waited for Atari's sign to attack. Zaria was very keen on already jumping forward but this wasn't her hunt it was Atari's. She would attack when she was told, maybe also to give the female more confidence in herself that she could lead a mini hunt.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - February 08, 2016

lol Okay I put some research into this fox hunt and wolves can run faster (wolf = 31-37 mph) (foxes =31 mph) I don't know if this should matter but I decided I would share this.

Atari stay where she was, while Zaria moved to the left to get a better view of one of the back legs. "Indeed they are but no need to worry, I used to chase foxes away a long time ago." Atari didn't look away when saying this, she wasn't about to let the fox get away, if it were to run. "How fast can you run?" speed and agility were top priority in this hunt, if she didn't have speed then the hunt would most likely be left up to Atari but this didn't worry her to much, she had trust in Zaria. The alpha looked like she was built to run, so no doubts were thought from Atari.

The female focused back on the fox, she needed to think about the hunt and what would or could happen. The fox looked weird, it was out in the open with no den in sight. Sure It may be scavenging but the thing still looked weird, it looked a bit jumpy like it just had a scare or something. This would work in their favor, because the fox is skittish it would most likely be paralyzed with fear at the sight of the wolves. Even if it didn't get paralyzed it would stumble over itself and if neither of those things happened then they'd just have to chase it. "You ready?".

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - February 08, 2016

Haha good your doing research!

Zaria sat low to the ground, ready to take off and wait for the female's signal but she kept on waiting. Zaria heard her question how fast she could run, she could run really fast. She had the lean body of a runner, small and compact. She was was lighting quick, it was the only thing she had in advantage while fighting. She didn't have the brute strength or much weight. Not that such a thing matters she was quick on her feet. The alpha female looked at Atari. She wanted to comment on how the female did not need to ask her that she was ready. Zaria was always ready. But to keep this going while the fox was right there was not smart so she just nodded.

Once Atari gave her the go Zaria sped forward, almost like an arrow shot from a bow. The female bared her teeth, rushing forward after the fox. She would just herd it closer to Atari. It was her kill after all, she had to show Zaria that she could hunt. "You kill it," she called out, having a feeling that Atari wouldn't do anything without her permission. "I will make sure it doesn't escape."

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - February 11, 2016

I forgot I gave Zaria the option to get the leg of this fox so the beginning of the post might sound weird, I didn't want to start all over so I added something towards the bottom to kind of make it more understandable, sorry.

Zaria took off like a bullet when Atari gave her the go ahead, it was quite a surprise to the female. She had a feeling she was fast but not that fast. Amazing really. The alpha didn't go for the hind leg instead she just started chasing it, she wanted Atari to kill it on her own. It was fine with dirt colored woman, it just took her by surprise. She had no time to think so she bolted off after the fox as well. Atari had no clue as to how she was going to bite it, she didn't plan for this, she didn't even think Zaria would do this. The alpha seemed to be full of tricks, even if this was the first one Atari had seen. Though this was a part of hunting, you never know what might happen.

Focusing back on the hunt Atari had came up with an idea, though it was a bad one, but it was an idea none the less. While Zaria is chasing it Atari would run up beside the fox, causing it to go the opposite direction. She'd then follow it and tackle it from behind or its side.  It's a sloppy plan, but it was necessary to act quickly, what more could you ask?

Atari put the plan into action, catching up to the fox. It made a quick turn and the female was quick to follow, she managed to get beside the fox for a second and lunge at it before it started to go a different direction. Her teeth landed a bite, but almost lost grip when they collided with the ground and started rolling. A couple of yelps could be heard as they were rolling but none came from Atari. When they stopped rolling the female quickly went to bite the neck but missed as the fox moved, but she landed the bite on second attempt. The fox slowly stopped moving after a coupe of seconds, Atari had scrapped the idea of going for the cervical vertebrae. Atari picked up the fox and headed towards Zaria "I know it was sloppy but I didn't expect you to run after the fox, instead of getting its leg." Atari forgot that she gave an option to Zaria about getting the hind leg, the female was caught up in her semi-success of a hunt. She felt a little cocky at the moment, she felt she had done a good job considering what had happened. She dropped the fox to speak more clear, blood dripped from her jaw as she did but it wasn't hers. Thankfully.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - February 11, 2016

It is alright! :D

Zaria quirked up he lips a bit when she watched the female catch the fox. She didn't think that it was sloppy, she had caught it and not failed so that was easy. The dark female looked at her for a moment. "It does not matter, you killed the fox and even improvised to get it. Those are all good skills for a future Hunter, Atari," she explained to the female. Zaria was actually quite civil today instead of yelling at her for anything really. Bet that time would come one day. Zaria then nudged the fox towards her. "It is yours," she spoke.

Surprisingly, Zaria had not been Hungry. She needed to let out some steam and just run after something and she was glad that Atari and provided that for her. Plus she knew now that the female wanted to be a hunter which was a really good thing for their pack, hopefully their hunts would be more successful in the end with an actual hunter amongst their ranks.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Atari Silver - February 12, 2016

Short post because limited time, due to the new movie Deadpool, so sorry

Zaria didn't agree that the kill was sloppy, that fact was that Atari managed to kill the thing and that she improvised. "Thank you, it was one heck of a chase." The female laughed. "Thanks for uh taking me out on this hunt" she said this in a more serious manner. Though it felt weird for her to say 'thank you', she had manners but it still felt weird. Atari brushed it off as nothing "I don't mean to sound mean but I do believe its best if we head back" Atari thought it was best to go back before she catches the scent of an another animal and goes ballistic. She picks up the fox and waits for Zaria's lead.

RE: All good. I'm normal, guys. - Zaria - February 13, 2016

Not to worry! I will wrap this up and archive it! :D

Zaria quirked up her lips a bit and nodded. It had been quite a chase, and it was a good one. Zaria had been distracted. "You're welcome. Work hard on your trades we need a hunter," she returned to the female. Zaria wanted to encourage her with this trade seeing that this one wasn't picked up often and she didn't want their hunts to fail as often as they did. Zaria looked up with a frown when the girl said she didn't want to be mean. Zaria had the feeling that Atari couldn't be mean. "You can head back. I am going to do something else now," she returned to the female with a nod. With that said the alpha female let the other be and trotted off.

-fade end-