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Moonspear Synesthesia - Printable Version

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Synesthesia - Floki - January 27, 2016

We wrapped up all our Flofi threads yesterday so obviously a new one is necessary! <3

As quickly as she had arrived, Ragna had disappeared. Floki hadn't even gotten a chance to talk to her, and it was partially his fault. He had avoided her actively at first, and then had simply been too busy once he was promoted. And now? Now, her scent had faded with the wind, leaving no evidence that she had ever been there at all.

Floki was troubled, but he set his jaw and moved on. His family would continue to come and go; who even knew if Tevinter would stick around, now that his relationship with his twin was so fractured. He hadn't seen Tevinter since their argument, but the memory weighed heavily on his mind.

He huffed softly, resuming the patrol that had led to his discovery of Ragna's absence in the first place. An hour passed slowly and he didn't feel any better. Turning his paws towards Moonspear's slopes, he dedicated himself to a new task: tracking down @Wildfire. If there was one wolf on this mountain that could cheer him up, it was her.

RE: Synesthesia - Wildfire - January 27, 2016

She hadn't been back for more than an hour when something tingled at the back of Wildfire's neck and she turned to see Floki coming toward her. She flashed him a quick (and playfully coy) smile over her sleek red shoulder blade, then turned to receive him. Automatically, her snout lifted to nuzzle beneath one icy blue eye. She remembered doing the same to Tevinter just the other day and felt a strange throb of guilt. She wondered: should she tell Floki about that or just let it slide because it hadn't meant anything (had it?)?

Deciding not to mention it for the moment, at least, Wildfire offered a somewhat tired, "Hey, Beta-boo, what's up?" She was jonesing for a nap after running around Bramblepoint and trekking to and from the caldera, though she didn't want to fall asleep on him within five minutes. "Just got back from another foray to the 'rents' place," she joked wearily before reporting in a careworn but cheery voice, "I think they're doing better now."

RE: Synesthesia - Floki - January 27, 2016

It didn't take long for Floki to find Wildfire, and just the sight of her was enough to lift his spirits. He smiled as she pivoted to greet him, his tail swinging slowly behind him. Selfishly, he had almost forgotten that she was dealing with her own family issues and had visited Redhawk Caldera a few times recently. The mention of her parents brought his tail to a standstill as he gently nuzzled her cheek.

"I'm glad things are improving over there," he said earnestly, moving his snout to sniff at the auburn fur just behind her jawline. She smelled like the wilds, and very faintly of the caldera itself. (Luckily, he didn't detect any hints of Tevinter!) He stepped back to look down at her. "How was the trip?" he asked. The farthest he had traveled since his promotion was to the Altar of Twilight and he missed the freedom of roving with Wildfire.

RE: Synesthesia - Wildfire - January 28, 2016

"Impromptu," she quipped with that same smile that said that she was in good spirits despite her exhaustion. "I was hunting in the woods and caught a groundhog. Then I realized how close I was to the caldera, so I decided to take it to my mother. I didn't see her but I caught up with my Uncle El." Her amber eyes glowed fondly as she spoke of her godfather. She didn't even need to see her parents with her own eyes; she trusted Elwood's report.

"Been busy?" she asked him, although it was sort of a rhetorical question. He had kept fairly busy ever since ascending into the adult ranks and assuming the Beta rank. "Learned any new Beta moves?" she joked. She thought of Tevinter again, though not about their awkward, platonic kiss. Whether or not she mentioned that little detail, she supposed she should mention the conversation to Floki at some point. For now, though, it was his turn to speak.

RE: Synesthesia - Floki - January 28, 2016

It turned out that this visit to the caldera had been unplanned and had transpired all because of a groundhog. Floki hadn't had as much time recently to work on his hunting skills -- he spent a lot more time patrolling the borders, which made him realize that perhaps it was time to shift his interests -- but he was happy to hear of Wildfire's success. Although she hadn't actually run into her mother, she had apparently gleaned some good news from "Uncle El." Floki had never met Fox or Elwood, but felt like he knew them from hearing Wildfire talk about them.

She turned the tables then, asking if he had been busy fulfilling his duties as Beta. He shrugged his shoulders, the corners of his lips turning down slightly again. He was proud of his new role, but it was bittersweet after the fight with Tevinter. Never did he question whether or not he deserved it, but Tevinter had tried hard to plant the seeds of doubt in his head.

"Kind of, but not really. A lot of patrolling, but it's pretty mindless," he said. That was why his thoughts had drifted in the first place. He was thankful, though, that the outskirts had proved to be boring so far; he was still very much a rookie and not prepared to deal with unexpected altercations. "I was actually feeling a little grumpy," he admitted, "but I knew seeing you would cheer me up. It's working." He smiled.

RE: Synesthesia - Wildfire - January 28, 2016

Her lips quirked when he mentioned mindless patrolling. "One of many reasons I don't want to be a leader myself," she quipped. Wildfire's smile fell when Floki reported feeling grumpy, though he quickly informed her that her mere presence was already improving his mood. The smile slowly crept back onto her face and she tipped her head to look him in the eye. She could get lost in those Caribbean blues.

Hoping to further lift his spirits, she said slowly, "Have I told you lately that I love you?" She stood on tiptoe to plant a kiss right at the tip of his snout. "'Cause I do, like, a lot." Wildfire paused, then smirked and observed with a snort, "I'm so eloquent, huh?" She was definitely more of a tactile sort, which she proved by sliding her muzzle along Floki's neck, leaving a trail of airy kisses as she went.

RE: Synesthesia - Floki - January 31, 2016

"One of many reasons I don't want to be a leader myself," Wildfire replied, and Floki blinked at her thoughtfully. He wondered if she would refuse to take the Beta female position alongside him, should he ever receive permission from Charon and Amekaze and ask her. It would make sense, if they officially became mates, but if she truly did not want the responsibility, he would have to accept that. Though these thoughts were fleeting, they were serious enough to give Floki pause; he was considering his possible future with Wildfire more and more lately.

Her gentle kisses were enough to distract him and he smiled, his ears sliding back against his head as she pressed her lips gently against his neck. "I love you too," he murmured breathlessly as he shifted his weight, closing his eyes as his heart rate accelerated.

RE: Synesthesia - Wildfire - February 01, 2016

*points at your first paragraph* So much opportunity for future whumpage... ;)

He replied in kind and Wildfire's heart pulsed in her chest. She couldn't imagine ever getting sick of hearing those three words, nor saying them. Just like she didn't think she would ever tire of touching and being touched by Floki. She found herself pressing more of her warm body against his and thinking, I could do this forever. That thought made her lips twitch upward even as her eyes closed and a sigh of contentment slipped silently from her nose. Perhaps this was a sign that they should take the next step in their relationship, make a declaration or commitment or something...

Her lips parted and Wildfire almost said something on the subject, then a realization struck: she couldn't say why, exactly, she would rather Floki bring it up first. Her lips pressed together again, mashing gently now against his shoulder, her amber eyes opening and dancing as she wondered how long he might incidentally make her wait. Rather than distress her, the thought amused her. There was no pressure on her end, despite her solidifying feelings about him, but maybe she could drop hints and make it into a little game of sorts. Purely for fun, not to toy with him (or herself, for that matter).

"Mmm, I think I love you more," Wildfire teased him, black tail sweeping the air as she cocked her head and looked up at him impishly.

RE: Synesthesia - Floki - February 01, 2016

She continued with her ministrations, though she did pause long enough to insist that she loved Floki more. Breaking out of the haze that his mind seemed to have slipped into, he withdrew, his gaze seeking hers as he shook his head persuasively. "No, I don't think you do," he insisted playfully, going so far as to take a few steps away from her.

"It's just not possible," he continued as he turned to glance coyly back at her, giving an innocent shrug of his shoulders. Then, raising his brows, he invited her, "You'll have to prove it, if you think it's true."

RE: Synesthesia - Wildfire - February 02, 2016

Floki protested, as she knew he would. It made her heart skip a beat. She would happily have this argument until the end of time. Of course, actions spoke louder than words, as her young beau pointed out. Her eyebrows raised slightly, then pushed back together as she gave him a mischievous smile.

"I accept your challenge," she replied solemnly, "even though I don't think it, I know it." She swished her black tail in a sort of predatory fashion, amber eyes still glimmering. "Nothing would make me happier than proving it to you," Wildfire added, which was the truth, all joking and playfulness aside. In fact, I'd be happy to spend my whole life proving it to you.

Snorting inwardly at her own internal dialogue, she paused to think, only to find her brain not really working so well. She was still exhausted. Maybe she could prove it to Floki later, after a good nap. She wondered if he would come with her or if he intended to keep patrolling. She knew better than to expect him to lay down his duties to laze about with her, though.

And then suddenly she realized she hadn't mentioned Tevinter yet. She didn't want to break their happy little spell but Wildfire knew she wanted to bring it up sooner rather than later. "Hey," she spoke up, voice lacking the impish tone from just a moment ago. "Sorry to get all serious on you but I want to tell you something before I forget. I talked to Tev." She paused, waiting to see if he would say anything before she continued.

RE: Synesthesia - Floki - February 02, 2016

With a smug smile, Floki settled onto his haunches, prepared for Wildfire's display. She seemed to be the creative type, so he had no doubt that her presentation would be entertaining. But a few seconds ticked past and she seemed to be thinking about something, and then her expression and tone of voice changed slightly. Rather than prove her love for him right then and there, she brought up Tevinter.

Normally, the mention of his twin brother would have provoked a positive reaction from Floki. But considering their fight and the hurt feelings that were still apparent on both sides, his brow creased into a frown. Strangely enough, his first emotion was a flash of envy -- why had she been talking to him? He was well aware that they were friends and typically was okay with that, but his bruised ego was to blame for his childish thoughts -- if Wildfire was on his side, she should have been avoiding Tevinter just like he was.

"Oh? What did he say?" he asked, trying to keep bitterness from creeping into his voice.

RE: Synesthesia - Wildfire - February 02, 2016

Just like that, their happy little bubble quietly popped. Wildfire peered pensively at Floki's face, hearing the shift in his own tone as he inquired after details. Before she answered, Wildfire briefly pondered whether there had been any expectation of confidentiality between herself and Tevinter. Surely he must know that she would talk to Floki about this. They were close and getting closer every day, after all.

"I just wanted to check up on him, since I haven't seen him much lately. We didn't talk long but I tried to get a feel for why he reacted the way he did." She paused, huffing out a quiet breath. "He wants to be a leader himself, you know. I pointed out that there's still one more empty Beta position, although we kind of mutually agreed that it probably wouldn't be enough." She had been peering at her toes but she looked up again now, meeting her companion's pale blue gaze. "Tev's not the type to accept authority easily—from Charon especially, I think. I asked him if he'd thought of becoming an Alpha someday. He said he had."

Again, she trailed off for a moment, letting Floki absorb all that and get a word in edgewise if he wanted. What would he say, when she revealed his twin's aspirations to reclaim Stavanger Bay? Would telling him all of this drive a bigger wedge between them? Wildfire felt her heart stutter painfully at that thought. She didn't want that at all. Maybe she should have just kept her mouth shut, though she simply couldn't imagine keeping anything from  the man she'd come to love.

RE: Synesthesia - Floki - February 02, 2016

Wildfire began to explain what had happened when she talked with Tevinter. Floki's ears pressed forward attentively, but gradually rotated backwards the longer she spoke. He was well aware that Tevinter wanted to be a leader. He rolled his eyes. His reaction was perhaps unfair to Wildfire, but he couldn't help himself. Tevinter sounded like a spoiled brat -- he was pitching a fit because he hadn't been chosen for leadership, yet he wasn't willing to accept authority in the first place. In Floki's eyes, that didn't make him Alpha material.

"Seriously? And you agree with him?" Floki queried a bit incredulously. "I don't think Charon would consider him for the other Beta spot after the way he has acted. He plays the victim just because he can't get his way. You don't get to just storm off and become the Alpha of a pack because you don't like the way things are being handled. I wouldn't want to be one of his followers. Would you?" he pressed, peering at Wildfire.

He heaved a frustrated sigh. "Think about how it made me feel, Wildfire. He's my twin brother -- he's supposed to be supportive. It's not like I rubbed it in his face. I worked hard to earn my position, and it bugs me that he thinks he deserves to be a leader just because it's his personality." If Floki had fingers, he would have inserted a pair of sarcastic air-quotes to accentuate his words.

RE: Synesthesia - Wildfire - February 02, 2016

His incredulous tone took her by surprise, rendering her speechless. He didn't wait for an answer, though, proceeding with his rant. Wildfire's mouth clapped shut. This situation was rapidly spiraling out of control. She hadn't anticipated such a vehement, defensive reaction from Floki and it left her at a total loss, even when he eventually grew silent. The air veritably crackled between them, charged with negative energy.

"I told him he'd have to earn the rank," she squeaked out after a very long pause. Whether it was Beta here or Alpha there, she had made that point with Tevinter. "And I know! I know! I told him all that," she added hastily, wishing he didn't seem so angry, because it felt like it was directed entirely at her at the moment.

She sucked in a breath, her lips beginning to move again, although it took a minute for a sound to make its way out. "I'm sorry, Floki, I'm sorry," Wildfire whispered, a bit pleadingly. "I didn't mean to upset you. I shouldn't have brought it up. I'm sorry." She wanted to reach out and kiss it better, yet she remained still, suddenly worried that he might bat her away.

And she hadn't even mentioned the kiss. As much as she wanted to be honest with him, Wildfire suddenly decided to bury it and forget about it. It hadn't meant anything and she was suddenly very aware that it would go over extremely poorly either way. Surely Tevinter wouldn't mention it—there was nothing to mention!—and Wildfire absolutely couldn't face the idea of Floki getting even more upset with her.

RE: Synesthesia - Floki - February 02, 2016

In the silence that stretched between them as his last words hung in the air, Floki began to calm. He took a sharp breath in through his nostrils, exhaling it quietly from between his lips. He wasn't all that angry -- just irritated, really -- but just as he had avoided interacting with Tevinter, he had taken steps not to talk about the situation, either. So, when Wildfire opened the flood gates, it all came pouring out.

He shook his head as she backpedaled and apologized, clearly rattled by his reaction. "It's okay, I know what you're saying. It's just so frustrating and I guess I can't help but get mad when I think about it," he said, his voice still taut with unspoken exasperation. Nothing that she had said had indicated that she was opposing Floki; she had simply delivered the information shared with her by Tevinter. There was no need to shoot the messenger, he realized.

"I'm not mad at you, I promise. It's not like you did anything wrong," he added with the best reassuring smile he could manage.

RE: Synesthesia - Wildfire - February 02, 2016

Some of his anger seemed to dissipate and when he made a point to reassure her, Wildfire felt warmth bloom in the center of her chest and fan out, chased quickly after by a boneless sense of relief. He wasn't angry with her. She felt, stupidly, like she could cry. Having never even experienced this side of Floki before, she had never realized its effect on her. It was something that would preoccupy her, later.

"Okay," she said simply, her voice a bit breathy, as she tentatively stepped toward him and nuzzled against his cheek. She pushed Tevinter, his aspirations on the bay, their (totally platonic!) kiss and everything else into the back of her mind as she closed her eyes and tried to tap back into their good moods of just five minutes ago.

"I'm sorry I brought it up," she murmured after a beat, eyes still draped shut. "I just thought you should know but—bad timing." Wildfire's eyes popped open again and she tipped her head to meet his gaze. "Because we were having such a good moment, before I went and ruined it." She smiled weakly through a sigh, rubbing her nose along the edge of his jaw, dimly aware that she was still fishing for reassurances.

RE: Synesthesia - Floki - February 02, 2016

Gingerly, she crept towards him and softly nudged his cheek. That simple touch was all that was needed to release the tension from Floki's body. Wildfire apologized again and he leaned down to plant a kiss between her ears by way of response.

"Stop apologizing. I am glad you told me," he said gently. He didn't add that the timing had nothing to do with it -- he had the feeling that it wouldn't have been easier at any other moment. His resentment for Tevinter only grew with the knowledge he had gleaned, but it wasn't because of Wildfire's delivery. He simply had to accept the fact that his twin was selfish and hungry for power. He wrinkled his nose slightly at the thought, but quickly smoothed his facade and focused on the present.

It was hard to slip back into the blissful reverie that they had been in before and he fidgeted slightly. Part of him wanted to be alone with his thoughts, so he contemplated feigning a border patrol, but he held off for the time being. He glanced down at Wildfire. "I still love ya," he said teasingly.

RE: Synesthesia - Wildfire - February 02, 2016

"Stop apologizing," he commanded gently, complementing it with a kiss to the top of her small head. Wildfire felt the last of the disproportionate uneasiness and despair leave her. She let out a breath, lips quirking into a smile when Floki reminded her that he still loved her. She knew that. His agitation had been unexpected, surprisingly difficult to deal with, but she had never gone so far as to doubt that. All the same, it was still good to hear.

"...and I still love you more," she chirped quietly before saying, "And I really will prove it to you. But probably after I catch some sleep." She bit her lower lip as she reluctantly pulled away from him, prepared to slog somewhere warm and cozy. "I know you were patrolling," she said, "so maybe come join me when you're done?"

RE: Synesthesia - Floki - February 02, 2016

Floki would never admit this to Wildfire, but he was almost relieved when she suggested that they part ways so that she could take a nap and he could get back to his patrolling. He felt a twinge of guilt for thinking that way, but he didn't want to upset her any further with talk of Tevinter. It wasn't something she needed to involve herself with, and at that moment he needed to think it through.

So he nodded and nudged her cheek. "Yeah, you go get some shut eye. I'll come by later," he said even as he pivoted and made haste for the borders. As it turned out, he was in a worse mood when he resumed his duties than when he began, but he was still glad that he knew how Tevinter really felt.