Wolf RPG
The Sentinels we wondered where our God was, in the face of so much pain - Printable Version

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we wondered where our God was, in the face of so much pain - Deirdre - February 01, 2016

babies know that they are their name. maybe @Lasher ?

mother had been gone for a short time, and upon her return deirdre had accosted her with affection and had since hardly left her side. if ever the woman doubted she was loved, wanted, or needed, deirdre's attachment would surely shake the thought from her. she had not acted out in her absence, or else acted like anything was amiss. the only shift in her behavior was that she lurked more at the mouth of the den than ever before, lingering there for—as time passed—longer intervals of time when her mother did not return when expected.

it was clear that she worried, but her young mind did not grasp the concept of her mother never returning. each new day she was hopeful for it, until the day came that she did return. up until that point, deirdre had been exceptionally dependent upon her sister and her father, and the empathetic babe could sense some despondency in her father. when with she and her sister, he shed the sadness and seemed truly happy; she was grudging to ever let him leave, though he would as was required of him. 

deirdre knew nothing of sadness, but felt what others felt keenly. she was able to mimic others in expression without even knowing, a minuscule mirror if ever there was one. the babe would torment the downtrodden until their misery was a pulp, and all they knew was happiness again!

the small babe at present had a growing interest in the Otherworld. she remembered her day with (who she had presumed was) eilidh, and the memory of winters cold knife did not permit her to leave the den. with her mothers return she no longer even loitered at the edge, but she remembered what she had seen. with her father temporarily out this time, as opposed to The Source, deirdre decided that she would again sit there and wait for his return so that she might stare at the world, safely in the warm hole of their home.

but in her waiting, she fell into a small nap and slept the hours away.