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Silvertip Mountain I dream of seeing the world - Printable Version

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I dream of seeing the world - Alastor - January 30, 2016

Recently, he'd come to a realization. It was time he let go of everything that bothered him, even if he had to force it away. The bypass was gone, it wasn't coming back. Aesop, too, was gone and his whereabouts unknown. No longer was it the time to be living in the past, but rather, his opportunity to look to the future. He would become a scout and traverse the entirety of Teekon, then eventually he would settle down with a family of his own. Everything felt as if it were miles away, constantly eluding his grasp, so no longer would he chase it. He would settle himself down and wait for it all to come to him—but in the meantime, there was something he could chase, and that was knowledge.

Alastor lingered along the borders of the pack's territory, looking out across the land and trying to decide where he might head to next. It was a tough decision to make, in all honesty, for he wasn't even so sure he should leave. Winter wasn't the best of times to set out on a long journey, so maybe it would be best if he stayed for a little while longer... shaking his head, he dismissed the thought for the time being and focused, instead, on another. Never before had he alerted anyone of his travels before setting out on one, so he assumed now was an opportune moment to give it a shot. Slowly, he tilted his crown back and let his voice ring out, telling of his plans and welcoming anyone who wished to see him off. Perhaps, deep down, he wished to be stopped, but not even he could know that for sure. As far as Alastor was concerned, a life full of various journeys was the best life for him, even if it meant staying away from home for extended periods of time.

RE: I dream of seeing the world - Steady - January 30, 2016

Steady had risen early that morning, intent on patrolling the borders for any signs anyone had passed during the night. He was happy not to find anything amiss. When Alastor's howl rang out, Steady headed in the direction it came, finding his pack mate easily at their borders.

He came to a stop next to the other male. You're leaving? he asked a little simply, although he hoped the implied question stood out: For how long? Steady hoped it wasn't indefinitely. Alastor, like all their pack mates, was important to Steady, and if he felt the need to leave, Steady hoped he could change his mind.

RE: I dream of seeing the world - FitzDutiful - January 30, 2016

FitzDutiful heard the howl ring out and it concerned him. Why would any of their wolves announce they were leaving unless they never intended to come back? FitzDutiful wasn't a strict alpha, he didn't expect every wolf to stay in the pack lands indefinitely. No, they were all free to explore for as long as they liked as long as they returned at least once per turn of the moon. Of course, those with the higher ranks would probably be around more often but a messenger had a vital role to play and could be forgiven their extended absences.

So FitzDutiful pulled himself away from Zaria and headed towards Alastor's call. He arrived just in time to see Steady ask the question, you're leaving and as he approached, FitzDutiful let his eyes wander of Alastor. He had been with them for a long time. "For good?" he asked, deciding that he wanted to know explicitly. Did Alastor just think he needed approval to leave for a time or was he leaving them forever and if so, more importantly, why?

RE: I dream of seeing the world - Alastor - January 31, 2016

Alastor had not stopped to consider that the meaning of his call might be misinterpreted. He'd simply wished to alert someone—anyone, in all honesty—that he was planning another trip. It had seemed impolite, really, to simply leave without saying where he was going and for how long he might be absent. Such hadn't occurred to him before his earlier travels, but recently he'd realized such and knew he could continue that way no longer. Surely his mother would not appreciate her lessons being ignored, and would most definitely be ashamed of his actions had she been aware of them. To disappoint her, even if it was only in spirit, was something he simply could not do.

When Steady had arrived, a question had been posed almost immediately, to which the foreigner responded to with a nod. He'd been preparing his words to better elaborate his answer when Fitz arrived, his own query being presented. The Greek was quick to shake his head at that, the idea of leaving for good not sitting well with him. "I don't think I could ever leave for good," he voiced, glancing between the two before letting his gaze settle on the pallid male. "I have been planning a journey for a while now, and because I am uncertain of how long it'll last for, I wanted to share my departure. I also felt inclined to, as I'd left without a single word to anymore before setting out on my previous travels."

RE: I dream of seeing the world - Steady - February 06, 2016

Fitz showed up, voicing the question that Steady hadn't. His gaze shifted from his brother back to Alastor, awaiting his answering. If he was leaving for good, Steady would want to know why. Had they done something? Did he not feel comfortable here anymore? They had an influx of new members lately, and Steady hoped they hadn't alienated their long-term members. Steady had been spending a bit more time making sure they were settling in, and maybe not enough time working on his relationships with the others.

Thankfully, though, it seemed Alastor had been planning a long trip for awhile, and simply wanted to let them know of his departure. Where are you going, if you don't mind me asking? he said softly. He wasn't quite sure if the other male wanted them to know, since he hadn't volunteered the information yet. But, Alastor was still going to be a part of their pack, and Steady felt it important to have an idea of where he was going- mostly so that they would know where to look, should they ever need to go searching for him.

RE: I dream of seeing the world - FitzDutiful - February 20, 2016

Forgot it was my turn! So sorry!

Alastor explained he just wanted to announce his departure and FitzDutiful smiled, his tail wagging that Alastor wasn't leaving. Steady asked where Alastor was going but FitzDutiful didn't care. He let Alastor answer that question before saying his own line of thinking. "You don't need to announce your departure, unless you want messages to take to places!" told the male, with a bright smile. "As long as you check in every so often, at least once each turn of the moon, that's good with me. Can't expect a Scout to know the lay of the land by staying at home all day can you now?!"

He looked from his brother to his friend, just big smiles in abundance. He hadn't realised how afraid he was to lose Alastor until the prospect had arrived. The male's words that he doubted he would ever leave had just made him happier. It was nice knowing that wolves thought your pack a home and they wanted to stay and be family.

RE: I dream of seeing the world - Alastor - March 03, 2016

Last post from me so I can tie up other Alastor threads < 3

Alastor was given a question, one of which he'd decided to answer right away. Or, rather, he'd tried to answer. "I don't know where I will be heading just yet," the male had admitted. "Perhaps towards the south." To plan a trip thoroughly wasn't like him. A direction, a specific goal—he could plan those things, but everything else was often left open to chance. He traveled where the wind took him, mapping the lay of the land and seeing all the sights he was able to. It was his way of working, after all, and a method he'd most likely never change.

The fact that announcing his departures was unnecessary lifted from him the weight of guilt, his earlier worries of leaving without a single farewell slowly beginning to leave his mind. The boy could do nothing more than smile in turn and give a nod of his head, showing that he understood what had been said and would keep it in mind for next time.

With his reasoning for calling them out of the way, Alastor was left at a loss for words. If any furter sentences were sent his way, he would respond appropriately before excusing himself and taking his leave, though his direction would be towards the heart of the territory. The time for his trip had yet to arrive, he knew, and so for the time being the greyscale man would remain.

RE: I dream of seeing the world - Steady - March 12, 2016

Last from me

Alastor confessed he didn't know where he was headed, but guessed possibly south. Steady nodded quietly in response. While he wished he could keep tabs on his friend and pack mate, he realized in this case it just wasn't possible.

Safe travels, Steady wished him. The dark male watched Alastor take his leave into the territory. It seemed he was not leaving at this exact moment, for which Steady was glad. He turned to Fitz, giving his brother a smile. I suppose I will return to my duties, he said. He turned, walking off to trail along the borders, searching for signs of trespassers who any who might have come near them.

RE: I dream of seeing the world - FitzDutiful - March 13, 2016

It was time for Alastor to leave and he took his departure with a smile from FitzDutiful. Steady decided to return to his duties and FitzDutiful was left alone on the borders. For a time he simply watched Alastor as he left the pack lands and waited until the figure had faded into the distance. If only he had known that Alastor only a moment away from actually leaving the pack. It was almost as if this meeting was foreshadowing the eventual departure of a long-standing pack member. It was a sad thing, but none of this FitzDutiful knew about.

Satisfied that his scout was safe as far as he could protect the scout, FitzDutiful resumed a border patrol; marking out the borders and strengthening them where they were beginning to become weaker.