Wolf RPG
Northstar Vale Lonely boy, crazy boy - Printable Version

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Lonely boy, crazy boy - Neptune - February 03, 2016

Anyone who wants to befriend crazy over confident wolf boy right here come along.

Neptune liked the place he was staying at today but knew he was going to be leaving tomorrow anyway. That was the life he was cursed to live so far. All alone he drifting from place to place, and to be truthful to himself it was completely boring. He need someone to talk to and hangout with other than himself. Wait I know! All I have to do is wait until another wolf passes by and then I can hangout with them. Awesome idea Neptune, oh wait I already knew that. He said to himself sitting himself down under the shade of tree to wait for who ever who would be the unlucky soul to pass by him.

He really didn't care if he bothered anyone, he knew he was one of the coolest wolves around so who wouldn't like him. They be insane not to or maybe he was insane to think that. Probably the first choice he thought smiling at his conversation he was having with himself while waiting for the lucky soul who get to call him there friend.

RE: Lonely boy, crazy boy - Asterr - February 03, 2016

Sneaking in a quick phone post before falling asleep, hehe~

In retrospect, perhaps she shouldn't have traveled away from her tribe's lands. No, actually, it was more that she probably shouldn't have done so while unattended, especially since her trek had led her right past their neighbors. Of course, she didn't fear them, but currently viewed them as being unpredictable. Such thoughts, however, were only inspired by the fact that she'd yet to formally meet any of them. She planned to resolve that matter, and soon, but as of current she knew nothing about them. Not of their leaders or the way they managed their home, and especially not of their intentions. Still, she'd wandered past them, interested to see if the masked boy she'd met previously was still somewhere within the vale.

Asterr had gone straight to work after reaching the territory, inspecting the more wolf-ish scents that lingered to see if any matched the one she sought. She was lured deeper into the woods by each trail, but none of them were known to her. Disappointed, the dragoness had been preparing to head home for the time being and try again in a day or so, but was stopped by a voice in the not-so-far-off distance. It was a male, she knew, and the manner in which he spoke was quick to earn her attention. Her body had moved in the direction of the other without an ounce of hesitation, her steps precise and soft, almost seeming as if they were carefully calculated. Once a pallid coat was visible through the lining of the trees she slowed, but did not stop until her own form was revealed to the stranger.

The scent he possessed revealed to her his status as a loner, as well as the fact that he was the only one there. Her suspicions were confirmed, then, that the male had been speaking with himself. Was he like Leo, perhaps? Rather than asking of what he may or may not see when alone, she offered to him a simple, yet polite, "Hello."

RE: Lonely boy, crazy boy - Neptune - February 03, 2016

Neptune noticed dark female wolf approaching him and his tail started to wag very fast and he got up out of his sitting position though not coming closer to she wolf. Even he knew it could come off rude or offensive to just run up to wolf you didn't know. The other wolf gave him a polite hello and he took this as sign to start talking.

"Hello I'm Neptune and am bored with life and I need a friend, so would you be my friend? It's really is boring just wandering around and I wanna how the whole friends things work. I've never really had a real friend since my puppy days. he said quickly wanting to get his message across to the other wolf. He hoped he would get friend out this quickly because he was just so tired of a boring, lonely wandering life.

RE: Lonely boy, crazy boy - Asterr - February 04, 2016

edit; ending added.

Upon the noticing of her presence, it was witnessed that the male's tail had started to wag. The motion was chaotic, she'd quickly concluded, frantic and at risk of carrying him away with the birds. She did not voice the little joke her mind had concocted, believing it to be impolite and not at all kind. Never would she speak to anyone in such a rude manner, especially if they had only just met. It was lucky, too, that she wouldn't have had the chance to speak anyways, for the pallid wolf had dived headfirst into a conversation. He'd explained himself, giving a name and that which he sought—a friend. The concept of "friendships" was not foreign to her, but she was also not entirely familiar with it. All of her friends had been relatives, siblings and cousins, even grandparents and the like. Though the prior had been close, or exactly, her own age, there was something different about platonic relationships formed between those who were related and those who were not.

"It is nice to meet you, Neptune," the yearling began, having waited a moment or two after his voice had died down. "My name is Asterr Draconid." A smile accompanied her own introduction, features clearly amiable. His question was one she refrained from answering right away, needing to take another few minutes to form a proper response. To befriend him couldn't be a bad thing, but she knew that wasn't how a true friendship was meant to be created. "I would gladly be your friend," she began. "However, I do not believe a simple question and answer can lead to such a relationship. A bond must be formed, and to do so requires time. A period meant to allow two individuals to get to know one another, to ensure their personalities are fit for a friendship." All the while she spoke, her tone remained calm and polite. She did not wish to offend, or even turn down his offer, but merely wished to share her view on the matter.

While the female had spoken with utmost politeness, it had seemed as if her words were not meant to be accepted. Things had fallen quiet thereafter, before Asterr finally decided to take her leave. She knew not if she would ever see the male again, but hoped the encounter might be better if she ever did. It was with a great deal of questions unanswered that she'd traveled back to her home then, the silence being her only prominent memory of the odd meeting.