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Silvertip Mountain Learning The Territory - Printable Version

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Learning The Territory - Mara Susi - January 27, 2016

Mara trotted across the territory, keeping her head low, but ears perked high. She hoped this pack would be enjoyable, it would be nice to be accepted into a family again, at least that's how Steady put it. She knew she looked like a lost pup, and she prayed for another wolf to show her around, but approaching another wolf unsettled her a bit, especially if they were rude to her.

She just continued across the land, somewhat afraid she'd accidentally cross the borders unknowingly because her sense of smell being lessened. Several wolves have passed her but none greeted her into the pack, or questioned her presence in it.

RE: Learning The Territory - Atari Silver - January 29, 2016

Hello! :)  Sorry the post is short

Atari was going to the sleeping den for a quick nap. She was coming back from the forest, she was taking a little walk there. She wanted some time to think and she got a lot of it. She spent an hour out, just walking and thinking. It was relaxing for her. The forest had become a go to place when she wanted peace. She would have stayed longer but she thought it to be best if she went back to the main part of the territory. She didn't know much about the mountain but just enough to get around, without getting lost. All thanks to FitzDutiful who showed her around when she first joined the pack.

Atari's hackles were slightly raised as were her tail. She was a Eta, it might be a low rank but to the female any rank was a good rank. Except for omega, that is the worst rank you can get. Nevertheless the female was happy with her rank. It didn't bother her she was in the lower tier. One more rank up and she would be in the middle tier. As Atari was walking back she noticed a wolf walking as well. Curious, the female decided to go meet this wolf. As Atari got closer she noticed the wolf had a similar coat to hers. A mix of black, tan, and white, same as Atari. When she finally reached the wolf she kept a respectable distance, just n case the wolf like its space. "Hello. My names Atari. May I know your name?" She said with a polite tone. Atari had never seen this wolf, he/she must be a new recruit but then again there were still some pack mates she has yet to meet.

RE: Learning The Territory - Mara Susi - January 29, 2016

Mara was surprised someone decided to approach her, but relieved all the same. She focused on the wolf a bit, observing the she-wolf's similar coat to her own. Atari's greeting was short and sweet, which was easy to respond back to. It was obvious she had the intention of getting to know her in some way, which was reassuring to Steady's statement about this pack being family. I'm Mara. She noticed how Atari kept her distance, but didn't seem to be the wolf who liked it much herself, more of being cautious of Mara, so she closed the gap between them a bit more. 

You've probably already figured this out, but I'm trying to learn the territory. She explained, trying to not seem embarrassed, which she managed generally well. Atari seemed kind, mainly because she had the thought of helping her out and actually did it. She wondered if they'd have much contact within her time in the pack. The odds seemed pretty likely.

RE: Learning The Territory - Atari Silver - January 30, 2016

The wolf showed no submission to Atari, which was fine since they were in the same rank tier as each other. Atari didn't expect any submission but had Atari been a rank higher, things would have been different. The wolfs name was Mara, it was quite unique. "Mara" Atari paused for a moment "What a nice name." Atari smiled. She wasn't lying, she did like that name. It was short and sweet. Atari's name wasn't a normal one but it wasn't as unique. She didn't mind, she liked her name. It was given to her by her caretaker, she would never give this name up. Mara had closed the gap Atari placed, it seemed the look-alike didn't care for the space between the two. It was fine, neither did Atari. She wasn't claustrophobic, but she did like her space. Though Mara was at a acceptable distance, so Atari wasn't bothered.

The look-alike said she was trying to figure out the packs territory. That settles it, she is a new recruit, Atari thought. "Oh okay. Would you like me to help you? I don't know this place all to well though but I can show you what alpha FitzDutiful showed me when I first joined." FitzDutiful showed Atari the important places of the territory, the glass cave, a tunnel within that glass cave that led near to Firestone Hot Springs. A place that could give you quick access to where you needed to be. Atari decided to sit and wait for a reply.

RE: Learning The Territory - Mara Susi - January 30, 2016

Her ears lifted in surprise upon the offer, but pleased too. Atari had supported her original thought of her as being kind and friendly. The compliment was unneeded, but she said it with a sweet tone which comforted Mara in most senses of the term. "It's not nearly as beautiful as yours," she assured, giving a small smile with the commendation. Mara seemed to share the same thoughts on her name, as Atari did hers. She enjoyed Atari's name very much, but wouldn't discard hers for any reason. 

Atari didn't seem to mind that she closed the gap between them, but kept the amount of space that she had left while moving closer. Mara knew this wolf was a higher rank than her, since everyone in the pack was, but it seemed she was in the middle tier with her, or else other wolves would be lowering their bodies once being in her presence.  

Atari had mentioned how FitzDutiful had showed her around the territory, with that she assumed the alpha had also accepted her into the pack. She wondered how her experience with acceptance would have differed with Steady being replaced with an alpha. Probably not that different, with the pack being so generous and charitable.

RE: Learning The Territory - Atari Silver - January 31, 2016

Mara's ears lifted after Atari offered to give her a tour, the look-alike most likely did this out of surprise. Atari wouldn't question this, she saw no need to. "Thank you" the female says in a thankful tone. Mara had made a comment about Atari's name, it was nice of her to do this. The female felt flattered. No one had ever complemented her name before. At first it was weird for Atari but then it just became a nice comment. A nice comment. Add that to the list of things she has rarely heard in the past year. Mara hadn't given an answer to Atari about helping her learn the territory. The look-alike was probably caught up in thought, it was fine, Atari found herself in thought ninety-nine percent of the time.

After a couple awkward seconds Atari decided to break the silence "So would you like me to take you on a tour?" The female chuckled a bit, she had no idea why she laughed, it was just funny to her. For some reason. Atari stood ready to lead the way if Mara agreed to the tour. The answer would most likely be 'yes' but if the answer was 'no' Atari wouldn't mind she would just go back to the place she was heading before she crossed Mara. Back to the sleeping den, Atari was tired but she still had energy to give the tour. Even if the girl didn't she would still give the tour, she was just that type of wolf.

RE: Learning The Territory - Mara Susi - January 31, 2016

Mara nodded when she thanked her for the compliment, which was very polite. She trotted up next to Atari, wagging her tail slightly and giving a half smile. "If you don't mind, I could always do it on my own if you needed to do something else," She didn't want to take up any of her time if she had better things to do. It was strange to see such a random act of kindness, since not much of that has been expressed to her. 

Atari laughed at the question, which made Mara tilt her head but smile a bit more. Laughter was a rare occurrence with her, she was more of a half smile and smirk kind of wolf. Then again, she hasn't had much to laugh at for awhile.

RE: Learning The Territory - Atari Silver - February 01, 2016

I couldn't help but have the widest grin while writing the last part XD there's something about it that just made me smile. oh and Over the next week I will be very busy, so my replys will probably be choppy and short. So sorry

Mara had trotted up to Atari, wagging her tail and sharing a smile. Atari took the gesture as a yes but as soon as she started to walk the look-alike spoke, telling the female if she had other needs to attend to she could attend them. "Non-sense, I've got nothing better to do. Besides I could use a walk" Atari paused for a moment "or a run" the female gave a side look at Mara and smirked. Hopefully the look-alike would understand what she meant. Atari needed this run, it would wake her up, stretch her muscles and it would test her speed. Speed was most important, she needed good speed to catch up to the animals she would later hunt.

The female noticed Mara tilt her head when she laughed. She felt her stomach drop, the regret drop. This made her feel bad, the female thought she made Mara feel embarrassed but the look-alike smiled soon after. It made Atari smile as well. She didn't want to make a bad impression, so it was a huge relief when Mara smiled. Hey! I made someone smile! Atari thought in her head cheerfully. She's probably made a couple people smile before, but at this moment no names could come to mind. By now the female had the widest smile in the world. Somehow.

RE: Learning The Territory - Mara Susi - February 02, 2016

Mara instantly understood what she meant, which gave her a smug grin. Her muscles tenses for a moment, as if preparing themselves for whatever to come next. "A run does sound nice," she agreed, rolling her shoulders back and shaking her pelt. The last time Mara ran was from a cougar she encountered a few days before joining the pack, which definitely wasn't as fun as this would be. In fact, the last time Mara ran for pleasure instead of survival was when she was a puppy. This was strange, but all good. She was glad she was able to make new experiences with Atari.

RE: Learning The Territory - Atari Silver - February 05, 2016

Atari was happy that Mara understood "Alright, since were close to the packs sleeping den why don't we go there first. How about it?" they really weren't to far off from the den, it was maybe a good four minute run. Atari thought about taking off right then and there but she decided not to. The female used to run for fun at times but now she'll only run for hunting purposes. Which was fine with her, she liked hunting, its what she's best at.

Atari started thinking more about the run and thought she was forcing Mara to run. The look-alike might have agreed to the run but that doesn't mean she truly wants to. "Are you sure you want to run? Walking is as good running, if not better." the female lied, running was better than walking in her opinion but if they wanted to chat they couldn't do it while running. Or could they? "If you wanted to chat we could walk, I don't mind" the female said this with a smile, it would be nice to have another friend.

RE: Learning The Territory - Mara Susi - February 07, 2016

Mara found the idea of running was exhilarating, mainly because she'd never done it for fun in so long. She smiled up at Atari. "Lets run, then chat. I've got plenty of time." She gave the look-alike a wink, before readying herself to burst into a run. She looked forward to getting to know Atari, and the territory, but this would be an act of fun she hadn't experienced  in ages. 

Atari wasn't alone in her interest with hunting, she was pretty skilled in it too. This would be a good training method to gain a trade.

RE: Learning The Territory - Atari Silver - February 08, 2016

Mara didn't mind running, the look-alike seemed to like running just as much as Atari did. "Okay, follow me." she started into a trot and then turned it into a run. The female felt her legs stretch with each movement of her legs, it felt good to Atari to run. She pushed herself to run even faster, the wind against her didn't slow her down. They would have quite the run to the next place, if they still wanted to run after they reached the glass cave.

Upon their arrival, at the glass cave, Atari halted to a stop. "This is it, the glass cave." she remembered she didn't tell Mara it was called that. "Oh right, its called the glass cave. Want to take a look inside?" Atari started to walk towards the entrance but quietly, so not to wake any sleeping wolves. Though it was the middle of the day, no wolf would be asleep.

RE: Learning The Territory - Mara Susi - February 08, 2016

Mara and Atari had kept the same, quick running pace. It was good for her muscles to run, and she felt a bit refreshed, the exercise was good for her body and mind. Once reaching the Glass Cave, she shook her pelt but kept quiet, noticing her twin was too. Upon entering she noticed no wolves asleep, which somewhat surprised her, expecting at least one or two needing some rest. But it seemed everyone was well awake. 

The younger wolf nodded, as though approving the area. It seemed nice, and she might stay here for the next couple of nights until she finds her own den. Wherever the dens could be.

RE: Learning The Territory - Atari Silver - February 12, 2016

Mara said nothing upon seeing the cave, she must have though that wolves were still sleeping. "Oh, further inside the glass cave there's a tunnel that gives you quick access to where ever you need to be." The female had almost forgotten about the tunnel, she has never used it before, she probably never will. Unless she has to. She doesn't mind taking the long way to get where she's going. "Alpha FitzDutiful and Alpha Zaria share a chamber close to the cave." Atari thought about taking Mara to see it but decided not to. "I would take you to see it but I don't think Zaria or FitzDutiful would want that." If the female would have taken Mara to the chamber, they would both be ranked down to omegas. The lowest of the low.

Atari gave Mara a minute or two to look around. "You ready to go?" There next stop would be the water fall meeting place. They could take the tunnel but the dirt colored girl wanted to get to know Mara. The look-alike was a mysterious wolf. Atari wanted to know her history, if the look-alike would share. Though that meant Atari would have to share as well, and she was never going to tell her story. Not by choice anyways.

RE: Learning The Territory - Mara Susi - February 12, 2016

Mara took in the cave, and enjoyed the idea of tunnels. Not the short cuts necessarily, but how they just lead farther into the cave. Just like her twin, the girl didn't mind taking the long ways. It just gave her more to look at, and think about. Atari mentioned how she thought the Alpha's wouldn't enjoy the two of them going to their chambers, which the young girl agreed with. Who knows what Zaria would do? She wouldn't judge the Alpha, since the only time they've communicated was when she was discovering with pups she didn't want, which would anger her as well. She wasn't sure how Fitz would react, since she only knows him as kind and strong. Trusting Atari's opinions, and her own she agreed with the nod of her head. 

Her older friend spoke about progressive the tour, and she took in one last look at the Glass Cave before going to the girls side. "Yup," she said, before she began to follow the wolf to their new destination. "How long have you been in Silvertip?" Mara asked.

RE: Learning The Territory - Atari Silver - February 15, 2016

Atari started walking when Mara asker her a question. "I'm not quite sure, my days at the Mountain have been one giant blur." The female paused for a moment. "I would guess two weeks, three at the most." The days Atari spent at Silvertip were sort of busy, at least that's what she thought. The female had some busy days, which was satisfying to her since she wasn't just sitting around. Atari even hunted with Zaria, it was one heck of a hunt. The dirt colored girl got to keep her kill, she has yet to eat it though. The female hid it underground, she dug a little hole and stored it there. Atari wasn't trying to hide it from the pack, in fact it was near the cache. Anyone with a nose could smell it, Atari just hoped no one would eat it.

"What about you?" Mara was still new, a couple days new, maybe a week but still new. "How long have you been here?" This pack was growing and fast. Atari has still yet to meet everyone in the pack, despite being here for many days. After this tour with Mara, the female would set out to meet others and maybe make more friends. She has three already, Krypton, Mara and even Zaria. Though Atari wouldn't say that out loud, Zaria might not feel the same but its possible. The alpha female isn't as mean as Atari thought she was, it was never Zaria's intent to be mean. She was in heat and that was a big factor in the alpha's aggression, so all is forgiven.