Wolf RPG
Whitebark Stream Discovery - Printable Version

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Discovery - Spring - January 29, 2016

Spring normally did not venture far from Phoenix Maplewood, but today was an exception.  She made sure not to travel to far.  As she padded through the winter snow she came across a rapid stream, almost riverlike.  It was beautiful in her opinion though.  She chuffed her delight.  Watching it’s swirling mists as it rushed along.

RE: Discovery - Magnus - January 29, 2016

The breeze blew little snowflakes into the masked boy's face and he sighed in delight. He had missed winter, even though there were only sad memories coming with it. He missed home and his older sisters, wondering if they were fine on their own. He had traveled all the way to the stream that was sure to have some medical plants growing around it. He hadn't had much luck with finding anything in the woods where he had met a dark stranger, but that was probably because it was winter. Still, his hopes were high and his spirit as strong as ever.

Walking along the stream with his nose in the snow as he sought for any signs of herbs, he hadn't even noticed the hazel and cream wolf in the distance. He picked up her female scent though, and raised his head to see her staring at the stream with the same admiration as he was now looking at her. A smirk appeared on his muzzle, as he checked her out from a distance before trotting closer through the snow. He gave a shrill bark to sign that he was there as well, and wagged his tail as he approached. He stopped a fair distance away from her, not wanting to scare her away from him.

Goodmornin', nice winter day huh? He chuffed, a grin on his features. He stood neutral as he awaited an answer from the female.

RE: Discovery - Spring - January 29, 2016

Spring jumped startled at the sound of a shrill bark.  Her gaze swept her surroundings, suddenly cautious.  Her gaze landed on a red and black colored male.  She perked her ears as he chuffed a good morning.  Still cautious, Spring responded with a polite nod.  Facing the male and looking him straight in the eyes to show dominance so the other wolf would not get any ideas.

“Yes.  The river is beautiful today isn’t it?”  Spring’s gaze flickered to the river for a brief moment, then back on the male.  She had never seen this wolf before and she found herself slightly curious.  “You new to the Teekon Wilderness?”  Spring asked in a neutral, but questioning tone of voice.

RE: Discovery - Magnus - January 29, 2016

The female showed dominance and she carried the smell of others. She had to be from a pack or rogue group, and by the way she was acting the masked boy could make out that she had a higher rank. He saw that they were roughly the same age though, and they were fairly matched, but he would not make an attempt to attack or anything that would end in useless bloodshed. He had no time to fight, nor had he the supplies yet to treat wounds if it ended badly for him. Besides, he was not foolish.

Her words had been gentle, full of adoration as she pointed to the stream that flowed like Magnus' thoughts, off into the unknown. He had his eyes on her though and when their eyes met again he spoke.Indeed, dazzling.He said as his gaze drifted off into her golden orbs. He had never seen anything like it.The river is nice too.He added with a chuckle, hoping she caught his joke.

A question came after. He had no idea that this whole place had a name, his parents had always referred to it as "The Far West". He smiled at the thought of his parents traveling all the way to here. They would've never made it.Yes, I arrived here a few days ago.The events in these days had been boring, the only noteworthy thing was that he had met a dark female in the woods, but even that he left out.I'm from the East, it has been quite the journey.He said, still smiling, in his honey sweet voice.What about you? What has brought you to this river? He asked, tipping his head in a comedic way.

RE: Discovery - Spring - January 29, 2016

Spring kept her guard up, but chuffed a laugh when the red and black furred male made a joke about the stream, calling it a river.  “Very much so.”  The brown and cream female responded with a slight smile, alighting her features.

The Delta of Phoenix Maplewood perked her ears, surprised that this male had only arrived a few days ago, she found herself started to trust the male, but then flipped her guard back up.  Knowing that she could not trust this lone wolf... not yet at least.  She had only just met him.  Keeping eye contact she started to pad up to the male, showing signs of domaine as she walked, not wanting him to get any ideas.  Plus it would not be smart for the male to attack her anyways.  She knew how to heal and had a pack.  This male would be all on his own, and if hurt fatally, he could die.  So Spring currently didn’t see him as a big threat, but just in case she wanted to keep her guard up.

As she padded closer to the red and black male, she answered his question about why she was here.  “Just taking a quick break from pack life.”  Spring explained briefly, not wanting to give away that Phoenix Maplewood was having problems.  Spring paused for a moment before adding.  “What’s your name?”  It was a simple question, but she preferred to call this stranger by his name, than nothing.  Spring stopped in her walk once she was a foot anyway from the male.  Her golden eyes meeting Magnus’s hazel.

RE: Discovery - Magnus - January 29, 2016

Hihi, sorry for my weird joke, but the joke was actually that he was talking about her when he said that it was dazzling. This works fine too, wopwop

The female walked closer to him, but he didn't mind. Instead he made himself comfortable by sitting down in the snow, hoping he wouldn't freeze his bum off. He watched her again, actually hoping for her to follow his lead, but knew it would be a lot of trust to ask for from someone he had just met. He, however, would trust strangers blindly, making him an optimistic dork.

When the golden-eyed wolf confirmed his thoughts about her being in a pack, his ears perked up. He could use a place to call home, but knew it would be a waste of time to ask to join. Every pack had someone with knowledge of herbs, right? His talent that he'd been training on a for big chunk of his life was not as special, but he still praised himself for his knowledge. After his thoughts had faded away a bit, the female asked him his name.Magnus Creatus, at your service, m'lady. He said proud. He knew his name wouldn't mean anything to a wolf from The Far West Teekon Wilderness, but he still took pride in it. It had been a name passed onto him from generations before him, and he couldn't let it out of his title.

The masked male paused for a brief moment, now curious of her name too.It seemed that this conversation was going smoothly, why wouldn't he just ask? May I know yours? He asked with a grin.

RE: Discovery - Spring - January 29, 2016

Oh, I just realized that xD  I’ll just let Spring think that that was what Magnus meant

Spring nodded politely at the mention of his name, but found herself uneasy on how the male looked at her and when he called her m’lady, but of course made sure to hide that emotion under layers.  She also found herself reconsidering the joke he had made, starting to wonder if it had been about her.  She pushed those thoughts aside for now.

“That’s a lovely name.”  Spring responded courteously.  She quickly found herself unsure of how to answer when she was asked of her name, but decided to tell Magnus her name.  It wouldn’t do any harm anyways?  Would it?  “I’m Spring.”  The brown female responded, watching the male steadily with her warm golden gaze.

RE: Discovery - Magnus - January 30, 2016

The compliment on his name confirmed that this wolf knew nothing about his former pack that was now being led by 2 devils. If he'd had mentioned his name out of The Far West Teekon Wilderness, they would've laughed at him, knowing what a complete joke his whole family tree had become. A few years back his name brought power and made wolves shiver when hearing it, but now... Thank you. He thanked her for the compliment anyway, a smile on his features.

Spring, he repeated the name in his head. What interesting names they had here in The Far West, truly unique. It fit her cheery personality, and it made him think that this flower was vulnerable in the winter.You're name is quite appealing as well. He said in his syrupy voice.

I'm searching for herbs, do you perhaps know where I could find them in winter? He asked. He had to get some herbs before midnight, and some food would be nice too. Perhaps Spring knew something about herbs, she seemed to have the build to become a medic if she wanted to. She reminded him a lot of his mother, who had been the best healer in their pack and who had taught him everything he knew.

RE: Discovery - Spring - January 30, 2016

Sprig found herself almost curl her lip, in distaste.  As Magnus spoke in his syrupy voice.  She was also pretty sure the joke that she had though to be about the stream was really about her.  She found herself not trusting this wolf more and more every second, but she heard it together, making her face appear blank, although her eyes gleamed in a slight warning.

As Spring heard Magnus speak of herbs.  Her expressions brightened, but as he continued his question to ask where to find them Spring was stumped for a moment.  Then quickly came up with an answer.  

"I know all about herbs, but I only know where they inhabit in my packs territory."  Was Spring's brief response to Magnus.

RE: Discovery - Magnus - January 30, 2016

The masked boy didn't even notice the glint inside the female's eyes, too naive to have his guard up around others unless really being threatened. While her trust in him was decreasing, Magnus' trust in her was only getting bigger. It was both a blessing and a curse to be this naive around strangers, and Magnus knew this. While he had no intentions to hurt anyone, his cheery personality could easily be mistaken for cockiness or rudeness. He had noticed this for the first time when he tried to pick a girl up in his homelands. she had bit him, leaving a scar in his neck that had already healed and was covered by his red fur.

Her short response however made the red boy realize that he was putting her out of her comfort zone. He wanted to ask where her pack was and if they could maybe search for herbs together, but reconsidered it. It would not make his situation any better if he pushed her further out of her comfort zone.Owh, that's too bad. Guess I'll have to search for them by myself. He replied, now in his normal,warmer tone. He got up from his comfortable spot, now standing on his long legs. Her response to his words would decide if he was going to ask her along on his search for herbs.

RE: Discovery - Spring - January 30, 2016

Spring gave a curt nod.  "That is too bad."  She responded to Magnus.  She flicked her tail absently, then perked her ears.  Awaiting the red furred males response.

Sorry For The Short Response, Using My Phone Right Now.  It's extremely laggy and hard to type on.

RE: Discovery - Magnus - January 31, 2016

No problem :). You can fade with your next post unless you want Spring to stop Magnus :).

The boy heard no interest in the voice of the female or in the words that she had spoken, so he assumed she didn't want to search together. That was too bad, he liked this female enough to let her tag along if she wanted to, but she showed no signs of her desire to join him. He sighed and walked a few steps away from the stream when he saw no herbs whatsoever. He turned his warm gaze to the female.I really have to find some before midnight. Guess I'll see you around, m'lady. He said cheery. He nodded as a goodbye and walked past Spring to return to his job of finding some medicine for later. He followed the stream in a slow trot, giving the female time to stop him if she wanted to.

If, however, Spring didn't stop him from leaving, he would walk all the way to the coast, only to find out that he wasn't going south like he thought.

RE: Discovery - Spring - January 31, 2016

Spring nodded.  “Maybe we shall meet again someday Magnus.”  The brown and cream female remarked in a slightly friendlier tone, now that the two were separating.  She turned to leave, but paused in her steps.  “Were are you headed?”  Spring asked.  “Just wondering out of curiosity.”  She added, not wanting to seem like some creepy stalker.

RE: Discovery - Magnus - February 01, 2016

The young male walked further when she said goodbye in her own way. Perhaps faith would indeed let them see each other again, but he doubted it. He was heading South (At least he thought so, but his sense of direction was terrible) , and would only stop when he would find a pack to join that needed a medic.

I'm heading South, travellin' 'til I find a place to settle. He said, his body pointed to the West. His sense of direction had been bad since the day he was born, his mother had told him. He thought it was a joke and laughed at her, not taking her comment seriously. But now, he wished he had. The masked boy started walking again, only looking back once more to see if she had any comments.

If the female had nothing more to say, he would trot all the way to the coast instead of going South like he wanted to.

RE: Discovery - Spring - February 01, 2016

Spring nodded slowly at this response.  "Well then...”  Spring began.  “You look like your about to head west, turn about ninety degrees to the right and you should be heading South like you intend too.”  Spring commented, trying to help.   Hoping that Magnus would take her advice.

RE: Discovery - Magnus - February 02, 2016

Magnus ignorance and lack of listening to others got the better of him. The boy couldn't really hear her well because he was already a fair distance away and because he was not really paying attention. Don't ya worry, I know where I'm goin'. He called out cheery. Seeya in the future, m'lady! His last goodbye was spoken in his usual warm voice, while he walked further and further away.

I think we can wrap this up now, right?

RE: Discovery - Spring - February 02, 2016

Spring sighed, but gave up.  "See ya."  She called back in reply to Magnus.  She found herself hoping the male would figure out he was going the wrong way one way or another, but she would leave it up to him to figure that out since Magnus had not played any attention to her warning.  Then Spring headed back for Phoenix Maplewood.

Fading Here

RE: Discovery - Spring - February 02, 2016

Spring sighed, but gave up.  "See ya."  She called back in reply to Magnus.  She found herself hoping the male would figure out he was going the wrong way one way or another, but she would leave it up to him to figure that out since Magnus had not played any attention to her warning.  Then Spring headed back for Phoenix Maplewood.

Fading Here