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Blackfeather Woods Offer for the pack - Printable Version

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Offer for the pack - Sebastian - January 31, 2016

Hunting thread! AW! More than 1 wolf allowed of course!

Sebastian trotted forward through the forest. He wanted to make sure that he was doing a good job. He liked to help and he had some skills with hunting, especially after he had been alone. He let out a howl, requesting for someone who liked to hunt. Sebastian also hoped that Burke would hear his request to hunt with someone, it meant that was doing as he promised, work hard. Maybe later today he would also do a patrol but he wasn't certain if he was allowed to do that. Maybe they didn't want his scent on their borders. 

Sebastian sat down as he waited, hopefully someone would respond. Otherwise he would have to result to hunting a few smaller type of prey. But he rather bring in a bigger meal for the pack. The tank knew he had been leaving the premises for a few times but that was just to wrap a few things. Now he was here to stay, or at least for awhile.

RE: Offer for the pack - Quiet - January 31, 2016

Yes please!

As a member of this pack, she had to contribute more than just her spying talents. There were no ongoing conflicts here in Teekon; none that needed espionage. It was winter and there were things she could do in winter that were more helpful than stalking other packs or wolves: hunting. Despite her small and narrow frame, Quiet was an amazing hunter - namely a tracker. Perhaps it was something about her perpetual silence that made her amazing at listening and watching others. So when a wolf called for someone to join him hunting, Quiet answered with no hesitation.

She was confused when she saw a wolf that - for a lack of better words - looked like Burke with a tail. Her head tipped as she approached him, her nose sniffing furiously as she identified him. He was new. Who was he? Regardless, he was within pack borders and smelled of the pack. He was one of her pack mates and she was here to help him.

RE: Offer for the pack - Sebastian - February 01, 2016

Ah! Seb could use someone that won't judge him.

Sebastian was soon joined by a smaller brown female wolf. He had expected them to be all killers but shellacked more like a spy to him, her being smaller. Sebastian had expected a greeting but he didn't get any from her. He did saw her confused look on her face. "Sebastian," he introduced shortly. The male decided that they could hurt with the two of them but he did send out another howl that anyone was still welcome to join even though they were starting. Sebastian wasn't going to slouch. "So what do you want to hunt today?," he asked. Maybe they should just pick something that came on our path.

Sebastian was an alright tracker but it could be better. "We could track something together if you like," he offered, clueless about the fact that she couldn't talk back to him. The young male looked over her, ready to leave when she gave a signal. Him being the one who joined later he figured she was higher ranked than him.

RE: Offer for the pack - Quiet - February 04, 2016

Oh, she'll judge him. silently.

Quiet sat down by the wolf, tilting her head at him as he ran through a list of questions that she could not answer. An amused smile crossed her face as he offered to let her take the lead. Had word not gotten around about her? She thought that something as vital as this would be spread to every member by now. The coyote-looking wolf can't talk. Sorry. But Quiet mentally shrugged it off.

Her paw raised towards her throat and she shook her head slowly, making it apparent to the newcomer-alpha-look-alike that she was unable to speak. He would have to take the lead on this one.

RE: Offer for the pack - Sebastian - February 05, 2016

As I figured she would

Sebastian looked at the female that had a coyote feel to her. She was pointing at her throat which probably meant.... Sebastian blinked slightly. Ah she couldn't talk. He nodded shortly. He got to his feet. "Alright, then we will just be doing that," he mumbled more to himself. He brought his nose closer to the ground and started to find any tracks or scents that might indicate that there was some smaller game around. The male wondered what they would come across, maybe a common rabbit. He hoped on something bigger because that would impress. At least that was what the male thought so.

The male's eyes then fell on a group of crows picking at a carcass. He eyed at Quiet. Many tried to hunt the ravens and crows but not many succeeded. Sebastian thought it would just bring a nice challenge to the table. The male sought for the female's approval before he would think of a plan.

RE: Offer for the pack - Quiet - February 09, 2016

Quiet followed the alpha-lookalike, a red shadow to this tank. This must be a son or younger brother, but most likely the latter from age alone. Her nose scuffed the ground as she scanned for scents, a slight grumbling in her stomach encouraging her to search thoroughly for prey. Luckily for her food would come easy to them both. While her hunting partner was more intent on the black birds pecking at the carrion, the coywolfdog's eyes were fixed on the leftover meat. She looked at the gray male, realizing his intentions as his pale eyes flickered back to the black feathered creatures. Quiet huffed disapprovingly. They would have a much better chance at pecking over the carcass than trying to catch one of those nimble creatures. She stepped forward, her eyes on the carcass, then meeting Sebastian's gaze once more. The carcass. She said with her eyes.

RE: Offer for the pack - Sebastian - February 11, 2016

Sebastian turned to the female when she wanted to point out to him. His eyes fell on the carcass and then looked at the girl again. He got her point but then there would be no hunting aspect. "I was thinking we try the birds and if we don't catch one of them we have at least the carcass to eat from. Catching a bird would be good practice for our hunting skills," he pointed out to her, wanting to make his point clear to her. It wasn't just about the food for Sebastian. He also wanted at least some aspects of a hunt, prowling to get a meal. He hunched down lower and then looked at the red colored female, waiting for her approval if she wanted to go through with his or not.

RE: Offer for the pack - Quiet - February 12, 2016

Quiet shrugged in nonchalant agreement. She was not looking forward to hunting birds - since they could fly - and she had no knowledge of what reverence the Dark Brotherhood had for the dark feathered creatures, but seeing as the forest they lived in were named after them (What other animals had black feathers here?), there was enough to warrant a bit of suspicion in the coywolfdog's mind. She gestured for the wolf to go forward; if they were in trouble, at least he would be blamed first. It was his idea after all.

RE: Offer for the pack - Sebastian - February 13, 2016

Sebastian noticed the reluctance but he was going to ignore her point of view. To him no one told them that they couldn't be hunted and there seemed plenty of them. The wolf stalked closer to its prey. His bod low to the ground. The male wanted to prove himself but technically he hadn't hunted bird before either. He kept his eyes on them and then charged forward. He tried to grasp one of them but with all the movement of their beating wings and their screeches Sebastian became confused and failed to catch one. One returned and pecked on his head. He let out a growl and jumped after the bird trying to grasp it between its teeth. It didn't work.

RE: Offer for the pack - Quiet - February 17, 2016

The large wolf surged forward towards the carcass after moments of stalking, scattering the flock to the canopy, their caws raucous and piercing through the silence of the woods. Quiet pushed forward a few seconds behind Sebastian, watching as he failed miserably. She closed in as one of the ravens landed on his head, her mismatched eyes locking on the target. Adrenaline and hunger made her previous doubts invalid. Leaping into the air moments after the alpha-wannabe, her teeth sunk into the leg of the black bird at the last possible second, successfully bringing it down. It fluttered in her jaws, but Quiet threw it on the ground and brought her teeth to its neck, breaking its spine with a swift bite.

RE: Offer for the pack - Sebastian - February 20, 2016

Sebastian watched as the quiet female stepped forward and almost killed one of those ravens with ease. Instantly the young male felt bad about himself. He scowled at the female, not even sure what he had done wrong and what she had done right. He heard the crack of its spine and instantly the male groaned that he hadn't gotten anything. Luckily she didn't have the ability to verbally degrade him and she could tell it to the others. But she could probably grade him by using a certain body language. Sebastian wasn't sure if she would. He sat down not feeling at home or needed in this pack at all.

RE: Offer for the pack - Quiet - February 20, 2016

Quiet, the bird now dead under her paws, looked at the grayscale wolf. A scowl was etched upon his face as he glared at her. Was he seriously mad? It was just a bird. Annoyed with his diva response, Quiet tossed the bird carcass towards his feet and turned away. Her attention was refocused back on the carcass, where the true prize lay. Why bother eating crow when you could eat proper meat (what ever this was)?
Her scavenger nature taking over, Quiet scaled the mountain of meat and began to tear into it, taking into her own body what the birds failed to eat.

RE: Offer for the pack - Sebastian - February 21, 2016

Sebastian watched her toss the bird towards him. His ears fell back like he was so pathetic he would get her bird. Sebastian didn't feel hungry anymore and just decided that he was going to leave. It was better that way. Not sure why he felt so defeated but he really felt knocked down because his ego was bruised. "Have a good meal," he stated before trotting off in the darkness. Leaving her be for now. He would find something else later to just return.

You can archive! :3